30 Days To Find ❤️[Editing]

By Joan1267

28.1K 1.2K 179

Well where should I start. Oh yah my name is Tina Jackson . I'm usually the one to struggle with love . What... More

🌙late night🔥
❤️.Date Night.
❤️.Date Night gone wrong .
Boys night out
❤️So In Love❤️
Pt.2/Tina B-Day
Christmas Party
☺️New Job☺️
.My Bad Day.
?Why Cant I Love?
.Wedding Day.
The Letter Pt.1
The Letter Pt.2
.Let The Truth Be Told.
Let The Truth Be Told Pt.2
Let The Truth Be Told Pt.3
.One Crappy Situation.
My Horrible Day
The Saddest Time At The End
The Squeal Is Here

🌜Work Late night🌛

1.4K 46 0
By Joan1267

Tina Pov 😝

Me and Demi got out of the bathroom. "Well ima go sit with the girls , go get ur drink"Demi said going to the V.I.P section. I nodded and headed to the bar and waited for my drink. "Um , can I have a sex on the beach , Plz"some guy said to the bartender, but his voice sounded familiar. I turned around and it was..........Deven. "Oh , hey I didn't see u , there"he said laughin. "Boy u know damn well u saw me here"I said Rollin my eyes and laughin.

He laughed "Ik". I rolled my eyes playfully. "This is for u"the bartender said giving me my drink.

"Oh , wow , a plain drink"Deven said . "And a "Sex On The Beach"Is better"I said takin a sip of my drink. "Hell yah , that shit makes ppl lit"he said drinkin his drink like it was a shot. "Damn boy , slow down the drink aint going nowhere , so relax"I said laughin.

"Ik , well u look nice tonight"he said lickin his lips and lookin at me up and down. "Boy , if u don't--"I said smirkin. "If I don't what"he said waitin for a response. "Nothin"I said while laughin.

"That's what I thought, well since u look hella good tonight, u wanna dance"he said with his hand out.

"So , ur sayin that, if i didn't wear something cute , u wouldn't dance with me"I said playfully and takin his hand to go dance. He laughed "nah , I mean...I.....can't ..explain it". I shock my head and went to the dance floor. (Sevyn streeter-shattered , was playing). I was movin my hips to the beat . And he was holding my waist and rockin to the beat with me.

Then we faced each other. He licked his lips and turned me around. I looked at him. He looked at me . Then he slowly pulled me closer to him. He put one of my arms around his neck , with out takin his eyes away my face. I put my arms around his neck . He put his hands on my waist. We looked eye to eye. Omg he's sexy asf ❤️😍😂. I can't help it I really wished he kissed me right there, cz it was a perfect moment.

Deven Pov 😍🍑

I'm not gone lie Tina is a really good dancer. She was throwin her hips back on me , I really wanted to kiss her , but I was afraid she would back away. And I was tryna catch them hips 😻. Tina fine as hell 😍😍. Damn I want Tina so bad 😭. But , she's like the rude type of chick. We were still dancin. Until it was 3 in the morning . She had to leave cz she had work in the mornin. "Wow , u gone leave a nigga hangin"I said Huggin her , my hands reaching by her ass , almost teaching her ass🍑😝. Omg , I wanted to touch dat ass so bad. "Yah , I'm sorry , u probably gone dance with another girl as soon as I leave"she said givin me a weak hug. I grabbed her arm.

Tina Pov 👑

"I mean , we not together so y would u care, and plus , I'm not those guys that would do that"he said lickin his lips. I just looked at his lips and was just dreaming of his lips connected to mine 👄. "Um , Tina , my eyes R up here"He said laughin. "Um ..... No .... I was lookin....at......nvm"I said .

"Mmmhmm"he said laughin . I laughed on my way out .

{The Next Day 💛🌞}

*At work*

~Outfit in mm💞~

I was walkin to venessa's office.

Then I saw Deven at the front desk talkin to miss Candy😒.I walked in actin like I didn't even see them . *in venessa's office*.

"Hey venessa"I said while sittin down in her office. "Hey Tina , so how's the mission going"Venessa said putting boxes on her shelf.

"Um......great"I said smiling weakly. Venessa looked at me ."wat it's going pretty good"I said laughin.

Venessa looked at at me like , she knows I'm havin some difficulties.

"Ok , ok , ok I'll be honest I haven't found anyone yet"I said lookin down. "See , Ik u didn't meet anyone"Venessa said rubbin my back. "Look , it's hard , cz I'm not ready to settle down"I said.

"Look , Ik u wanted me to fall for someone, like in the movies , but this girl ain't the type of chick to fall in love"I said walkin out of her office. "Ok , Tina"she said sighing.

I walked out of the office and saw Deven talking to candy. "Hey....so u can't say hi"he said wavin and stoppin me . "Oh , I didn't see u"I said laughin and then I hugged him.

"Hey I'm here u know"Candy said actin like I care. "So how was last night dancin with me"he said laughin. I looked at him playfully.

"Um......first of all ......I thought u was fuckin wit me"candy said mad and shit. "Um well ima go to my office"I said walkin away.

"Ight....u stay leavin on a nigga"he said all sad and shit. I rolled my eyes.

*In my office*

Chanel was not in my office. I got on the computer. Then my phone rung.

*Phone convo*

???-hey Tina this is Nathan".


Nathan-I want to know if we can go to the club later tonight?

Me-yea , I'm down".

Nathan-ok , bye sexy thang".

*Phone convo ended*

Then Chanel walked in my office.

"Hey , girl"Chanel said takin off her heels , and putting on her flats.
"What's wrong with u"I said slidin my phone in my purse. "My boyfriend is getting on my nerves"she said rollin her eyes. "Wait when did u have a bf(boyfriend)"I asked surprised.
"Well , he's not my boyfriend, he's like a friends with benefits and he thinks were serious Cz we fucked . like wtf"she said . I laughed 😂.

"Girl , that's why , I can't have a friends with benefits, because they be getting to serious ,like no relax"I said . Then we both laughed. Then venessa came in my office. "Hey ladies"venessa said.
"Hey venessa "me and Chanel said.
"Ok , I need u to work late tonight, Tina"Venessa said leavin. "Ok fine"I said rollin my eyes. "Girl , have fun with that cz , deven is also Workin tonight"Chanel said going on the other side of the room.

My eyes quickly moved away from my phone "wym he workin tonight". "Him and venessa were talkin about it when she was in the hallway"Chanel said. "Wow , so I gotta be with his ass all night"I said rollin my eyes. "But u were with his ass all last night"Chanel added. Shit but he was really sexy , I would love to work late night with him. "True"I said Rollin my eyes playfully.

Time passed by , it was (9pm).

"Well I gotta go , catch u later, boo"Chanel said wavin at me. "Bye , I'll text u"I said waving back.

*chanel was gone and so was the rest of the building of ppl*

I had to make copies, but I didn't see Deven . I was scared, because I don't know if he was there waiting to scare me. I peeked my head out of the hallways , I looked down the left hall , then I looked down the right hall. There was no sign of deven . But I changed my heels into my Mk flats. Just in case if I have to run or not.

*in the copie room*

I made like 13 copies of rise forms .
I was walkin back to my office. Until I heard something from the end of the hall . I didn't run , I just kept walking . As soon as I was about to turn in my office. Someone grabbed me from behind. An arm was rapped around my neck . I elbowed that person right in the rib. "Ouch!!the person yelled. I turned around and it was Deven . "Omg I'm so sorry"I said holding his rib. Then I backed away cz his rib cage wasn't what I was touchin, I was kinda touchin his six packs. "It's ok ma"he said grabbin my arm. "No ....it's not"I said bringing him to a seat in my office.

I gave him an ice pack to put where I hurted him . "R u ok"I asked . "Yea , I'm fine , but damn girl u take defense classes"he said laughin but then he stopped, cz it was hurting him. "Aw , damn I hurted u bad"I said gettin up to see the mark by his rib cage. He looked at me , and I looked a back at him . Then I looked away. And walked back to my desk. But then he grabbed my arm . We both looked eye to eye.

Then he kissed me 😘. I kissed back 😘. The kiss started to get a lil intense . 10mins in to the kiss. I broke it . And looked down . "What's wrong"he said lifting up my chin. "I'm not those girls , u can fall in love with"I said gettin off the counter.

"This can be a hook up , then"he said grabbin my arm. "No , Deven look u don't get it"I said gettin my stuff. "Then tell me"he said trying to confront me. "There's just to much to explain"I said leavin out the door.

Deven Pov 😒

Wow I'm guessing this y all her exs left her . Cz she keep leavin a nigga hangin. I really like Tina . When I first met her , I knew I wanted her to be mine😊. But it's like she playin hard to get. And im not wit that shit , at all.

To Be Continued.................

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