Just Once (Book 1 in the Just...

By JadeLloyd94

620K 18.4K 1.6K

Brooklyn Jones and Jack Morgan have been step-siblings since they were eight. When Brooklyn was fifteen, she... More

Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Seven
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Sixteen
Chapter Seventeen
Chapter Eighteen
Chapter Nineteen
Chapter Twenty
Chapter Twenty-One
Chapter Twenty-Two
Chapter Twenty-Three
Chapter Twenty-Four
Chapter Twenty-Five
Chapter Twenty-Six
Chapter Twenty-Seven
Chapter Twenty-Eight
Chapter Twenty-Nine
Chapter Thirty
Chapter Thirty-One
Author Note

Chapter Fifteen

23K 657 114
By JadeLloyd94

Brook’s POV:

The whole place was awesome!

After a twelve hour flight from England to America, we’d had another hour’s drive from the airport to the resort, which was near Florida.

The resort itself was amazing. It was set on its own beach, and the hotel room was stunning. My mum and Nate where staying in room 203 and Jack and I were sharing room 204.

It had two twin beds, a bathroom with a shower and a bath. There was a mini bar, a three seat couch and wide screen TV, and, my favourite, two telephones, one for room service and the other, get this, for the sweet shop treat service! They actually brought you chocolate bars, boxes of chocolates, ice creams, candy and cakes! It was so cool. Mum said we could use it, but we had to pay for it ourselves, which was a bit off putting after looking at the prices, but it was still awesome!

After unpacking and changing, because the weather was seriously hot over here to the point that if I wore my jeans, I’d have died a hot and sweaty death.

We’d all meet up at one of the five restaurants on the resort, to have a birthday meal.

The resort was seriously huge; it was so big, that they actually gave you a map!

“So, what do you two think, do you like it?” Nate asked as we ate. I was having a cheese burger and chips, while Jack was having this huge, beef burger that was as big as his face. I had to laugh every time he tried to take a bite.

“It’s amazing, Nate. I can’t believe you guys did this for us,” I smiled now as I took a sip of coke.

“Well, you only turn nineteen once,” my mum smiled, “I should know,” she mumbled softly afterward, which put a smile on my face.

“Well, thanks, it’s really great,” Jack said as he softly took my hand under the table.

“It really is, it’s one of the best presents ever,” I said now, though my favourite present hung around my neck this very second, I didn’t say anything.

“I’m just glad you to are enjoying it. We’ll let you guys have fun without us old timers hanging around you tomorrow. I heard there was a casino, a cinema, a water rafting thing or it may have been surfing lessons...” Nate was saying.

“Yes, and there is also this amazing firework display they set off over the water every night at eleven,” my mum smiled.

“That all sounds great,” I admitted happily.

“Also, me and Maria, well, we wanted to give you two one last present,” Nate said now.

“No, this is enough, seriously, you two have given us more than enough,” I said now.

“Yeah, dad, I didn’t even expect this much, I don’t need anything else,” Jack said at almost the same time I had spoken.

Laughing, both my mum and Nate smiled at us and then Nate held out two envelopes.

“Come on, guys, we’re allowed to spoil you two just this once,” Nate urged us to take the envelopes and in the end, we didn’t have much of a choice in the matter.

“Oh my god,” I whispered as I look inside and I look up at them with wide eyes, “I can’t take this,” I breathed.

“You can and you will; it’s only $200 each. We want you guys to have fun, buy things, have surfing lessons, try out the casino, got to the cinema, and have fun. You’re both older now, you’ll be starting university soon or starting work, moving out, getting your own families, this, here and now, is your time to have fun,” Nate said as my mum began to tear up.

“Jeez, dad... Maria, I don’t know what to say... thanks,” Jack said as Nate hugged my mum to his side and kissed her head.

“Just have fun, ok?” we both nodded at Nate and then grinned at each other.

“I really want to try out that casino,” I laughed and Jack shook his head.

“You’ll lose all your money on those damn slot machines,” he said now and I grinned.

“And you’ll lose everything at the poker table,” I threw back.

“I’m great at poker,” he defended and I just rolled my eyes, but I knew he was secretly, I always lost to him and I’d heard a few weeks ago that he’d actually won Trey’s car off him in a game, but hadn’t actually taken it.

“Just, don’t spend it all in one go,” my mum said now, looking pointedly at me. I held up my hands and laughed.

“I’ll stay away from the slot machines,” I said innocently and Jack snorted. We all laughed and talked and had desert until way past midnight.

By the time Jack and I all but stumbled with tiredness into our room, it was around one in the morning.

I just stripped into my underwear, too hot and too tired to get my pyjamas on and fell into bed.

A minute later, Jack’s arms wrapped around me and I turned into him.

“I think we should share a bed,” he mumbled now and I nodded softly, already half asleep.

“Hmm, I like that idea,” I murmured. He pressed a kiss to my head and together, we fell asleep.


The next few days went by in a blur of activity. My mum and Nate spent all their time together and so did Jack and I. The only time we seen each other was at tea every night. We never passed each other throughout the day, the resort was too damn huge and the rooms, though next to each other, were a fair distance apart. It was literally as if Jack and I were on holiday alone. And it was amazing.

Today, Jack and I spent the whole day alone once again; we watched a movie at the cinema Nate had told us about. We’d held hands and shared a drink and popcorn.

Later, we’d gone to the beach and messed about in the water and sunbathed.

Now, we were in the casino, Jack had gone to play poker and I was, as you can guess, having the time of my life on the slot machines.

I didn’t realise I’d been there for nearly two hours until Jack came to find me and surprise, surprise, but there I was, sitting in the same seat he had left me in.

“I can’t believe you haven’t moved,” he said now as he pulled me into his arms. We didn’t have to be careful here, we didn’t have to look over our shoulders every five minutes in case someone caught us together.

No one here knew us and my mum and Nate had left the resort for the day to go into Florida, we’d opted out, agreeing we’d go with them tomorrow instead and we knew that they wouldn’t be back until god knows what time in the morning tonight.

“Yeah well, I was having fun,” I smiled as I wrapped my arms around his neck and leaned in towards his lips.

Smiling, he kissed me gently.

“Did you win anything?” he asked against my lips and I pulled back smiling.

“Yup, I spent nearly $100 and I won...$34 back,” I said happily.

“Oh, baby, you’re bad at maths, that’s not something to smile about,” he teased and I laughed.

“It was fun though,” I argued and he shook his head, “so, did you win anything or did you lose too?” I grinned and he caught my eyes and smiled brightly.

“Oh, I won baby, poker is my middle name after all,” he whispered.

“And there I was, thinking it was Nathan,” I whispered back happily.

“Shit, is it really?” he asked in fake disbelief as he stole a kiss from me.

“Yup. So, how much did you win?” I asked now as he took my hand and pulled me from the busy and loud confines of the casino.

“Enough that we’re going to celebrate,” he said now as we came out into the now dark, yet warm night air.

“You have to tell me now,” I whined playfully as he wrapped his arm around my waist and took me down to the beach.

There were a few people dotted about, but most of them where in the casino I think.

Turning me around to face him, he pulled me close to him and I looped my arms around his neck once more, leaning into him and loving the hungry look that was shining in his eyes as he looked down at me.

“I won $8,500,” he whispered in my ear and I shivered, before his words hit me.

“You won how much?” I breathed as I stared at him in shock.

Laughing softly under his breath he pressed his lips to mine and murmured, “$8,500 or £5,267.”

I squealed happily for him and kissed him, jumping up into his arms and wrapping my legs around his waist.

“I’m so proud of you! I mean, I know gambling is bad and you shouldn’t do it all the time, but, oh my god! You are amazingly good at it!” I laughed and he spun me around.

“Let’s go get a really nice meal and celebrate my win,” he said after a while of us laughing and kissing.

“Are you sure? Don’t you want to save it?” I asked now and he shook his head.

“I want to buy you a meal, a really nice, expensive meal,” he said now and I blushed.

“Well, I think $8,500 will buy us both a very nice, expensive meal,” I teased as he put me back on my feet and took my hand.

“Brook,” he said after a minute of walking. I was carrying my sandals in one hand as my feet sunk into the beautifully warm sand. I looked over at him and found him watching me with a smile on his face.

It was late, maybe nearly eleven, the sky was full of stars and the air was still warm, yet with a soft breeze that had my hair lifting out behind me. The full moon was shining brightly in the sky and my hand was warm and snug as it was held gently in his.

“Yeah,” I asked now as he pulled us to a stop.

He stepped closer to me, cupping my face in his hand as he looked into my eyes, “I think I’m in love with you,” he whispered gently.

“You... you’re in love with me?” I whispered softly. Suddenly wandering not only if he was being serious, but also, how this would change things.

Right now, we had a line, we kissed, we touched, but we never crossed that line. Now that he had uttered those words, I couldn’t help but notice, at least in my mind, how that line seemed to begin fading.

“Yes. I think I’ve loved you for a long time,” he said gently and I swallowed hard.

“I think... I think I’m in love with you too,” I whispered nervously and then he smiled.

I’ve never seen him smile like this in my whole life. His whole face lit up, his eyes shined with happiness and he was suddenly kissing me. His lips taking mine with just passion, such hunger and such... love.

His tongue brushed across mine and I moaned, holding onto him tightly as he deepened the kiss even further, his hands gripping my waist tightly as I fisted my hands in his T-shirt and pulled myself closer to him.

He was in love with me!

“I love you, Brooklyn Jones,” he whispered now as he rested his forehead against mine and took my face in his hands.

“And I love you, Jack Morgan,” I whispered back smiling.

Then there was a loud bang and I jumped. Laughing, Jack wrapped his arm around me and pulled me to his side as we looked up and watched the fireworks in the dark sky, the water reflecting the colours beautifully and I cuddled closer to Jack.

            After the fireworks, we’d ended up in a gorgeous restaurant, just like Jack had promised. We’d had a slap up meal with desert and Jack had even gotten us a glass of champagne, though I didn’t like it and made a face every time I sipped it, so much so that Jack had ordered me a glass of coke as he laughed at me.

It was such an amazing night, I didn’t want it to ever end.

We had a few days left here before we had to go home, but it was this night, this one magical night, that I didn’t want to end, not ever.

As Jack opened the door for me, I blushed gently and he smiled as I entered our room. When I switched the light on, I gasped.

Because there, on my bed sat a huge box of my favourite chocolates and a bunch of red roses.

I spun around so fast I nearly fell over. Jack wound his arms around me and smiled, “You bought those, for me?” I asked now.

“Yes,” he smiled as his finger traced my lips, “I called that sweet shop services or whatever it is you’ve been going on about and asked them to bring the chocolates and flowers up,” he whispered gently.

“You’re spoiling me, Jack,” I blushed hard. No guy had ever done anything like this for me before.

“I don’t care. You’re worth it,” he whispered as he brushed my hair from the side of my neck and kissed me.

“That feels good,” I moaned as he sucked at the skin of my neck, his hands cupping my hips as he did so.

“I love the feel of your skin on my lips, Brook,” he groaned, “I love the feel of you against my hands, your lips against mine. I can’t get enough of the sounds you make as I kiss you and touch you,” he ground out as I cupped the back of his head and urged him to continue kissing me.

“I dream of how you’d feel underneath me, my body covering yours, filling you, taking you, and making you mine. I wake up every night wanting you,” he whispered as his lips moved across my jaw.

“So do I,” I breathed and he moaned, kissing behind my ear as we moved backwards towards the bed and all I could think was that I wanted him.

My legs hit the bed and we went down, our lips meeting hungrily as my hands tugged at his clothes. His fingers reached for the zip at the back of my dressed, causing me to sit up a little as he pulled it down slowly, almost painfully so.

“I want you, Jack,” I whispered as he pulled me dress off me and dropped his T-shirt to the floor.

“I know, baby, but we can’t, we swore,” he whispered as his jeans too hit the ground and his hands sank into my hair, his lips crushing against mine as he straddled me.

“I want to know what it feels like to have you inside of me, I love you so much,” I almost cried and he rested his forehead to mine, his eyes burning hungrily.

“I know it’s wrong, I know we can’t, but I would give up everything, just to have you, just to make love to you... just once,” I whisper now and he watches me silently.

“Just once?” he breathed, meeting my gaze and I held his.

“Jack,” I whispered and he kissed me.

“Let me make love to you, just this one time, tonight and then never again,” he whispers in my ear and I closed my eyes, knowing we shouldn’t, couldn’t.

“Yes,” the words left my lips before I could stop them and he pulled back to look at me.

“What?” he asked shakily, his hands running over my body slowly and I could feel his excitement against me core.

“Make love to me tonight,” I breathed, “I love you, Jack, and I know I can’t have you, but just for tonight, I want to know what it would have been like, if we had forever together,” I whisper as a single tear slipped over my cheek.

He leaned down and kisses it away, before he takes my lips in his lovingly.

“I love you and I’d love to make love to you,” he breathed. I smiled.

“I want you,” I said now, as he rubbed himself against me; I arched up to meet him.

“God, yes,” he groaned out softly and then his lips take mine more forcefully and I rolled in the sensations he was causing to wreck over my whole body.

“Will it hurt?” I whisper now.

“Yes, for a while, but I’ll be as gentle as I can, baby. I don’t want to hurt you, I wish I could take the pain for you, but I can’t. I’ll be careful and if you want me to stop, you tell me, ok?” he said now and I nodded.

Had it been anyone else, I would have been scared. I was going to lose my virginity to them, but not with Jack. I wasn’t scared of Jack, I trusted him with my life and I knew he was telling the truth when he said he’d rather take the pain for me.

Yet I loved Jack, I trusted him more than I trusted anyone else in my life, if I had the chance, I would have given him my whole life.

His hands unhooked my bra and I sighed as he pulls it off me.  I watch as his eyes take me in and I blush lightly.

His hands running down my body until they reached me hips and he leans over, kissing the swell of my breast and I gasp as a new wave of pleasure rolled over me.

“You are so beautiful,” he whispered as he hooked his fingers into my knickers and slowly pulled them down, his eyes never leaving mine as he did so.

I shivered at the look of pure lust and love in his eyes and he’s suddenly pressed against me, his lips devouring mine in a hot kiss that leaves me gasping.

His hand slips in between my legs and strokes over me, his fingers rubbing against me and I cried out softly, as I urged him on.

“I love you, Brook” he pants as he kisses me and I grip his hair in my hands as I wrap my legs around his.

“I love you too, Jack,” I breathed heavily.

“I need you, Brook,” he gasped as I kiss his neck and down to his shoulder, nipping at his skin gently.

“I need you too,” I whisper gently and then I feel the head of his shaft slipping into me and I gasp, my eyes flying open at the sudden pain.

“I know it hurts,” he whispers and I reach for him.

He takes my hands in his, intertwining his fingers with mine and pressing the backs of my hands back into the pillow as he rests his forehead against mine.

“You are the only woman I will ever love, Brooklyn Jones,” I hear him whisper so softly and then his lips take mine, his tongue exploring every inch of my mouth before taking my tongue into his own mouth and grazing his teeth gently over it.

I moan but the sound is lost as he pushed further into me, I grip his hands, but relax under him, trusting him, loving him.

His lips leave mine and suddenly he takes my nipple into his mouth and sucks hard, I cry out and then scream as he thrusts right into me, taking me and I love it.

“I’m sorry, baby, god, I’m so sorry, are you ok?” he whispers as we breathe heavily against each other.

“I’m better than ok, I love you. You feel amazing inside of me,” I gasp softly and he smiles.

“I love you too,” and then there aren’t any more words, because he moves inside of me and pulls out, only to thrust back in a second later.

I cry out, but not fully in pain this time. It was pain and pleasure all mixed into one.

My body is burning with a need I have never in my life felt before, the more we moved against each other, the stronger those feelings become.

Over and over again, he stroked into me and then out and he kisses me, whispered soft words into my ear and I grip him, touched him and loved him.

Finally, my body grew tight and I gasped for breath as he thrust into me again and again, the rhythm getting fast with each stroke until we were buckling against each other in an almost desperate need.

Heat washes over me and I cry out his name as I tighten around him and come so hard. He groans my names as he kisses me and then comes, filling me up and makes me come again with pure, undeniable pleasure.

Afterwards, we lay in each other’s arms, smiling tiredly and kissing softly. He brushes my hair back from my sweaty face and kisses the tip of my nose gently.

“I love you more than words can ever possibly describe, Brook,” he murmurs and I rest my hand against his chest, tracing small patterns over his skin.

“I know, I love you in the same way, Jack,” I whisper happily as I pressed a kiss to his chest and cuddled closer to him.

I didn’t want to think about what tomorrow holds, I didn’t want to think that after tonight, we’ll never again make love, so I push those thoughts out of me mind and sat up slightly, looking down at him as I smiled.

“Thank you,” I whisper.

“For what?” he asks gently, as his touched my face softly.

“Making love to me, being mine even if it is just for one night,” I said and he smiles softly, a hint of sadness in his eyes as he wraps his arms around me and pulls me down onto his chest.

“Always, Brook, I’ll always be yours, no matter what,” he whispers, and those were the last words we spoke before we fell asleep in each other’s arms, for that one second in time, I was whole, I was loved and more than anything else, I was happy.


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thank you to all those reading. :)

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