Finally With You Again (Nalu)

By anime-hell

82K 1.8K 1.1K

Natsu and Lucy were best friends when they were younger. But something happened. Lucy started drifting away f... More

Chapter One- Lucy Heartfilia
Chapter two- Natsu!?
Chapter three- Old friends and Smoke
Chapter four-School
Chapter five- Necklace?
Chapter six- Today is that day!
Chapter seven- I'm a secret ninja
Chapter eight- Video Games? Video Games.
Chapter nine- How 'bout that dance?
Chapter ten- Mysterious letters and blood
Chapter eleven- I buy a dress
Chapter twelve- Cheesy
Chapter thirteen- Cars, cake, and cats
Chapter fourteen-Popular?
Chapter fifteen- Winner
Chapter sixteen- Is it true?
Chapter seventeen- Mira's visit
Chapter eighteen- Thanksgiving
Chapter nineteen- Operation: Make Gajeel happy
Chapter twenty- Mom and Dad
Chapter twenty one- Where is everyone?
Chapter twenty two-At a party
Chapter twenty three- I love you
Chapter twenty four- Happy Birthday, Lucy
Chapter twenty five- Who was she?
Chapter twenty six- I trusted her
Chapter twenty eight-Fires and Goodbyes
Untitled Part 29- Natsu's decision
Chapter thirty-Surprise
Chapter thirty one- A Christmas to remember
Chapter thirty two- Perfect Balance
Chapter thirty three- Dinner
Chapter thirty four- Igneel
Chapter thirty five- I do
Chapter thirty six- The resort
Chapter thirty seven- New People
Chapter thirty eight- My surprise
Chapter thirty nine- Surprise!
Chapter forty- You'll have to wait
Chapter forty one- Happy Birthday
Hey guys!

Chapter twenty seven-Merry Christmas, Lucy

1.3K 41 27
By anime-hell

Natsu's pov

Lucy has been avoiding me still, and I want to know why. At night I can't sleep because I'm thinking about her, and during class I find myself looking at her. She hasn't looked good at all lately either. I mean, when you first look at her, you'd think she hasn't slept in a year. I was worried about her, but I couldn't even get her to look at me. 


The teacher's voice shook me from my thoughts, making me jump. 

   "And what were we day dreaming about?"


   "Well nothing is not as important than the lesson. Pay attention."

   "Yea, whatever."

I mumbled, so I was probably the only one who heard that. The bell eventually rang, and I ran out of the classroom, trying to find Lucy. All I want is to talk to her. People continued to step out in front of me, making me have to move from one side of the hallway, to another. Just as I ran past the gym, I seen a flash of blonde walk past me. The hallway was clearing up, making it easier for me to see. 


I seen her body tense up, and she continued to walk. 

   "Lucy! Please!"

   "Not now, Natsu."

   "Then when?"

   "I don't know!"

I grabbed her hand, and pulled her back to me. 

   "Fine. We don't have to talk right now. Meet me out in the courtyard at six."

Lucy's pov

Natsu let go of my hand, and I stood there, staring as he walked away. What makes him think I was even going to show up!? I mean...I am...but still! I grunted and walked to the classroom to eat. 


   "Juvia has somewhere she has to go! Juvia'll see you later!"

She ran out of the house, and again left me alone. I looked at the clock. It was only five. Letting out a sigh, I decided to make hot chocolate and sit on the porch. The steam warmed my face as I looked at the blanket of snow outside. As the snow fell, my eyes shifted when I seen a bush move. Out jumped a deer, who quietly walked through the grass. My body was still, and the deer inched closer and closer until it was right next to me. I slowly reached my hand out, and ran my fingers up and down its back. we sat like that for a while until she eventually laid down. 

   "You lonely too, huh?"

She moved her head to look at me, and I smiled. 

   "Why aren't you someplace warm?"

I traced my finger around the few spots she had on her back. 

   "I'll be right back."

Getting up from my seat, I ran inside real quick, and into the kitchen. Grabbing a handful of peanuts, I looked at the clock. I had been outside for a half hour already.  When I stepped outside, I seen her laying in the same spot. She looked up at me as I shut the door. 

   "I got you a snack."

Getting up onto her legs, she sniffed my hand, and I let out a giggle. Holding my hand out, I let her eat all of them. When she finished, a smile curled on my lips. 


She rubbed her head against my arm, and she started reminding me of a pet dog. Maybe even a cat. 

   "I think I'll name you...Peanut. You seem to like them a lot."

She walked up on the stairs, and laid down next to me. I took my blanket off from around my shoulders, and placed it over her back. 

   "I bet you're pretty cold."

The wind blew, and chills went down my spine. 

   "We uhh...we can share this, right?"

Grabbing one end of the blanket again, I wrapped it around my arms, making sure she still had some over her. I laid down, and used her back as a pillow. Its funny, I never thought I would get this close to a deer, let alone lay on one. My eyes slowly shut, and I listened to the sounds around me. I felt her move, and I sat up. 

   "Leaving already?"

Peanut gave me one last look before running back into the woods. Giving her one last smile, I stood up and walked inside.

   "Guess I should go,too."

Throwing on my sweatshirt, I ran out to the car, and drove to the school. As I pulled into the parking lot, there weren't any other cars here. Quickly jogging around the building, I seen someone sitting alone at a table. It must be Natsu. 

   "So, how did you know I would even show up?"

He turned around, and gave me a small smile. I miss seeing that smile everyday. 

   "Guess I just trusted that you would."

   "I see. So, what did you want to talk about?"

I noticed he had a small smudge of blue paint on his face, but I ignored it. 

   "Why are you avoiding me, Luce? I try talking to you, and you just walk away. I can't even get you to look at me anymore. Was it something I did? I'll try and fix it if you just tell me."

I felt my heart sink to the pit of my stomach.

   "Natsu, you haven't done anything."

   "Then why? Do you not like me anymore?"

   "Its not that I don't like you."

   "Then what!?"


He walked over to me, and placed his hand on my face. His face was getting closer and closer until the gap was closed. I felt his warm lips on mine, but I just couldn't. Pushing him off of me, I turned around, and faced the school. 

    "Lucy! Why!? I'm trying everything here!"

I only had one idea to get him to stop, but it was the idea I never wanted to use. Taking a deep breath, I faced him again. 

   "I don't love you. I want you to leave me alone from now on. Don't talk to me when you see me in hallways, and unless we have to work together in class, don't talk to me there either. I won't be talking to you guys anymore, and as soon as I find my own apartment, none of you will hear from me again. That's just how things are, Natsu. I'm sorry if you can't accept that."

I seen his expression sink into sadness, and I couldn't take it anymore. Trying my best not let him see me sad, I started walking away.


   "What is it?"

   "Did you ever really love me?"

I paused, but decided on my answer.


I left him standing there as I got into my car, and drove off. As I was driving, I could feel tears running down my face, but I didn't care. Its not like I could stop them. Once I got back to Juvia's, I was happy to see she wasn't home yet. Running up the stairs and to my room, my body fell on my bed, and curled into a ball. Grabbed my head, I let out small sobs until I drifted off to sleep. 


Its two days until Christmas, and I didn't want it to come. The dance was last night, but I didn't even bother going. What was the point? Juvia had come home with Gray, a big smile on her face. As soon as they went into her bedroom, I took that as a signal they wanted privacy, so I left. I decided to go to the store, and look around. It had to have been hours since I left Juvia there, and who would I see other than Erza, Natsu, and everyone else. Quickly running into the other aisle before they seen me, I decided it was time to head home. Once I did, the house was completely silent, so I went to bed. Juvia was gone again today too, so I was alone. 

   "So boooorrreeeddd."

A groan slipped out of my mouth as I hung the upper half of my body over the chair. 

   "Why is it so borinnnnggg!?"

Before I knew what I was doing, I found myself singing. 

   "I'm so bored, someone save me before I die from boredom. That tree is probably having more fun than MEEeeeEEeeee!~"

Groaning again, I grabbed my laptop, and started looking around on different websites. I realized I was looking at Natsu's page, so I slammed the top shut, and put it on the couch. 

   "What to do, what to do, what to do on this boring ass day~"

I walked into the kitchen, grabbed some chips and a pop, and sat back down in front of the TV. After an hour of searching, I threw the remote on the ground.

   "I can't even find a damn show to watch! Whatever, I'm going to bed."


   "Lucy. Lucy, get up!"

I opened my eyes, and seen Juvia hovering over me. 

   "Juvia noticed you have pop spilt all over you."

Looking down, I seen my shirt was soaked, the pop bottle laying on the floor. 


   "Its okay. Juvia needs you to change though, so get dressed."


   "Its a surprise."

   "Juvia, I really-"

   "Don't you Juvia, Juvia! Now get dressed!"


Changing into a long sleeve shirt, and a new pair of leggings, I ran downstairs, and seen Juvia waiting at the door. 

   "Good. Juvia was tired of waiting."

She led me out the door and into her car. After ten minutes of driving, I couldn't wait anymore. 

   "Please tell me where we're going."

   "Juvia cannot! Its a surprise."

After another five minutes of driving, we pulled into the parking lot where my old apartment used to be. 

   "Why are we here?"

   "Just follow Juvia."

Not questioning her, she led me to my old apartment door. I found it strange the door didn't have any burn marks on it, but brushed it off as she opened the door. Everyone jumped out as soon as the light turned on. 

   "Merry Christmas, Lucy!"

My mouth dropped open in shock as I looked at the apartment. The walls were repainted, I had new furniture, and there was new carpet. 

   "When did you guys...?"

   "We've worked on it for the past few weeks. After talking to the man who owns these apartments, he thought it was a great idea, and even pitched in some money to help. Oh, but you haven't even seen the best part!"

Erza dragged me to my old room, and turned the light on.

   "You like it?"

My room was twice as big as before, had purple and pink walls, and was completely furnished. There was a platform that had a bed on it, with completely new blankets and pillows, which were also purple and pink. There was an indent in the wall, which had a table and a mirror, with tons of hair stuff on it. The carpets were black and white fuzz that stuck out of the floor, and my light was a small chandelier. 

   "How did you guys do all of this!?"

   "It took a lot of work, but once we got it done, it was all worth it."

   "And how is my room bigger?"

   "Well I guess the fire did some damage to that wall, and your old neighbors moved out. We just expanded the apartment a bit when rebuilding everything."

   "This is...amazing! I don't know how to thank you!"

   "No need."

   "Please. Let me pay you back for everything."


   "Come on, Erza. I have the money."

   "I won't accept it. This is your Christmas present. Enjoy it."

I let out a squeal, and jumped onto my new bed. This was amazing. 

   "Come on, we're all gonna have a little celebration in the living room."


I looked at everyone, and smiled. They were all here except...Natsu. I wish he- NO! Don't think about him right now. We all laughed and had a good time with each other for a while. This was amazing. My only problem was Lisanna was here. All I wanted to do was yell at her, but I didn't. I decided I would talk to her about it later, but how do you even ask something like that. Hey, just wanted to let you know I know that you tried to kill me. Twice. You can't do that! Groaning, I pushed the thought away, and had a good time with them again.


Going back and reading this, I regret writing it. Who knew my own writing could make me sad. :P

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