Love Changes (Dramione)

By cupcxkebrxd

2.6M 61.8K 40.6K

All Hermione wanted to do was to return to Hogwarts and finish her education with a bang as Head Girl. After... More

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20.6K 569 517
By cupcxkebrxd

Viktor was given very specific instructions by Harry and Ron—find Hermione and get her to eat. If they were being real, Viktor didn't need to do much finding. They all knew where Hermione has been cooped up in these days, to the point of skipping classes— the library.

He found her at the very back of the Restricted section, nose deep into a parchment she was scribbling on with her Eagle quill and ink-stained hands.

They hadn't seen her since last night.

"Hey, you." Viktor grinned, sitting across her like he wasn't worried about how she was doing at all. Ever since the little mishap on the Quidditch pitch, she'd retreated further into her bubble in the library, determined to find a way to counter the spell and strategize for the battle at the same time.

They'd heard from McGonagall how Hermione had ran up to her office in the dead of the night, with several rolls of parchments filled with plans for the attack. The school population's safety had been ensured since then.

"Hey." She greeted, not looking up from what she was copying on the scroll. Viktor sighed and gently grabbed her wrist to stop her from writing "I came here to check on you." He said.

Out of all of them, he was the only one who didn't have N.E.W.T. level classes to attend. As much as the others wanted to drag Hermione to the kitchens for a meal themselves, they were falling behind on their classes. The only reason Hermione isn't is because, somehow, she'd managed to stay two weeks ahead on their lessons.

"You've seen me." Hermione looked up "I'm fine, Viktor."

"You are not fine." Viktor sighed "You're on overdrive, Hermione. You're severely overworked. One more day of this and you'll be stuck in the hospital wing for a week."

"I'm fine." Hermione insisted, returning to her scribbling. Viktor peeked at what she was writing, a little surprised "Those...are defensive and offensive spells."

Hermione sighed, dropping her quill. She leaned back, closing her eyes in a mixture of frustration and exhaustion, rubbing them with the back of her hands "The students need to be trained. I've had this plan for a while to have the DA reassemble for extra DADA lessons once again." She said quietly "We need a way to defend ourselves. Nobody must be left helpless."

"And the curse? On Malfoy?"

"I gave up on that yesterday."

Her voice was small, a little guilty but mostly hurt. She opened her eyes to reveal soft dark caramel pools filled with pain and defeat. "I tried." She whispered "New magic is very hard to deal with. Theo's right. The only one that can make a counter-curse is his father, but with Rodolphus breathing down their necks... I can't possibly be selfish enough to risk other people's lives for my own."

Viktor pursed his lips in pity, noting how she just called Draco her 'life'. If it were Astoria in Draco's position, Viktor would be just as much of a mess as Hermione is right now. He was sure of it.

He scanned Hermione's face, not saying anything. He noted the frown lines that had begun to form in the last two weeks of agony, as well as the sunken eyes and cheekbones from the lack of meals and sleep she'd gotten. It pained him to see her like this. "How much have you planned for the attack?" He asked quietly

"I've rearranged the schedule of the final examinations with McGonagall, so that everyone will have gone through them before the estimated D-day. All students underaged will be sent home as soon as they finish all their requirements." Hermione laced her fingers together to keep them from shaking, a consequence of the war that she thought was gone until it returned after Draco's conversion. "Those of age, as well as those willing to fight will be given the chance to stay. That's what the extra DADA lessons with the DA will be for. I've yet to figure out how to keep this under wraps from...Draco and Goyle, otherwise it'll reach Rodolphus that we're preparing."

Viktor nodded "Not much to do for that, then?"

Hermione shook her head "No. I've also made a comprehensive schedule of lessons and list of spells to brush up on. All that's left is to execute the plans."

"So you managed to pass all your requirements for the next two weeks and plan this, all in a span of... Five days?" Viktor raised a brow "Impressive."

That made Hermione crack a smile "Thank you."

"Since there's nothing much to do but decide how to execute it and which students will be in charge of the specific lessons, why don't you leave that up to us, hmm?" Viktor stood up, walking over to her side to take her hand, tugging at it lightly "Leave the rest up to us so you have more time to focus on trying to get your beau back."


"You also need to eat. I promised Harry and Ron I'd get you to eat even if it's just a single banana." Viktor raised his brows at her "Do you want them to kill me if when they find out I went back on my promise?"

"No, but—"

"Alright, then, Let's go." Viktor grinned triumphantly and dragged her out of the library, with several students looking at them as Hermione let out a trail of whispered protests.

"I really don't wanna go to the Great Hall." Hermione whined as they exited the library, all her belongings left behind. "He might be there."

Viktor paused "The common room, then. Besides, you need a wash."

Hermione scowled at him "Are you telling me I stink?"

Viktor barked a laugh "No, look—" he showed his hand that grabbed hers, ink smeared all over it "You have ink all over yourself. If you don't get rid of it now, it might stain for a week."

Hermione sighed "Alright, the common room." She conceded "Don't you have lessons with McGonagall?"

"You're not her only star pupil." Viktor smirked "I submitted my work for next week yesterday. I'm free until after the Masquerade Ball."

Hermione frowned "Right, the ball. We're still doing that."

"Mhmm. Celine and Pansy asked for my help transfiguring the masks since I've no work left to do." Viktor shrugged as they reached the seventh floor

"I don't know how to feel about having a ball in this uncertain time."

"It isn't really for mingling or social reasons." Viktor shook his head "The two girls made sure that its focus will really be honoring the dead. Just think of it as a 'good job for surviving the war' ball."

"Yeah, good job for surviving the war now here's another one." Hermione muttered cynically as Dumbledore's portrait emerged

"This will not turn into another war, Hermione. Don't fret." The old headmaster smiled "Password?"

"I hate promises." Hermione sighed "Buckbeak."

Dumbledore said nothing as he let the pair in their common room, with Viktor waving his wand to get through Theo's extra protective enchantments.

"You should go wash up while I prepare the food." Viktor gave her a friendly smile, a little excited to be cooking.

Hermione let out a soft laugh before nodding, leaving for the lonely bedroom she'd been avoiding for a week.


"You're not losing your mind." Draco whispered to himself "You're not mad. Not at all." He growled, hands tugging at his blond locks in frustration.

His hands curled into fists as he paced the Slytherin dorm he'd stolen from a bunch of fourth years. He'd already managed to break the mirror at the corner of the room, his fists still bleeding from the impact.

It was only the pain from his split skin that kept him from banging his head against the wall. He felt like ripping himself apart.

His mind, his chest, his emotions didn't feel like they were his. The nagging feeling has gotten stronger since the altercation with Granger on the Quidditch pitch. Draco could no longer ignore the fact that it felt like he had two fucking souls inside of him, trying to tear each other apart.

'Remember who you are.' His own voice seemed to whisper

"Shut the fuck up." Draco growled, his fist connecting with the mirror once more. "Fuck!" He yelled, the shattered glass digging deeper into his skin.

"Fine. I'll remember who the fuck I am." He muttered under his breath, grabbing his wand from the four-poster bed and storming out of the room. Theo, who had been reading in the Slytherin common room, looked up at him with a bored expression "Punched the mirror again, did you?"

"Shut up and get up, Nott. We have work to do." Draco snapped.

Rodolphus had been specific.

Find the stone, get it and resurrect auntie Bella before their attack on the last day of school. What for?

Revenge, of course.

The Death Eaters had been horribly embarrassed and humiliated about what went down during the war. Whilst there was still a little momentum, what with the war only ending almost a year ago, they wanted to do it now.

Draco's directives were, if he couldn't get the stone in time for the attack, then he must cause as much chaos in the castle— particularly in Harry Potter's group of friends, and rattle them so much they'd have their guards down by the time of the attack.

"Work?" Theo narrowed his eyes, shutting the book he had been reading. Something about memory charms.

"I have the common room's password." Draco smirked.

The statement made Theo freeze, his blue eyes surprised "What? How?"

"A little concealment charm in the middle of the night." Draco shrugged, toying with his wand in one hand "Caught Weasley on his way back from rounds."

Theo cursed inwardly, reminding himself to shoot Ron a little hex later. He had one job. "Alright, let's find this bloody stone then."

Draco smirked and led the way, spirits high at the fact that he's getting on with the plan really well. In the last two weeks, he'd managed the drive a wedge in the entire school population. There'd been more silent classrooms, cautious and fearful stares from professors, as well as tension within Harry Potter's group of friends.

He'd heard how Blaise and Pansy couldn't agree on whether his 'true' self will return, whatever the fuck that meant. Ron Weasley had become extra protective of his sister whenever Draco was around, which made the other Slytherins in their friend group a little upset.

He wanted more— more drama, more tension. He wanted to exceeded Rodolphus' expectations, regardless of the stupid nagging feeling in his chest and the dual personality he'd seemed to acquire. That should be a fun way to kill the time waiting for their Felix Felicis potion for finals to finish.

One drop of that and the entire castle will be wrecked the first minute his Death Eater friends arrive.

For now, he needed to scour that bloody common room he'd been avoiding like the plague for the stone. Hazy memories, ones that didn't feel like were his, told him that this was something he—the weak version of him— spoke about with their friends.

If the stone wasn't in the common room, why else would these idiots still be here guarding it?

'Stop it. Turn around.' His own voice seemed to tell him once again. "Shut the bloody hell up!" He roared

Theo, who had been walking behind him, raised a brow "You alright there, mate?"

"Yeah. Shut up." Draco muttered before climbing the last flight of stairs.

The headmaster he'd been assigned to kill two years ago looked surprised to see him "I can't let you in without the password, mister Malfoy."

"Easy. Buckbeak." Draco snapped. He hated the fact that these low lives chose a password they knew would irritate the living hell out of him.

Dumbledore looked conflicted, but he was only a portrait and had not much will of his own. The portrait swung open, letting Draco and Theo in.

Viktor Krum, who was in an apron, looked up with a surprised expression "What are you doing here? How did you get in?"

"Are you the only one here, blood traitor?" Draco smirked, easily going through the protective enchantments.

Theo frowned behind him. They'd been underestimating this Draco far too much. The fact that he'd been able to cunningly find a way to get the password without letting either Goyle or him know proves that he has more up his sleeve.

They needed to find a way to get lose the Draco fast.

"Why does it matter? You shouldn't be here." Viktor snapped, his hand around his wand, but Draco disarmed and stunned the Durmstrang boy with one flick of his wrist.

"Nice." Was all Theo could say, before sneaking a glance to see if Viktor hit his head wrong.

"My hazy memory tells me you littered this place with your protective enchantments, so you take this." Draco directed "I'll check upstairs."

Theo gave a nod, praying to Merlin nobody else was home.

Up in the bathroom, Hermione stepped out of the shower, drying herself with her towel. She'd lost count of the number of times she sighed as she washed off the ink stains, feeling her heart strain at the thought of what she was doing to get them.

She'd really been doing her best to find a way to bring back the Draco she loved, but she's at a loss. She barely knew where to start.

At least during the Horcrux hunt, Harry had already been introduced to it and Dumbledore left them clues but this?

She didn't know anything.

With another sigh, she slipped into her underwear and a comfortable bra, knowing she wont be returning to this room again tonight.

When she exited the bathroom, a familiar voice caused her to freeze "So, I see this is where we slept."

She looked up, finding Draco at the edge of their bed, looking at her bare skin. She didn't know why she felt shy under his gaze, he'd seen her in so much less before.

It was probably because it wasn't that Draco.

This Draco was different.

This was dangerous.

Hermione glared at him "What are you doing here? How did you get inside?"

"Blame your idiot of a best friend for not double-checking his surroundings before muttering the password." Draco smirked

"What are you doing here?" Hermione repeated

"Oh don't worry, love, I'm not here for your filthy blood. At least not yet." Draco grinned wickedly "I'm looking for the stone. Care to point me in its direction?"

"Over my dead body."

"Soon. Don't worry." Draco smirked before turning "I see I won't find anything here. I'll leave you to your devices."

Hermione wasn't sure what made her do it. Maybe it was the desperation? The yearning to feel his skin on hers once again? The irrational hope that he'd miraculously turn back to who he once was?

But her arms wrapped around his torso from behind, tears spilling from her eyes. "Draco, please." She whispered, her voice shaking.

Hermione didn't know what was real anymore. Everything felt like a scene out of a really bad movie or something part of a horrible joke. She didn't know if this Draco was real, if his words and the way he treated her were real. She wasn't sure whether the attack was really real, or if even Theo is really on their side.

All she knew was that she loved him, with every fiber of her being, and she desperately missed the tenderness of his touch and the softness of his voice telling her he loved her.

She missed Draco.

But it seemed that he, whoever he is now, did not feel the same. He'd froze, the same nagging feeling growing in his chest, the minute Hermione's arms wrapped around him. Before he can let the other side of him win, he clenched his jaw and spun so quick, shoving Hermione against the closet at the side.

She winced at the impact, the scar on her back tingling at the faintest reminder of pain.

Draco's hand gripped her neck, squeezing ever so slightly as his dark eyes bore into hers "Don't you ever—" he whispered, lips barely touching hers "I mean ever, touch me again." He said, his silver pools hard and angry as words left his lips. He could faintly make out the fresh scent of magnolias on Hermione's skin, her pink lips slightly open to let out small anxious puffs of breath.

She wanted to lean, she really did.

He was so close.

Regardless of the fact that his eyes were livid with anger and his strong hand was choking her, she wanted to kiss him.

But what he said next broke her heart.

"If you touch me again, I will kill you. Do you hear me?" He said lowly, his minty breath tickling her cheek "I fucking hate you, Granger. I hate every part of you, deep down I always have. Your entire being, your hair, your eyes, your face, disgusts me, and this is the real me talking. That whole thing with you was just a way for me to get my reputation back. Now that I have, I no longer have any use for your filthy blood. So, don't ever fucking touch me again."

He didn't waste another breath and turned on his heel, leaving Hermione shaking against the closet doors.

Ginny found her there on the floor half an hour later, still shaking with tears "Oh, love." Ginny whispered, wrapping her arms around her best friend "It's going to be okay."

"He knew—He knew exactly what to say to—" Hermione sobbed into Ginny's chest "I don't know what to do anymore, Gin."

"Hush, I know. We'll figure it out." Ginny rubbed her bag soothingly "We always do."

Harry came running into the room, breathless "Krum was stunned, Pansy's fixing him right now. How the hell—"

"Get out, Harry. I've got this." Ginny shook her head

They shared a look, something Hermione envied because she and Draco used to get each other with just one look too, before Harry gave a brief nod and walked away.

"Let's get you into clothes, okay? You'll catch a cold like this." Ginny said quietly, gently bringing Hermione up to sit on the bed instead. She walked away, hands clenched at her sides. It was the only way she could stop herself from going after Evil Draco and torturing him right there and then.

Knowing Hermione won't be attending class anyway, Ginny retrieved a pair of jeans and a shirt for her from the closet "Here, warm up."

Hermione didn't register the clothes in her hands until Ginny squeezed her shoulder. The youngest Weasley carefully helped her into them, patiently waiting until Hermione adjusted into the clothes. "Viktor?" Hermione sniffled

"Should be fine now that Pansy fixed him. Let's come down?"

Hermione could only nod, swatting away the stray tears. So much for 'no more crying'.

Downstairs, their friends sat around the table, where Kreacher was setting down plates of snacks save for one plate filled with an entire three-course meal, no doubt for Hermione.

"Hey, you okay?" Viktor asked Hermione worriedly, Astoria pressing ice against his head

"You?" Hermione nodded

"Good as new." He managed a smile

"So, anyone care to tell me how the hell he got in here?" Pansy snapped "These past few days have been extra exhausting looking behind our backs! I didn't whisper the password like a stupid—"

"He heard Ron say it." Hermione sighed "I have no idea when."

"Weasley, get your arse over here so I can beat you." Pansy growled

"Hey! When the hell did I...." Ron's eyes widened with realization "It must've been after prefect rounds the other night."

"Why you're a prefect in the first place, I will never understand." Blaise muttered under his breath "So we're toast. He knows the password."

"Dumbass, we can just change it again." Celine rolled her eyes

"We have to camp out here, make sure he doesn't get in again." Harry said

Hermione stared at the food in front of her, not feeling an appetite at all as she drowned the voices of her friends out.

She really was too exhausted.

"I'll be back." Hermione said quietly, standing up "I can't do this right now." She shook her head, storming out of the room as she tried to ignore the pain in her chest.

Hermione didn't realize where her feet were taking her until she reached the courtyard, summoning the broom she got Draco for Christmas. She needed to breathe, she needed air, and there was no better place to get that than her and Theodore's tower.

She hated flying, but that didn't mean she couldn't ride a broom. Hermione flew up, zooming up the castle in a dangerously high speed, and reached the small platform in a couple of seconds.

The minute her feet touched the ground, she fell on her knees with a dry sob. It seems she'd run out of tears to cry.

She heaved a dry cry, hand pressed against her chest, knowing well that it wont do anything to relieve her of the pain.

How did they end up here?

What have they done wrong?

Why now?

She looked at her bare left hand, at the finger where the Malfoy ring once sat. They were going to get married. They loved each other.

Now she had to go out and treat him like the enemy.

Like someone who wanted her dead.

It all feels like a dream, a weird alternate reality.

She kept coughing up sobs, heaving large breaths, until a pair of strong arms wrapped around her.

Hermione instantly knew whose they were.

"Theo." She hiccuped, shaking against his chest. "Hush." He whispered against the wind "I knew I'd find you here the minute they told me you left."

Hermione let out another sob, wrapping her arms around him, finding his presence immensely comforting. This one, this right here was real. This was her Teddy.

"What did he say to you?" Theo asked gently "He was seething when we—"

Hermione shook her head against his chest "That wasn't the Draco we love. True or not true?"

Theo pursed his lips "True." He answered "That's not the Draco we love." He affirmed

Hermione hugged him tighter "We can get him back. True or not true?"

Theo didn't know what to say. Even he didn't know the answer to that, and he didn't want to give Hermione anymore false hope. She'd been hurt far too much by the promises and plans that he made.

"True or not true?" She urged

"True." He whispered, it it's the last thing he does, he will make sure Draco and Hermione find their way back to each other again. He will fix his mess. Even if it's the last thing he does.

"You're on our side." Hermione whispered, feeling her grasp on reality slowly returning "True or not true?"

Theo pulled back slightly, looking at the saddest pair of hazel eyes he's ever seen his whole life and whispered, a soft sound against the whistle of the winds "True. Until the end, Hermione." He said quietly.

"Okay." Hermione steadied herself in his arms, pressing her cheek against his chest "Okay." She whispered

Theo squeezed her tightly, his own eyes screwing shut as he breathed deeply.

With one look at the sky, he promised 'We're killing them all. We're going to be happy again. We're going to end this, even if it's the last thing I do.'


2014-2016 rr's, aka the ones who have read the original version, the Masquerade Ball is coming :) you know what that means.

To my new readers, fun starts in a chapter or two? You'll know when you see the title.

It's nearly 2021! Have you got your resolutions down?

p.s. how do you not fall for a cute guy? asking for a friend.

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