Loving Her ~ Jerrie Thirlward...

Por PerriesFreckles

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~~~~~~ Loving her meant leaving her, and leaving her meant losing her forever. ~~~~~~ Más

I'm Sorry.


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Por PerriesFreckles

Hours. It had been countless hours since I had woken up Jesy, and countless hours since I had laid back down on my covers, defeated. Jesy said she asked Leigh-Anne to talk to Perrie about speaking to me, and Perrie furiously refused. That crushed my heart, to think she didn't want to speak to me. I waited until the other girls left before I excused myself from my room, making my way over to Perrie's. When I walked in, Perrie was asleep, her soft breathing being the only thing I heard. I softly closed the door. I sat down beside her on her bed and softly laid my hand on her forearm, shaking her awake.

"H-huh? Leigh, is that you? I told you, I don't want to talk to her. It hurts my heart." She murmured, her eyes still unopened. Her voice was so hoarse, it cracked with every breath. I inhaled sharply, my breath hitching in my throat.

Hearing Perrie say this completely shattered my heart, leaving it in pieces on the floor. I was hurting her heart?

"N-no, um, Perrie, it's Jade here... The girls, uh, they left a bit ago." I spoke slowly, unsure of how she'd react.

"Jade? I don't mean to sound rude, but you sound terrible! What happened to your soft voice?" She asked me, her eyes now open and resting on my face.

"I hate to break it to you, Perrie, but you don't sound much better. I didn't come in here to make idle chit chat. I had a reason."

"Why did you want to talk to me after all the things I said to you?"

"B-because, I need to apologize. I can't handle feeling like this anymore Perrie, knowing I did this to you."

"Jade, no, I did thi-"

"Perrie, no. This is my fault. I'm the one who acted stupid. You can blame me and my out of whack hormones for this. I shouldn't have done anything that I did. It was immature and stupid of me, and I jeopardized our friendship because of it." I cut her off.

"It was my fault too, Jade. I wasn't really trying to fix things now was I? Thank you for apologizing though. I didn't quite realize how much I missed you until now."

As soon as the words left Perrie's mouth, I pulled her into a hug. After a couple of seconds, she realized what was going on and hugged back, smiling into my hair.

"I've missed this so much." I mumbled, not caring about anything else.

Perrie pulled away, leaning her back against her wooden headboard.

"I have too, Jade, but we both need showers." She agreed, chuckling.

I smiled as I left the room, retiring to my own to shower. As soon as I got out, the brisk air smacking me in the face, I realized something. The girls don't know we made up. Honestly, that would mean we could surprise them when they come back to the bus.

There is an even bigger problem, however. I'm still not sure what the rolling, swirling feeling in my stomach is. It's not just when I think of Perrie, or when I'm around Perrie, or when I hear her voice or her name. No, it's just there, constantly, bothering me.

I walked out into my bedroom, nothing but a towel covering my body, when I noticed there was someone else in the room.

"Hey Jesy." I greeted, smiling as I grabbed some clothes and my hair brush.

"Hey Jadey. Whatcha up to?" She asked.

"Nothing much, just getting changed."

Jesy simply nodded and left the room, most likely going to talk to Leigh. I dropped the towel from my body and began to dress, my gaze freely wandering about my messy room. As I pulled my shirt over my head, I couldn't help but think of Perrie.

The way her beautiful, crystal blue eyes shimmer in the light, and they way they darken when she gets protective or angry. The way they light up at the mention of the Mixers, myself, South Shields or her mam. Her luxurious, soft blonde hair that cascades so wonderfully down her back in waves, a few strands delicately resting on her her shoulders. The way the light can make glow, as if it was a luminous halo framing her face. Her little button nose, and the way it scrunched up when she was happy or disgusted. The way she twitched it from time to time. Her mouth, and the way it twitched into a smile, highlighting her face. Her smile, and the way it could light up an entire room, or cheer up someone sad. The way her little crooked tooth poked out, bringing a grin to my own face. Her pink lips, and the way they moved when she spoke. Her delicate, angelic voice, and it's wondrous tones filling my ears as she sang.

What is wrong with me... Perrie is completely straight, I can't fall for her.

I snapped myself out of my thoughts, frowning at my realization. Perrie was straight, and would most likely always be straight. I guess I'll just have to find someone else. I sighed loudly, opening my door and stepping into the main part of the bus, the Febreeze-scented air gracing my nostrils as I breathed it in. As I heard Leigh and Jesy talking on their side of the bus, I took the opportunity to go into Perrie's room, quietly shutting the door behind me.

"Pez, you in here?" I called out quietly.

"I'm just getting my clothes on love. Wouldn't want to see me naked now would ya?"

"Okay, I'll be on your bed."

As I sat down on the soft sheets of Perrie's bed, I noticed she left her phone out here. It was currently buzzing, notifying that someone was calling. I leaned over and looked at the Caller ID, my heart plummeting at the name.

Matthew 💗

I could accept that Perrie was straight, but I couldn't accept that Perrie was dating Matthew. That's what really stung. She was dating a douchebag who probably just wanted to use her, though I could be wrong. So many things could happen. He could be an alcoholic, he could be abusive, he could be an abusive alcoholic, he could use her for fame and pleasure, he could be a cheater, and the list goes on.

That was when I got the idea. I'd only just found out I had a crush on Perrie, but that didn't quite surprise me since I always had the feeling I had a crush on Jesy and Leigh-Anne as well. The only problem, I'm pretty sure they are most definitely both straight, AND they both have a boyfriend or fiancé. I don't want to date some random girl, and I don't want to date some random guy, but I also don't want to use Luke to get over someone. That would be playing with the feelings he has for me, and that is rude, immoral, and wrong.

Jade, you already know you won't find anyone. No one likes you.

I sighed softly before picking up Perrie's phone, fully aware that what I was about to do was wrong. I unlocked her phone and opened her messages app, clicking on the thread that said Matthew 💗.

As I scrolled through the messages, nothing stood out at first. I reread them, my thoughts staying on a specific conversation from before the fights.

Matthew 💗:
Hey babe, my mum called me earlier and told me she was flying me down to her house a day before your radio tour, so I'm going to have to rain check our date tonight.
11:34 am

Matty, that doesn't even make sense. Why would you have to rain check on our date tonight when our radio tour doesn't start for another three days?
Read 11:36 am

Matthew 💗:
I wanted to hang out with my friends a bit before I left. I'm sorry love, I really hate to do that to you.
11:38 am

Ugh whatever. You go have fun with your friends. At least I have my Jade.
Read 11:42 am

Matthew 💗:
Are you cheating on me with Jade? Are you a lesbian? Perrie you know you deserve better than her. I've seen how she manipulates you. No doubt she probably dates everything she sees. She's a slut.
11:45 am

I stopped reading it there, shutting off the phone and quickly setting it down on the table, my hand resting in my lap again just as Perrie came out from the bathroom. Perrie smiled at me, and I acted as if nothing happened, giving her a fake smile in return.

"Whatcha doin' baba?" She questioned, walking to the other side of the bed and laying down.

"Oh, nothing. I was just waiting for you." It wasn't technically a lie, but it wasn't the truth either. I hadn't just been waiting for her.

"Okay. So, I've been thinking lately, and I realized something."

"What did you realize Perrie?"

"I realized that Matthew is still a douchebag and never stopped being one. I stopped to think about it yesterday before I went to bed, and realized how horrible he is. The way he talks about you disgusts me, and I've looked through his Instagram. I know he only has one sister and never speaks to his cousins, so I know all the girls he's been hanging around with recently aren't either, despite what he says. Probably just desperate hookups." She replied causally.

"How has he talked about me?"

"Oh, he's said all kinds of things that quite made me want to rip off his junk so he could never have children. Honestly the way he talks about you makes me sick. He's called you a whore, slut, hoe, lesbian, you name an insult, he's said it. He once tried to convince me that you only wanted to be around me for sex. That's obviously a lie, because I know you better than I know almost anyone else. And multiple times, even though he knows I'm straight, he tried saying I was a lesbian or I was cheating on him with you. Like, I love you baba, but not like that."

A muffled sob left my mouth as she spoke, no longer being able to hide it.

"Perrie I read through your texts with Matthew on your phone. I'm so sorry." I admitted, embarrassed.

"It's fine Jade. I don't really care."

"You don't?" I asked, my saddened gaze lifting to meet hers.

"No, not at all. I was going to break up with him, actually. You reminded me. Can you hand me my phone?"

I grabbed her phone off the table and gently tossed it onto her stomach, laying back on her bed. I closed my eyes and listened to her phone's sounds, the clicking of her keyboard filling my ears. As she was furiously tapping her phone, I took the time to admire Perrie.

Her golden blonde hair shined in the light filtering in from the window, the gleam catching my eye each time she shifted her head. Her bright blue eyes light up with a blinding fury, her pupils dashing over her phone screen. Her skin had a natural glow in the bright light, making her seem angelic. She was beautiful.

She cocked her head to the side, as if implying she had asked me a question, which I had left unanswered.

"Jade, hello! I asked you a question." She said, therefore confirming my thoughts.

"Oh, I'm sorry, I didn't hear your question." I replied, ashamed that I had been off in la-la-land, daydreaming about Perrie.

"I asked you if you wanted to go out today, walk around the park or something. Radio tour isn't back on for a few days after we tell the girls." She explained, her hand gestures telling a separate story, all their own.

"Sure! I mean, I don't see why not." I exclaimed, giddy that I'd be able to hang out with Perrie once again.

"Okay, well, I guess now is as good a time as ever to tell the girls."

I agreed with her, and we walked out of her room, hand in hand. Our touch was like electricity shooting up my hand, dancing on my skin. A blush quickly heated my cheeks, but luckily, Perrie didn't seem to take notice. We walked out to the living room and sat on the sofa, my lips parting slightly at the mention of the girls. Out walks Leigh and Jesy, surprised to see us in good condition, and not at each other's throats.

"Hey girls, how are you?" I inquired, laying my head in the crook of Perrie's neck.

"We're uh, we're good. What's up with you two? You guys seem pretty cozy. Did you all get back together?" Leigh asked back.

Oh crap, the prank!

I looked at Perrie lovingly, hoping to god she'd play along with it.

"Why yes, yes we are. " Perrie calmly replied, resting her hand on my thigh. I shivered at the unknown touch, my body not prepared for it.

"That's great! I've been an undercover Jerrie shipper for a while now." Jesy said, chuckling.

"Wait, I've noticed we've never seen you guys kiss!" Leigh announced, my eyes going wide.

"We're taking things slow. No point in a relationship if everything's rushed." Perrie interjected, a gorgeous smile gracing her pink lips.

"Fair enough. Did you all have any plans?"

"We were going to go to a park in the middle of the city and walk around."

"Sounds fun. Hope you all have a good time. Jes and I were gonna go talk to the fans. We'll see you back in a few hours, alright?" Leigh said, grabbing Jesy's arm with a smile.

Perrie nodded, obviously happy they took it well, and we left. I gently swing our intwined hands back and forth, a large, happy grin in my face. The weather was fair, and mildly chilly, ensuring that we only needed sweaters. The warmth of the sweater and of Perrie rolled over my skin, suggesting that I was, in fact, enjoying my time. This same loving warmth was what heated my cheeks at that second, not the blisteringly cold, sheer gusts of wind blowing over London. It was also this same warmth that made me feel like someone loved me, not necessarily how I'd like for them to love me, but loved me nonetheless.

As we quickly neared the park, I couldn't help but reminisce on my past, remembering all the times my mam would bring me up to London over the summer, just so we could have a little break from the small town of Tyne and Wear, South Shields. She'd take me to sweets stores and buy me clothes before taking me to the parks surrounding our area. The sweet little smile never left my face.


"Mummy I want sweets!" I screeched, giggling loudly as mum swung my hand.

"Okay love, we'll be at the sweets store soon." She cooed, crouching down to stroke my hair.

"Mummy I don't wanna walk anymore." I groaned, my chubby feet aching.

Mum sighed as she lifted me up off the ground and perched me on her hip, my smile glowing with all its grandeur. I snuggled my head into her neck, my fat hands clasping around it. Mum carried me all the way to the sweets store, my body jiggling with each step. When we reached the building, mum sat me down on the ground, her hand finding mine.

The doorbell chimed overhead as we entered, my eyes filling with wonder at the sight of all the candy, one which I only got to enjoy in the summer. I skittered around the store, my grabby little hands reaching out for every candy I could reach, my arms soon overflowing with sweets.

"Now now, little Jade, you can choose five sweets." Mum cooed, her smile warming me.

"Okay mummy!" I cheered, plopping down on the ground to disperse my small armfuls of candy. I ended up getting various weird candies, the names of which I can't remember.

When we got to the park, I handed mum my sweets and dashed off, eager to play in the soft blades of grass.

~Flashback End~

I smiled happily at the memories, more flooding my head. When we actually arrived at the park, we sat down on a bench, to which I happily laid my head onto Perrie's shoulder. Her arm, which was now slung around my waist, tightened it's grip slightly, pulling my body into closer proximity with hers. I couldn't bear the heat dancing on my cheeks, so I took my sweater-covered hand and blocked my cheeks from view.

I could sit here like this, with you, for hours.


We had been sitting on that bench for a while yet, and I had instinctively wrapped both of my arms tightly around Perrie's waist, making it so that we were both holding the other close to ourselves. The body head radiated off of her, emitting into my skin.

The emotions bouncing around inside of me had begun to coil around one another, leaving them balled up in my gut, desperate to escape in a fleeting second through my opened mouth. They were threatening to explode from within, letting the whole world know of my feelings, which just could not happen. So many times I had been so close, too close, to saying how I felt. If I let even the slightest indication of my feelings slip from my lips, I'd be done for. I'd be hated, resented, shunned. No one would ever care about me again. I'd never be loved. I'd-

"Jade, are you alright? You don't look too good." Perrie pointed out, her gaze firm-set on my face.

"I-I'm fine, Perrie. I've just got a lot on my mind at the moment." I objected, my feeble gaze lingering on the couples scattered around the park.

"Are you sure? We can go back to the bus if you-"

"No! I said I'm fine!" I snapped. "Oh, I'm sorry, I'm just... Like I said, I've got a lot on my mind. I didn't mean to yell." I quickly apologized.

"Jade, I understand, and I don't blame you for a thing. A lot has been going on lately."

One of Perrie's arms left the embrace to stroke my hair, very effectively calming me down.

"Regardless though, Jade, I think we should head back. It's bound to get dark soon." Perrie said, helping me up and linking her fingers through mine, guiding me along the pavements to our bus. The concrete passed quickly underfoot, the bus entering my view. We sped up slightly, reaching the bus much faster than I expected. I hadn't noticed Perrie's rush to get back to the bus until just now, her hair windswept, a slightly crazed expression on her face.

We were now sitting inside my room, on my bed, conversing back and forth as I dug around my dresser.

"What had you so rushed, Perrie?" I asked, tossing clothes onto the bed.

"Uh, I uh, I just heard something on the way back." Perrie vaguely explained.

"What kind of something?"

"Just, just some news that wasn't very good, Jade."

"What was it about?" I pressed on.

"It-it was about you. I'd rather not talk about it, if you don't mind." Perrie stammered, her usually happy tone now completely gone, and replaced with a much more concerned one.

"Okay Perrie. I won't ask anymore, if it keeps you happy."


I just want to keep Jade safe. Why can't he understand that he didn't make me happy? There was absolutely no need for such vile, immature actions and threats.

I looked at Jade from behind, admiring her.

She was definitely a beautiful woman, I could give her that. She had a great body, despite how much she ate. I guess the same could be said for me, too. All in all, Jade was a beautiful person. We all were, everyone.

Still, I couldn't help but notice the one, little thought breaking its way through my head, pounding at my skull.

What did he want with Jade, and why?


Love. Love and the fear of rejection had been eating away at my soul, ripping and clawing at my heart, tearing it to shreds with each passing day. And at the rate I was going, it would be too late by the time I gathered the courage to talk to Perrie.

By this time, I was laying next to Perrie on my bed, just enjoying her presence, when she suddenly jumped up. Her blue eyes were as wide as saucers, her fair skin donning a new pallor. There were small, gleaming beads of sweat rolling down her face as she panted, her gaze slowly trailing down to her buzzing phone, the sound muffled by my blankets. She swiftly grabbed her phone and fled the room, the shocked expression not leaving her face, not even for a fleeting instant. As horrified and intrigued as I was, I knew better than to follow her, because I'd end up losing her again.

I just sat patiently in my room, waiting for Perrie, and hoping she'd return. She never did, and instead, it was Jesy who walked into my room at midnight, asking if I wanted her to sleep in here. I said yes, all too numb to the feeling of loneliness. She cuddled beside me, reminding me that apparently, Alan resumed the radio tour early, and we'd be continuing it early tomorrow. I laid in the bed, unfeeling, as if my body was waiting for a change. I'm fairly sure I didn't end up falling asleep until 4AM, meaning I only got 2 hours of sleep.


When I awoke, or was woken up, my limbs were weighed down, leaden, and I was unable to move. It was as if someone had put weights on each individual joint, keeping them in place for experimentation. I looked up to see who had awoken me, and none other than a frazzled Perrie stood over me, her eyes almost as wide as when I had last seen them.

"Jade, you need to get up. Adam has been screaming at me for the past half hour to wake you up. We are going to be late to our BBC Radio 1 interview!" Perrie grunted, yanking me out of the bed, to which my response was to collapse in a heap of numbed body parts on the ground. "Jade, what the h--- is wrong with you? Stand up!" Perrie screamed.

"P-Perrie, I can't move..." I whispered, tears welling up at the corner of my eyes.

Perrie just scoffed as she helped me up, throwing clothes at me. I get dressed on my own, Adam bursting into the room to do my makeup and hair. He finished getting me ready as I pulled on my top, yelling at me as I made a mad dash for the door. I sat down in my chair, spinning around from the sheer speed at which I collided with it, just before the interview started. The girls all glared at me, and there was no hiding the bags under my eyes.

"Hi, I'm Jesy,"

"Hi, I'm Leigh-Anne,"

"Hi, I'm Perrie,"

"And hi, I'm Jade,"

"And we are Little Mix on BBC Radio 1!"

"Welcome girls, it's nice to see you lot again. Anything new?" The interviewer, John, greeted, a big, toothy smile on his face.

"Well, Perrie is single now." I piped up, glancing at Perrie, who's face fell.

"And we're releasing our new album in a couple of weeks!" Jesy jumped in, lightening the mood.

"And we're headed off to America pretty soon." Leigh pointed out.

We are doing really good with this whole "pretend nothing happened and everything is okay" thing, something I've recently nicknamed "Operation: Pretend It's Okay".

"Okay, any lyrics you'd like to divulge from Get Weird?"

"You used to tell me that you loved me once, what happened, what happened." Leigh said, not bothering to emphasize.

"Interesting. What about these pictures that have been recently posted on social media?" He inquired, everyone's gaze meeting a projected image on the wall of me cuddling up to Perrie at the park yesterday. "What are these about?"

"Sh--!" Perrie cursed, her cheeks heating from the exposure. One hand quickly raised over her mouth, obviously embarrassed.

"F---ing h---!" I whispered, groaning into the microphone. "Are two best friends not allowed to cuddle up with each other on a cold park bench in the nipping wind? It was nothing more than that!" I almost yelled.

It felt like so much more to me.

Another picture flashed on the screen, this one of me gripping Perrie tightly, sitting on her lap.

"You two look pretty cozy here." John pointed out, a smug smirk on his face.

"We were watching a horror film and the lights flickered out, my first instinct being to clasp onto me roommate for dear life." I objected, my Geordie accent thickening with each word.

Perrie glanced over at me, a sympathetic smile on her lips.


If I hadn't released those photos, he could've seriously hurt Jade. I can't have him hurting my Jade. I love her entirely too much.

"I'm so sorry Jade." I mouthed, a sympathetic smile on my lips.

She nodded, but I couldn't tell what she was thinking. I returned my gaze to the interviewer, patiently awaiting our next question.


I've never been this confused in my entire life. I didn't understand Perrie.

I sat with my hands folded in my lap as the interviewer talked and Jesy and Leigh answered his questions.

"Girls, I have one more question I'd like to ask before you sing for us." John announced.

"Yeah, sure. Go on." I beckoned.

"Are any of your songs about anyone specific?"

"No, not at all." Perrie quickly replied before anyone else got the chance.

"Alright, what were you going to sing for us?"

Sha la la la ooh
Sha la la la

He might got the biggest ca-a-ar,
Don't mean he can drive me wild,
Or he can go for miles.
Say he got a lot of ca-a-ash,
Darling he can't buy my love, it's you I'm dreaming of.

They try to romance me,
but you've got that nasty,
And that's what I want.
So baby baby, come and save me,

Don't need those other numbers when I got my number one!

Last night I lay in bed so blue, cos I realized the truth,
They can't love me like you...

"Excellent girls, excellent. Did you all have anything else planned, or was that all?" He asked, smiling.

"We had one more song to sing. An old classic, if you will." I spoke up, winking at the other girls.

Mama told me not to waste my life,
She said spread your wings my little butterfly.
Don't let what they say,
Keep you up at night, and if they give you SHH...
Then they can walk on by.

Feet, feet can't touch the ground,
And I don't hear a sound,
But you just keep on running up your mouth, yeah.

Walk, walk on over there,
Cos I'm too fly to care,
Oh yeah.

Your words don't mean a thing, I'm not listening,
Keep talking all I know is

Mama told me not to waste my life,
She said spread your wings my little butterfly,
Don't let what they say keep you up at night,
And they can't detain you,
Cos wings are made to fly...

We stopped singing with large grins on our faces, all of us breathing heavily. We smiled at the host as we left, headed straight for the bus. I went to link my hand with Perrie's like I usually do, but she jerked away from me at the last second. I furrowed my eyebrows in confusion, unable to explain why she would do that.

I frowned as we walked back to the bus, my mind taking over my free will.

Perrie doesn't like you anymore. You screwed up. You have no one.

I sulked around the bus until our next interview, for which I regained my happy-go-lucky personality. I smiled and answered all the questions happily, my fake smile not faltering for a second.

I sang gleefully, acting as if there wasn't a thing wrong with me, when in reality, I was a shattered, broken girl. I was in pieces on the floor, not a single fragment containing a sense of happiness, a sense of love.

I felt like my heart stopped beating, like my brain wouldn't work properly without Perrie.


The look of hurt on Jade's face when I jerked my hand away from hers put me in an indescribable amount of pain.

I didn't want to push Jade away again, but I know if I didn't do it, he'd hurt her, and that means more to me. I had to protect Jade at all costs, even if it meant losing her.

The pain in Jade's wavering voice as she sang broke my heart, even if no one else heard the pain, I did. Jade didn't deserve this pain, but I was the one putting her through it.

I'm an absolutely terrible best friend. Jade deserves someone much better than me. I blinked away the tears that were beginning to form at the corners of my eyes, just more indications of the overbearing guilt I felt weighing down my chest. I had been so mean to her recently. Why did she still want to be my friend? Why did she even want to be around me?


I sat in my room, staring at my wall, completely silent.

I felt rejected, alone, forgotten. I had never felt this numb before. Not even when my mam told me that it was okay for me to not see her often. Not even when my mam helped me buy a flat all my own. Not even when I was completely alone in my first flat. There was never a time when I was this numb. My limbs felt heavy and stiff, and I could barely move my head. Every once in a while, I'd let out a stifled whimper, alluding to my pain.

Eventually, I fell backward onto my bed. As I fell, my head forcefully struck the wooden headboard, my first instinct to scream out in pain and grip my head tightly. Jesy came running in, panic-stricken.

"Jade! What happened?! What's wrong?!" She freaked out, cradling me in her arms.

I tried to speak, only sputtering and coughing up a little amount of blood.

"Oh my god. PERRIE! LEIGH-ANNE! COME QUICK, JADE'S HURT!" Jesy screamed, the girls running into my room as fast as possible.

"Wh-hat happened?" Perrie coughed, followed closely by Leigh-Anne.

"Jade screamed, and when I got here, she was gripping her head. She coughed up blood when I asked her what happened." Jesy exclaimed, her big eyes full of worry.

"Oh." Perrie managed to say, averting her gaze from me.

Leigh scowled at Perrie and helped Jesy nurse my head and wrap it with gauze from our first-aid kit. Leigh had Jesy carry me to her room, and she laid me down on her bed, tea and water on the table already. Leigh laid down next to me, holding me close, a low groan escaping my lips.

"What?" Leigh questioned quickly.

"It hurts.." I choked out, coughing.

"I'm sorry." She stammered.

"It's alright..." I slurred, suddenly very dizzy.

"Jade... Are you alright?" Someone whispered, their voice sounding far away.

My eyes fluttered shut, drifting off until I fell unconscious.


"Jade! Babe how are you?" The woman said to me, her arms outstretched and offering a warm, inviting hug.

She was clad in a white shoulderless crop top and high-waisted denim shorts, her feet in sandals.

"Who are you?" I asked, accepting the hug hesitantly.

"Oh, silly, I'm your girlfriend!" She giggled.

"Umm... Who?"

"My name is Perrie." She greeted, a heavenly smile on her soft, pale face.

"Perrie? I've heard that name before." I said, swallowing.

"Of course you have. We've been dating for a few months now."

I smiled up at her, a warm blush spreading feverishly across my tanned cheeks, Perrie's close proximity to me making my knees shake. She smirked at me before pushing me against a wall I hadn't seen before.

"W-what are you doing?" I asked quietly.

"What? Oh, sorry." She giggled again. "I got a bit ahead of myself, didn't I?" She flipped her soft, blonde locks behind her as she walked away, motioning for me to follow. I reluctantly did so, not quite sure what was going on.

She lead me to a beautiful, large flowering cherry tree and sat beneath it a warm smile overtaking her features.

"Sit, Jade. I don't bite. Hard." She joked.

I tentatively sat beside her, laying my head softly on her shoulder, the feeling of the warm exposed skin sending a shockwave through my body, similar to an igniting flame. She laid her head atop mine, one arm snaking around my waist. The other lay limp at her side. Her exposed thigh brushed against mine, sending another shockwave of heat through my body.

I gazed deeply into her shimmering blue eyes, the rest of the world seemingly slowing to a stop as I started to lean in. My lips captured hers in a soft kiss and...

"Jade wake up! Please..." Perrie jerked back and said to me, practically screaming in my ears.


I shot up, my head immediately surging into an immeasurable amount of pain.

"Ohhh..." I groaned, holding my head.

"Thank god you're awake! I was starting to get worried." Leigh said, sighing in relief.

"What happened?"

"I'm not entirely sure. Jesy said you screamed and when she ran in and asked you what happened, you were holding your head, and instead of talking, you coughed up blood."

"Oh... I hit my head on my bed board." I remembered, speaking aloud.

Leigh said nothing, just climbed into the bed next to me and held me close to her until she fell asleep.

I couldn't sleep. All I could think about was that dream I had.

The one where I kissed Perrie.


Guys please comment if you find something interesting or you have a question or idea. I love comments. <3

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125K 4.2K 27
"Then teach me miss Thirlwall"
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A love starting and other ones ending. After a breakup, death, and baby will Jerrie have their happy ending?
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Perrie Edwards is living with the weight of guilt on her shoulders. She blames herself for her family dying and because of that guilt she's given up...
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Do you know what it feels like to be dead? Do you know what it feels like to leave someone you love? Do you know what it feels like living in your ow...