Only Time Could Tell

By Please_Trust_Me

8.3K 176 72

Cassie Marrow has a tragic past. She had to live her cousin when her family left her. But she didn't know her... More

chapter 1
chapter 2
chpater 3
Chapter 4
chapter 5
Chapter 6
chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapeter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Authour's note
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
please take note

Chapter 20

172 4 2
By Please_Trust_Me


"HARRY! HARRY!" I heard Cassie well from upstairs. She was running down the stairs.

"Niall go to the kitchen now! And don't come out here till I say!" Niall looked at me all weird then ran into the kitchen.

"Cassie! What is wrong? Why aren't you in bed?" I ran up to her and grabbed her for a hug. But she refused the hug and walked around me.

"Where is Niall? I need to talk to Niall!" she said all franticly. Just a few minutes ago she wanted him out of her house. Ad now she wants him.

"I am right here." Niall said stepping out of the kitchen and stood there all awkwardly. He said it so soft and quietly.  I looked over at Cassie. She looked like a huge burden had be lifted off he shoulders. They just looked at each other.

Cassie ran across the house and bolted into Niall's arms. He lifted her off the ground and hugged her. Cassie wrapped her legs around Niall's waist and he held her there. Niall ran his fingers thru her hair.  They looked like two puzzle pieces that go together. And they lost each other many years ago, and they just found the other again.

"Cassie! Cassie-" Ed walked down the stairs at that exact moment. oh, this going to be hard to explain out. Niall set Cassie back down on her own feet. Cassie walked over to Ed and stood right in front of him. Then she- she Kissed him?

Cassie and Ed were now kissing in front of us now. What the hell was going on? Cassie took Ed's hand and lead him back upstairs. then I heard her door shut.

What the fuck just happened?


I finally have Cassie back. Wait! why is she kissing Ed?

What the fuck just happened?


AWWWW look how cute Cassie and Niall are together. I am so happy they are back together-

wait why is she now kissing Ed?

What the fuck just happened? 


I am SOOOO confused right now. 


I want some food

wait did she just?

what the fuck just happened? 

"THE FUCK?" I heard Harry say.



I woke up to the sun shining right in my face. I got up to move but I was pulled back down by a pair of arms. " Babe, please. Can we just lay here for a little bit longer. Please stay." I looked at Ed, he gave me the puppy dog face, how can I resist that. I laid back down and snuggled back up to Ed. He wrapped his arms around my waist and held me there. I was really comfortable and safe but for some reason this didn't feel right. I wish Ed was Niall right now.

Wait! No I don't!

I don't! I really don't.

Wait... Do I?

No. No I don't.

 " Ed, I am really hungry. I am going to go downstairs to get some Fruit Loops or something."  he let out a groan and loosened his grip on me. I got up out of the bed and walked to me door. I walked out and shut the door behind me. I turned around and came about half an inch away from Zayn's face.

"Can I help you?" I asked him with a lot of attitude in my voice.

He looked at me the shook his head no and walked away. Wow that was weird. I contuied my way down to the kitchen. But I stopped when I saw Niall in the kitchen making pancakes. Wow, he looked really hot with an apron on.

Wait, no he doesn't.

He looked up at me then immediately looked back down focusing at on the pancakes.

"Good Morning Niall!" I said and walked into the kitchen a got out a bowl. Niall never responded to me. I walked over to the cupboard and pulled out the box of Fruit Loops. I was getting irritated that Niall didn't respond to me.

"HHHEEELLLOOOO? I said Good Morning like a minute ago. At least acknowledge my presence please!"  Niall turned to me looked at me then started to walk towards me.

Niall crashed his lips onto mine. I was shocked at first but then I started to kiss him back. It felt like fireworks were going off between us. I have never felt like this when I have kissed a guy like this, Not even Ed. Niall moved his hands down my back to my lower waist. I tangled my fingers into his hair. Niall rubbed his tongue along my lower lip asking for entrance. I slightly opened my mouth and Niall slipped his tongue in. He found my tongue and they started a battle with each other. I have a boyfriend, this should feel wrong. But it felt right.

"Enjoying your Fruit Loops, Cassie?" i heard and broke the kiss between me and Niall.

"Ed. I can explain-"

"No it is cool. i understand. Niall is your Romeo. And we are done. But we still have to 'date'" he put finger quotes around the word date. "for publicity. Sorry i yelled at you last night Niall. And sorry i took your Juliet away." Ed grabbed his keys and jacket and headed towards the door.

"No mate. I am sorry. I took your girlfriend." Niall said to Ed, still standing closer next to me.

"She was never my girlfriend. At least, I thought she was. But I see she never felt the same way." his words cut like knives. (See what I did there?)

"Ed no! It isn't like that! I did like you! And I still do!"

"Yeah, you do like me. But you love Niall. And I understand. I don't know why I ever thought you would love me like you love him. And Cassie, you do love him. I can see it in your eyes. I will text you so we can go out in public again so Simon wont get mad." he opened the front door and shut it behind him.

"Shit. Shit. Shit. Shit!" that was all I could manage to get out of my mouth. I ran to the door and opened it wide open. "Ed! Please! Come Back! I am sorry!" But I was to late. Ed was already pulling out of the driveway in his car.  I shut the door and just stood there looking at the closed door. I felt a hand on my shoulder. I turned around to see Niall.

"Is it true? Do you love me?" Niall said to me. He had such a sweet tone to his voice. Gosh. I really missed him.

Do I smell... Smoke!?!?

"Niall! Your pancakes!!" Niall turned around and looked at the stove.

"Shit!" he ran over to the burning pancakes. he picked up the pan and thru it into the sink and turned the tap on. I couldn't help but laugh.

When Niall got everything under control he walked over to me.

"You know. I was making those pancakes for you. I remembered how much you like pancakes."

Aww that is so sweet!

"Thank you Niall." I said to him. He just kinda stood there for a little bit then he broke the silence.

" I am sorry"

"Niall, it is fine We can just eat some Fruit Loops." I said with a small laugh.

"No! Not about the pancakes. Well I am sorry about that, I almost burned your house down. But that wasn't what is was saying sorry about."

I just looked at him with pure confusion.

"Look. Can we just talk?" Niall asked

 *****Arthur's Note******

Cliff Hanger!!!

Please Comment and Vote!

And I just updated twice in one day! YOU. ARE. WELCOME!! lol


   Katie <3


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