Just Once (Book 1 in the Just...

By JadeLloyd94

620K 18.4K 1.6K

Brooklyn Jones and Jack Morgan have been step-siblings since they were eight. When Brooklyn was fifteen, she... More

Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Seven
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Fifteen
Chapter Sixteen
Chapter Seventeen
Chapter Eighteen
Chapter Twenty
Chapter Twenty-One
Chapter Twenty-Two
Chapter Twenty-Three
Chapter Twenty-Four
Chapter Twenty-Five
Chapter Twenty-Six
Chapter Twenty-Seven
Chapter Twenty-Eight
Chapter Twenty-Nine
Chapter Thirty
Chapter Thirty-One
Author Note

Chapter Nineteen

19K 528 30
By JadeLloyd94

Brook’s POV:

The drive to college went faster than usual, both my mum and Nate had been up and out extra early this morning and it had given Jack and I the run of the house.

It had been a fun morning. We hadn’t had to hide anything like we usually did; I didn’t have to creep out of his bed this morning either. We’d eaten breakfast together while holding hands, which had turned out to be seriously funny, have you ever tried eating pancakes with one hand? It’s hard!

Now, as Jack pulled the car into an empty space, his hand resting on my thigh, I looked out the window, hoping to spot Larissa and my eyes fell on Rick instead.

Damn it to hell, how could I have been so stupid?

 I’d forgotten the whole phone call yesterday and now, I swallowed hard, my smile slipping from my lips for the first time that morning.

“Brook, baby, you ok?” Jack asked gently and I looked up at him quickly.

“I... I’m fine,” I muttered gently. No one knew Jack and I were sort of dating, least of all Rick, so Jack wasn’t in any danger and even if he was, I knew he would beat Rick’s ass into the ground.

“Brook...” Jack said now, his eyes searching and his forehead creased as he frowned.

“I’ll see you in class,” I breathed, as I jumped out the car and hurried towards the main building.

When Rick caught sight of me, he changed his direction and began moving swiftly towards me.

Panic suddenly welled up and I instantly regretted my decision of not telling Jack.

I turned around, looking frantically for any sign of him, but I couldn’t see him.

I moved back towards the car, hoping he’d still be there, but I barely put one foot in front of the other, before a strong, beefy hand, gripped my upper arm tightly, painfully so and yanked me backwards and off balance.

“Now, babes, where do you think you’re going?” Rick asked harshly, his voice laced with anger as he wrapped his arm around me and held me back against his chest.

“Get off me,” I snapped angrily, but he just tightened his hold.

“Did you do what I told you to do?” he asked now, his breath reeking of alcohol as he effortlessly kept a hold of me as I fought against him.

“Let go of me, Rick. You’re drunk and this isn’t the place to be discussing this,” I snapped now, hoping one of the many students walking past us would stop and help, but they didn’t, they either gave us a wide birth or just looked past us as if we were invisible, as if we weren’t important. As if this was normal!

“You’re right, let’s go to my car and we can take a drive,” he said now and I panic.

He’s drunk and he wants to drive? God only knows what else he’d do if I was alone in his car with him.

“Rick, please let me go and we can talk. You’re hurting me,” I whisper now, tears forming in my eyes out of fear and pain.

“Shit, I’m sorry, babe, I didn’t mean to hurt you, look what you made me do,” he said now as he let me go and I staggered away from him.

“It’s fine, Rick... I-I’m going to class,” I whispered shakily, just wanting to get away from him and find Jack.

“No!” Jumping forward, he grabs my arm and I cry out in pain as he stops me from leaving, “Don’t you walk away from me,” he growls angrily as he grips my face in his hand, his fingers digging into my jaw painfully and I feel the tears fall down my face.

Suddenly, Rick stumbles backwards, releasing his hold on me as Jack shoves into him angrily.

“You stay the fuck away from her!” Jack shouts now, his fists clenched tightly, “If I ever... see you hurting her again, I’ll fucking kill you,” Jack snarls as Rick steadies himself.

“You ok there, Brook?” Cole asks suddenly and I turn slightly to find Cole, Ryan and Ken standing next to me, backing Jack if he needs it.

“I’m fine,” I whisper now, wrapping my arms around myself as Cole wraps his arm around my shoulders protectively and pulls me towards him.

A second later Trey and Lucas jogged over.

“What happened?” Lucas asked now, as he takes in his surroundings.

“Rick happened,” I mutter now and as if I were tempting fate, suddenly, Rick growls angrily.

“Just piss off Morgan and let me talk to my girlfriend.”

“I’m not your girlfriend anymore. I don’t want to date you, Rick! Why can’t you just accept that?” I snap now as I shrug off Cole’s arm and take a step towards Rick. I wasn’t as scared now, because I knew Jack would never let him hurt me.

I stand next to Jack as Rick glares at me, before taking a threatening step towards me.

I stumble back and Jack catches me arm, preventing me from falling over, even as he swiftly steps in between me and Rick, causing Rick to stop his advancing steps towards me.

“Back off,” Jack growls and Cole and Ryan are suddenly right next to me.

“Come on, Rick. Just walk away, yeah,” Cole says now and Rick just glares at them.

Rick’s gaze meets mine over Jack’s shoulder and he smirks, “This isn’t over, Brook. No way near over,” he warns now, before he turns and walks away towards his car.

I watch him go, my heart beating fast and I can’t seem to find the strength to wipe the falling tears from my face.

Then Jack is pulling me to him and wrapping his arms around me and even though I’m shocked and I can’t help but wonder for a split second what people will think, no one seems to care and I fall against him, shaking softly as I cry gently.

“Oh god, Brook, tell me you’re ok?” Larissa cries as she suddenly rushes over to me.

“She’s fine,” Jack mumbles as he keeps me hidden from the others, as if knowing that I don’t want them to see me cry.

“You need to call the police,” Larissa says now as she sniffles softly, “he shouldn’t have been doing that,” she adds tearfully.

“I hate to be the barer of evil, but the police won’t be able to do anything, unless you’re arm is bruised and then you can get him done for assault,” Frankie suddenly says and I pull away from Jack and rub my hands over my face, ridding my tears.

“No, I’m alright, I...” I mumble now as Jack takes my arm and pushes up the sleeve. He’s left a bruise all right, a big bruise that is already turning blue.

“You aren’t alright, Brook, look what he did to your arm?” Jack snaps now and I look away.

“Brook, he’s just assaulted you, I know, I am studying law, I know what you can have him charged with,” Frankie said now, but I shook my head.

“I just want to forget about it,” I mumble now, pulling my sleeve back down, “if it happens again, I’ll contact the police, ok,” I whisper now, hating the fact that more tears are filling my eyes and people are looking at me as they walk past.

“Brook, you can’t be serious, he’s just...” Larissa began, but I look up at Jack and beg him silently.

He locks his jaw tightly, his eyes filled with fear and anger, but he nods, “He so much as touches you and you call the police, you hear me?” he says now, cutting Larissa off and I nod.

“Yeah,” I whispered.

“Ok. We’ll all look out for you, Brook,” Cole said now and the others nod silently as Jack watches me carefully, not saying anything more and I know he’s angry with me and with Rick, but I know he’ll stay true to his word.

“Thanks guys,” I murmur softly. Larissa bumps my hip with hers and smiles.

“Come on, let’s go start are fun filled day at college,” she mutters sarcastically as she tries to lighten the mood. But all the happiness I had felt earlier had somehow vanished in the space of ten minutes.

Jack is the first to head into the building, he never said anything to me and I closed my eyes, knowing he had a cob on with me.

I let Larissa lead me into the college and I went on auto for the next few hours.

By the time lunch came around, I was fuming with Jack. He hadn’t spoken a word to me since this morning and it was beginning to bug me.

As soon as he sat down at our table, I turned to him.

“Can we talk?” I asked softly and he met my gaze. I thought he was going to say no, but he nodded silently and stood up.

I told Larissa I would be back in a minute and I followed him out of the cafeteria.

I fell in next to him as we walked down the halls. He didn’t say anything for a long time and neither did I.

Suddenly, he grabbed my hand and pulled me into an empty classroom, closing the door behind him. Spinning me around quickly, he pushes me until I’m backed up against the door, his chest brushing up against mine.

Even though he did all this faster than I could comprehend, he never once hurt me.

“Why didn’t you tell me?” he asked now and I frowned.


“You knew he was waiting for you outside the building today and you didn’t tell me, why?” he demanded now and I closed my eyes.


“Damn it, Brook, he hurt you! Don’t you care!?” he growled now and I pushed him away from me. He didn’t move, he just clenched his jaw tightly and glared down at me.

“Of course I care. I... he called me last night while we were watching that movie,” I said now and he pulled away from me, barking out a laugh that held no humour in it whatsoever.

“Of course he did and you just decided not to tell me that either. What else haven’t you told me? Did you even split up with him?” he growled now and I stared at him in shock.

“You know I did,” I breathed, my heart aching and my head spinning.

“I don’t know anything anymore, I mean, I’m in love with my step sister for crying out loud!” he snapped now and I felt sick, is that how he saw me, as his step sister?

I pulled away from him and moved further into to classroom, “Is that how you see me? As a liar, a cheater and a... a sister?” I breathed.

“No, don’t do that. You know damn well I don’t see you as a sister. Don’t turn this around,” he said now and I turned back towards him quickly, my anger rising as I shoved him in the chest, he hardly moved.

“I know I should have told you about Rick calling me last night, but I forgot, ok. When I seen him this morning I remembered and I got scared, but I didn’t want to wreck the day we were having. When I realised I’d made a mistake, it was too late to come back and find you!” I cried angrily and he moved towards me.

“Brook...” he began, his hand rising to touch my cheek, but I hit it away.

“No, don’t touch me,” I snarled as I wrapped my arms around my chest.

“I’m sorry,” he said now and I turned away from him.

I looked towards the back of the classroom, where a blank white wall stared back; I sighed softly when he wrapped his arms around me and pulled me back against his chest.

“I was scared... when I saw him grab you, I was so fucking scared. More scared than I ever have been in my life and that’s saying something, Brook,” he whispered softly against my neck.

“Then why are you angry at me?” I whispered now.

“Because you could have told me, Brooklyn, you could have told me and I could have protected you, stopped him from hurting you. Now look at your arm, he’s left a mark on you and I want to kill him, I want to rip his throat out and beat the shit out of him and you... you won’t even go to the police,” he breathed sadly and I turned around in his arms and looked up at him.

“I know I didn’t tell you the truth and I should have, but I’m not a liar, Jack. I’m not a cheat; I wouldn’t hurt you like that. I...” I pulled away from him and took a step back, “I know I’m your step sister, ok...I know feeling this way about you is wrong and immoral and sinful, but I can’t help it,” I whispered now and he shook his head, but I continued anyway.

“If you... if you want to end things between us, then we should do it now, because it’ll only hurt more later on,” I whispered the words out through clenched teeth, trying and failing to hide the pain the thought of losing him caused me.

“I don’t see you as my step sister, Brook,” he said now, “I don’t want to end things, I love you, I can’t lose you,” he said now and I tried to stop my silly heart from lifting.

“Then what do you see me as, Jack? If not your step sister, what am I?” I whispered tearfully and he moved closer to me.

“You’re the woman I love, Brook,” he said now and I just looked at him. I didn’t know what to say or do.

“You’re the woman I want to spend the rest of my life with. You’re the woman I want to wake up next to every morning; you’re beautifully body in my arms, my hand tangling in your hair. I can’t lose you, I love you, I always have and I always will and I don’t give a damn what anyone else thinks, Brook, I just want you to be mine,” he said now and before I knew I’d moved, I was in his arms and he was kissing me.  

“I love you too,” I breathed and he held me close to him.

“I want a chance with you, Brook. I want to date you the way a man dates a woman, I want to make love to you and be together with your properly,” he said now and I looked up at him.

“Jack,” I whispered, suddenly afraid.

“I know what you are thinking, Brook,” he whispered now.

“My mum, this would kill her,” I said now as I pulled away from him.

“I know, my dad would freak out too, but I... I would rather lose him from my life than lose you,” Jack said softly and I swallowed.

“When my dad...” I whispered, but shook my head, “when my dad died, it ripped my mum apart, Jack. She used to come into my room and we’d just hold each other and cry and... She said she’d die if anything happened to me, she said she could never lose me. I can’t do that to her, Jack,” I cried softly.

“Is this you leaving me, Brook?” he whispered now and I looked up at him.

“No... I’m too selfish for that, Jack. I love you too much to ever leave you... just give me more time, please, I need to make sure she’s ok, that she’ll be happy without me... if I have to choose between you and her, Jack... it will be you, every time, but please, give me more time before I decide if I can lose her,” I whispered now and he nodded sadly.

“Ok, Brook,” he said now and I was suddenly scared, scared I’d made a mistake, scared I’d lost him already.

“Please, don’t leave me, don’t pull away from me,” I whispered stupidly and he moved towards me.

“Hey, no, baby, no, it’s ok. I know what you mean, Brook, it hurts to keep this a secret, it hurts not having you the way I want to, but I know how close you and your mum are. I know how hard this is for you. I’m not leaving you, Brook, I promise,” he said now as he wiped my cheek with his thumb gently.

“Prove it,” I whispered softly and his eyes met mine, a wicked spark suddenly coming to life in his beautiful eyes.

“Hmm... I think I can do that,” he murmured gently, before he pushed my back up against the wall and raked his eyes down my body hungrily.

“We’re in an empty classroom,” I murmur and he just grins.

His hand begins unbuttoning the front of my dress slowly and I swallowed.

“Someone could come in,” I whispered as his eyes met mine once more.

“I think that’s making you even more turned on, isn’t it?” he breathes as he brushed my dress aside, exposing my bra clad breasts and looking at them hungrily.

“I...” whatever words I was about to say never left my mouth as his hot, wet lips kissed my collarbone and I moaned.

He trailed kisses down my throat, across my collarbone and over the swell of my breasts. I groaned gently as his hands slipped inside my dress and cupped my hips, he moved closer to me and grinds his groin against me, I cried out loudly, but his lips covered the sound.

Pulling my lips from his a few minutes later, I kissed down his neck and I smiled as he moaned in the back of his throat when I grazed my teeth over his jaw.

“I love you, so much, Brook,” he said now as he gripped my thighs and I jumped. I wrapped my legs around his waist and he presses us up against the wall, moving us impossibly closer.

In that second I wanted him. Needed him inside of me. For a split second in time, I didn’t care who we hurt or what would happen, I just wanted him to make love to me.

It didn’t matter that we were in college, in one of the classrooms. It didn’t matter that if my mum found out, it would break her heart and possibly wreck her marriage to the man she loved.

In that second, nothing mattered except my selfish desire to be Jack’s once more.

I opened my mouth to breathe the words I knew I would never be able to take back just as the classroom door burst open.

I gasped and Jack’s hand buried in my hair, pushing my face against his chest and hiding me from view.

“Oh for shit’s sake!” the teacher snapped now.

I didn’t look at him, I just kept still, out of fear he would recognise who I was... who Jack was and put two and two together, he was the maths teacher after all.

“Sorry sir, we’d didn’t think this classroom was being used,” Jack muttered now, keeping his back to the teacher.

“Ok, you have two minutes before I come back in and if you aren’t gone by then, I will contact your parents and make sure they know what their off springs are up to,” the teacher snarled angrily.

“I don’t care who you are or why you are in here... though I have a good guess about what you were about to do!” he spat before he blew out a harsh breath and said in a less loud tone, “just get out and be gone by the time I get back,” he muttered, before leaving the room and slamming the door shut behind him.

Suddenly realisation sank in and I felt disappointed in myself. I hated myself for not caring about hurting my mum and Nate. I felt bad about allowing myself to nearly destroy my mum’s marriage. What sort of person does that?

I looked up at Jack and I can see hidden emotion in his eyes, but it’s gone before I could give it a name.

“Come on, we better get out of here,” he breathes gently as he set me back down on the ground.


“Brook,” he said gently and I looked up at him.

He smiled down at me and wrapped his hand around the nape of my neck, pulling me in for once last kiss, before he lets me go, “I love you.”

No matter how many times he uttered those words, it never stops my heart from fluttering just as madly as it had the first time he had whispered those words to me.

It never lost its affect and I knew, with each day I spend with Jack, no matter what that day held, I grew more and more in love with him than I had the day before.

I knew I would never stop loving him, the only question was; did I love him enough to destroy the lives of both my mum and the man I was slowly becoming to see as my dad?


Ah, how sweet is Jack? do you like him? I love him, the ideal guy and all! ;)

Comment and vote, please, I could use the feedback!!!

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