The Hybrid and The Purebred (...

By dark_neko23

80K 3K 381

This is a yaoi meaning boyxboy if you don't like it don't read it. For the other enjoy xD More

Character Info
Their Meeting
Things Heat Up
Character Info
Powers Awaken
The Fight
The Inner Conflict
Character Info
"Wait What?"
The Return
What Have You Done
Character Info
Where Is Our Hope
Haunting Him
Not An Update
Character info
The Hunt And The Found
Sneak peek
unicorn poop

The Search

3.5K 147 10
By dark_neko23

The Fray - You found me *on the side*

Luka P.O.V.

"This is your fault! He was going to stay with me that is until you burst through my door!" I yelled. "Well I know who you are and what you do for a living. Your intentions were to sell him weren't they, you were going to sell him weren't you? Well if you no matter I'm going to find him and tell him everything you don't want him to know about you then I'm going to take him back." He was ready to attack again. "Stop I don't have time time for your silly games I've got to find Nowaki." I say to the vile thing standing in the middle of my room. "Well I'm going to find him first." The vampire says. "Whatever vampire but he's mine and we both know it." I direct at him. "Sure asshole believe what you want so you can sleep at night but, he is mine." "Whatever." I say as I go to walk past him he grabs the back of my shirt and throws me backwards against the wall. I hit the ground and growl. I get up with the chains I use to keep the slaves in place and out of trouble. I hook it around the vampires ankle and handcuff his hands to the bed frame. "I thought I told you already I don't have time for your games." With that said I leave to search for Nowaki. I walk around town for awhile not knowing where I could find Nowaki at. Then an idea hits me. 'Check at the bar where you met him.' So I head for the bar. I walk in and greet the bartender and ask him if saw Nowaki around. He simply shakes his head in response. I hang my head low and sigh. 'Where the hell are you?' I walk out of the bar and see that damned vampire. How the fuck did he get out of those chains. "I thought you going to look for Nowaki you but stop to get a drink instead. I knew you didn't care for him." He says angrily. "No vampire I stopped to see if came here since this is place he used to hide from you. Remember that. You pushed him away. Your supposed lover great job there vampire. I was there when you weren't. And what is it that you said that caused him to leave." I cannily say as a sly smirk makes it's way to my face. "Fuck you! I have a name you know!" He spits back. "Oh I know I just never cared to learn it. I got to run." I bump him as I walk past. I continue my search for Nowaki but he is nowhere to be found. It's 7:55 pm and I still can't find him. I start freaking out and pace around the park. 'Where else could I look. Maybe I should look at the school. It's a long shot but it's worth the time.' I begin to walk to the school campus. On the way there it beings to rain. 'I have to hurry.' I pick up my pace. I reach the campus at 8:42 pm.

Nowaki P.O.V

I begin crying as I sit here thinking I'm all alone. I've been here since 10:50 am. Luka and I sat up all night talking. I'm alone, soaked, and tired. 'No one is looking for me. I'm alone just like I've always been. Those two probably just used me as a play toy.' I look over at the railing of the school building. 'No one would miss me. I have nobody.' I get up and walk over to the railing. I climb on the cold, wet metal. I throw my legs over the horizontal bars as I sit upon the railing. 'Should I do it. What if someone does happen to miss me.' I don't notice the being walk on the school grounds until they are behind me and speak up. "NOWAKI!" Someone shouts. I was startled as I jump to turn around to see who it was who had spoken I slip from the bars I was sitting on. "NOWAKI NO!" It seems as if I was falling forever. Suddenly an enormous pain shook my body before darkness consumed me.

Luka P.O.V

I reach the campus at 8:42. I immediately look around to see if Nowaki is anywhere around. I didn't see him but I hear someone weeping. I follow the sounds to the roof. I can't see real well but I can see someone on the railing. They have whi- I know that white hair anywhere. 'Oh my goddess! He isn't thinking of jumping is he?' Everything seems to be in slow motion. "NOWAKI!" He jumps at the sound of my voice and plummets from the roof tops. I run to catch him but I didn't reach him in time. "NOWAKI NO!" He hits the ground with a sicken thud. I couldn't get down the stairs fast enough. When I got there I begin to sob. I know I just met him but he is special to me for some reason. He got where no one else could. I pick him up, his body limp in my arms I sob harder than before. I might lose the alone person I've ever cared about. I ran to the nearest hospital. "SOMEONE HELP! YOU'VE GOT TO HELP HIM! HE FELL FROM THE ROOF OF A SCHOOL BUILDING! PLEASE HELP!" I was hysterical. I was more than hysterical. "Sir please calm down we'll take care of him. Please have a sit." The doctor says. They take him back as I await the news. I wait in the waiting room for three hours. The doctor returns with a grim look on his face. "Is he okay? Tell me he is okay?" I ask frantically. "Please sit down we have to talk."

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