Darker Blood

By ImogenScott5

460K 17K 2K

Highest rating (06/01/2016) - #920 in FanFiction Massive thankyou to Radiant3 for this cover, I could never h... More

Chapter one
Chapter two
Chapter three
Chapter four
Chapter five
My message to u
Chapter six
Chapter seven
Chapter eight
Chapter nine
My message to u part 2
Chapter ten
Chapter eleven
Chapter twelve
My message to u part 3
Chapter thirteen
Chapter fourteen
Chapter fifteen
Chapter sixteen
My message to u part 4
Chapter seventeen
Chapter eighteen
Chapter nineteen
Chapter twenty
Chapter twenty-one
Chapter twenty-two
My message to u part 5
Chapter twenty-three
Chapter twenty-four
Chapter twenty-five
Chapter twenty-six
Chapter twenty-seven
Chapter twenty-eight
Chapter twenty-nine
Chapter thirty
Chapter thirty-one
Chapter thirty-two
Chapter thirty-three
My message to u part 6
Chapter thirty-four
Chapter thirty-five
Chapter thirty-six
Chapter thirty-seven
Chapter thirty-eight
Chapter thirty-nine
Chapter forty
My message to u part 7
Chapter forty-one
Chapter forty-two
Chapter forty-three
Chapter forty-four
Chapter forty-five
Chapter forty-six
Chapter forty-seven
Chapter forty-eight
A message to you all
Chapter fifty
My message to you part 8
Chapter fifty-one
Chapter fifty-two
My message to u part 9
Chapter fifty-three
Chapter fifty-four
Chapter fifty-five
Chapter fifty-six
Chapter fifty-seven
Chapter fifty-eight
My message to u part 10
Chapter fifty-nine
Chapter sixty
Chapter sixty-one
Chapter sixty-two
Chapter sixty-three
Chapter sixty-four
Chapter sixty-five
Chapter sixty-six
Chapter sixty-seven
My message to u part 11
Chapter sixty-eight
Chapter sixty-nine
Chapter seventy
Chapter seventy-one
Chapter seventy-two
Chapter seventy-three
Chapter seventy-four
Chapter seventy-five
Chapter seventy-six
My message to u part 12

Chapter forty-nine

3.9K 106 38
By ImogenScott5

Warning extremely long chapter! Thought it could be nice to give insight to my lovely readers on what happened after each of them turned into vampires (except Jin who was born a vampire)


Namjoon pov~

I tore off my coat in anger, throwing the leather thing to the ground as if it didn't cost me almost two hundred dollars. What was the point in wearing coats anymore? Why should I wear a jacket if my body could not be warmed?

Pain swarmed in my stomach, threatening to rise in my throat, and I paused, clutching my chest in wait for it to subside.

You should wait at least a week before you do anything strenuous.

Jin's words echoed in my head, but I pushed them away with a snarl. Not do anything strenuous? For a whole week? What does he honestly expect me to do? Sit patiently and rest until I have my strength back while the thugs that stole Aichlinn's life still live out there? I don't think so.

My fangs pricked out against my bottom lip in a taunting smile as I could sense them close by. It was easy tracking them down now, I hardly had to put in any effort.

Raindrops bristled against the bare skin of my neck and with a ghostly shiver, my fingers smoothed over the small place where Jin's fangs had dug in, to turn me into something greater and more powerful that these lowlife's stood no chance against.

With a few more turns down dark alleyways, I faced one of them, already barely able to keep the fury contained with my balled fists. He stood quickly from his slack sitting position on a single milk carton against a black brick wall. Although he was human, he was not wearing many layers at all, and sent me a smirk with a crack of his knuckles.

"You lost, buddy?"

My whole back tensed as a voice in my head mindlessly screamed at me to tear him apart, limb from limb until his pitiful life was taken by the reaper in a glorious fountain of blood. But, I offered a wry smile, hiding my fangs from his view.

"Yeah, I think I am. I'm trying to get to central station."

The teenage bastard had the nerve to laugh at me. "You're at least an hour's walk from it. Are you sure that's where you're trying to get to?"

I grit in my teeth so hard it hurt. "Positive."

He looked at my stiff frame for a moment and I quickly relaxed as much as I could. He smirked again and stood as straight as possible, as if that would make him seem intimidating to me. "I don't know the exact way, but my friend does. He's right down there," he paused to point to a tiny pitch-black alleyway hidden behind a massive dumpster I hadn't noticed when I first got here.

I smiled the most innocent and unknowing smile my face could offer. "Are you sure? I don't want to be a pain?"

He grinned, and I saw the poor and dirty state his teeth were already in; really, these people are the scum of the world. "It's absolutely fine. Let's go."

I followed him silently into the alleyway, my eyes able to pick up everything in the pitch black, from graffiti on the walls to the hundreds of cigarette butts left to rot on the wet ground. And with my extremely enhanced senses, I could feel the beating hearts of at least five more, and hid a smile from my face. They'll be reduced to even less than a toothpick once I'm finished with them.

"Maybe you should have just left us alone, mate." A separate guy paced towards me and I cracked my knuckles, every nerve in my body more than ready for a fight I have no chance of losing. No more words were exchanged, as another one appeared and grew a gun on me, his expression the very definition of smug.

I threw my head back and laughed for a good ten seconds. After exchanging a confused glance to his mates, the one holding the gun aimed for my thigh and shot. I guessed it was one of his first times handling a gun as it landed in my knee. But nonetheless, he looked pleased with himself for his work.

I looked down at the wound that I felt no pain from, a small trail of my now-dark blood trailing down my jeans, already moving towards him without a limp. "You owe me a new pair of jeans."

The gun tumbled from his hands in shock and his mates could only look at me in horror. "What the fuck man?"

I walked right up to the one that led me into this corridor full of adolescent boys that were too scared to even approach me. I reached into the front pocket of his jeans, pulling out a packet of cigarettes. I brought one to my lips, placing the packet back in his pants. "Anyone gonna light me?"

When no one answered, moved, or even blinked, I sighed. "That's disappointing. I was looking forward to having a smoke as I watched your wretched bodies burn."

One of them that had yet not spoken raised his hands in defeat and took a step back with wide eyes. "L-look man, we don't want any trouble."

A dangerous red glint arose in my eyes. "Maybe you should have thought of that before you pushed my fiance off that building."

"W-we didn't know!" He started to scamper away and I snarled at his nerve, before the beast fully took over and I could no longer control the rage, the urge to rip off their heads with my bare hands.


Hoseok pov~

"I don't think we can get these," the man pointed to the picture I gave him, a picture of a beautiful display of lilies in full bloom. "It's not even the right season for them to grow."

Angry tears burned my eyes. How can he say something like that so plainly? Doesn't he understand they're for her?

"But lilies are her favourite flower." I whispered, not looking up at his face.

He cleared his throat awkwardly, hoping to clear the tension thickly embedded within the room. "Little boy, I know you've lost her sister but there are more flowers in the world than just lilies. Did she like any other flower?"

"No." I whispered again, shaking my head as a burning hot tear escaped my eye and rolled down my cheeks. "She only liked lilies."

He sighed and dropped the photo into his desk, hundreds of other photos of flowers covering the dark mahogany. "Please don't be difficult with me."

"Please stop being mean."

The man opened his mouth again, his jaw going slightly rigid when Jin finally stepped in, handing his wallet to the ugly man and speaking in a hushed voice. "I know they're hard to source, but I can cover it and any 'extra' fees. Just let him say goodbye the right way."

The man nodded at Jin, and practically snatched his wallet from his hands before waddling out his office and closing the door, hopefully going off to make sure the right flowers were going to be at her funeral.

Jin looked at me with concern and crouched down to me, as I still refused to bring my head up to face anyone or anything.

"Don't worry, he will get the right flowers." He mumbled.

I nodded.

"You don't have to go to the funeral, if you don't want to."

I nodded.

He pursed his lips together, eyes still glazed over in concern, before wrapping one of his massive hands around my tiny ones.

"Can I come with you after the funeral? Wherever you're going?"

Jin smiled, a genuine smile and not a scary one, and I almost wanted to smile too. "Yes of course. I'll keep you safe."

He bent forward and placed a gentle kiss to my forehead, and for the first time in nearly two weeks, I smiled.


Jungkook pov~


I looked down at the blood staining my school uniform although my wounds were long healed, one of my fangs worrying my lower lip.

"Fucking shit fuck!"

I screamed out in frustration, grabbing the nearest thing available, which happened to be my science notebook, shredding it in half in barely a millisecond with just my fingers.

What am I gonna do?

How do I even explain to them?

I can't go back to my family, even though I'm the only one out of all the bloodsuckers here that had one. I was reported missing, they'd found blood in the same alley those bitches had stabbed me in, police were scouting every nook and cranny of the whole motherfucking city in search for me.

But I can't go back.

What if I told them the truth? What if they shunned me and banned me from speaking to them again?

What if I just lied and pretended nothing happened?

If they found out what I was now, they'd send me away. Whether it was to a mental hospital of a dissection clinic, I could not guess.

With a pang of guilt, I finally admitted what I had to do. I'd known, ever since I turned, what had to be done. And now I was coming to terms with it, finally.

"Oi!" I yelled out into the house, Taehyung and Jimin perking their heads up from their own conversation at the sound of my desperate voice.

"Something wrong Kookie?"

I grit in my teeth but let the stupid nickname pass. "If I cut off my hand, will it grow back?"


It worked.

They believed I was dead. My friends, my family, the police.. everyone.

But I did not feel relieved. I felt guilty.

The authorities had found my bloodied school uniform at the bottom of a cliff stepping into the sea, along with my hand that I had to bribe Taehyung to help me cut off. It hurt like hell, but it took only a few hours for my hand to fully regrow, every detail perfect and exact, all the way down to a minuscule scar I had obtained at the age of six while helping my brother in the kitchen, carelessly pinching the skin on the inside of my thumb.

My face fell.

My brother thought I was dead.

My brother, who I entrusted every one of my secrets to.

A hand clasped down on my shoulder in sympathy and I did not have to turn my head to recognise it was Jin, his voice trying to promise a better future for all of us.

"I'm sorry, Jungkook. It's better this way, you know that."


Yoongi pov~

"You know, I don't get you sometimes."

I ignored Hoseok as he managed to keep up with my furious pace.

"Maybe stop trying, then."

He chuckled. "Do I look like a fickle old fool to you?"

I didn't bother hiding my smirk from his always-happy eyes. "I don't think you'd like my answer to that."

He didn't bother to respond, and I enjoyed the rare sound of silence. It had to be almost midnight, the moon plainly lit in the sky with not even a whisper of a cloud to cover it. Not that the dark impaired either of us, that is.

After another few minutes, Hoseok's stomach growled and he whined at me. "How much longer do we have to go? I'm starving back here."

My whole mouth clenched in irritation. "We're almost there, you pathetic baby."

"Is that any way to talk to your creator?" He snapped at me, his voice raising and I flailed my arms in an attempt to shut him up.

"Sh! They're all asleep you dipshit." I hissed at him, scaling a backyard fence with a single effortless jump, and the soft thud of feet on grass behind me told me Hoseok had done the same thing.

This was it, this was the house.

I crossed my arms, turning on my heel to Hoseok who had a ghost of a smile on his face like usual. "Will you wait outside?"

He pouted. "You don't want me to come?"

I laughed, a hearty laugh before silencing at the memory that nearly everyone in this neighbourhood is asleep. "I don't need your help."

He frowned, crossing his own arms. "I don't see how tearing out the beating heart of the footballer that almost beat you to death that day is going to give you any sort of closure."

I nodded fairly, and for a second he looked relieved he'd gotten through to me. "You're right. I guess I'll have to kill the girl he likes, too."

His jaw dropped at the serious tone to my voice. "You can't be serious Yoongi! I thought you liked her too?"

I turned away from him, readying myself to break through the guy's window, uttering a tiny 'things change' that I'm not sure if he ever heard.


Jimin pov~

I pressed the doorbell, a soft ring floating from the inside of the house in an oddly calming tune.

"Coming!" My mother yelled in a sweet voice, and I gagged to myself. Her slippers crackled against the tiled floor and I straightened, even pulling my lips into a charming innocent quirk just for her. In another moment, the door unlocked from the inside and she stared at me.

Her smile fell into a look of shock. "Jimin?"

I smiled, my fangs slowly revealing themselves to her view. "Hello, mother."

Her expression twisted into one of horror, yet she did not scream. "What are you doing here? Where's Kibi?"

I pushed my palm against the door, opening it with ease as I stalked inside, her steps receding down the hallway as she could only stare at my teeth in fear. "I think the question you're meaning to ask is how I found you?"

She gulped. I laughed. A true, maniac laugh. "It was easy!" I exclaimed, smiling as genuinely as I could while I slammed the front door shut. "I could smell you. Your loathing, your desperation to just leave us behind."

"Where's Kibi?" She took another step back, but I was quicker. I snatched a single hand around her neck, lifting her high into the air while she choked and clawed at my hand.

"You piece of filth! You do not have the right to even speak his name!"

She let out a choked sob and I tightened my hold. "D-did you kill him?"

I roared in anger and threw her against the wall from my grasp, true white hot anger burning through my veins. "You killed him! You killed him the day you walked out on us, with that oaf!"

"What's going on?"

My dad finally trudged down the hallway and I offered him a crooked grin as he stiffened at the sight of his wife on the floor, gasping for air.

He sent me a glare, pulling her to her unstable feet. "Get out, now."

I cackled at him. "You have nothing on me, old man." I stepped towards him threatening, our glares level. "Kibi is dead. He was shot. It might as well have been you that pulled the trigger."

Without further ado, I plunged my hand forward, my index and middle fingers lurching into the squishy flesh of his eyeballs, before tugging hard. He screamed in pain, clasping his hands over the empty sockets in his skull as blood sprouted like a small fountain. My mother screamed and tried to run away, but before she could even blink, I did the same to her face with my other hand.

I looked at them both, my parents, lying on the freezing floor screaming obscenities at my being, as I smiled. Now I could make them pay for what happened to Kibi.

"Let's play a game."

I spoke calmly and they shut up, their old bodies still twisting and mangled in pain on the floor as I crouched down, prying off the sticky goo of their eyes from my fingers.

"If you can guess which pieces of you I'm going to rip off first, I'll kill you quickly."


Taehyung pov~

People gave me looks of disgust as I shoved my way through the crowd with my hands dug deep into the pockets of my jeans. I hung my head lower, avoiding their judging gazes.

'Didn't that kid beg on the corner of yellow street?' I could hear in the mind of a passing teenage girl. Little did anyone know that I've moved on to be a being of nightmares.

Eventually, the crowd thinned out, all the late night shoppers finally going home with dozens of bags cradled in their arms. Stores started to close, as the traffic dissipated from the Main Street. Only drunks wandered through the town, the occasional yell ringing throughout the air, probably of someone having a fight or having fun with a prostitute.

With a sharp turn down a side street, I hid in the shadows, heading towards a fellow homeless man I sometimes shared any food I found with, and he did the same for me. It hardly seemed fair that I was given a better and completely different life while he had to stay and rot amongst the dirt and rubbish mindlessly shoved down these alleyways.


I smiled as warmly as I could at him, keeping my lips closed tightly. "Hey."

"What happened to you?" He whispered as I bent down to where he lay, crossing my legs and hardly paying notice to the puddle right underneath my thigh.

"I, uh.. got a second chance."

He stared at me incrediously. "What are you doing here then?"

I smiled meekly again, still keeping all of my teeth, especially my fangs hidden from his view. "I came to help you. I want you to have the life that I have now."

His silence didn't surprise me. He only continued to stare at me, waiting for me to elaborate or do something. I took a deep breath.

"Please, don't freak out on me. I'm not here to hurt you, I'm here to help you."

He frowned, while his lips still faintly played at a smile. "What do you mean?"

I tried to give one last friendly and convincing smile before I let out my fangs, the pale moonlight illuminating the sharp points as they glistened in hunger for blood. He opened his mouth wide in shock and terror, trying to scamper away from me, but I grabbed hold of his shoulders and ripping the fabric off around his neck before plunging my teeth into the throbbing vein, drawing only a couple delicious sucks before I pushed the venom into his bloodstream, and he trembled with a blood-curdling scream as I let him go. He gasped for air and I locked my predatory eyes with his terrified ones while my hand wiped away the excess of his blood running down from my lips.

"Please, don't be scared. I know it hurts but when you wake up things will be different, you'll have another chance."

I tried to reach out to him, to comfort him in his final moments of human life, when a pale hand shot right through his skull, long fingers and sharp claws emerging through the other side of his head. I stared in shock as his last breath left his body, his body completely destroyed. He could not survive this as a human, the process was not complete.

The stranger withdrew their hand with a sickening sound, and the body of my friend fell to the ground in a soft thump.


He glared at me. "God fucking dammit Taehyung!"

My shoulders started to shake as angry tears pooled in my eyes and my hands curled into fists.

"You can't go around turning whoever you feel like!"

"He was my friend!"

"You're a fool!" His bloodied hand flew to my hair, pinning my body painfully against the brick wall over the body of my friend. "Don't you think that people will notice," he leaned closer to me to hiss in my ear, "if all the homeless people of the city magically disappear from the streets? That kind of shit raises unwanted attention, Taehyung!"

"You didn't have to kill him!" I sobbed in his hand, beating my fists pitifully against his rock hard chest, a few strands of my hair giving up under his grip and snapping off.

"Yes, I did. Let's go before someone comes and sees all the blood."

And although I cried and cursed Jin's name, he dragged me into the shadows by that horrible grip on my hair, promising very clearly that he would kill me if I tried to turn anyone else.


Xierro pov~

"Tell me how!"

I screamed at the old bafoon as he glared at me, fire whisping out from my hands as I effortlessly threw his office desk through a brick wall.

"You will never find what you seek, Xierro."

Another animalistic sound of pure rage rippe through the room as I smashed a heavy looking cabinet to the ground, one of the doors cracking open while books piled onto the floor sprinkled with broken glass.

"Tell me how or I'll hurt them!"

He knew who I was talking about. He knew, and he smiled.

"It was foolish of you to come here, especially all on your own. It seems like someone is trying to play the hero."

"Let's see if your attitude is still as sharp as your class when you're under me, begging!"

He grinned, two long Ivory teeth standing out from the rest, his fingers threading together in front of him as he stood ever so calmly. "Begging, huh? That takes me back to high school days."

My face paled. How dare he bring this up!

"You remember don't you, Xierro? You always had such an excellent memory."

"Shut up you piece of shit!"

His eyes twinkled with mischief. "You're the one that was so desperate for me, you asked me out."

I snapped.

My hands flew against the top of a long and expensive looking table, vase after vase smashing and turning to glitter littering the floor.

He sighed in annoyance, taking a step towards me.

"My son made this one, you bitch." He bent down, holding a handful of colourful sand that looked like a rainbow had thrown up.

"I don't care if Jin made it." I spat at him. "I swear I'll kill him if you don't tell me how!"

"Tell you how to what?" There was still amusement in his eyes as he looked up at me from the floor of his own office.

"Tell me how to bond a child to a season!"

After a long while, he spoke again. "Why do you need to know?"

"That's none of your business."

He let the sand slip through his fingers, his expression border lining on unreadable. "I think it is my business, seeming as I won't tell you without that information."

"Fine," I seethed. "Don't tell me. Have fun watching your family suffer."

He gave me a puzzled look but I'd already moved, dashing to sink as many of my plain teeth through his skin as I could. He whimpered in pain, recovering a split second later with a hard shove. I stood back, black blood coating my lips, my legs in a fighting stance, ready for anything he throws at me.

But he didn't lash out. He stumbled and swayed, finding purchase on the ground as a steady stream of blood ran down his neck.

"What the fuck!?"

I couldn't stop the cackle that came from my lips in utter delight. "Vampires aren't the only ones with venom, bitch."

His hands shook as he stayed still on the floor. "What did you do to me!?"

"Like I already said," I relaxed, giving up on the fighting stance, his blood starting to dry around my lips, "have fun watching your family suffer."

Suddenly, his arm lashed out as he tried to attack me, only to miss as I jumped backwards, disappearing into thin air, still grinning at my victory.

We might not know how to bond a child to a season yet, but we know it's possible to turn creatures, even vampires, into half a demon. In only a matter of minutes the change would be complete, the evil slowly taking over the good left in him. No one can claim it wasn't fair; I gave him a choice. He was just too stupid to listen.


Yuumai pov~

"Raga!" She giggled up at me, drool dribbling down her chin from her toothless gums, nothing but pure joy etched into her smile.

"Do you know how to talk?" I tried to be serious, but the facade fell the moment she giggled again and reached those chubby fingers out for me to hold.

"Seriously, though," I picked her out of her cot as gently as I could and placed her into my lap, "you need to hurry up and learn how to talk because I'm dying of boredom here."


I winced at the voice but answered nonetheless. "Yes Ryo?"

His footsteps stalked towards me and I could already feel his anger. I forgot to shut the door of Inori's bedroom, if I had he wouldn't have seen us.

"You know you're not supposed to play rough with a baby!"

My jaw dropped as I met his searing gaze, but my voice lowered to a pathetic whisper. "I wasn't playing rough with her."

I was powerless against him as he picked her up from my lap, placing her back in the cot she'd only just escaped from. "You know the rules, Yuumai. She's only a baby, you need to leave her alone."

Inori's gaze now looked pleading as her hands reached out for me, but I was already being dragged away down the hall.

"You know what? What's the point of letting me have a sister if I'm not even allowed to touch her!"

His grip on my elbow tightened and I forced a whimper to stay silent. "You will not see her for the rest of the day and that is final."

With a grunt of annoyance rather than difficulty, he shoved me into my own room and locked the door from the outside. I cried and banged against the freezing wood, all I wanted was to be around her.

"You can come out once you've calmed down!"

And with that, his footsteps receded down the hallway, leaving my alone in the dark with nothing more than my thoughts for company.


Fucking cops.

The blaring sirens were doing very little to soothe my headache, as at least five more cap cars approached the building. I could hear fire truck engines too, and the odd ambulance.

Was it really necessary to send so many people to one place just because of a minor house fire?

Okay, maybe 'minor' is a bit of a loose term. The whole building was up in flames.

But it wasn't my fault!

Those stupid kids dared to come into my house and take whatever they wanted? I don't think so.

Another wail of the sirens brought me back to my senses. I started dashing around in search of a way out, not fancying being crushed by rubble. The flames didn't hurt me, they felt welcoming against my skin.

A gunshot ran out through the air.

My nostrils flared. How dare they shoot at me? I am not the threat!

Before I could even think of all the ways I was going to make them suffer, another gunshot rang through the air and I collapsed to my knees in pain.

"Fuck!" I groaned out in pain, looking at the sizeable hole through my knee, dark blood seeping out. Who knew such a tiny piece of metal could cause so much pain and damage, even to a half demon?

The roof creaked threateningly as if it was about to give and I screamed as I felt another bullet lodge into my chest.

The choice was right in front of me. I could survive this.

I didntecen have to think about it. This is my choice, and I want this, I want to feel power.

With a shaky hand I raised my shirt, pressing my thumb firmly over the searing red birthmark etched onto the skin of my stomach. A whole new pain entered my system as the guardians released me from their control - they don't need me anymore. The earth is heating, not cooling. It's up to Inori to stabilise the balance, not me.

I felt my wounds healing, claws poking out that I didn't have before, my teeth turning into sharp points as a wicked smile graced my face.

This was gonna be fun.

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