Just Once (Book 1 in the Just...

By JadeLloyd94

620K 18.4K 1.6K

Brooklyn Jones and Jack Morgan have been step-siblings since they were eight. When Brooklyn was fifteen, she... More

Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Seven
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Fifteen
Chapter Sixteen
Chapter Seventeen
Chapter Eighteen
Chapter Nineteen
Chapter Twenty
Chapter Twenty-One
Chapter Twenty-Two
Chapter Twenty-Three
Chapter Twenty-Four
Chapter Twenty-Six
Chapter Twenty-Seven
Chapter Twenty-Eight
Chapter Twenty-Nine
Chapter Thirty
Chapter Thirty-One
Author Note

Chapter Twenty-Five

13.2K 478 54
By JadeLloyd94

Brook’s POV:

“I said what the fuck was that!?” Nate shouted angrily and Jack was suddenly in front of me, protecting me from his father’s anger.

My mum was still, shocked, her eyes wide as she looked at Jack and I in disbelief.

“That was exactly what it seemed to be,” Jack said defensively as I silently intertwined my fingers with Jack’s, needing to feel his strength, because this had come at a bad time.

Had we sat them down and told them honestly, it may have gone differently, but right now, only anger was emanating from Nate and my mum looked shocked, broken, but she remained silent.

“Are you out of your mind?!” Nate shouted as he glared unforgiving at Jack.

“No, I’m perfectly fine,” Jack said back, trying to remain calm, when his dad was getting up in his face.

Jack pushed me back a little more as his dad gripped his shirt and growled darkly, “She’s your fucking sister!”

“No, she isn’t!” Jack snaps as he shoves his father away from him angrily, “She isn’t my sister, she’s my girlfriend.”

“You will not date her! For Christ’s sake, Jack, think about what you’re saying, what you’re doing!” Nate shouted as he shoved his hand through his hair roughly and shook his head in disgust.

“Brook... my baby, please tell me you don’t think the same way?” my mum suddenly begged gently and I looked at her, guilt swarming around me like air.

“Mum...” I began but she cut me off.

“Please tell me this isn’t what it looks like?” she whispered again, her eyes full of tears and I swallowed hard. Jack’s hand squeezed mine in reassurance and I took a deep breath.

“I’m sorry mum, but we can’t help how we feel,” I said gently and she shook her head before beginning to cry. Nate wraps his arm around her a second later and she cries softly into his chest.

“See what you’ve done! If you think you are living here, under this roof and dating, you have another thing coming,” Nate growls and Jack sneers at him angrily... no, he’s beyond anger, he’s hurt and aching and he’s mad at his dad, his hand is holding onto mine tightly, as if he needs my strength, just as much as I need his.

“Then we’ll move out,” Jack replies, his jaw locked and his eyes burning with anger.

“Like fuck you will, how will you live? Where will you live!? You have nothing! You need this family to stay alive and if you think I’m going to let my son date his sister, you are sadly mistaken!” Nate shouted furiously, his own eyes burning with a deep anger and something close to either hatred or disgust, maybe a little of both.

“And if you think you can split us up by thinking we are still children, you have another thing coming!” Jack shouts back and Nate turns to me, his gaze piercing mine with icy precision.

“You think he is worthy of you? Do you realise what your life is going to be like if people hear about this!? No one will look at you and think you’re normal! It’s disgusting!” he snarls at me and I look away, feeling hurt and scared, because I’ve never seen Nate so angry in all the time I’ve known him. I’ve never seen him raise his voice, let alone devalue his own son!

“Don’t you speak to her like that, don’t you fucking dare!” Jack snaps as Nate lets go of my mum and moves towards us; his eyes on me even as Jack speaks.

“It’s sick. It’s filthy and disgusting and you are nothing more than a slut...” Jack suddenly shoves his dad back, away from me as Nate growls those words at me.

“You fucking speak to her like that again, and I’ll rip your fucking throat out,” Jack warns darkly, in such a dangerously icy way, that makes you believe, beyond a shadow of a doubt, that if Nate so much as dared what Jack said, Jack would follow that threat out without a backwards glance.

“You both disgust me. The pair of you are disgusting. Do you think its ok? Do you think its right?” Nate asks laughing without humour, “it’s wrong, sick, immoral!” he continues, before looking towards me mum, “Look what you’ve done to your mum, Brook, look at the pain you’re causing her, it’s selfish and cruel.”

I can’t prevent my eyes from falling to my mum’s tear stricken face and my own eyes fill up with hot tears that are suddenly tumbling down my face as a sob catches in my throat and I wrap my arms around myself.

My mum moves forwards, towards me, her eyes too filling once more with tears.

I know she’ll pull me into her arms and hold me, but it won’t help, it’ll make me feel worse. I turn towards Jack, but he’s already there, pulling me into the protection of his chest and holding my head gently against his shoulder.

“Shh, darlin’, take a deep breath, I’m here. It’s ok, Brook, I promise, they had to find out sooner or later,” he murmurs softly and I nod gently, my hand fisting in his shirt as I bury my face against his chest.

“Brook, stop crying, please, you’re breaking my heart,” he murmurs a second later, his hand tangling in my hair softly as he puts his lips to my ear and whispers gently, so softly I know only I will hear, “it’s not good for the baby either, Brook,” I nod and try to calm down, knowing he’s right, but god it hurts.

He presses a soft kiss to my forehead and I sigh.

“Brook, baby, I know you think you love him, but you don’t. You’re too young to understand what love is. Just... come here and we’ll talk, you two haven’t... done anything yet and we can fix this, it’s going to be ok,” my mum says suddenly and I look towards her, as Jack’s arms hold me still, protectively against his chest, but his eyes are watching his dad cautiously.

I shake my head softly, knowing she’s wrong. I may be young, but I love Jack, I love him with all my heart, just as much as I love our baby.

“I know I love Jack, I’m no idiot, mum. I love him and I don’t want to fix anything,” I say now and she shakes her head.

“It’s wrong, Brook, what you’re feeling is wrong, it’s not right, it’s sinful,” my mum whispers and I shrug.

What more can I say? I love him; he’s the only man I want to be with. He’s the father of our child; he’s mine, just as I am his. I fought to long and too hard to stay away from him, but no more.

I can’t fight the feelings I have for him anymore. I don’t want to.

“If you want to be together, then get out of this house. You are not welcome here. But when you come crawling back because you have nowhere to live, you better be ready to stop this sick game you two are playing!” Nate snarls at us and I felt it the second it happened, I felt it as soon as Jack snapped, his anger and pain that his own dad was kicking not only him out, but me as well.

“You think we’re playing some sort of game, but you’re wrong!” turning to me, he takes my hand gently in his and pulls us out the kitchen, past my mum and Nate without another word, his hurt too much to put into words, his fury a silently burning flame, getting stronger and stronger, hotter and hotter with each passing second.

“Jack,” I say softly and he turns to me once we’re in the hall, near the stairs.

“We need to pack, Brook, ok?” he says softly and fresh tears fill my eyes, not because we’re leaving, but because even angry and hurt, he still speaks softly to me; with love and gentleness in is tone.

“Ok,” I say softly and he nods, taking me hand guides me towards the stairs.


Jack’s POV:

As soon as the start up the stairs, Nate grabs hold of Brook’s arm, causing her to gasp. I don’t know if it’s in pain or in shock, but I lose it.

Because no one hurts Brook.

Letting go or Brook for an instant, I shove my dad away from her, pinning him back against the wall as Maria cries out in shock.

“Don’t you dare touch her! You lay one fucking finger on her and I swear, dad or not, I will kill you,” I hiss darkly, my eyes daring him to try it, to see where it gets him.

He remains silent and I let him go roughly, before I turn in a quick movement and grab Brook’s hand, hurrying her up the stairs and into her bedroom.

“Jack,” she whispers, looking around her room as if unsure as where to start, what to grab and pack.

“Baby, it’s ok,” I murmur as I pull her into my arms and rest my chin atop her head, my arms wrapping around her securely.

“I’m sorry,” she whispers and I pull back, taking her face in my hands and looking into her beautiful eyes.

“For what, Brook?” I ask and her lips trembles.

“For not standing up for you too,” she cries softly and I shake my head.

“You beautiful, silly woman, I don’t need you to stand up for me, Brook, I just need you next to me, loving me,” I said, before taking her lips in mine a little too roughly, but I need to feel her accepting me, loving me. I need to know she still wants this.

Her lips open undermine without hesitation and I sigh, softening the kiss a little as she trails her hands over my chest and nip at her bottom lip before pulling away with a soft groan.

“You still want this... us?” I ask nervously and her eyes meet mine.

“Always,” she breathes and I release a shaky breath that I hadn’t been aware I was holding.

“I love you, Brook.”

“Love you too, Jack,” she smiles softly, before she looks around, “What should I pack?”

“Anything you can grab, anything you will need. Clothes, toothbrush, hairbrush, underwear, especially that red set you bought the other day,” I said with a grin and she blushes, god but I love it when she blushes.

“Ok, I get the idea,” she smiles shyly and I grin. Leaving her room a second later, I grab two suitcases from the spare room and go back into her room.

Opening one, I help her pack, just grabbing handfuls of everything that looks as if she may need. I open her wardrobe and grab a few tops, a few dresses, a few skirts and jeans, a belt, a few pairs of shoes and pack them all quickly into her case, before I can add anything else, she piles a load of books on top and I pause.

“You need them?” I ask now and she bites her lip, I stifle a groan as my body reacts.

“Yes,” she lies and I grin, pulling her to me and taking her hand.

“See what you do to me?” I whisper as I rub her hand down against the front of my jeans. She gasps softly as her hand rubs the bulging need, which is barley contained in my jeans.

Her eyes heat and I swear softly, pulling away, but not before I kiss her quickly.

“Finish packing, I’ll me two minutes and then I’ll be back, ok?” I said now.

 She nods, but her eyes are still shining with desire and it’s causing painful effects on my body.

Grabbing the last suitcase, I head to my room quickly and shove as much as I can into the suitcase as fast as I can, not liking the fact I’ve left her alone.

Even though my dad wouldn’t do anything to hurt her psychically, I knew he wouldn’t not hurt her emotionally, he already had!

As soon as I was done, I headed back into her room, to find her sitting on top of the suitcase, pulling at the zip, it wasn’t responding very well.

“Jack, the stupid thing won’t close,” she muttered now, her brow puckering into a frown as she glared at the case beneath her.

“Jump up,” I smile and she does.

Jesus, but what the fuck has she packed? The thing was bulging more than my jeans, and that’s saying something.

Kneeling down on the case I pulled the zipper around quickly and then stood up, picking it up with me.

Fucking hell, she had to have packed half her bookcase in the thing, it was fucking heavy!

“Thanks,” she said softly and I nodded.

“Anytime, beautiful,” I said now as we head back downstairs.

Once we reach the bottom, Brook moves silently to the front door and unlocks it. A second later, my dad shoves Brook away from the door forcefully, knocking her back against the wall roughly.

Dropping the cases to the floor, I’m moving before I have time to think, my fist connecting to my dad’s face a second later as my mind goes from panic to anger and back again.

“Never, touch her again. If I see you as much as standing to close to her, I will make you scream like a fucking bitch. You don’t touch her, you don’t speak to her, you don’t fucking look at her! If you go anywhere near to her, especially while she’s in her condition, I will kill you, do you understand me?” I growled furiously.

My dad’s eyes widen as he realises what I’m saying is no idle threat, his split lip giving him even more of an indication as Maria gasps loudly.

“Please tell me you aren’t pregnant with his baby?” Maria gasps.

Everything seems to freeze for a tenth of a second as Maria’s words sink in.

“I’m pregnant with Jack’s baby,” Brook says without shame, “and I’m proud of that fact,” she adds, sending me a soft smile.

Moving back, away from my dad, I touch Brook’s face softly in a fleeting caress, “Let’s go home,” I say softly and she nods once, before I usher her out of the front door quickly.

“Come on, jump in,” I said now as I hold the car door open for her, she climbs in and I peer into her eyes.

“Are you ok? Did he hurt you, Brook?” I ask now, my worry leaking out as I spoke.

“No, I’m fine, I hit the back of my head more than anything else,” she says and I clench my jaw, “the baby is fine,” she adds and I press a kiss to her forehead, before closing the car door and heading back inside of the bags.

As soon as I get inside, my dad grabs the collar of my T-shirt and punches. I grit my teeth against the sudden, unexpected pain and rip away from him.

“You got her pregnant, you sick bastard!” he shouts angrily as he takes another swing at me. I dodge it swiftly, but not quickly enough as it connects with my shoulder.

I swing my fist at him and he goes down, his nose bleeding, probably broken. I stare down at him with distaste and distrust, he’s my dad for god’s sake, yet he can’t even accept that life doesn’t go how you want it to go.

Sometimes, life makes its own path and doesn’t follow everyone else’s.

“Where are you going? Will Brook be safe?” Maria asks suddenly, her eyes panicked and I know, even if my dad hates me, Maria still loves Brook unconditionally, but is that enough?

I turn away and head for the door, but I know Brook would want me to at least answer her mum, turning back, I find her watching me silently.

 “We’ve just started renting a house out a few miles from here, we’ll sent you the address when you both realise that Brook and I love each other and we are having a baby together, the sooner you realise that, the sooner you’ll be a part of our lives, if you can’t accept that, then don’t expect to hear from us again.”

She nods, but I turn my back on her and picking up the cases, leave the house.

Iui7/It takes me all of fifteen seconds tou8 put the cases in the boot and climb into the driver’s seat.

Gasping, Brook takes my face in her hands, her eyes wide, “You’re lips cut,” she whispers and I swear silently, not having even realises my dad had caught me there.

“Its fine, baby,” I promise softly and she caresses my cheek gently, causing me to love her even more, which I didn’t think was possible.

I start the car and pull out of the drive, Brook watches silently out of her window as her mum stands in the front door, watching sadly as she cries softly.

She turns her head away and looks at me, her eyes shining with tears, but she still manages a smile as she takes my hand.

“We’re on our own from here on out,” she said now and swallows, “I’m ready for this, Jack, ready for you, ready for our baby; I’m ready to start living... I love you more every single day and I don’t know if that’s possible, but it’s the truth,” she says gently and I smile.

“I love you the same way, Brook,” I tell her honestly, “Let’s go get these keys and start living,” I said now, grinning as she smiles brightly and I head towards the estate agents.

“I can’t wait to get the baby’s things in,” she whispers happily and taking her hand in mine, I smile.



How do you think Brook and Jack handled that situation? It's a difficult one to handle, isn't it? Please Comment and Vote as much as you can. thanks.

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