Spanking 1D/5sos

By MyThoughtsWillKillMe

36.9K 795 216

Main people involved in this story: Zayn Liam Niall Callum Ashton •quick updates (Usually take about a week)... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
important/deleting soon

Chapter 8

1.8K 38 17
By MyThoughtsWillKillMe


Third P.O.V

"I can't wait to see her!" Ashton said.

Niall had spoken to the boys about his older girlfriend and neither of them have a problem with it, in fact Niall invited her over on Christmas so everyone including Niall's family could see her.

"I hope you like her, she's a great person." Niall blushed. He was very shy when it came to talking about his girlfriend. "She's just so much fun to be around!"

Ashton hugged Niall.

"She probably is. What was her name again? Aliyah? Aleesha?" Ashton guessed.

Niall broke apart from the hug.

"No silly, her name is Aliegh." Niall reminded him.

"Right off course, I totally knew that." Ashton said as he shook his head.

"Don't say the wrong name in front of her please." Niall said."I want a good impression."

Ashton cooed.

"You're acting so mature now Niall, it's kind of odd since it wasn't to long ago when you cried and I had to cuddle you." Ashton wiped a fake tear as he grabbed Niall for another hug but Niall backed away.

"Oh god, Ashton promise me you won't act like this when everyone's here." Niall asked. Niall kept a good distance from Ashton so he wouldn't bring him in for another hug.

"My baby." Ashton cried. (By cried the author means he acted)

"Ashy! Stop!" Niall said as he started backing away. Ashton just kept on coming closer.

Niall started to run while Ashton chased him for a hug.

"Someone help me!" Niall laughed as he ran.

"C'mere!" Ashton yelled as he ran.

Ashton being the more athletic one easily caught up to Niall.

Ashton grabbed the back of Niall's shirt and pulled him into another hug.

"Help!" Niall shouted."Someone help!"

Ashton lay a sloppy wet kiss on Niall's cheek.

"Eww!" Niall said as he wiped his cheek. "I need help! Serious help!"

Niall managed to get out of Ashton's grip and ran. Ashton stayed in the kitchen where they had ran to.

"Don't ruin your clothes! Or I'll give you another kiss!" Ashton threatened.

"Are you black mailing me?" Niall yelled from out of sight.

"You tell me!" Ashton responded.

As soon as Ashton finished his sentence the front door opened and Zayn and Liam walked in.

"We brought the stuff!" Zayn yelled.

Liam was carrying a bad and brought it to the kitchen and placed it on the counter.

"We brought Febreeze, some more Christmas lights, whip cream, some candles and a lighter." Liam said as he pulled out each item.

"What about the drinks?" Ashton asked as he searched the empty bag.

"The drinks?" Zayn and Liam said in unison.

"Yes the drinks. That's the main reason why I sent you 2." Ashton said.

Niall soon entered the kitchen and immediately smiled, his face lighting up at the sight of a grocery bag.

"You brought food?" Niall exclaimed. He ran to the bag but frowned when he found it empty."no food?" He pouted.

Zayn just laughed.

"No food." Zayn said as he rubbed Niall's head.

"Back to the drinks. We need the pop." Ashton said.

"We didn't know." Liam said with a shrug.

"I remember telling one of you, I'm not sure wether I told Zayn or you." Ashton said looking at Liam."But I told one of you."

Zayn and Liam looked at each other intensely.

"He didn't tell me." Zayn said.

"He didn't tell me either." Liam said.

Ashton sighed and rolled is eyes.

"Can you drive back and get some pop?" Ashton asked.

Zayn groaned.

"But I'm tired and I need to shower." Zayn said.

"Please." Ashton said."Take Liam with you."

Zayn groaned but got his keys and began walking towards the door.

Ashton gently pushed Liam.

"Go with him." Ashton said.

"Ugh, fine." Liam slowly grudged his way to Zayn and followed him into his car.

"Alrighty then Niall. Go and change, you already took a shower right?" Ashton asked.

Niall nodded and made his way upstairs to get ready.

"Be quick though, the guests will start arriving at 5:00!" Ashton yelled at Niall who was about halfway up the stairs.

"M'kay." Ashton heard Niall say.

Ashton looked at the stuff laid out on the counter and wondered what to do.

Currently it was 4:38 to be exact so Ashton could spray the house with Febreeze and and light some candles.

Ashton teared off the wrapper and tossed it in the can.

"Koby!" He said as tossed the wrapper but frowned when he missed.

'How do Calum and Liam manage to throw it and get it in?' Ashton wondered as he walked over to the fallen wrapper and put it directly on top of the can before dropping it.

Ashton then walked over to the front entrance and sprayed the area where the shoes were.

He then inhaled.

"Smells like heaven." He said to himself. Ashton read the label and laughed. "It actually is heaven scented, is that even a flavour? Am I psychic or what?"

"Are you talking to yourself again?" A small voice said. Ashton quickly spun around and saw Calum.

"Oh, it's you." Ashton said followed by a sigh of relief. He was surprised and slightly scared at the random voice.

"Yeah it's me. What're you doing?" Calum asked. Calum got on his tippy toes to get a view of what was behind Ashton.

"I'm just spraying the house with this." Ashton said as he showed Calum the spray bottle.

"Oh.. What some help?" Calum asked.

"Sure." Ashton handed the bottle over to Calum."Just spray this everywhere. I'll go light the candles."

"Okay." Calum said. Calum walk away and the sound of the bottle could be heard.

Ashton walked into the kitchen and lit the candles. He placed 2 candles in the center of the island and 1 on the dining table.

"Done." Ashton said to no one in particular."Calum?You also done?"

"Yup." Ashton heard Calum say. Ashton walked followed the voice which led him to the stairwell."Go change buddy. I want you to be ready by the time the first guest arrives."

"Okay." Calum said without any argument. Calum made his way upstairs and Ashton heard him shut his door.

Ashton was currently the only one who was ready in the house so he decided to take a small break and sit on the couch.

But as soon as he sat down he heard the door bell ring.

'Are Zayn and Liam already here?' Ashton thought.

Ashton walked to the entrance and glanced through the peek whole.

Ashton paled out when he noticed Paul standing there along with Liam's parents and his sisters.

Ashton straightened out his shirt before opening the door. Ashton was greeted by several hellos.

"Hey bro!"

"How have you been darling?!"


"You've grown since the last time I saw you!'

"Hi everyone. You're a little early eh?" Ashton said with an awkward smile.

"We just wanted to see Liam and the rest of the boys. We miss our little baby." Karen, Liam's mom said.

Ashton welcomed the 5 people inside and was instantly hugged by Paul.

"I know that I just saw you boys not to long ago but I still missed you guys!" Paul said with a sniff. Ashton wondered if Paul was acting or was actually going to cry.

"We missed you too." Ashton replied.

Ashton led the people into the living room and sent Nicola and Ruth into the games room so they wouldn't have to listen to adults talk about politics and stuff.

"Wheres Liam?" Geoff, Liam's father asked as soon as Ashton walked in.

"Oh uhm, he went with Zayn to get some things from the grocery store." Ashton explained. Both of Liam's parents nodded.

"Ashy!" Someone that sounded like Niall and probably is Niall yelled."Can you bring me a towel?"

Ashton blushed embarrassed to have the 5 hear. Liam's 2 sisters probably heard since the games room is basically next to the stairs and the stairs are close to the bathroom.

"Yeah, I'll be there in a sec" Ashton said.

The 3 adults stared at Ashton confused.

"Sorry about that. Niall probably forgot to get a towel before entering the shower." Ashton said with an awkward laugh. The 3 adults laugh but soon stopped as the door bell rang again. "I'll go get it."

"Don't worry about it." Geoff said standing up."I'll answer the door, you go get Niall his towel."

"Oh haha thanks." Ashton said with a small smile and sprinted up the stairs.

Ashton opened the supply closet which was next to the bathroom and pulled out a blue towel.

Ashton knocked on the bathroom door and the door slowly opened a couple inches.

"Here." Ashton said, sticking the towel through the space.

"Thanks." Niall said as he grabbed it.

"Hurry up, the guests have already started arriving." Ashton said.

"Are any of the people upstairs?" Niall asked curiously as he peeked past Ashton and let his eyes wander around the hall.

"No." Ashton said taking a quick glance to his left and right.

"Good. Don't let anyone up until I come down okay? I forgot my clothes in my room including my boxers." Niall said quickly.

"Are you kidding me?" Ashton asked."I should spank you for being so careless but it's Christmas so I won't."

Niall sighed.


Ashton shook his head and walked downstairs surprised to see both his and Niall's families.

Ashton was grabbed and brought into a hug by his mother, Anne.

"My sweet pie!" His mother said as she smooched him with kisses."Oh how much I've missed you! I can't believe I let you move to another country! Not only have I missed you but as well have your brother and sister."

Ashton's mother grabbed Harry and Lauren's arms and forced them to hug Ashton.


By 5:30 everyone had arrived and everyone was ready. The dining table was full so the younger adults went into the games room and some of the adults went into the living room to eat.

The house was full and loud. The Christmas tree had many gifts underneath it. Everyone was smiling and laughing.

Harry Styles and his girlfriend Tiffany were even there along with Louis Tomlinson.

Perrie and Erza, both who liked Zayn and Zayn liked back were also there. Erza was Zayn's very close friend and was also living in L.A and since she was rich she would always visit England. That's how Zayn and Erza became friends. They both found it odd how they lived in L.A and visited England.

Perrie on the other hand was just some hot girl Zayn liked and invited her. Zayn kind of regretted doing so since Zayn mainly hung out with Erza so that made Perrie feel like a third wheel. The shocking part was that Erza and Perrie soon started talking and made Zayn feel like the third wheel so Zayn decided to see how the boys were doing and to see if they were being respectful.

Zayn saw a glimpse of Niall's dyed blond hair and walked over to him but heard him arguing with someone.

"Seriously Niall stop." Greg, Niall's older brother said as he pushed Niall gently. Niall pouted and sat back in Greg's lap.

"I'm not kidding. Get off of me." Greg ordered.

"I see you after a couple of months and you don't even want to cuddle with me?" Niall said making Greg feel guilty.

Zayn rolled his eyes. Niall would make everything seem like a big deal. If someone were to decline his offer to cuddle Niall would act offended. No, Niall was not acting just to get some sympathy, he was just so innocent and fragile and that's just one of the small things Niall finds rude.

"I don't not want to cuddle with you, it's just i'm tired." Greg said.

"Fine then." Niall said standing up."I'll go find Ashton since he actually will cuddle with me."

"No, Niall come back." Greg said holding Niall's hand and pulled him into a hug.

Zayn was about to interfere and tell Niall off but Doniya, Zayn's younger sister comes to talk to him.

"I'll cuddle you if you want." Greg said and Niall rests hid head on Greg's chest. Greg starts to play fight with Niall but Niall ended up biting Greg's finger causing him to shriek which caught Zayn's attention.

"I'll talk with you in a minute." Zayn said as he makes his way to Niall."You okay mate?" Zayn asked slightly concerned.

"Uhm yeah. I'm just gonna go wash up my finger." Greg said getting up and leaving Niall and Zayn.

The living room was crowded and no one took notice of Zayn and Niall.

"What did you do?" Zayn asked glowering at the petite boy.

"Nothing, we w-were just playing." All of the boys were scared of Zayn, especially Niall. Niall always stuttered when he knew he had done something wrong.

"Uh huh, didn't look like playing to me." Zayn said. Niall was sitting on the couch fiddling with his fingers. "Your brother comes to see you after a very long time and you decide to annoy him and make him feel guilty. Then you decide you bite him." Zayn shook his head.

"L-like I said, we were just p-playing." Niall repeated. Zayn glared at the cowering boy. That was not the answer Zayn wanted.

"You should be thankful it's Christmas and that guests are over or I would have taken you over my knee for being so disrespectful." Zayn said. "Now go find Greg and apologize."

Niall nodded and scurried off, happy to get away from Zayn.

Zayn walked around the room, his eyes scanning for any of the other boys.

Both boys were seen talking to Paul, Harry and Tiffany.

Tiffany was hysterically laughing but when Zayn walked up she became quiet.

"How are you guys doing?" Zayn asked both Tiffany and Harry. Paul walked away.

Harry wrapped his arm around Tiffany's waist and kissed her on the neck making her giggle.

"Doing good. You know I'm dating her now. Finally got the courage to ask her, man." Harry said.

"Good to hear." Zayn said. Zayn eyed Calum and Liam who were whispering to each other. One of the things they whispered was loud and Zayn heard.

'He's going to tell!' was what Zayn had heard Calum whisper.

"What?" Zayn asked turning his attention to Calum and Liam."What are you 2 talking about?"

"Nothing." Liam said quickly making Zayn even more suspicious.

"You mind telling me?" Zayn asked Harry.

"Uhh. Sure." Harry said and laughed when he saw Calum and Liam shaking there heads side to side and mouthing him not to say anything. "Those 2 were hitting on my girlfriend and don't believe that i'm dating her."

Zayn glared at both of the boys.

"Hahaha..." Calum awkwardly laughed."Who knew she was taken."

"I even told you I was dating someone yet you still decided to hit on me." Tiffany said with much sass. Tiffany was a quiet person but when it came to sticking up for herself she was confident.

"Yeah." Harry said."Don't believe me then how would I have been able to kiss her without getting slapped?"

Harry wrapped and arm around her back and Tiffany got on her tip toes to kiss Harry.

Both Calum and Liam stared awkwardly while Zayn stared at them with menacing eyes making them uneasy.

"You're so hot."Harry whispered through the kiss.

"But you're even hotter." Tiffany stated. Both started to have a french kiss but pulled apart so Tiffany could breath.

"Let's take this someplace else." Harry suggested, scooping Tiffany in his arms and carrying her bridle style. Harry winked at the 2 boys making them feel slightly jealous.

As soon as they left Zayn turned around to scold the boys but they were one step ahead and were disappearing into the crowd.

"Hey!" Zayn yelled following them but was grabbed by his mother. Zayn stared at the way they went and decided he would deal with them later.

Meanwhile Niall decided to act pissed off at Greg and looked for his girlfriend Aleigh who had vanished into the games room.

"Why are you mad at me?" Greg asked."I should be the one mad at you."

"Don't talk to me if you're just going to get me in trouble." Niall said sticking his tongue out.

"I didn't mean to get you in trouble." Greg argued.

"Shut up." Niall said getting annoyed. When it came to Greg Niall was either arguing with him or acting spoiled. The spoiled part of Niall only happened when Greg came to see him after a few months. Niall knew he would get anything he wanted if Greg came to see him after a while and Niall used it to his advantage. That meant Niall would curse. When Niall cursed it sounded weird since Niall's mouth is so clean and pure.

"Niall, don't be like that-"

"Shut. The. Fuck. Up." Niall hissed. Niall only cussed because he had never cursed in the past 3 months. He felt weird but mature. He felt like an adult that did NOT get spanked.

"Fine. Go and smooch your girlfriend. I'll just go and cuddle with Calum or someone." Greg said.

Niall shrugged not caring at all and sat in Aleigh's lap. Aleigh was currently taking to Perrie and Erza.

"Oh hey baby." Aliegh said kissing Niall's forehead.

"Hi." Niall purred as Aleigh ran her hand through his hair. Aleigh pulled up Niall and brought him into a hug.

"You're the cutest thing ever, i'm so glad you're mine." Aleigh admitted.

"And you're the prettiest thing ever." Niall said closing his eyes and relaxing at her touch. He truly felt relaxed when he was with her.

"And how am I pretty?" She asked looking at Niall trying to catch a look in his sparkling blue eyes.

"Well your hair looks so nice with your blonde tips and it's so soft." Niall said gently touching her hair."How am I cute?" Niall asked as he turned his neck in an angle so he could make eye contact with her.

"You're cute 'cause your eyes are so big and your hair is so soft and your skin is so pale, it makes your features stand out." Aliegh pointed out tracing his cheeks as she spoke.

"What else?"Niall asked. He loved her attention.

"There are probably a billion more things that make you adorable but if I were to name them I wouldn't have any time to talk with you." Aliegh said making Niall blush and smile. He wrapped his arms around her and hugged her.

Aliegh planted a small peck on Niall's cheek.

"I love you." Niall hummed.

"I love you too, darling."


Everyone was about to leave and Zayn was pissed. During the party he had many times caught Liam and Calum poking people and then running away and he had also had a conversation with Greg who told him about how rude Niall was and how Niall didn't apologize to Greg and did the opposite.

Zayn was kind of jealous because Erza was dating someone and Perrie had left too early for Zayn to ask out so that totally ruined his mood.

Plus the all 3 boys had tried to persuade some people to keep their gifts which were things like mugs, plates and lamps and give money instead do they could buy things they actually wanted. Zayn was angered at the fact that they were so rude and immature.

Currently Zayn had all boys sitting on the couch, with their heads down as he yelled at them and told them how disappointed he was.

"I'd ask Ashton to spank one of you-"

"Me too! I'd rather have Ashton!" Calum interrupted which angered Zayn even more. Zayn was about to speak but was once again was over spoken but Liam.

"No! That's not fair at all!" Liam whined.

"Enough!" Zayn said. "Do not interrupt me Calum, you just earned yourself an extra 5."

"But Liam also spoke!" Calum said.

"I'll give you an extra 10 if you don't shut up." Zayn snarled. Calum sniffed and wiped his nose with the sleeve of his sweater.

"Sorry." Calum said quietly.

"Sorry what?" Zayn asked as he forced Calum to look up by grabbing his chin.

"Sorry sir." Calum nearly said in a whisper.

"As I was saying, I would ask Ashton to spank one of you boys but he's tired. He has been working all day to please everyone so i'm going to let him rest."Zayn said."Now Niall, you're first since you're getting the least."

Niall whined.

"But I don't wanna go first." Niall pouted.

"You don't have a choice here." Zayn said annoyed.

Niall shook his head.

"Get up." Zayn demanded but Niall stayed put.

"No..." Niall said quietly. Zayn sighed.

"You have 3 seconds to bare yourself and get over my knee or i'll add an extra 10 and use the brush." Zayn said. He only planned on using his hand for Niall. Niall ignored him and stared ta his shoe as if it was the most interesting thing ever.

"3." Zayn said holding up 3 fingers. Niall quickly glanced at Zayn, fear clear in his eyes.

"2." Zayn said now holding 2 fingers.

"Don't count." Niall whined.

"Don't make me get to 0." Zayn said.

"P-please don't count." Niall said. Whenever someone counted down from 3 Niall would always get scared.

"1." Zayn said.

"Stop!" Niall said as he stared in horror as he watched Zayn hold 1 finger.

"Get over my knee then." Zayn said.

"But I don't want to!" Niall cried.

"Just listen." Liam whispered to Niall.

"Zero-" Zayn was about to finish saying the number but Niall scrambled up and hurried over Zayn's knee."You were nearly this close to me using the brush." Zayn said as he held his fingers 1cm apart.

Liam sighed, glad Niall would be getting it easy.

"I said bare though." Zayn reminded Niall.

"But they're here." Niall said pointing to Liam and Calum.

"I don't care. I said bare so I want you bare." Zayn said pulled Niall up and tugging down his pants."Pull down your boxers."

"P-please keep them on, Z-Zaynie." Niall insisted.

"Niall, don't make me use the brush." Zayn threatened.

Niall sobbed and pulled his boxers down blushing and getting over Zayn's knee.

"I'm going to give you 50." Zayn said.

"50! That's too much!" Niall cried.

"You brought it upon yourself, young man." Zayn said not feeling any sympathy. Zayn never felt pity for the boys while spanking them. Only after the spanking did he show his soft side.


Niall gripped Zayn's leg as Zayn slammed down hard hits on his rear. Niall grabbed a fistful of Zayn's jeans and held it to prevent him from reaching back.


Niall wondered if Zayn had been working out since he was hitting very hard. A lot harder then Ashton.

"I-Im sorry!" Niall apologized. "P-please s-top!"

Zayn didn't reply but instead lay even harder hits.


"Oww!" Niall cried."It hurts!"

Liam's eyes watered and he focused on the fireplace flames to avoid having to hear Niall cry. Calum on the other hand was happy to see Niall spanked. Niall was always being a snake and telling on Calum.

"I don't ever want you to use bad language towards your bother or anyone else. Niall you always tell on Calum and Liam for swearing yet here you are, over my knee, for swearing."Zayn said.


"I would say you're a hypocrite."


"Ahh!" Niall cried out. "Stop! P-please!"

Niall bit onto Zayn's leg to avoid making any sound. It didn't hurt Zayn. Nothing ever hurt Zayn, Zayn was basically made out of steel and muscle.


"Are you sorry for being disrespectful towards your brother?" Zayn asked.

"Y-Yes! I-m very so-rry!"


"Are you sorry for telling people to give money instead of giving us utensils?"

"Y-eah! I am r-really r-reeally sorry!" Niall cried."I'll never do it ag-gain!"

"You better not." Zayn said.


"Cause if you do, this will feel like love taps."


"Am I clear?" Zayn asked. Zayn waited for Niall's response.



"Yes what?"

"Y-Yes s-sir!"

"Good." Zayn said as he rubbed Niall's back."Get up Niall."

Niall slowly got up hiccuping from crying so hard.

Zayn brought Niall into a hug. Zayn had calmed down a bit but to Liam and Calum Zayn still looked pissed. Zayn's normal hazel eyes looked black and cold.

"Go and sleep with Ashton for now while I deal with these 2." Zayn said not taking his eyes off of Liam and Calum. Both boys shifted uncomfortably.



I still had spanking in this chapter so I don't feel as evil as I should.. :|

I've found myself a co-owner and I was being stupid and gave this person my password right away without asking any questions so fyi if you wanna be my co-owner prepare to be asked many questions..unless you're already the co-owner.

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I love comments and getting prompts.

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