Attic Friends

By Descem

15.5K 442 53

As Lilly moves from her home town she thinks her life is completly ruined and just when she thinks its all ge... More

Attic Friends
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25 the end
Just a quick afterthought

Chapter 12

455 15 2
By Descem

A/N: i may not have gotten all the reads and votes i asked for but i got enough so im going to write chapter 12 cause thats just how nice i am. oh and i decided on charectors so here it is

Lisa Gormley (lillys aunt)

Rhiannon Fish (lilly)

Emily Symons (lillys mom)

Bradley Cooper (lillys dad)

Rebecca Breeds (bridget)

Salma Hayek (bridgets mom)

Brekin Meyer (bridgets dad)

Mitzi Ruhlman (ghost kid 'Isabella')

Anyway heres story


Lillys P.O.V

"Suppers gonna be a while yet so do whatever you like also i have tv so you can watch that" says my aunt.

"Thanks" i say walking into my room.

I open the drawer and pull out the safe given to me from my mom. Closin my eyes i count to three.

"1... 2...3..." I open the chest as fast as i can. I open my eyes

"Aaaaaaah!" I scream with fright. I pik up the pictures of my parents one by one on each there is red x's over the faces, and on each of the back of the photo it said in bold capitol letters

"DIE" i cry and place the photos back into the safe. I put the safe back into the dresser an i close it. I flop onto the bed terrified covering my ears with a pillow.

"Make it go away make it go away make it go away" i repeat to myself but te nightmare doesnt go. It stays and Isabella continues to haunt me. Why haunt me? I didnt do anything to her! I walk into the kitchen and my aunts feeding the parots. I look where the writting is but its gone! I look around frantically how could it just dissapear?! My aunt walks into the kitchen so i look as casual as possible and change my attention out the window.

"If you want just call me bianca" she says smilling at me "im not mutch for the whole 'aunt' thing"

"Cool thanks?" I say but it turns out more like a question.

"Is everything alright... You look... Frightened" Bianca asks

"Ya totally fine" i lie.

"Okay well suppers ready" she says scooping soup into some bowls. She sets them on the table and places a spoon beside them. She goes to feed Brett and Isabella so i stay and eat. The is good it has carots, dumplings, onions an it tastes creamy. I finish and i start on the dishes i wash my bowl along with everything else that was lying in the sink.

"Ouch!" I yell in pain.

"Got you" says a faint voice. Scared i look around for were the voice came from but i dont see anyone around. I slowly pull my hand out easing with pain. It was throbing and i couldnt feel it, it hurt so badly. I pull my throbing hand out of the water to see it bleady majorly. I had cut myself i see the long deep gash oozing with blood at my every moove. I reach into the dish water pulling out what had cut me. . . A dagger! I pull out a sharp dolphin tale dagger as sharp as hell. These daggers are really rare and they are always very dangerous i heard off the news. I sheiek when did this dagger get there?! I never saw it when i was adding water to the sink! I run to my room and put the dagger in the safe. I lock it furiously with my one only good hand.

A/N: wow so scary! Anyway hope you guys liked that chapter. And dont forget to check out the charectors! And if you dont like who i decided on just picture your own! Anyway thanks for my 302 readers! Dont forget to







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