Babysitting Amy (Andy Biersac...

By CeceRogue

58.5K 1.8K 173

Skylar is not like any other girl. She is in a rock band, and loves to babysit. For the summer she decides to... More

Just like your brother?
Light Morning
It's A Biersack?!?
Her eyes tell a story
I think I'm falling
The Rain
Awake forever
Date Night
B-V-Best Friends
Hate, Love and Sex
The Next Morning
Band in July (Part 1)
Band in July (Part 2)
It's just begun..
1st concert- Washington D.C.
2nd concert- Montana
Me or Him
Dead To Me
Hospital Days
I wanna marry the Knight


2.8K 93 4
By CeceRogue

I stared at him in awe. "You must be Skylar?" He asked again. I nodded quickly, the thought of my head snapping off and rolling down the street passing my mind. He smiled. "A-A-Andrew?" I stuttered. He laughed before holding out his hand. "Call me Andy." He said. I nodded, shaking his hand before I decided to stop standing here like a dumbass and moved to stand to the side. I held the door for him as he walked inside. Amy ran up to him. "Andrew!" She said excitedly. "Oh my god! You're Amy?" He asked playfully. "It's good to actually see you instead of on FaceTime." He picked her up, his white teeth shining in my eyes as he grinned. Jesus take the wheel before I go blind. Amy smiled and kissed him on the cheek. Andy kissed her cheek back and set her down before looking at me. "So um, what are you doing here?" I asked, my voice shaking at first. Good job Skylar. You can't possibly embarrass yourself more. "I live here, well, this is where I visit, cause I have my own house, but I pretty much lived here for 16 years." He said. I spoke too soon. Now I'm hella embarrassed. I blushed at my stupidity. " Oh I'm sorry I meant what are you doin here like, why arent you on tour or something?" I asked, my confidence and common sense coming back to me slowly.

I still couldn't believe that Andy Biersack was here, or that I was in his house...or that I hadn't fainted from his beauty or the fact that he was only here for five minutes and I had already embarrassed myself. He laughed. "Well the band was getting tired and I really, just wanted to meet my little sister for the first time face-to-face." He said, looking back at Amy who was sitting on the couch watching cartoons. He walked into the living room, carrying his suitcase with him. "Let me help you with that." I said, grabbing the suitcase before he could protest. My hand brushed against his and I had to resist the urge to blush again at the burning feeling it left behind. "You know where my room is?" He asked. "Yes." I said. He raised an eyebrow and I realized I had to explain myself so I didn't seem like a creepy pervert. "Don't ask." I said, carrying his stuff upstairs. Good job Skylar. You're great at not seeming creepy. I put the suitcase in his room, and he joined me with his other stuff. "I really need to redecorate." He murmured, staring at all the posters on the wall. "I can help you." I said. He chuckled and I blushed again. He started taking down the posters, laying them on his bed. I watched him try to take down a Misfits poster and I held out my hand in protest. "Don't take down all of them." I said. He looked at me, then moved from that poster to take down the ones that were from bands I'm guessing he didn't like anymore. I decided to stop being a waste of space and walked over to his desk. I picked up his Batman comics and started to walk out the door, but he ran in front of me and shut the door before I could leave. I paused, and I felt my breathing stagger. "Oh my god he's so close to me!!" My mind yelled. I stared into his eyes as I could smell is breath. It was minty, but had the faint smell of cigarette smoke. "Not the comics. I need those." He murmured.

I looked at him wide eyed and backed away quickly. "You're such a nerd." I said, almost stuttering. This is getting weird. He can't be close to me like that again. "What? You don't like Batman?" He asked. "Oh I love Batman. Just not as much as you." I said, chuckling a bit. I mentally high fives myself for suddenly having a lot more confidence around him and not letting my social anxiety get the best of me. He raised an eyebrow and took the comics from me, putting them back on the desk. I looked at the letter, which was sitting on the desk still. "I read the letter. That's how I knew this was your room." I said softly. He looked at me and I studied his expression but found it to no use, since it was hard to read. "Good." He said, grabbing the letter and putting it in one of the desk drawers. I looked at the floor. "What's wrong?" He asked and I looked up to see him straightening up his closet. I bit my lip before explaining the reason why I've been a blushing and embarrassing mess for the past fifteen minutes. "It just feels strange to be here right now." I said. "What do you mean strange?" He asked. He looked at me, his blue eyes looking straight into my green eyes. I looked away quickly and settles my focus on the many posters still on the wall. "I mean just being here in your house, talking to you. There are a lot of people who wish they were me right now." I said. And it's true. I'm sure a fan would rip my face off and wear it as a mask to be able to stand where I'm standing right now. Andy looked away and continued to clean. "I bet there is. And I don't find it strange. I'm just glad you're not like all the other babysitters Amy had." He said, his voice hard and deep. "Yeah me too." I agreed.

He got up and grabbed his suitcase, opening it and taking his clothes out. He grabbed hangers and started putting them in his closet. Every now and then he'd grab a shirt or jeans and throw them on the floor, creating a small pile. I looked at the pile of clothes curiously. "Are these old clothes?" I asked. He nodded and I walked out the room. I went downstairs and into then kitchen, looking in the cabinet under the sink and grabbing a trash bag. I made my way back up the stairs and into Andy's room, taking the clothes and stuffed them into the trash bag. I set the bag next to him. "Put whatever in this bag and later I can take it to Goodwill." I said. He looked at me curiously. "You don't have to do that." he said. "It's ok. I want you to be able to spend some time with Amy." I said. Though to be truthful, I needed to leave to get some air. It was like him being in the same house as me was closing up my wind pipes and suffocating me. He smiled. Damn that smile will be the death of me. "Can you help me with this?" He said, his voice pulling my from my thoughts. He pointed to his suitcase full of clothes. "Sure." I said. I looked through and started to put his clothes on hangers. "You have a lot of torn shirts, but I'm not surprised." I said, looking at the shirt he was wearing, the holes of different sizes showing small parts of his stomach and chest. He looked down at his current outfit and laughed a little.

After we finished I grabbed the full bag of clothes and went downstairs. Amy was sitting on the couch. "Amy, I'mma be gone for a few minutes. Andrew will be here to watch you while I'm gone ok?" I said. "Ok." Amy said simply, her attention still on the cartoon on the tv. I walked out the door to see it raining. Great." I mumbled as I ran to my car. I got inside and set the bag into the back seat. I looked at myself in the mirror, cringing at my black hair that was wet and sticky. I sighed as I pulled out of the driveway.

*Andy's POV*

I sat down on my bed as I looked at my now finished room. My clothes were put away and everything was straightened. Bored, I looked at my phone and went to Twitter.

@Andybvb- At my parents house. Awesome babysitter. Getting to spend time with my little sis Amy.

I put down my phone and went downstairs. I heard the windows being hit with rain and I frowned. I hope Skylar will be okay. I saw Amy sitting on the couch watching a Batman cartoon. I laughed and sat down next to her. "So do you like Skylar?" I asked. She nodded. "She is nice." She said. "And pretty." She said again. I looked at her. "Yeah she is pretty cool." I said softly. She seemed like a really cool girl. She has nice black hair that goes to her chest, and pretty green eyes that I could get lost in. She is really pretty. But I'm not gonna ask her out today or something. This isn't some damn Disney movie. I literally don't know anything about her except her first name.

I heard the door open and close and a wet Skylar standing against the wall. She looked cold, her body shivering slightly. "I'mma go change my clothes." She said dully. I nodded and she went upstairs. After a few minutes Amy asked if she would play with Skylar. I walked upstairs to go tell her. All the doors were open except for one. I knocked on her door, waiting for a response of "Come in!" or "Wait!". When I didn't hear her answer I opened the door. I looked and saw Skylar, just in her bra and underwear. "OH MY GOD GET OUT!" She yelled. "I'm sorry you didn't answer when I knocked!" I said panicking. I closed her door and walked back downstairs.

I sat on the couch and put my face in my hands. "What did she say?" Amy asked. "She isn't ready yet Amy." I said quickly. She looked at me, then looked back at the TV. Skylar came downstairs, wearing white skinny jeans and a t-shirt with her face on it. I looked at her and she looked back at me and raised an eyebrow. I mouthed sorry and she nodded. "So why are you on a shirt?" I asked her. "I'm in a band. Rebel 5." She said. I looked at her in wonder. She's in a band and I never even knew? Don't I feel like an asshole. I looked at the clock. "Dang it's 9:00. Time for Amy to go to bed." I said, picking her up and carrying her upstairs. "Can't I stay up longer?" She whined. "Nope." I said. I put her into her bed and tucked her in. She looked at me then closed her eyes and I smiled. I walked out of her room and turned off her light, closing her door softly.

I walked back downstairs. Skylar wasn't in the house. I looked around and didn't see her. I looked in the backyard and saw her sitting on a bench on the porch. She had a blanket around her and she was staring at the rain. I opened the door and walked onto the porch, then sat down next to her. She looked at me and handed me some of the blanket. I grabbed it and put it around me. "So why are you outside?" I asked her. "I like to sit outside when it rains. Think about life." She answered. "Ok." I said simply. She looked at me, then looked back at the rain. The silence wasn't bad. Okay I lied. It's terribly awkward. "So what are you thinking about in this life category?" I asked her, breaking the silence. "Just my life as a child. It's a long story." she said. "You don't have to tell me if you don't want to." I said. "Good. Cause I don't." She said quickly, her eyes closing. I looked at her, surprised at her hard voice telling me that. Her face was pale and expressionless. I looked back at the rain. We sat there without saying a word for what felt like eternity. But this time...I liked it.

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