Kill Me Romantically: A Davek...

By lexibird210

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It's difficult enough for a young mutant prince to choose between the hand of the princess of the sea dweller... More

Chapter 1: To Get Away With Murder
Chapter 2: The Kiss of Death
Chapter 3: Forbidden Love
Chapter 4: Masquerade
Chapter 5: Beastly
Chapter 6: Like Father Like Son
Chapter 7: Written In the Stars
Chapter 8: Like An Open Book
Chapter 10: Wise Words and Broken Hearts
Chapter 11: A Book of One Thousand Apologies
Chapter 12: Sweet Dreams Timaeus
Chapter 13: Oh Lord

Chapter 9: Victim of Love

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By lexibird210

After about an hour of moping and thinking and procrastinating, you finally make your way downstairs to the room you were told Karkat is in and knock on the door, "Come in," he calls from the other side.
You take a deep breath and walk in, "Hey," you smile a little.
He looks up at you, wearing a black suit with an orange tie. "Hello," he offers you a faint smile of his own.
"I came to apologize." You wipe your hands against your pants, which were already growing clammy from your frazzled nerves, "So please don't comment until I'm finished okay?" He nods as the seamstress works on his vest. You look down as you talk, fiddling with the end of your shirt, "First of all, I'm sorry I played with your emotions. I didn't realize I was hurting you. I'm specifically talking about the other night when... Well, you know. Secondly, I'm sorry I treated you like some prize. That was wrong. You're an actual person, not just some doll to be passed around to the worthier person. You're an actual person with feelings and emotions and I'm sorry I ignored your feelings on the subject. And lastly, I'm sorry for coming between you and Dirk. That doesn't even need an explanation. I'm just sorry..."
He stays quiet, the seamstress looking up at Karkat, "Should I take my leave now?"
The prince shakes his head, "You're fine, Miss Maryam. Thank you," She nods and continues her work.
You look up at Karkat, awkwardly commenting, "Orange. Nice, though I still think red looks better on you."
He smiles a little at that, "The orange is for the wedding. The red is for the ball."
You look down again, "Yeah. Right. So I said my apology and I don't know what to add to that. I'm sorry for a lot of things, but I don't plan on writing a book on it."
His smile falters and he looks away, "I'm sorry I hit you. Are you okay?"
"Absolutely peachy," you smile at him.
His ears lower, "One slap to the face and now I'm a master at the slap game, aren't I?"
You fake frown, putting your hands on your hips, "Prince Karkat, how dare you. How absolutely dare you forget that you need to slap 3 times to be a master. This is basic rules, your highness. I am disappointed. Disappointed you didn't pay attention in slap school."
He tries not to smile, "Stop..."
"No, no, I need a proper apology. I won't be able to sleep at night if you don't apologize properly," You smile slightly, "Say it with me. I'm sorry I failed slap school. I'm just a very decent being."
He rolls his eyes and motions you over. You comply, trying to look angry. Karkat gently grabs your chin and tilts your head, gently kissing your cheek where he hit you, "I'm sorry for hurting you..." He whispers.
You smile wide, not looking at him because of the slight blush tinting your cheeks, "It's alright," you nervously step back.
He nods, looking at himself in the mirror, "Do you think he'll like it?"
"Let's be honest, even if you wore nightwear he'd love it. Who wouldn't?" You half joke.
His ears lower and he flushes a light red, "I just want him to be happy..."
"He'll love it," you smile at him, "You look great. He has to."
He nods, looking down, "Good..." He glances back at you, "Do you know where he is?"
"No, but he should be back by dinner," The troll nods and looks back to the mirror, "Should I leave?"
He sighs softly, "If you wish," he looks down at Kanaya, his seamstress, "Am I finished?"
She stands and nods, "I'll help you take it off so you don't tear the stitching," she glances at you, "Unless you'd be more comfortable with his help."
"I've undressed people," you say plainly until you realize what you've said, "Oh. Oh, wait, that sounds wrong. I didn't mean it like that."
She chuckles and walks out of the room, "I'll leave it to you, then."
"You are okay with this, right?" You look up at Karkat.
He nods a little, "Go ahead..."
You unbutton his jacket quickly, "Hands out."
He does as he's told, "Have you really um...undressed someone in that way?"
"In what way?" You slip Karkat's jacket off.
His ears lower and he speaks in a hushed voice, "I suppose what I'm getting at is... I met you once at the cat house... Why were you there?"
You look at him with a confused expression until it clicks, "Oh. Oh, no. I just sit on the roof to avoid people. No one really checks in to make love to random women when they are searching for a deadly assassin," you tease.
"Are you a virgin? That's what I'm asking," the prince says bluntly.
You're slightly taken aback, but you answer anyways, returning your attention to your work and muttering, "Possibly..." He nods, looking almost relieved, "but if my father asks, tell him I'm not. Tell him I've slept with a million people and have a few illegitimate children."
He chuckles and nods, "I can do that. So are you going to finish undressing me or what?"
"Right," you smile and untie Karkat's tie, pulling it off and unbuttoning his shirt. You can see how tense he is as he sighs softly, trying to relax. Taking his shirt off, you fold it and keep it to the side. The troll shivers as his shirt is removed. You can tell by his blush and the way he covers himself that he's beginning to feel self conscious. Returning to his side, you unzip Karkat's pants, pulling them down as he flushes red and looks away. Once he's stepped out of his pants, you fold them as well, keeping them on top of the shirt, "Uh, where are your clothes?"
He blinks, quickly looking around, "I'm not sure..."
"Where did you keep them when you took them off?"
The prince points to a small table with a sewing kit on it, but his clothes were nowhere to be found. You frown and look around, "Well, shit..." Pausing a moment to think, you take your shirt off, holding it out to Karkat, "Wear this."
He flushes, eyes widening as he quickly shakes his head, "I can't wear that!"
"Why not? It's big enough to cover most of you."
"Do you know how bad this looks?" He hisses, "Put your clothes on!"
"It doesn't exactly look that appealing when you're in your underwear and I just happen to be fully clothed. Unless you want to wear your wedding suit upstairs?"
He bites his lip "Look, I can't even think straight. You're distracting me."
You blink, looking confused for a moment before glancing down and covering your chest with the shirt, just holding it there, "You don't plan on walking upstairs in underwear do you? And I don't think it's a great idea to wear your suit. Traditions and all..."
He groans, "Fine," He snatches the shirt from you and puts it on, pausing a moment before running his hands over your abs, "Damn you for being so attractive..." he sighs, turning and cautiously opening the door. You gape in shock a moment before grinning, walking after him. Once the coast is clear, he runs as fast as he can up the stairs and to Dirk's room while you laugh and take a short cut, sitting on the windowsill, "You're fast."
"Shut up," he pants, quickly changing his clothes and throwing the shirt at you, "Put this on before I push you out the window."
"Would you really?" you hold the shirt, pouting at him.
"Yes! It's not fair for you to tease and tempt me when you know I'm committed to another."
"Alright... Point taken..." you slip the shirt on, messing up your hair while doing so, "There we go," you glance over to see Karkat staring, unable to help himself, "What?" You ask, quirking an eyebrow.
He flushes, most likely embarrassed over being caught, and looks away, "Nothing...."
You give him a confused look, cocking your head to the side a bit, "Alright..."
"Thanks for the clothes. Don't you have work or something?" He asks, sounding a little flustered.
"No, no one to kill today. I won't be getting a new deal at least untill the end of this week," you mumble as you rub the back of your neck.
"It's a good thing you're a killer. I can't bring myself to fall past your looks..." He mutters to himself, making the bed.
With a frown, you utter in a hushed voice, "I'd stop for you..."
The troll stops dead in his tracks, his heart skipping a beat as he glances up at you, "Maybe for a while, but you'd go back. Love doesn't last for long. Even I know as much."
"It isn't an addiction, its a job. And trust me when I say my love lasts forever," you stand.
"You've no need to stop. We aren't in love," the prince counters simply.
You stay quiet for a moment before looking him dead in the eyes, finally growing the courage to tell him something you should've told him a long time ago, "Well, I am. I am in love with you more than I am in love with the stars and the idea of a normal life. Yet I know it's impossible because you can't love me back. You're going to marry my brother. And though I know I'm simply whining about my feelings to an empty chasm, I love you. I've loved you for a very long time. Yes, I know it sounds like an obsession, and truth be told it probably was. Yet in the last few days, I've fallen in love with you. I fell like an idiotic bastard, ignoring the danger signs and standing on the edge of the cliff, slipping and falling into the deep waters. I cannot bring myself to care, for those waters are beautiful and peaceful. Be it as it may, they are also cold and choking me. But, again, I cannot care. I have fallen in love with you. I'd do anything for you. I am a victim at your feet, even if you won't return my feelings."
Tears fill his eyes and he speaks, emotion laced in his words, "...As much as I hate to admit, I'm even more in love with your personality than you yourself... Ever since the very first kiss we shared, I've been hopelessly captivated by you..."You walks to him and wipes at the tears gently as he caresses your cheek and continues, "I love you... But we can't let anyone know about this..."
You nod in understanding, feeling as though a huge weight has been lifted off your shoulders, "If that's what you want, then of course," you hugs him.
He hugs back tightly, purring softly, "After the ball... Will you meet me in our spot?"
Again you nod, burying his face in Karkat's shoulder and breathing in his scent, "Yes, anything you wish," you whisper.
He leans up and gently kisses your neck, "Thank you...."
Your grip on him tightens, "You're welcome..."
"You should go wash up. They'll be serving dinner soon."
Nodding, you let go of him and kiss his forehead, "Shall I see you downstairs?" Karkat smiles and pecks your lips, nodding. Smiling brightly, you walk backwards to the door and open it to find Dirk standing there. Your brain freezes, screaming 'Shut the door or something!'. Rather, you simply say, "Oh, hello."
"Get out of my room and away from my fiancé. Now."
You wince, "Dirk," he rub the back of your neck, searching for the right words, "Don't get mad, please..."
"Mad about what? It's not proper for you to be in here all alone with him. Especially not with the door closed."
"You know what I'm talking about," You frown, "At least let me explain..."
Karkat shoots you a look as Dirk walks in and goes over to the troll, pecking his cheek, "What are you so ecstatic for? Are you ready for dinner, my sweet?" Karkat nods and wraps his arms around Dirk's neck, hugging him tightly and giving you an apologetic look. With a frown, you turn and leave the room. You understood why he had done what he did, though it still hurt. Despite all of that, you still felt a little fuzzy from the knowledge that he was in love with you, too.

~Author's Note~

Ugh, you guys wouldn't believe how long it takes to edit this! I'm sorry it took so long, but to soothe your souls, Dave finally confessed! Yay! Despite a small chunk, Dave's confession was all TeslianTyrant's work. I love it very much and I think he did a fantastic job. I had to find this portion of our chat on Skype. We did this all the way back on September 30th. This is why I don't update often. I promise to change that. Have a wonderful evening, lovelies! Goodnight! <3


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