Voices of the Heart

By StingLikeABumblebee

4.3K 313 130

Barricade is gone, and Alyssa is safe... At least, that's what everyone thought. Megatron and his Decepticons... More

A New Friend
Royal Problems
Leave it all in the Past
Keeping Her Safe
Two Queens
Homecoming Horrors
There Is No Difference
Restarting... Maybe
New Friends... Kinda
Not Again
Say What?
The Lennox Family
Dinobots and Wreckers
Broken Love

Angry Disagreements

208 16 0
By StingLikeABumblebee

Dedicated to primuskat

"So, is your boyfriend always like that?" I asked Alyssa as we entered the cafeteria. I popped one on my McDonalds' chicken nuggets into my mouth as we walked. I knew I could've choked, but I was so fucking hungry and they smelled so good.

"Yeah," she sighed. "It wasn't as bad before the whole hit-and-run shit, but now I can't take two steps without him hovering over me."

"It can't be that bad--"

"He's in all my classes, Dess," she said flatly. "Him and everyone else. And whenever I need to leave the room, either he convinces the teacher to let him tag along, or he sends Donato to do it."

I made a face. "That's just weird."

"You're telling me," Alyssa huffed as we made our way to the table. The others waved to us before making some room. Her face fell slightly. "But I can't really blame him, you know? I mean... He's been having nightmares ever since... Ever since I survived. And whenever I'm alone, something bad seems to happen to me."

"Well, at least you know he cares," Donato offered.

James rolled her eyes. "Oh yeah,we can tell."

I was setting my McDonalds bag on the table when a certain blonde boy stalked over to us. He looked slightly angry and incredibly impatient as he walked to me.

"Can I talk to you for a minute?" Ben asked as I was about to sit down. I wasn't even given the chance to respond to his question before he grabbed my arm and practically yanked me away.

He stopped just outside the cafeteria doors and looked at me for a second before speaking. I was still a bit confused as to what he could possibly want to talk to me about and why he needed to do it so abruptly.

"What the pit are you doing here?" he said through his teeth.

It took me a matter of two seconds to realize exactly what he meant by his question. After almost a month he's finally recognized me. It was about damn time.

"Took you long enough, hot rod," I smirked.

"Cut the scrap, Destinee," he growled. "I'm not gonna ask again."

I rolled my eyes at him. There was no reason for him to be so rude, and there was also nothing to stop me from punching him in his synthetic little face for it either.

"I'm here to protect Alyssa, you moron. Now, if you'll excuse me I have eleven chicken nuggets waiting for me in there," I told him before making a move to head back in the cafeteria. He only yanked me back, annoying me in the slightest.

"What do you mean you're here to protect Alyssa? Alyssa doesn't need to be protected!"

"According to Optimus she does. He is the one that sent me after all," I responded.

My words angered him, but I couldn't exactly blame him. There were six Autobot holoforms in that cafeteria that could protect Alyssa just fine without me, but Optimus had chosen a human to do it. I mean, I was skilled in the art of combat and shit, but I was still a human. I'd be mad if I were Bumblebee too.

"We're perfectly capable of taking care of Alyssa, I'm perfectly capable of taking care of Alyssa. You don't need to be here, Destinee," he told me.

Little did he know...

"Oh, but I do, Bee. In time you'll understand my words, but for now you just need to trust me," I spat. "Without me your little girlfriend is just gonna be a pile of ash on the side of the road."

He narrowed his eyes at me, but that most certainly didn't break down my barriers; nothing could. "And what makes you so sure you can protect her better than me?"

"Did I say I could protect her better than you, nimrod? No! Just trust me, okay? You're better off that way," I told him. I didn't even give him the chance to respond before heading back into the cafeteria.

"What was that all about?" Skyler asked as I sat down next to Alyssa.

"I take it back," I said as Bee stormed in. "Your boyfriend's an ass."

"What makes you say that?" Alyssa asked. "I thought he said he liked you."

"That was before I recognized her," Bee growled as he sat down angrily. Well that hurt. Alyssa gave him a confused look.


"It's nothing," Bee said quickly.

"Are you sure--"

"It's nothing!" Bee yelled. I scowled slightly when Alyssa flinched. For the first time, Mike said something that we all could agree on.

"That wasn't cool, dude."

Bee just cursed and stomped out of the cafeteria. Alyssa stood up to follow him, but Donato quickly grabbed her arm and shook his head.

"Let him cool off," he advised. Alyssa sighed and sat back down.

"Look, I didn't mean for him to--" I began.

"It's not your fault," she said quietly. "He's been on edge recently. Nightmares..."

I sighed. Maybe I shouldn't have riled Bee up. We never saw eye to eye, but I knew the poor guy was stressed out enough already.

"... Have you guys met before or something?" She asked.

I scratched the back of my head. "I, um... May have spray painted his car... And slashed the tires..."


"Yeah. He never forgave me."


primuskat helped me write this part, so it is dedicated to her, and she is also given credit for this chapter. I will be going back to Alyssa's point of view, but this won't be the last time you'll be looking through Destinee's eyes.

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