Super Into You (Winchester)

By Jaydie_Wadie

696 5 1

Evie Singer, adopted daughter of Bobby Singer, has known the Winchesters since they were young. Raised by bot... More

- Chapter 2 -
- Chapter 3 -
- Chapter 4 -
- Chapter 5 -
- Chapter 6 -
- Chapter 7 -
- Chapter 8 -
- Chapter 9 -
- Chapter 10 -
- Chapter 11 -
- Chapter 12 -
- Chapter 13 -
- Chapter 14 -
- Chapter 15 -
- Chapter 16 -
- Chapter 17 -
- Chapter 18 -

- Chapter 1 -

116 1 1
By Jaydie_Wadie

"SAMMY! LET ME IN! SAM?!" I yelled as I pounded on the motel door. I heard a grunt on the other side and then the door swung open. Sam stood in front of me with an annoyed expression. 

I sighed and pulled him into a hug, not noticing the girl wearing no pants behind him. 

I heard her cough and looked up, finally spotting her. She looked annoyed so I took a step back and put my hands up. "Friend, I'm just a friend." I said. 

She backed down and nodded, walking away. Sam watched her walk away and I scoffed. He looked back at me and sighed. "Look, Evie I'm sor-" 

"2 months Winchester! 2 MONTHS! Sorry does not cut it! Do you know how worried I have been! How worried my dad has been! I would call him but a freaking Tulpa broke my phone! Look, I miss Dean too, but doing this, making us so worried, ditching me! I should cut off your head!" I ranted.

He looked slightly amused so I smacked his head and pulled him into another hug. He wrapped his arms around my short frame. 

I was only 5 ft 5, and him being 6 ft 4 well, it's hard to hug him. Mid way through the hug someone knocked on the door so the girl answered it. 

"So where is it?" She asked. The people at the door replied but we couldn't hear so Sam and I walked over. "Hey... is it.." Sam stopped talking after seeing who was at the door. 

My dad and Dean were standing there, watching us. 

Dean started walking towards us but I pounced on him, pulling out my silver blade and pressing it against his throat. "WHO ARE YOU?!" I shouted in his face. 

My dad pulled me off him and held me back. "Like either of you didn't do this!?" Dean shouted back at us. 

"Do what?" Sam asked, speaking for the first time. I just glared at the impostor. My dad was struggling to keep me in check so he spoke. 

"It's him. It's him. I've been through this already, it's really him." He said. I slipped out of his grip and stood next to Sam, who was watching Dean. 

"What..." Sam trailed off. Dean slowly walked towards us, watching both of us. "I know. I look fantastic, huh?" He joked. 

I just lost it and pulled him into a hug, tears pouring down my face. Sam joined our hug and I could hear them both crying. 

My dad coughed and I awkwardly let go, slowly walking over to hug my dad whilst averting my gaze. The boys hug for several seconds before Sam puts Dean at arms length. 

The chick who was here made herself noticed by speaking. "So... Are you two? You know... together?" She asked. 

I snorted and Sam snapped his head to her, forgetting she was even there. "What? No. No. He's my brother." He said. 

She nodded and looked around awkwardly. "Uh... got it. I... I guess. Look, I should probably go." She said.

"Yeah. Yeah, that's probably a good idea. Sorry." Sam stuttered. Sam walked her out and said a few words. I walked over to the crappy couch and sat down. Sam walked back in and joined me on the couch. 

"So tell me, what'd it cost?" Dean asked Sam and I. 

I looked at him sceptically, while Sam answered him, smiling. "The girl? I don't pay, Dean." He joked. Dean didn't laugh though.

"That's not funny, Sam. To bring me back. What'd it cost? Was it just your souls, or was it something worse?" He asked us both. I scoffed and stared at Dean with a hard gaze. 

"You think we made a deal?" I asked him. 

"That's exactly what we think." Dad said gruffly. 

"Well we didn't." Sam bit back. 

I nodded along with him and leaned back. Dean watched us both intensely. "Don't lie to me." He said to us. "We're not lying." I said. Dean started coming closer to us.

"So what now, I'm off the hook and you guys are on, is that it? You're some demon's bitch? I didn't want to be saved like this." He snapped. Sam stood up angrily.

"Look, Dean, I wish I had done it, all right?" He snapped. Dean grabbed him by his shirt collar ruffly. "There's no other way that this could have gone down. Now tell the truth!" He yelled. I stood up and walked over to him. 

"We tried everything. That's the truth. We tried opening the Devil's Gate. Hell, Sam and I tried to bargain, Dean, but no demon would deal, all right? 

You were rotting in Hell for months. For months, and we couldn't stop it. So I'm sorry it wasn't us, all right? Dean, I'm sorry." I argued, getting all emotional. 

He watched me for a second before letting Sam go. "It's okay, Evie. You don't have to apologize, I believe you." He said softly. I frowned and looked back at Dad, who spoke.

"Don't get me wrong, I'm gladdened that Sam's soul remains intact, but it does raise a sticky question." He said. 

"If we didn't pull Dean out, then what did?" I questioned.


Dean, Dad and I are all sitting down in Sam's dodgy motel, waiting for Sam. He walked in the room and handed the two males a bottle of beer each and some water for me. 

"So what were you doing around here if you weren't digging me out of my grave?" Dean asked Sam.

"Well, once I figured out I couldn't save you, I started hunting down Lilith, trying to get some payback." He explained. 

I growled at him, getting angry at what happened two months ago while we were hunting. "All by yourself. Who do you think you are, your old man?" Dad accused. 

I scoffed and glared at Sam. "He was with me but someone ditched me with all the information! No car, no money! Boy if you ever!" I hissed. Sam looked away sheepishly while the other two boys glared at him. 

"You left her!?" Dad hissed out. He shrugged and looked away. Dean saw something on the other side of the room so he got up to inspect it. 

"Uh, yeah, I'm sorry, Bobby. I should have called and I shouldn't have left her. I was pretty messed up." He apologised. Dean picks up my pink flowery bra that was in Sam's bag. 

I blushed, remembering that night and quickly stood up. 

"Oh yeah. I really feel your pain." Dean said sarcastically. I quickly snatched it out of his hands and held on to it. "That's er, mine." I said. 

Dean looked between us horrified, while Dad looked angry.

"You what?!" Dean exploded. I blushed and looked at Sam, who was blushing as well, looking away. "Anyways, uh, I was checking these demons out of Tennessee, and out of nowhere they took a hard left, booked up here." He said awkwardly. 

"When?" Dean asked.

"Yesterday morning." Sam replied. 

"When I busted out." 

"You think these demons are here 'cause of you?" Dad asked. 

"But why?" Sam asked. I stayed quiet through all this, choosing to listen to what happened when I was ditched. 

"Well, I don't know – some badass demon drags me out and now this? It's gotta be connected somehow." Dean said. 

I frowned and got up, feeling his forehead and searching him for bruises, cuts, anything. "How are you feeling, anyway?" I asked him. He shooed me off him so I let go, doing a quick once over before sitting down. 

"I'm a little hungry." He said. I rolled my eyes at him.
"No, she means, do you feel like yourself? Anything strange, or different?" Dad asked for me. 

"Or demonic? Bobby, how many times do I have to prove I'm me?" He said, getting agitated. 

"Yeah. Well, listen. No demon's letting you loose out of the goodness of their hearts. They've gotta have something nasty planned." I said. 

"Well, I feel fine." He said stubbornly. 

"Okay, look, we don't know what they're planning. We got a pile of questions and no shovel. We need help." Sam piped in. 

"I know a psychic. A few hours from here. Something this big, maybe she's heard the other side talking." Dad said. I smiled, happy I would get to see my aunt Pam.

"Hell yeah, it's worth a shot." Dean said. Dad excused himself to call her and  Dean started to get up.

"Hey wait." I called him, standing up. I pulled his amulet off my neck and handed it back to him.
"You probably want this back." I said. He smiled and kissed my forehead.

"Thank's pipsqueak." He said.

"Don't mention it." I shrugged it off.

Dean put the amulet around his neck and smiled when its on. "Hey Dean what was it like?" Sam asked. Dean went all fidgety and looked at his brother.

"What, Hell? I don't know, I, I must have blacked it out. I don't remember a damn thing." He lied. I stared at him, catching him in his lie but Sam seemed oblivious.

"Well thank god for that." He said nodding.



We all walked to the parking lot of the motel after Sam checked out. I held my bra in my hand and quickly walked to Dean's Impala. "Oh Baby, I've missed you." I mumbled under my breath. 

"She's about four hours down the Interstate. Try to keep up." Dad said as he got into his truck. I looked at the boys than at him. The boys walked over to the car so I quickly followed, blowing my father a kiss. He smiled and started his car. 

I hopped in the back seat as the boys climbed in. "What the hell is that?" Dean asked as I put on my seat belt. I looked up and saw Sam's iPod jack hooked up to the car, with Dean glaring at it.

"That's an iPod jack." I stated. He snapped his gaze to Sam and glared.
"You were supposed to take care of her, not douche her up." He sneered. 

"Dean, I thought it was my car." Sam said. I coughed and grumbled. "Sorry our car." Sam fixed. I smiled. Dean just grumbled under his breath and started the car.

 Vision by Jason Manns started playing so Dean scoffed and looked at Sam and I. 


We shrugged so Dean ripped out the jack and threw it in the back, hitting me in the face with it. I groaned in pain and then we were off.


"There's still one thing bothering me though." Dean said. I was half asleep so I slowly glanced at him.

 "And what's that?" I asked, groggily.

"The night I bit it. Or... got bit." He paused to laugh at his own joke. "How'd you make it out? I thought Lilith was going to kill you." He asked Sam. 

"Well, she tried. She couldn't." He said. I frowned and looked at him. The night Dean died I had been with Dad, bonding. "What the hell does that mean?" I questioned.

"She fired this, like, burning light at me, and... didn't leave a scratch. Like I was immune or something." He said, looking at me. 

"Immune?" Dean and I asked at the same time. 

"Yeah. I don't know who was more surprised, her or me. She left pretty fast after that." He said.
"Well what about the she bitch, where is she?" I asked.

"Ruby? She's dead, for now." He said.

"So you've been using your, uh, freaky ESP stuff?" Dean asked nervously, biting his lip.
"Dean, harsh much?" I said. Sam just shook his head.

"No." He said. 

"You sure about that? Well, I mean, now that you've got... immunity, whatever the hell that is... just wondering what other kind of weirdo crap you've got going on." He said.

"Dean!" I snapped. Sam looked back at me appreciatively and I smiled at him. 

"Nothing, Dean. Look, you didn't want me to go down that road, so I didn't go down that road. It was practically your dying wish." He said. 

"Good, let's keep it that way."


"Bobby! Evie!" Aunt Pamela yelled as she opened the door to her house. She pulled us in for a hug and we squeeze her back. "Aunt Pam!" I squealed.

"You're a sight for sore eyes." My dad said. Aunt Pam stepped back and looked the boys up and down. "So this is the boys?" She asked me, nudging me.

I blushed and nodded, receiving looks from the boys. "Sam, Dean. This is Pamela Barnes, best damn psychic in the state." I said to them.

Dean flashes her a flirty smile. "Hey." He said. 

"Hi" Sam said awkwardly.

"Mmm-mmm-mmm. Dean Winchester. Out of the fire and back in the frying pan, huh? Makes you a rare individual." She said to Dean. 

"If you say so." He said back.

"Come on in." She said, ushering us into her house. 

"So you heard anything?" I asked her.

"Well, I Ouija'd my way through a dozen spirits. No one seems to know who broke your boy out, or why." She said. I frowned.

"So what next?" I asked. 

"A séance, I think. See if we can see who did the deed." She said.

I got a bad feeling in the pit of my stomach as she said that, so bad I wobbled on my feet, falling on Sam. "You okay?" He asked me.

I nodded and stood up straight following them into the séance room. Aunt Pam laid out a black cloth on her table that was covered in symbols. The three of us looked at it warily.

Pam squatted down in a cabinet and revealed her tattoo. "Who's Jesse?" Dean asked.

"Well it wasn't forever." Aunt Pam and I said at the same time.

Every time someone asked her who he was that was her response. "His loss." Dean said. I gagged and watched as she stood up with candles in her hand and winked at Dean.

"Might be your gain." She said and walked past. I gagged harder as Dean turned to Sam and I.
"Dude, I am so in." He whispered to us.

"Yeah, she is gonna eat you alive." Sam said.

"You're invited too grumpy." She said with a wink as she passed by again. 

"You are not invited." Dean said quickly.

I laughed and rolled my eyes. We all went and sat down at the table when everything was ready. "Right. Take each other's hands." She said. We all did.

"And I need to touch something our mystery monster touched." She said. She slid her hand up Dean's thigh and he jumped.

"Woah. Well he didn't touch me there." He said and she shrugged. 

"My mistake." She said. Dean nervously takes off his outer shirt and rolls up his sleeve, revealing a hand shaped burn. We all look at each other as Pamela laid her hand on it.

"Okay." We all close our eyes and she begins chanting. 

"I invoke, conjure, and command you, appear unto me before this circle.
I invoke, conjure, and command you, appear unto me before this circle.
I invoke, conjure, and command you, appear unto me before this circle."

A T.V flicked on but she continued.

"I invoke, conjure, and command... Castiel? No. Sorry, Castiel, I don't scare easy." She said. 

"Castiel?" I asked, that name giving me butterflies.

"Its name. It's whispering to me, warning me to turn back." She said. The table started to shake but she just kept going.

"I conjure and command you, show me your face.
I conjure and command you, show me your face.
I conjure and command you, show me your face.
I conjure and command you, show me your face." 

"Maybe we should stop." Dad said.

"I almost got it. I command you, show me your face! Show me your face now!" She yelled.

Suddenly the candle flame flared up high and she started screaming. She opened her eyes and a white hot flame is engulfing her eye balls. I ran into the other room, calling 9-1-1, with Sam right behind me.


I walked into the diner the boys were in, just getting off the phone to dad who was at the hospital with Aunt Pam. "What'd Bobby say?" Dean asked me as I sat down in the booth across from them.

I sighed and signalled the waitress to come take my order. I ordered a water and a slice of chocolate cake. 

She walked off and I looked back at the boys. "Aunt Pam's stable. And out of I.C.U." I said.

"And blind, because of us." Dean said. I nodded solemnly and laid my head back, rubbing my face. "And we still have no clue who we're dealing with." Sam said.

I groaned and pinched the bridge of my nose. "That's not entirely true." I piped in. They both looked at me.

"No?" They asked at the same time.

"We got a name. Castiel, or whatever. With the right hoodoo we could summon him, bring him right to us." I explained.

My drink arrived so we stopped talking and I thanked the waitress. She walked away so Sam leaned in a bit and whispered."You're crazy. Absolutely not." He demanded.
"We'll work him over. I mean, after what he did?" I bit back. 

"Your aunt took a peek at him and her eyes burned out of her skull, and you want to have a face to face?" He hissed. I glared at him and nodded. 

"You got a better idea?" Dean asked. I smiled smugly, having Dean on my side.

"Yeah, as a matter of fact I do. I followed some demons to town, right?" Sam said. I nodded, following along.

"Okay." Dean said, also following. 

"So, we go find them. Someone's gotta know something about something." Sam explained. 
"Oh so consorting with the enemy is okay but not actually finding the guy?!" I hissed out.

He was about to reply but the waitress came back with our food. "Thanks." Sam said. She sat down next to me in the booth and watched us. "You angling for a tip?" I asked. 

"I'm sorry, I thought you were looking for us?" She said, her eyes going black. I looked around and saw the cook, and a guy in a uniform also had black eyes.

The guy in the uniform walked to the door and locked it. I turned my stare back to the waitress, who turned her eyes back to normal. 

"Dean. To hell and back. Aren't you a lucky duck." She sneered to Dean.

"That's me." He said, agitated.

"So you get to just stroll out of the pit, huh? Tell me. What makes you so special?" She asked. He leaned forward with a smug, sarcastic grin on his face.

"I like to think it's because of my perky nipples. I don't know. Wasn't my doing, I don't know who pulled me out." He said. She scoffed and I glared at her. "Right, you don't." She snuffed. 

"No, I don't." Dean said back.

"Lying's a sin." 

"I'm not lying. But I'd like to find out, so if you wouldn't mind enlightening me, Flo..." He said, reading her name tag.

"Mind your tone with me, boy. I'll drag you back to hell myself." She threatened. Sam and I, who had been on edge this whole conversation, shifted, ready to attack her but Dean held Sam back, not being able to reach me.

I grabbed her by the throat and slammed her head into the table and back up. "No you won't." I growled at her.

"Evie!" Dean yelled at me. I put my hands up in surrender and slid away from me. She glared at me but did nothing. "No?" She said, spitting out a bit of blood. 

"No. Because if you were you would have done it already. Fact is, you don't know who cut me loose. And you're just as spooked as we are. And you're looking for answers. Well, maybe it was some turbo-charged spirit. Or, uh, Godzilla. Or some big bad boss demon.

I'm guessing at your pay grade that they don't tell you squat. Because whoever it was, they want me out. And they're a lot stronger than you. So go ahead. Send me back. But don't come crawling to me when they show up on your front doorstep with some Vaseline and a fire hose." Dean spat. Flo looked enraged.

"I'm going to reach down your throat and rip out your lungs." She hissed. I grabbed her hair and held her in place as Dean leaned forward, a challenge in his eyes. He gives her a right hook, which she doesn't respond to, so I slam her head back in the table.

She glares at us but doesn't move. "That's what I thought. Let's go, Sam, Evie." Dean said. We all stood and left the booth. I pulled out a ten dollar bill and threw it on the table.

"For the food."

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