Finally With You Again (Nalu)

By anime-hell

82K 1.8K 1.1K

Natsu and Lucy were best friends when they were younger. But something happened. Lucy started drifting away f... More

Chapter One- Lucy Heartfilia
Chapter two- Natsu!?
Chapter three- Old friends and Smoke
Chapter four-School
Chapter five- Necklace?
Chapter six- Today is that day!
Chapter seven- I'm a secret ninja
Chapter eight- Video Games? Video Games.
Chapter nine- How 'bout that dance?
Chapter ten- Mysterious letters and blood
Chapter eleven- I buy a dress
Chapter twelve- Cheesy
Chapter thirteen- Cars, cake, and cats
Chapter fourteen-Popular?
Chapter fifteen- Winner
Chapter sixteen- Is it true?
Chapter seventeen- Mira's visit
Chapter eighteen- Thanksgiving
Chapter nineteen- Operation: Make Gajeel happy
Chapter twenty- Mom and Dad
Chapter twenty one- Where is everyone?
Chapter twenty two-At a party
Chapter twenty three- I love you
Chapter twenty five- Who was she?
Chapter twenty six- I trusted her
Chapter twenty seven-Merry Christmas, Lucy
Chapter twenty eight-Fires and Goodbyes
Untitled Part 29- Natsu's decision
Chapter thirty-Surprise
Chapter thirty one- A Christmas to remember
Chapter thirty two- Perfect Balance
Chapter thirty three- Dinner
Chapter thirty four- Igneel
Chapter thirty five- I do
Chapter thirty six- The resort
Chapter thirty seven- New People
Chapter thirty eight- My surprise
Chapter thirty nine- Surprise!
Chapter forty- You'll have to wait
Chapter forty one- Happy Birthday
Hey guys!

Chapter twenty four- Happy Birthday, Lucy

1.4K 37 14
By anime-hell

Lucy's pov

   "Happy Birthday, Lucy!"

All of our friends came back, each carrying a gift. Juvia even had a cake.

   "Oh, guys you really didn't have to do this."

   "What are you talking about? Of course we did!"

   "Do you know how long its been since we got to spend one of your birthday's with you?"

We all smiled, and they set the gifts down, except for Erza. She handed her gift to me. 

   "Open it."


I took all the wrapping paper off, and found a box. I looked up at her, then opened it. Inside was a stuffed teddy bear. Just like the one I had when I was a kid. 

   "Erza how did you...?"

   "I talked to a friend of mine. I showed them a picture of your old one, and they made an exact replica."

   "I love it! Thank you."

   "Juvia would like for you to open her present."

She handed me a gift bag, and I pulled the paper out of it. When I reached down, I pulled out a picture frame. The picture had all of us there, smiling. It was an old picture, probably taken when we were in the second grade. Wendy was even there, but she still wasn't as tall as us.

   "How did you get this?"

   "Juvia found the picture in an old box in her closet. Juvia thought you would like it."

She smiled at me, and I smiled back. 

   "My turn!"

Mira handed me a bag, and let out a small squeal. 

   "You'll love it!"

She stared at me until I pulled it out of the bag. In my hands were lace underwear. There were three more in the bag. Quickly shoving them back, I looked at Mira. I knew my face was red. 


She leaned down, and whispered in my ear. 

   "Make sure Natsu sees you in those!"

My face grew darker, and she stood back up, smiling. 

   "Anyways, here's my gift."

Gray placed a box on my lap, and rubbed the back of his head. 

   "I wasn't sure what I should've gotten you. Its okay if you don't like it."

I opened the box, and my face lit up. There were twelve keys inside, all with a symbol of each different zodiac signs on them. 

   "I love it!"

He looked at me again, and smiled. 

   "Good. I'm glad."

   "Out of my way, stripper."

Gajeel held a bag out, and I took it. When I pulled the gift out, I sent him a glare. He gave me a bunny costume. Obviously he thought it was amusing, because he couldn't stop laughing. 

   "Hope you like your gift, bunny girl."

Erza punched him in the arm, and he stopped. Then Cana walked up, and handed me a bottle of beer with a ribbon wrapped around it. 

   "Drink up!"

   "Heh, thanks."


   "What? Seemed like a good present to me." 

   "Here. I wasn't sure what to get you, but then I thought about how you probably lost everything in the fire."

I turned to see Jellal holding money out towards me.

   "There's two hundred and fifty dollars there."

   "Jellal, you really-"

   "I insist."

I took the money, and smiled. 

   "Thanks, this means a lot."

Something hit my lap, and looked down to see a pad of paper, and a new pen. 

   "Mira told me about how you like to write."

Laxus looked at me, and I picked the paper up. It was thick, which was good for writing stories on. I was actually needing some more. 

   "Thank you. I'll definitely use this."

   "I have something for you too."

Wendy held out a paper, which I gladly took. On it was a drawing of her, Natsu, and I at the park. There was also a note. 

'You two made the best parents ever! I'm happy you're talking to me again.'

I smiled, and looked at her. 

   "Me too."

   "Natsu's turn!"

I turned my head, and seen him grabbing something off the table. 

   "I umm...I got this for you."

He handed me a small velvet box. When I opened it, there was a beautiful diamond ring inside, with a small piece of paper. 

'This is my promise to you. One day, I'll make this a real ring. The one you wear when we're married.'

I kind of stared at the paper, then looked at him. 

   "I love it. Its the best gift I've ever gotten."

I threw my arms around him, and laughed. Slipping the ring on my finger, I admired how it shined when the light hit it. 

   "I'm happy you like it, Luce!"

We smiled. I'm glad this dork is mine. 

   "Who's ready for some cake!?"


Everyone yelled at the same time, and Mira started passing it out to everyone. Not a word was said until everyone finished their piece. 


Natsu threw his hand up in the air, causing the small pieces of cake to fly in the air, landing on Erza. She scowled and set her plate down. 



   "Sit down!"


He quickly sat down, and I laughed at him. 

   "Here you go."

Mira handed him another piece a cake, which he devoured in thirty seconds. 

   "This was really good. Thanks you guys."

I smiled at everyone, and Erza walked over to me. 

   "No need to thank us. Since you will be missing school, I'll take extra notes for you."

   "Me too!"

Natsu yelled with his mouth full of cake, causing glares to come from all around the room.

   "You won't be at school either, Flamebrain."

   "Oh yea."

   "Anyways, we should all probably get going."

I looked out the window, and seen the sun starting to set. I guess it was getting late. 

   "I also talked to the doctors today, and they said you will be released tomorrow or the day after!"

Mira gave s both a big smile, and left. It was just Natsu and I now. 

   "Natsu, you should go get some rest, too."

   "I'm fine!"

   "Just do it, okay?"

   "Fine. I'll be back in a couple of hours, though!"

   "Okay, okay. Go."

He walked out of the room, and quietly shut the door. I got out of my bed, and walked over to the window. It was snowing out, making the ground have a fresh new blanket of snow. It almost sparkled as the light hit it. There was a knock on the door interrupting my thoughts.

   "Come in."

Lisanna opened the door, and set a present down beside me. 

   "Sorry I came so late. I got you a birthday gift, though."

She looked like something was bothering was her, and wouldn't look me in the eye. 

   "Oh, its fine. And thank you."

I picked the bag up, and looked inside. There was a picture of the two of us. It must have been taken around the same time of the picture Juvia gave me. We had our arms around each other, both with big smiles and holding up peace signs. 

   "I love it."

   "Good. I uhh...I also have this."

She pulled out a black envelope, and my heart nearly stopped when I seen it. Haven't they done enough? Reaching my hand out, I looked at it for a minute before opening it. My hands shook, as I pulled the letter out. 

'Watch your back.'

   "What...does it say?"


I ripped the paper up and but the pieces in the envelope. 

   "Lucy, I-"

   "No. I'm fine. Lisanna, I'd really like to be alone right now."


She leaned down and gave me a hug before leaving the room. Why can't she just tell me who's sending these? Does she really even know? And why are they so obsessed with me and Natsu? These questions ran through my mind before someone else walked in. It was a nurse with a mask over her face. 

   "I have your medicine."

   "Oh, thank you."

She walked over, placed the medicine on the table beside me, and looked down at me. Her stare seemed to have taken over my body, I couldn't move. She stood like that for minute before placing her hands around my neck. She shoved my head back, causing the glass to break. I tried screaming but she placed a hand over my mouth before I could. With both my eyes shut, I patiently waited for it all to end. I waited and waited until he popped into my head. Natsu. I started struggling, but the best I could do was remove her hand from my mouth. 

   "Why...are you doing...this?"

   "Because Natsu is mine."

She grabbed my hand, and looked at the ring Natsu gave me. 


Pulling the ring off my finger, she threw it out the window. There was nothing I could do to stop her. I was running out of air, and couldn't get her to let go. Have I always been this weak? I could feel blood dripping off my head from the glass. Things were starting to get blurry when I heard the door open. 

   "Lucy, I-"

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