Only Time Could Tell

By Please_Trust_Me

8.3K 176 72

Cassie Marrow has a tragic past. She had to live her cousin when her family left her. But she didn't know her... More

chapter 1
chapter 2
chpater 3
Chapter 4
chapter 5
Chapter 6
chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapeter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Authour's note
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
please take note

Chapter 23

162 2 1
By Please_Trust_Me

Me and Niall ended up watching Twilight. I had to practically get down on my hands and knees and beg him it watch it with me.  But he finally agreed when i said i was just going to bed. I snuggled up close to Niall as he wrapped his arms around me. Niall was laying on his back towards the front of the couch and I was laying on my side towards the back of the couch with my head on Niall's chest. He had his arms wrapped around my lower neckish area.

When the credits started to roll. I turned the TV off and checked my phone. It was 1 in the morning. I had 2 unread text messages. Both from Harry.

To Cassie

From Harry

No funny business! And I am being serious!

Gosh Harry, you are so stupid to think that I would be that stupid! I rolled my eyes then opened up the other message.

To Cassie

From Harry

You better not be doing anything! Cause I will find out and there will be a punishment!

Mental note to self: slap Harry next time I see him.

I locked my phone and set it back down. And snuggled back up to Niall who was on his Tweeter, I think.

"Remind me to slap Harry next time I see him." Niall said as he set down his phone. 

"Send you messages too?" I asked with a little smile.

"Yup" he said as he gas the p a little pop sound to it.

Niall wrapped his arms back around me. He placed his head on mine and pulled me even closer to him, so that I was practically laying on him now. I closed my eyes and hoped for sleep. But i couldn't bring myself to it. I opened my eyes and stared up at the ceiling. I grabbed one of Niall's hands and i felt him flinch at my touch in shock, then relaxed when his eyes met mine. He gave me a smile the placed his head back unto mine. I started to play with his fingers and then eventually laced his fingers with mine.


"Yes, Love?" he said in his deep voice. He sounded so sleeping. It was cute.

"Will- will you please sing?" when I said that is sounded kind of weird so I covered it up. "I mean, you don't have too. You know what. Just forget I asked. I am so sorry."

"Love, don't be sorry. And I would be glad too."  his words brought a smile to my face instantly.

Your hand fits in mine

Like it's made just for me

But bear this in mind

It was meant to be

And I'm joining up the dots

With the freckles on your cheeks

And it all makes sense to me

When Niall started to sing I instantly knew the song. I knew the song by the second word. It was Little Things. I remember Zayn sang it to me one night when I couldn't sleep and ended up crying because I missed Niall so much. But that was like the boys' third night home.

I won't let these little things slip out of my mouth

But if I do, it's you,

Oh it's you,

They add up to

I'm in love with you,

And all these little things

His voice sounded so wonderful. No wonder he was in a famous boy band.

You'll never love yourself

Half as much as I love you

You'll never treat yourself right, darlin'

But I want you to,

If I let you know, I'm here for you,

Maybe you'll love yourself,

Like I love you


He sang his solo then stopped. I frowned a little. I wanted him to keep singing. His voice was so soothing.

I closed my eyes and realized that I was actually getting sleepy. I felt Niall place a kiss on the top of my forehead.

"Cassie. I really am sorry. I don't know how are have already forgiven me. I - I thought I lost you." i heard him choke up a little. "And I know you are asleep right now and you cant hear me, but i had to say that." he thinks I am asleep. That is why he stopped singing. " And I just, should have came home from the start. But i was to damn selfish and I didn't think. I was so fucken stupid!" i could hear him crying through his talking. I want to give him a hug. But i knew i couldn't cause he thought I was asleep. And he would stop talking if he knew i was actually awake. "And Simon is going to kill me, cause I came here without permission. And so will Harry cause he gave me strict rules not to come here. he said you weren't ready to see me. But you proved him wrong. And thank god you did. Cause if you didn't i would be on a plane right now. I screwed everything up. I have messed you and Ed up. I messed the band up. Selena is pissed at me. But i don't care about that. She was really mean anyway. And- and. I am just so fucken sorry. I will never be able to say sorry enough. I left you stranded when you were loving me with all your heart. I love you Cassie. I love you."

I just wanted to jump up and give him a largest hug ever. But I couldn't. Niall if you can hear my thoughts right now I would just like to say that I love you too!!!

Gosh I am so stupid. No one can hear my thoughts. But, hey. It was a wroth a shot.

Minutes later i fell asleep on the couch, in Niall arms. With his words running thru my head.



"Niall get your ass up!" those were the lovely words that I was woken up to.

"Shut the fuck up! You are going to wake Cass up!" I whispered/ screamed.

"Niall! I gave you one fucken rule! ONE! And you already broke it!"

"Harry! Lower your voice! And it was an accident. We were watching a movie and we just fell asleep." I was still holding Cassie in my arms and I hadn't opened my eyes yet to even look at Harry.

"Niall, all I asked was that when you fall asleep you two weren't in the same room! And you cant even obey that simple rule!" I could serious slap this man right now. It isn't like we did anything.

"Harry I am sorry, okay? It was an accident! Can you please just shut up before you wake her up!" I tightened by grip on Cassie and pulled her closer to me.

"Just get up. We have to met Uncle Simon in 20 minutes. You have 10 minutes to get ready, I will be in the car waiting. So hurry up." He stopped in the middle of the sentence so I opened my eyes to look at him. He sighed then opened his mouth. "And get a fucken shirt on please." I let out a small chuckle, but careful not to wake Cassie. Harry turned around and walked out the front door.

I let out a small sigh. I sat up a little then picked Cassie up so I was carrying her bridal style. I felt her snuggle up closer to my chest. I walked up the stairs to Cassie's room. I carefully placed her down on the bed. I pulled the covers up to her and gave her a small peck on the top of the head. I turned around tot he door but I was stopped by a hand on my wrist. I turned back around to see Cassie staring back at me with her beautiful eyes.

"Please don't go." she said to me and it broke my heart. It sounded like she was ready to break. I grabbed her hand and laced our fingers together. I sat down next to her and placed my arm around her.

"Baby, I have to go see Simon. I will be back in an hour tops. I am so sorry. I have to go." I made the mistake by looking at her. She was so beautiful and I saw her puppy dog eyes staring back up at me. I felt like an retard. I couldn't leave her, but I had too. "Cass, I will be back as soon as I can. I promise." I gave her a reinsuring smile. She gave a quick head nod and i stood up. I gave her a kiss on the forehead and walked out the room.

I threw on some cloths and ran out the front door to Harry's car. 


 Simon was extremely pissed but he soon got over it. But I barley even listened during the meeting. My mind kept wondering off to another world ( See what I did there?). I couldn't think straight.  I just wanted to get home. 

"Niall Starbucks or Nandos?" Liam asked me which brought me back to the real world.

"I don't care. I just want to get home. So can we make this quick?" I said back hoping they would go to Starbucks cause that would much faster.

"Umm okay. You feeling alright , mate?" Liam said now looking at me.

"Yeah. Fine. I just want to get home." Liam let out a sigh and turned back around so he wasn't looking at me anymore. 

"Niall tell the truth!" Harry said as he gave me a cheeky smile in the review mirror.

"What!? I am. I just want to go home." I sad back to him looking out the window.

"No! You want to go home because you want to see Cassie!" Harry said.

The whole car busted up into "awws" and "how cute" . I just rolled my eyes and continued to looking out the window. We pulled up into the Starbucks parking lots, only to be greeted by a mob of girls.

"Which one of you retards Tweeted?" I asked turning my attention back  the boys in the car.

"Sorry." Louis said as he put his head down.

"Well mates, looks like no Starbucks. Now lets get this love- struck Irish puppy home." Harry said as he turned the car around. I looked up at the word 'home'. I looked over at Lou and whispered a "Thank you" into his ear. He smiled at me "I would want you to do the same for me and El." He said back to me. I gave him a smile and leaned back into my seat and thought to myself that Louis was a really sweet guy to come up with a way to get me home faster. 


I opened the door quietly and walked in. Macy's car was gone so I assumed that she went to work. I didn't see Cassie downstairs, so I went to her room. But all i found was an empty bed.

"Cass? I'm home! Love, where are you?" there wasn't a response, I started to panic a little, running from room to room.

"Cassie Jane! Where are you?" I yelled then opened the door to her bathroom. Only to reveal a body cramped up into a ball on the floor.


 ****Author's Note*****


1) What do think is wrong with Cassie?

2) What do you think Harry will do to Niall for breaking the one rule?

3) Do you think that Macy really went to work?

 Random picture on the side>>>>

Answer the question with what you think on the comments! I might even take your thought and work it into the story!

Please comment and vote!


  Katie <3


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