Call Me Dirty Minded

By RebelleMysteries

783K 31.6K 12.8K

Highest Rank #5 in Humour - Skye Einstein isn't your particular girl, even if she's the great grandchild of A... More

All Rights Reserved
1. Amazeberries
2. What to Do & What Not to Do (New Kid's List)
3. Mr. Goddess or Mr. God?
4. Hit My Humerous
5. Ass Fetish
6. Paint Me Wet
7. Drool Over the Artist
8. Call My Family Eccentric
9. Ms. Coffee & Mr Delicious Italian Teacher
10. Perks of Showering Naked
11. Suffocate in Squeezes
12. Le Butt Clutcher
13. Wet White T'shirts
14. Dirty Brownies
15. Surprises
16. Erotic Morning Voices
17. She's Excited He's Not
18. Girls Know How to Control the Balls
19. Boys in Lingerie
20. The Dirty Girl Got Me Whipped
21. My Anaconda Don't!
22. The Definition of a Real Man
23. Naughty Boys Always Have to Pay
24. Lights? Nah, Cookies and Batman!
25. The Smart, Strong, Horny, Naughty, Dirty-Minded and the Sexy
26. Sleeping Doritos
27. Beauty or the Beast
28. The Heart of Life
29. That is Zit!
30. The Fallen Angel
31. Kiss Me Slowly
32. Hello Badboy Bestfriend Awkward Hello Mr Goddess
33. You Chose the Right One
34. Cookie Thief
35. Borrowed Undies & A Road Trip
36. Dying a Virgin
37. F*ckbewb
38. C'est La Vie
39. Wicked Wolf and Little Red
40. Skye's Delicious Addiction
41. Soaked Mattresses & Mistresses
42. Entire Student Body Eating His Baked Goodies
43. Moans of Ecstasy
44. Hitting Hard Balls
45. Purchasing Diks & Dikheads
46. Upgraded Biters//Reduced Balls
47. Shrek is Loved in Cumberland
48. Wet Dreams
50. Slipped Inside
51. Hits Runs & Regrets
52. Underneath the Erotic Fabrication Called Dustin
53. Dustin's Bulge
54. The Absent Truth
55. Dr Penny Trait
56. Buttered Her Muffin
57. Tattooed Heads
58. Twiddling Lips
59. Jiggling and Giggling
60. Oral Presentation
61. Period.
62. Fuzzy Holes
63. Jace Daddy
64. How to Cure a Hang Over

49. Goldilocks

5.3K 239 75
By RebelleMysteries


Chapter 49


Scars to Your Beautiful – Alessia Cara


Brooklyn held the well for a while. Her eyes diverting back and forth from her nails to us. Jace held my back gently, whispering, "I'll go talk to Chandler.." I nodded in return. He gave me a quick peck on the lips then left. I bent down crawling in, trying to avoid the cards before settling down beside her.

While I waited for her to answer, I slowly observed her natural features. Something I haven't seen in a while.

4 Years Ago

I laughed, skipping around with my new formed friend. Her name was Brooklyn, we met through a writing workshop. Not that she enjoyed writing but had heard good looking boys were coming, that and she was new to our town so she had to mingle in before school starts, somehow.

I skipped up the stairs on the play equipment, leaning over the sliding down pole I gripped the top and hung loosely. "Why are you wearing boy clothes?" Giggled Brooklyn, sitting down below me in a pink flowery dress.

I jumped down beside her and shrugged. "It's comfortable. That and I really like this Nirvana Tshirt." I leant over and held a strand of her incredibly curly locks. In return she held one of my loose waves.

"Your hair is really nice, it's like Shirley Temple hair!" I complimented. Brooklyn was a sweet girl, she was definitely one of those 'girl next door' types. Brooklyn frowned at my inclusion and shook her head, "I don't like it... I want to straighten it. This boy I liked said it looks like a bird's nest."

I frowned shaking my head, "Are you kidding? Your hair is gorgeous! Watch.. the first day of school all eyes will be on you. That guy is an idiot and will realize, his small sized wiener will never be as long and luscious as these locks!" I grinned triumph.

Brooklyn looked at me funny and began laughing, she looked down at her hair and smiled. "I have my mother's hair... Only thing I really have of her."

Frowning, I shuffled forward. "You have her though, and probably inhabit heaps more of her genetics."

Brooklyn sighed and fixed her ruffles on her dress. "She passed away to Cancer last year... her clothes? My dad was too hurt to ever have the strength to see her belongings again, he'd mostly break down on the spot so he gave them away. I have my dad's eyes though, but my mum's crazy locks... I have, I don't like it as much... I don't know why, I think it suits her more than it suits me."

"I'm sorry about your mother... but I'm telling you, I bet she finds you beautiful in any form you are and I love your hair!" She just shook her head and went back to playing with her dress.

This girl was crazy, she was the prettiest girl I've ever seen. 13 Years old, icy blue eyes and golden locks that travelled for days. If I introduced her to the guys, I bet they'd be drooling like crazy.


"Mama, I'll get it!" I ran downstairs tripping on my untied laces. I was heading to the door, it would be the first time Brooklyn met the guys. "Okay Baby! Just baking them brownies, Oh Jacob... is that weed? No no!" "Weed brownies!" "Jacob!" "Okay! Okay!" I shook my head knowing my parents were joking... I think.

"Hold on there Cookie! Let me keep up!" Jace was trotting down beside Ryan, both pushing each and laughing to reach the door.

"So how pretty is this girl?" Ryan smiled widely, nearly tripping on the last step and standing in front of me.

"Bet she's not prettier than you...." Jace smiled goofily, looking at me in a funny way.

"Think of... human version of Lola Bunny."

"Well that is hoooot hoot!" Carter smirked smugly as he ran downstairs from Ryan's room, Jordan just behind him. "But sadly we're going out... so adios, si mijo's! Save the banging thing later, maybe for dessert... yah know what I mean?" He tsked, giving me a winking and brush of his shoulder against mine as he passes. I shuddered instantly and put out my foot so he tripped on it.

When he looked up from that unexpected trip, he looked a little sad I suppose... but it was quickly replaced with a quiet purr and a leave.

I waved at Jordan as he and Carter left the front door. A loud whistle echoed from outside to in, with the door flying open revealing Brooklyn in a bright flowery skirt and a lace crop top that showed her tummy. She was gorgeous. Her wild golden locks flying behind her and the wind screaming 'Look at her, oh my, look at her!'

"Well DAAAAAAMN GIRL!" I heard Carter shout from behind her leading with a long wolf whistle. Jordan beside him just chuckled.

Brooklyn giggled, looking down trying to avoid any form of blush. She looked up and walked over to us, fluttering her lashes she shook Ryan's and Jace's hands. Both gave a smile respectfully back. "Nice to meet you both. I'm Brooklyn Reese."

"She is gorgeous." Ryan muttered, elbowing Jace in the rib.

Roars of wildcats could be heard as the 4 boys jumped out of Sammy's mother's car. They were jumping all around, over and under Carter and Jordan who just exited.

But that was just them naturally. They didn't meet Brooklyn just yet.

"Okay so I've got to collect 9 more baseball cards to finish this booklet. And that will be 154. You got me?" Sammy explains to Jayden whom was counting how many baseball cards he had in his folder. Jay Jay wasn't paying much attention as he was counting how many water balloons he had in his pocket.

"Woah Sam, I got like 80 balloons in my pockets. Hold up! 81, 82, 84, 86... wait a second here. Feeling like a clown..."

"Guys so then I was like 'Yo! What's long and hard and has the word cum in it!' and they were all dumbfounded. And I'm like HA! CUCUMBER! GOTCHA BUDDY!" Shouted Chandler who had 5 Doritos in his mouth, jumping up and about and tackling me in a hug. "Oomph Skye, you tiny little Dorito. I could eat you right up!" I glared, snarling my teeth at him waiting for him to retreat back.

"Are we actually going to do our Biology homework guys? You promised... the assignment is due in 2 weeks. So close!" Arthur came in stressing.

As each went in they went through the ritual of giving me a big hug first then man hugging Jace and Ryan. I was waiting for them to notice Brooklyn.

"Oh hello there princess!" Chandler smiled politely. Bowing his head and offering a Dorito chip to Brooklyn. "You are really gorgeous..." He blushed, standing back up. He gazed at her with this loving look. He straightened his composure, unable to remove his gaze from her.

She looked up and gave a small smile. Flipping her hair behind her back. Slow motion. Her locks. The wind from the entry of the door.

I looked down at my hair and pushed my brown waves behind me.

Hello effects?

No... okay. I see how it is.

I heard a light chuckle from behind me. Jace held my hair loosely and put it at the side of my shoulder, brushing the bareness of my back with his thumb. "Trust me. The wind gushing through your hair? It comes naturally with you, don't try to do it." He kissed the other side of my shoulder giving me a dimple smile.

A few butterflies flew in my tummy.

I think I'm hungry.

The other guys circled in and looked at Brooklyn like she was another species.

"Is she real?" Sam questioned, poking her in the shoulder.

"Is this real?" Jayden tugged her hair making her wince.

"Guys! She's real. Yes that much beauty is possible. Meet my new friend Brooklyn Reese, she just moved here."

Each guy shook her hand and smiled humbly. They both looked and admired her. She was flawless pretty much. And she was lovely. She'd fit in the group nicely.

She got close to the group, though the guys were respectful and never flirted. She would squeal to me about their undenying good looks and that when they hit puberty, it will be even better. She was bubbly. A girly girl, sure but she was fun and enjoyable to be around.

Chandler really admired her although just 14. He'd always be the one to open the door for her, pull out her chair, and offer her gum. He was a gentleman, indefinitely. He made sure guys on the street would pride their eyes off her. I haven't seen Chandler treat anyone so lovingly.

Brooklyn, every now and then I'd watch her stare down her reflection or stare at scissors in relation to cutting her hair. Each time I'd remind her of her natural beauty and what her mum would think. She'd retreat and nod to herself. I hope it lasts. But even with that, I feel as if she needed just a male gratification. Chandler though...

8 Months Later

My knees were hanging at the top of the couch while my head hung down from the bottom. I was chewing on a red liquorish while watching Recess. While listening to All Time Low.

I enjoyed the multi-task.

I was bobbing my head to the music though the blood was flowing down my head. Whispering the lyrics yet understanding the storyline of the show and chewing this candy, multi-task expert all the way.

"Hey Cookie Freak." Ryan hummed, plopping beside me in the same position and taking a liquorish from the pack.

"Sup Tim Tam dork. You throw out the leather jackets yet?"

"You finally asked Jace to be your boyfriend yet?"

"What!?" I sat up right, choking on my liquorish. The candy stuck to my throat like magma as I struggled to get it out. Ryan was freaking out, patting my back hard when in honesty, he was just hitting me. The rush of blood circling from my head wasn't helping either.

"We!" I coughed hard, "Are... Where did you-" Choke. Choke. "Get something...." Cough. Gargle. Choke. "like that from...!" Infinite chokes and redness.

"M-mum!!! D-dad!" Ryan shouted, running around looking for them. I shook my head in signal they're not here.


I shook my head trying to focus on my breathing but in all morality. There was little space for me to breathe. I was choking like crazy. My face was like that purple blown up girl from Charlie in the Chocolate Factory.

The door flew open and out came Jace in his wet swimming shorts and a top he probably just threw over. That was now drenched. And see-through.

Hellooooo there.

Is it me you're looking for?

Not when I'm choking.

Jace jumped behind me pressing my back against his chest and placing his hands on my stomach. "I'm here, shh it's okay just try to breathe. 1,2,3.." He pressed his palms on my stomach encouraging me to choke out the lolly. Repeat. It wasn't working. Repeat. My coughing was so crazy I couldn't even open my eyes longer than 2 seconds.

The wind blew through my door and I saw a few leaves rush in. Two steps followed it with high heels, spray tanned legs, short pink skirt and a shoulder off white top. I looked up to find Brooklyn extremely different.

Her golden locks were bleached to blonde with unnatural curly waves. Her face was filled with make-up, ruby lipstick and eyeliner. Her smile was wide and somewhat flirtatious.

My eyes bulged and I felt the liquorish jump out of my throat and onto the floorboards. My eyes were watery as I quietly squealed out..."ow."

"You okay?" Jace whispered rubbing my shoulders.

I was only capable of mumbling, "flubababa.." and a nod.

"Skye you okay? ...What the fu-" Ryan's jaw dropped as he entered the room, staring at Brooklyn gobsmacked. "Brook?"

"Hey Ryan baby..." I cringed so hard that I felt like the liquorish magically flew up and began choking me again. Oh, no... thats just air, and disgust.

"What the f*ck..." Jace whispered behind me.

"Uh... hey Brook, new look huh?"

"Yeah... you like it?" Her lips flop sided and she twirled seductively. I coughed instantly and gave a warm welcoming smile. "Hey Brookie! How was your vacation?"

Her smile brightened and she beamed, "So like totally nice! It had everything I needed to feel better! It feels like I'm a new person!"

With that I nodded agreeing. New person.


Brookie has gained quite the reputation. Parties with seniors, double padded bras, a fine skill of make-up, a shot... of one, two, five. Her hair was no longer natural frizzy locks but permed, or curled with a curler. Clothes seem to disappear from her body more and more. Her attitude and personality had changed drastically, she'd try to throw herself on all the guys and hint them to ask her out or make-out.

Guys. Lots of them came in and out of her house in the holidays. Sometimes even mine when she's over without my consent. I tried to talk to her. Explain that this wasn't her. That this was insecurities.

No budge.

The guy's impression and perspective of Brooklyn changed and became a dislike of the person she became. I stayed, I believed she was still her normal self... under there somewhere. She just needed a little push.

One day.

Chandler tried however, to get to her. For her to understand this situation and that's she better than that. He was there for her, for a while. She threw him away, rejected him, neglected us.

What happened...



"Meh not what you think... uh."

I looked at her and frowned, "Try me."

"I was only hanging out with him for pity sake! You know Chandler, guy was drunk on overload of marshmallows last night and I went out to breeze out my hair and bam, he was there by the lake drowsy. We began talking and such... whatever whatever. Doesn't mean a thing."

"Doesn't mean a thing? Brooke, look at you! You're the girl I met, natural, bubbly and crazy. How can you say that you and Chandler talking without killing each other doesn't mean a thing?"

"Because it doesn't! Look at that dingbag! He's the most narcissist and annoying Dorito psycho I've ever met."

"This whole trip, pretty sure you instigated the worst. You hurt Liam, don't you think of your actions? The Brooklyn I know wouldn't even consider playing a cruel joke like that. Chandler and Liam didn't deserve that."

"Well that Brooklyn you remember was never me, okay. And that prank? I know... on that part I was pretty sad but Chandler deserved it!"

I shook my head and looked at her. "You think I don't know about the insecurities? You don't think I know the only reason you became this overly confident and maniser is because of that?"

Brooklyn looked at me and rolled her eyes, "You don't know anything."

"I know something... not everything. And one, Chandler treated you so well. Do you remember that? I think he makes you genuinely happy but you try to deny it. He liked you for you, and even though you treated him like garbage, he's back in your tent playing damn Uno."

"Oh please..."

At this point I was slightly frustrated. "I've known him for so much longer than you. He's a kind guy at heart. It makes me wonder... why did he become such a player? I think I know now." I looked at her and shook my head and crawled out of the tent only to hear her mumble 'whatever'.

I walked around on the leaves trying to find Jace and Chandler. The crunches deafening my annoyed sighs. Behind a few trees down the hill I found Chandler throwing rocks at a pond and Jace laughing. "Hey boys." I whisper sitting down beside CD.

"Hey Skyrito." Chandler hummed while throwing another pebble on the pond, watching it bounce. "So I told Jace about the tattoo."

Jace looked over at me and gave a small smile. 

"Does Brooklyn know about it?"

He snorted a laugh and shook his head, "No... god I'm an idiot."

"In some ways... yes" Jace and I commented at the same time making us all chuckle.

"Pretty sure you guys know me more than I know myself..." He sighs staring at the tree in front.

"That you're crazy for a specific crazy and overly hormonal Blonde? I've figured for a while." Jace looked at him sympathetically.

"And that she's the reason you became this womaniser? Figured just 5 minutes ago." I answered pursing my lips.

Chandler exhaled ruffling his hair forward and looking down. "You guys are out of your mind.. I don't know why you guys think I'm into HER. That conceited blonde, no way." He shook his head and stood up to walk off. "You guys are way off, if I were to have a girl. She'd be the most natural beauty, and the sweetest thing. Brooklyn is nothing like that." Jumping off the rock he walked off.

I turned to Jace and gave him the same look he was thinking. "They're both in complete denial."

He nodded and rubbed the back of his neck giving a little snicker. "I remember when we first met Brooklyn, Chandler was so damn infatuated. He used to never shut up about her. Heck, he used to be just a Dorito freak, he was never the type to sleep around. Sure he liked the idea of being a legend, but he'd never go that far until..."

"Brooklyn changed." I ended the sentence. Jace nodded and gave me an empathetic look. I rubbed the side of my chest a little from an itch then remembered the many hickies. I looked down and raised my brows in admiration. "You're good, not going to lie."

"You remember last night?"

"Oh... well... no.. hey did we?" Jace laughed and shook his head pulling me close by the waist.

"You fell asleep." He lightly laughed staring at the pond.

I blinked. That makes sense. Too much sense. Oh god Skye. I looked at him and cuddled him tight, hiding in his neck. "I'm sorry!"

He laughed rubbing my back and holding me close. "Shh, it's okay. When the time comes it'll be beautiful and I'm pretty sure..." He kissed my shoulder. "You'll be wide awake. Whenever you're properly ready. Not when you're tipsy, or just plain horny. We'll do it when.." He lifted my chin and brushed his thumb down my cheek. "It's the right moment. Nothing is rushing us, I want your first time to ahem, be amazeberries." He leant down to my lips, "and fabapples..."

"...amazeberries and fabapples hm?" I whispered back, closing my eyes and leaning in.

"Mhm, and a new word... a Jace word... beauskyful." He pecks my lips, teasing for a kiss.

I giggled closing the gap responding, "That was so bad... I love it," before kissing him.



Little Mysteries I hope you know that this book is not just for belly giggles and smiles, this is also morals to remind you and teach you. As for this chapter this teaches to always stay true to yourself. You're beautiful no matter your looks, size, shape, race, or individual beliefs and values. Every single one of you are flawless. So honestly, fuck those who ever try to pull you down. You're better than them. "And you don't have to change a thing. The world could change its heart."

You are your own weapon, you are your own defence. Prove those idiots down. And to those insecurities, make-up can assist sure but you need to also realise that under all that glamour is one flawless human being. You need to learn to love yourself before you love another. You need to know that you don't have to change for others, if they can't accept you and the way you are then forget them. Never change because society wants you to, or because another wants you to. Focus on yourself and your wellbeing.

You Are Beautiful.

SIDE NOTE: One more week till holidays then I return! I'm sorry! So many of you think CMDM is finished and heck no its not! Please, there's quite a bit more to happen my mysteries, so hold on. I love you all and thank you for the support!

And I hope you enjoyed an actual insight of Brooklyn. She's a great character if you understand her development and why her outcome has caused such controversy. Personally I love her. But then again I love them all.

Comment ~ Vote ~ Be YOUR Natural Self ~ & Fantasize

-          Mysteries

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