Beauty and The Beast (Brock L...

By CheyenneFanFics

208K 4.5K 529

After being with the WWE for almost a decade, Casey retired to marry the love of her life. When all goes wron... More

Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Fifteen
Chapter Sixteen
Chapter Seventeen
Chapter Eighteen
Chapter Nineteen
Chapter Twenty
Chapter Twenty-One
Chapter Twenty-Two
Chapter Twenty-Three
Chapter Twenty-Four
Chapter Twenty-Five

Chapter Eleven

7.8K 176 12
By CheyenneFanFics

          Flying home was pretty quiet. Brock and I discussed business, and he and I both seemed pretty confident that our promo had went over well. I had checked social media before boarding and fans all over the world were talking about us. There were a few naysayers, but after being in the business as long as we had, we knew that was inevitable. According to Heyman, both Paul and Vince were very pleased with how the crowd was reacting to us and right now, that was all that mattered.

          As Brock had suggested, I did make it home in time to get some sleep and to pick up Alanna at my parent's house the next morning. As I drove her to school, she caught me up on what she had been doing with Nana and Papaw. Then she rambled on and on about horses and how excited she was to visit Brock's farm this weekend.

          She continued talking about it nonstop the rest of the week. I text Brock a couple of times and warned him of the monster he had created. He thought it was cute that she was excited and I really think he was too.

          By the time Friday came, I kept Alanna home from school. I knew she was too excited to go and Heyman had already sent the private jet to the local airport. I got our things together and before lunch, we were in the air. Alanna was fascinated with the jet and couldn't believe that it was mine. I tried to explain to her that mommy was only borrowing it, but she continued to say that it was mine. Eventually, I gave up correcting her and let her explore it on her own.

          When we landed, she practically ran through the airport with me in tow. Considering how little she was, I could barely keep up and when she finally stopped, I dropped one of my suitcases and sat on it. Brock was waiting for us and absolutely lost it when he saw how out of breath I was. "Really? You look like you just ran through the desert for twenty miles."

          "I feel like it."

          Alanna ran up to him and started asking a billion questions as we followed him to the parking lot. "Do all your horses have names? Do you have a favorite? Do any of them have babies?"

          He smiled as we came to a big Dodge truck. "Yes, they all do. I do have a favorite and you'll meet him shortly. I do have a mamma pregnant right now with a foal, she's due anytime."

          Alanna's eyes lit up as we all hopped in the truck. "You think she'll have it while I'm there?"

         "Maybe. If she does, I might even let you name it."

          That done it. "Oh, mommy, can I? I could have my very own horse!"

         "Let's just see if she has it or not."

          We traveled down a long, never-ending road and finally, came to a driveway. It was mostly rock and dirt until you got up to the house. When I saw it, I was a little surprised. It wasn't anything extravagant, just a plain ranch house. Not that it wasn't nice, it just wasn't what I expected from a multi-million dollar wrestler. I'll admit it, he surprised me.

          "You have the same look as everyone else I bring out here. They think the country boy persona I have is an act, but this, this is who I am."

          I shake my head. "It's not that. It's just not what I expected is all."

          As soon as Brock parked, Alanna was practically jumping out. "Can we see the horses now? Can we, please?" We couldn't argue with her and before we even went inside, Brock lead us about a hundred yards away from the house.

          I had been to Minnesota before, mostly for TV appearances, but was surprised at just how much it felt like Kentucky. The rolling hills seemed to go on forever and the grass was just as green. "Are you ready?" Brock asked as he started to open the barn door. Alanna could have probably screamed by this time, but he finally let us through. The barn was lined with stalls and each one had a sign nailed above it with the horse's name. "I gave them all a bath this morning, which is why they aren't out in the field right now. We can let them out after you meet them." Alanna nodded as he walked up to the first stall. "This is Boris."

          Alanna and I both cracked up. "You seriously named him Boris?" I ask, trying to contain myself.

          "Hey, to my defense, my daughter named him when she was three. I had nothing to do with it." Alanna couldn't see him from where she was standing, so Brock whistled and the huge dark brown horse came to the stall door. Alanna almost fell backwards as he lowered his head to be petted.

         "It's alright. He's friendly." I assured her, knowing she didn't realize how large they would be.

         Brock reached out for his bridle. "You can pet him if you'd like. He won't bite." She slowly walked toward him and patted his nose before stepping back beside me. I could tell she was nervous but knew it would wear off. "I'm going let him out now, but I promise, he won't hurt you. He's just going to walk down through there and out to the pasture." Alanna grabbed my hand as he reached for the stable door.

        Boris didn't come out right away. Instead, he waited for Brock's approval and then stepped out into the corridor. Alanna's eyes grew wide as she saw his full body. She was very young the last time she'd seen a horse up close and I assumed it would be a lot for her to take in. Brock patted him on the back and pointed toward the open field. "Go on, buddy." Boris didn't hesitate as he trotted outside.

         "Now, earlier, you asked me if I had a favorite. Well, here he is. This is my baby. His name is Renegade." As soon as Brock said his name, a gorgeous jet black horse stepped toward the door. He nestled Brock before grunting and looking toward us. "He's an award winning thoroughbred."

          Alanna did pet him before he let him roam, but she was still a little eerie of them. Brock continued down the stables as he introduced us to Smoke, Scarlett, and Willow. Once Alanna met Willow, all was fine. Willow was the horse with foal and like Brock said, she could go anytime. She was white but more so grey. Alanna petted her multiple times and when Brock let her out of her stall, Alanna went right up to her and started talking. I was proud to see that she had adjusted to her surroundings and knew right away that Willow was her pick.

          Brock tried to make her go off into the pasture, but she didn't move. She stayed beside of Alanna and nuzzled her. The smile on my daughters face melted my heart. I knew then that if Brock and I didn't work out in the business, it didn't matter. Alanna would force me to remain friends with him just so she could see Willow. I had grown up with horses, I knew when one chose you and Willow chose Alanna. I think Brock was baffled when she didn't respond to his call, but he knew just as I did. "Well, stay there. Just behave." He muttered and walked over to the last stall. "I saved this one for last. I have a hunch that she's yours." He glanced at me before opening the door.

          A majestic, blinding white horse stepped out. I couldn't believe what I was seeing. It was her. I could have sworn that she had been reincarnated because it looked just like her.

         When she turned to me, our eyes connected. I didn't know what to do when she walked toward me and stared. After I smiled, she grunted and nuzzled me. It was like I had known her for years. "I have never in my life..." Brock muttered under his breath. "She hasn't taken to anyone in years. It took me months for her to even let me get close to her."

         Without thinking, I glanced at her nameplate above the stall.


          I looked to Brock. "You have got to be kidding me. Did you ask someone? Did you talk to Randy?"

          He didn't follow. "What are you talking about?"

          "I had a horse just like her when I was young and her name was Heaven."

          He seemed legitimately surprised. "No, I swear I didn't know. I've had her for almost seven years now."

          I knew he wasn't lying but I just couldn't believe it. Alanna was still ignoring us as she petted and talked to Willow, who seemed to be listening to her every word. As I turned around, Heaven butted me. "She wants you to ride her?"

          I shook my head. "I haven't rode a horse since before Alanna was born... She was last one I ever got on..."

         He walked over to a saddle and handed it to me. "She's never let me ride her, or anyone for that matter. Just see what she does."

         I sighed, taking it from him. I walked toward her and gently saddled her as she was a perfect lady. Mentally thanking myself for not wearing improper shoes, I grabbed hold of her reigns and swung myself over the saddle. She remained still and waited for me to get adjusted. "And you say no one's ever rode her?"

          Brock shook his head. "Not in the seven years I've had her."

          I nudged her and she began trotting toward the pasture. When the open field came into view, I nicked her with my heel and she began galloping through the trees. I saw Brock and Alanna watching from the barn, with Willow beside them. I think they were just as shocked as I was. I hadn't been on a horse in years, almost the same amount of time that Heaven hadn't been rode. Without my approval, she began to run faster and faster. I swear it was like she hadn't in years and she seemed to be enjoying it just as much as I was. I patted her neck before bringing her to a stop in front of the barn. "You know, I've been looking to show her for years now, but she just wouldn't let me ride her. Now, that you can, maybe I can enter her in a show or two?"

          "I don't know. I haven't shown a horse for over a decade."

          He cocked an eyebrow. "What was it that you told me? Once you learn something, you don't forget it?"

          "That was wrestling."

          He nodded. "Yeah, and wrestling is much harder than showing a horse. I think you can do it. Maybe you can get her to warm up to me."

          I dismounted and held her reigns. "Well, I guess we'll have to see."

          Alanna finally spoke. "Mommy? Can I ride Willow like you just did?"

          I looked to Brock as he nodded. "I haven't rode her since she's with foal, but since you're all of fifty pounds, I don't see why not." She smiled widely as he continued. "But first, let's get your things inside. Then we may take a ride through the trails."

          It was then that I realized what I was missing.

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