Finally With You Again (Nalu)

By anime-hell

82K 1.8K 1.1K

Natsu and Lucy were best friends when they were younger. But something happened. Lucy started drifting away f... More

Chapter One- Lucy Heartfilia
Chapter two- Natsu!?
Chapter three- Old friends and Smoke
Chapter four-School
Chapter five- Necklace?
Chapter six- Today is that day!
Chapter seven- I'm a secret ninja
Chapter eight- Video Games? Video Games.
Chapter nine- How 'bout that dance?
Chapter ten- Mysterious letters and blood
Chapter eleven- I buy a dress
Chapter twelve- Cheesy
Chapter thirteen- Cars, cake, and cats
Chapter fourteen-Popular?
Chapter fifteen- Winner
Chapter sixteen- Is it true?
Chapter seventeen- Mira's visit
Chapter eighteen- Thanksgiving
Chapter nineteen- Operation: Make Gajeel happy
Chapter twenty- Mom and Dad
Chapter twenty one- Where is everyone?
Chapter twenty two-At a party
Chapter twenty three- I love you
Chapter twenty four- Happy Birthday, Lucy
Chapter twenty five- Who was she?
Chapter twenty six- I trusted her
Chapter twenty seven-Merry Christmas, Lucy
Chapter twenty eight-Fires and Goodbyes
Untitled Part 29- Natsu's decision
Chapter thirty-Surprise
Chapter thirty one- A Christmas to remember
Chapter thirty three- Dinner
Chapter thirty four- Igneel
Chapter thirty five- I do
Chapter thirty six- The resort
Chapter thirty seven- New People
Chapter thirty eight- My surprise
Chapter thirty nine- Surprise!
Chapter forty- You'll have to wait
Chapter forty one- Happy Birthday
Hey guys!

Chapter thirty two- Perfect Balance

1.5K 35 59
By anime-hell

I just went on a following spree. Ya know, some people have some really good books out there. I need to update my lists. 


Lucy's pov

Winter Break ended, and it was time to go back to school.

   "Natsu. Natsu, wake up. We have school."

   "Do we have to go?"

   "Yes. Get up."

He grunted, and sat up, rubbing his eyes. I walked over to my closet, and pulled a t-shirt out with some leggings. I was about to take my shirt off, when I felt like I was being watched. 

   "Natsu, out."

   "But Luce~"

   "Out, now."


I heard him walk away, and the door shut behind him. After I got dressed, I brushed my teeth and hair, and grabbed an apple. 

    "Natsu, you ready!?"

   "Yea! Just gotta get my shoes on!"

I put my apple in my mouth as I pulled my shoes on. When Natsu walked out, he took one look at me, bit a piece of my apple off, and ate it. 

   "Hey! Get your own!"

   "But yours is better."

   "Its an apple."

   "But its your apple."

   "Whatever, lets just go."

I drove us to school, and found a parking spot. Once we got out, we were mobbed by people. 

   "Lucy! Are you two together again!?"

   "I heard how Natsu saved you from the fire! How romantic."

   "Natsu, are you and Lucy living together?"

He grabbed my hand, and started walking away. 

   "Just ignore them."

I gave him a nod. Our hands were barely touching each other. Part of me wanted to just let go, but at the same time, Natsu's hand is warm. 

   "Luce, don't let go, okay?"


   "Natsu! Lucy! So, tell me, how is your guy's relationship going? What caused the fire? Were you two hurt?"

The school news reporter ran up, a notepad in his hand. 

   "We don't know how the fire started, and both of us made it out okay. As for our relationship..."

He looked at me, then back at the reporter. 

   "She is now my fiance."

The entire hallway went silent, and the guy dropped his pen. 

   "Y-Y-You proposed!?"


He grabbed my hand, and lifted it in the air, the ring sparkling in the light. Gasps were heard from the entire hallway, and I looked down at my feet. My face was completely red, and I could feel everyone staring. The guy blinked a few times before he jumped in the air. 

   "Cool! Cool! Cool! This'll make a great story!"

He ran off, to what I assume was to start the paper. The hallway stayed quiet as we walked. 



   "Everyone's staring."

   "Let them."

I glanced up at him, his face staring straight ahead. I seen some girls whispering, making me inch closer to Natsu. Once we reached the classroom, I ran inside, and sat down in my seat, hiding my face on the table. 

   "You okay?"




I heard someone stomp in front of our table, and just by looking at the shoes, I knew who it was. Lifting my head up, I seen Vivian, glaring at me. 

   "What gives you the right to marry him!? It should be me!"

Natsu started standing up, but I stopped him. 

   "I'll handle this."

He watched me carefully as I walked around the table, about a foot away from Vivian. 

   "You are such a bitch!"

I heard Natsu shift in his seat, and Erza, Mira, and Cana stopped in the doorway, and watched me. 

   "Even if I am, at least I've surrounded myself with people who care about me. I fight for them, just as much as they fight for me."

Lisanna appeared in the doorway, and gave me a nod, telling me I could do this. Focusing my attention back on Vivian, I kept a straight face. 

   "Soon we're all going to leave this place, and as soon as we do, nothing that happened here will ever matter. You walk around, expecting everything you want to just be handed over to you, and let me tell you you're going to have a rude wake up call once high school is over. The universe isn't surrounded around you. You actually have to work for things. Fight for things. Something you don't know how to do."

I turned around to walk back to my seat when I heard her grunt at me. 

   "Oh, and one more thing."

Quickly turning around, I landed a blow to her face, causing her to fly backwards. 

   "Don't ever try and take him away from me again."

I seen everyone in the doorway smile at me, and Cana walked to Vivian, who had a bloody nose. 

   "You know, that looks pretty bad. Drink some alcohol. You'll forget all about it."

She laughed, and walked over to me, along with all the other girls. When I faced Natsu, he was standing in his chair, a big smile on his face. 

   "My girl can hit."

He gave me a hug from over the table, and that's when I realized everyone in the classroom was watching. As I looked at them for about a minute, everyone started cheering. 

   "Lucy kicks ass!"

   "She totally just broke her nose!"

   "Wish I had a girl like that."

We all laughed at everyone's cheering. Vivian started getting up, and I walked in front of her. Holding my hand out for her to take, I gave a smile. 

   "Eww! As if! And I'm telling my daddy what you did!"

She ran out of the room crying, holding her nose as blood dripped down her face. Lisanna put a hand on my shoulder and smiled. 

   "She totally deserved that."

We both laughed together, and the teacher walked in. 

   "Alright! Everyone take your seats."

As everyone scattered around the room, the teacher turned to face the class. 

   "Lucy Heartfilia."

Everyone looked at me, and I felt my heart rate increase. Then, a smile formed on his face. 

   "Nice hit."

I smiled at his comment, and he started class. Natsu slid a note in front of me, and I sighed. 

'Luce, I'm bored.'

'Pay attention!'

'But I'm bored!'

'I don't know what to tell you.'


'If you pay attention for the rest of the day, I'll do anything you want when we get home.'


I glanced at Natsu, who had a smirk on his face. Realizing my mistake, I quickly erased what I said, and passed the note back. 

'You didn't read that.'

'Yes I did. You have to do anything now.'

'But you aren't paying attention.'

When I slid the paper back, he ripped it up without even reading it, and kept his eyes on the teacher. Great. What did I just get myself into.


   "Luce! Come on! I payed attention all day!"

   "Would you give me a second!? I'm putting my stuff away!"

He continued pulling on my arm, and groaned. 

   "Why are you so worked up?"

Gajeel walked over, and Natsu turned to face him.

   "Luce has to do whatever I want when we get home!"

I felt a hand on my shoulder, and Gajeel leaned down to my ear.

   "Good luck."

I looked at Natsu, who was glaring at Gajeel as he walked away. 

   "What's your problem?"

   "He touched you."

   "Natsu, calm down."

   "Then lets go! Lets go, lets go, lets go!"

   "Okay! I'm coming!"

As soon as my locker was shut, I was being pulled down the hall, and out the door. After we got into the car and home, I was being dragged inside the house. Natsu shut the door, and faced me, a smile on his face. 

   "You ready?"

   "For what...?"

He picked me up, and walked into my room.

   "I can walk by myself!"

He laid me down, and looked at me. 

   "Natsu, what are you thinking?"

He didn't respond, just looked at me for a minute. Suddenly his lips crashed into mine, and he had me backed up against the bed frame. Once he pulled away, I took a breath before he leaned back in. Pushing him off, I took a deep breath, looking at him. 

   "I couldn't...breath."

Natsu still didn't say anything but inched closer. 

   "What is it you're trying to do?"

   "You said you would do whatever I want, right?"


   "I want to have our wedding in a month."

   "What!? Natsu, we won't even be graduated!"

   "I don't care. I want it in a month."

I couldn't really argue. I did say whatever he wanted, even if he meant this.

   "Well, I guess we cou-"

His lips crashed into mine again. When he pulled away, he had a big smile. 

   "Guess we better start planning."

Natsu ran out of the room, and I groaned. Pulling my phone out, I called Juvia's phone. 

   "Hello, Lucy."

   "Hey, I need you to all come over."

   "Okay. Juvia will tell everyone."

   "Okay, thanks."

   "No problem."


   "What did you need?"

   "Well, Natsu wants the wedding in a month."

   "But I thought you guys were waiting!?"

   "Me too, but today I said I would do anything he wanted, and that's what he picked."

   "Juvia thinks we should start planning then."

   "Yea, guess so. This weekend we'll go look at dresses, okay?"


We started talking about things we should do, and the conversation lasted until eleven. 

   "I should probably get going."

   "Me too."

   "Me three."

   "Juvia four."

Everyone walked out, and laid back down on my bed. Natsu walked in, and jumped next to me. 

   "I called my dad. He said he would be here. We're having it January 20th. Its a Saturday, so we won't have to worry about school. He also said he'd help pay for everything."

   "He doesn't have to do that, I have money."

   "You do?"

   "Yea. After my parents died, I inherited all the money. There has to be at least a couple million still left in the bank."

   "What!? You have that much money!?"

   "Yea. What did you think happened to all my parents money?"

   "I don't know!"

I laughed at his reaction, and rolled over. 

   "I'm tired."

   "Me too."

I felt Natsu roll over next to me, and I shut my eyes, instantly falling asleep.


   "Natsu, Erza is going to be here to pick me up soon!"

   "For what?"

   "I have to go dress shopping."

   "Oh. Then can Gray and Gajeel come over?"

   "I don't care. Just don't trash the place."

The door opened, and Wendy walked in. 

   "We're here!"

   "Okay, I'm coming. Alright, I gotta go."


I gave him a peck on the cheek, and ran outside with Wendy. Once we got in, Erza drove us to the store that sells wedding dresses. 

   "I didn't know we had a store like this."

   "Yep. They sell everything for weddings here."

We walked in, and were greeted by a girl with pink, short hair. She was in a maids outfit, a blank look on her face. 

   "Hello. How may I help you today."

   "We came to look at wedding dresses."

   "Who is the bride?"

Cana shoved me forward, and I almost fell into the lady. 

   "Hello mistress. My name is Virgo."

   "Oh, you don't have to call me that."

   "Would you prefer master?"



Letting out a sigh, I nodded my head. 

   "Follow me, princess."

She led me to a back room that held tons of dresses. A girl with long blue hair walked out, and a girl with black hair walked out. 

   "Hello, I'm Libra. This is Aquarius."

   "Hello, nice to meet you."

   "Tch. Whatever, just pick a dress."

   "Please excuse her. She is a bit upset. Her and her boyfriend are having some problems right now."

   "Well maybe, he shouldn't be walking around, checking other girls out!"

She stormed off, and Libra walked over to me. 

   "With your body shape, I would suggest a strapless ballgown. It would make your figure stand out, but still look elegant. Balance is important."

   "Whatever you think would be best."

I gave her smile, and she led me to a rack of dresses. Pulling one off, she held it in front of me, and looked up and down. 

   "What do you think of this one?"

   "Its pretty."

   "Try this one on, and walk back out. We can show your friends as well."


I took the dress into the changing room, and walked back out into the lobby to see everyone's mouths drop open. When I stepped in front of the mirror, I couldn't help but gasp either. 

   "So...what do you guys think?"

   "Lucy, that one looks amazing!"

   "I love it!"

At the very top of the dress, there were diamonds that faded the farther down they went, until it reached the gown part. On the back there was lace, and the dress was the perfect length. 

   "Simple, yet still shows grace. Your figure looks nice, and from what I've seen so far, it matches your personality. Perfect balance. Is this the dress you'd like?"

Taking one last look in the mirror, I nodded my head and smiled. So this is the dress for the big day.

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