My Personal Trainer《BTS JIMIN...

بواسطة misshobie

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Please read the authors note (^ω^) Especially if you're Jimin biased~ Most impressive ranking #9 in btsjiminf... المزيد

Author's Note
Chap. 1: Jumped
Chap. 2: Personal Trainer
Chap. 3: First Battle
Chap. 4: The New Jimin
Chap. 5: Truce
Chap. 6: Feelings ╮(╯3╰)╭
Chap. 7: Backfire!
Chap. 8: I'm Over It
Chap. 9: Open Your Eyes
Chap. 10: I Quit
Chap. 11: You what?
Chap. 12: And The Winner Is...
Chap. 13: Same Old Ex
Chap. 14: Paralyzed
Chap. 15: On The Contrary
Chap. 16: I'm Back
Chap. 17: Give Us A Try
Chap. 18: Power Couple
Chap. 19: My Name Is.. ㅠ.ㅠ
Chap. 20: Build Up
Chap. 21: Distracted
Chap. 22: Say That Again?...
Chap. 23: No Bond Whatsoever
Chap. 24: Rematch
Chap. 25: Bullet Wound
Chap. 26: Fading Away
Chap. 27: Almost Broken
Chap. 28: A New Hyung
Chap. 29: A Tall Stranger?
Chap. 30: Mine Forever
Chap. 31: Hidden Secrets
Chap. 32: Truth Revealed
Chap. 33: Wicked Witch
Chap. 34: Heart
Chap. 35: 22nd Anniversary
Chap. 36: 미안해
Chap. 37: Dance Like We're Making Love
Chap. 38: Wrong One
Chap. 39: Missing
Chap. 40: ¡FOUND!
Chap. 41: Shot Down
FINAL CHAPTER: A Second Chance


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بواسطة misshobie

-Jina POV-

The past years have been memorable.

That's for sure.

My son has grown so much, I hate to see him grow up so fast. It was as if yesterday he became the greatest blessing in my life. Aside from my husband, Jimin.

I don't know what I'd do if I were to lose any one of them, or both. I'd rather risk my life for them instead of going through grief.. like last time.

When I lost my other half.

My brother.

Jeon Jungkook.

May he rest in peace, but I know he's in a better place, with my parents. Watching over me and my family.

I know I'll join them one day.


"Ow! Milo don't hit too hard." Jimin told our son.

"Keke face it dad, you gettin old." My son said.

I smiled.

"That's what YOU think." Jimin said.

Everyday, I'm grateful to wake up and live another day. I've learned to keep the negative thoughts away from my mind and my family. Especially my son.

He's barely 15 and he's already in the ring undergoing training to become a professional fighter like his dad is and his mom once was.

I no longer fight, ever since I gave birth to my only son, I've only focused on being the best mother in the world.

Don't get me wrong though, I still got it, but I don't find it necessary to be so violent or anything, only when it's an emergency. Such as defend my son and protect my family from intruders and that kind of stuff. Those are the times I'd put my fighting skills to use.

Besides, Jimin earned his spotlight, he's been world champion 8 times. He's lost only 7 fights and won over 50, he's won by knock out legitimately 45 times. It's insane to think he's done all of that, and to think I was the one that started it.

I'm always by his side, cheering him on and supporting him to the fullest. I no longer train him, unfortunately. Jimin thought it'd be best I stay home and raise Milo for a while, until I was able to go back. In other words, until Milo was old enough. Which he is now but I'm always concerned.

Sometimes I don't want my son to fight, I mean...I just think of the amount of surgeries Jimin's gone through over fights.

I can't imagine Milo going through the same, he'd give me a heart attack almost each time. Just like his dad does.

But this is what he truly wants and I'm not going to stop him from achieving his dream.


"AISH! Milo what did I say?!" Jimin exclaimed.

"That one was my fault, I'm sorry, " Milo sighed and frowned, "Why can't you hire someone I can beat up? Huh?"

"Excuse you mister?" I said and got up from my seat.

Milo: Umma, I don't get why you guys can't just hire someone to let me hit! I want to know if my punches are powerful or not.

"Fighting is not just about hitting your opponent." I snapped.

Milo: Then what the fuck is it about? I want to hit and make them bleed! I want to win!

Jimin: What are you? An amateur?

Milo: Aniyo!

He reminds me of...


Jina and Jungkook were just children, she was 14 meanwhile her brother was barely 10.


"Ow!" Jina exclaimed as she fell on her arse, "Jungkook what the heck!"

"Hahahaa!" The younger laughed, "Noona you ok?"

Jina rose to her feet, "That's not funny, you're not supposed to actually hit me when we spar!" She told him.

"You're not?" He retaliated, "Where's the fun in that?"

"This isn't a real fight!" She explained, "It's just practice. Jeez."

He crossed his arms, "I see no point."

"Of course you don't, you're only 10."

"Hey don't underestimate me!" He retorted.

Jina giggled.

He frowned, "What's so funny? I want to laugh too!"

His older sister removed her gloves.

"Jungkook," she said, "Come here," she asked and pulled him to sit on her lap, "Let me ask you something."

"Ok!" He agreed, "Tell me." His full attention was on her.

She smiled as she adjusted herself, "Ok," she began and played with her brother's luscious long mushroom hair.

"You want to become a professional fighter right?"

"Of course!" He squeaked, "The best!"

She smiled more, "Well then don't actually hit me when we practice, you're a human being not an amateur."

"Whats that?" He asked curiously as he turned to look at his older sister.

"Someone reckless and rude." She said, "I'm training you to know how to fight, its not just about hitting your opponent, its about skill and using your moves wisely, along with your energy. What'll happen if you go full on monstrous on your opponent? You'll be fumed out by the first round, meanwhile your opponent won't be and therefore he'll beat you." She explained.

"No!" He squeaked, "I won't let them!"

She laughed, "You will if you go straight for the hit, you gotta think before you strike. Ok?"

"Do you do that, noona?" He asked as he looked up at his sister.

She nods, "Of course I do. Why do you think I always win?"

"Pfft." He rolled his eyes, "Don't make me laugh."

Jina scoffed, "Oh yeah? Well don't mind if I do!" She said and began to tickle her baby brother.

"Hahaha! No!! Noona stop!" He laughed, "I'm gonna pee!"

Jina laughed along with her baby brother Jungkook.

-End of Flashback-

Jimin: Babe you ok?

"Huh?" I snapped out of it and faced my husband.

Jimin: You were zoned out.


I looked at my son.

Milo: ..?

How embarrassing..

"Ahem." I cleared my through, "Sorry, I was just deep in thought." I said, "What were we talking about?"

Milo: Well dad called me an amateur and I don't know why!

Jimin: Don't use that tone of voice on me boy.

Milo: I'm just trying to understand!

Jimin: Don't yell at me!

I sighed, "BOYS." I shouted, two pair of eyes were drawn to me.

"This won't make anything better if you two dispute. Now let me handle this, Jimin." I said.

Milo: Yeah!

I looked at Milo, "And you, get your ass in the ring. Jimin, get me my gloves." I said and removed my sweater.

Both: WHAT?!

"Get me my gloves." I repeated.

Jimin: B-but

"Did I stutter?" I asked.

He handed me my gloves.

Milo: Umma what are you doing?

"I'm gonna show you what really happens when you hit your opponent." I explained as I got in the ring.

Milo: Whhhhat?

Jimin: Honey you can't be serious? What if he hurts you?

Milo: I would never hit mom.

Jimin: But you'd hit me?

Milo: Yeah cause you're a guy.

I laughed, "So? That doesn't matter. I've fought plenty of men before."

Milo: YOU HAVE?!

Jimin: Oh no. Don't remind me.

"Milo get in here."

Milo: Aish..

My son unwillingly got in the same ring as me.

I got into position, "Hit me."

He laughed at first.

I raised an eyebrow.

Jimin stood serious as he watched us.

Milo: Keke ok this is enough. I won't hit dad from now on.

"No no." I said, "C'mon hit me. Don't be scared I'll be ok."

"I'm not doing that, you're a girl." He said.

Jungkook never hesitated to hit me, then again he was my brother, it was different. Milo's my son, he would never lay a finger on me, and on top of that, I never abused him as discipline. So that's another reason he wouldn't hurt me.

Jimin: Jina this isn't going to work. Get down now.

But I refuse to let my son turn into an unprofessional amateur like The Slayer. Milo is my whole world and I cannot let him fall into that shit.

"No," I refused, "Milo hit me. Pretend I'm not your mother."

He giggled, "But you are? Mom're a girl. You taught me never to hit a girl."

I grew frustrated since I never liked being looked down upon as just a weak girl. With that in mind, I gave in and began to spar with my son, he immediately got defensive and blocked every hit.

"Umma stop! This isn't funny I don't want to hurt you!"

Jimin: He's right Jina! Stop!

I didn't stop, in fact I continued. It was my chance to see Milo's weaknesses and improve them. I quickly noticed that he's quick but very unfocused. Along with taking note how much patience he actually has.

Just as expected, he didn't have much patience, he started fighting back. I should've known, he's so much like his father.


I yelped.

Milo gasped.

Jimin: Jina!

He came to help me, I pushed him away, "I'm fine.." I wiped my bloody nose.

Milo: Omg mom...I'm so sorry..

"What?" I said, "You're gonna apologize to your opponent each time you strike? Son you're no whimp."

"Eh?" He seemed confused, "You're not gonna cry?"

"Why am I gonna cry over a stupid nose bleed?" I asked, "Son I've taken worse hits, c'mon hit me."

"This is ridiculous." He said.

"Is that so?" I asked, and in a second I began to spar again.

Milo blocked each hit and went for another strike, but this time I grappled him and flung him to the ground. Locking him in an arm lock.

He groaned in pain, "UMMA STOP!"

Jimin: Stop!

I let go and we both got up.

Milo: That hurt!

Jimin: Are you crazy?! He's our son!

I disregarded Jimin, "It's part of the business. THAT'S what'll happen to you if you fight like an amateur." I told my son, "You're lucky I'm your mother and I let go, if it were someone else you'd be crying right now." I said and jumped off the ring.

Milo: Wow... so that's what'll happen. Oh my goodness I need to step up my game! Mom come back! Show me more!

I washed my face in the nearby sink.

Jimin: Jina are you ok?

My head felt a little dizzy and I felt sick all of a sudden.

Jimin: Jina?


I covered my mouth and ran into the restroom, locking the door before my husband ran after me.

Getting down on my knees, I gagged exaggerating into the toilet.


"Jina you ok?!" Jimin asked anxiously.

I threw up more and more, my throat burning like it was on fire and a pain in my stomach. I coughed and coughed.

What is going on?

"Mom?" Milo called.

It took a few moments to get my thoughts together, I wonder what I had eaten to make me sick. For sure I'm not pregnant, I've been on the pill for a while now, I drink it religiously.

Then, at that moment, I looked into the toilet where I had gagged.

There was blood.

Blood everywhere.

My heart felt like it was gonna burst through my chest, I couldn't believe what I was viewing.

I just puked blood...

What does that mean...



"Uhm.." I grabbed some toilet paper to wipe my mouth and clean a bit, "I'm ok baby...just gimme a minute.." I asked.

"You ok.?" He asked.

"Y-yeah.." I lied, "It was the food we ate earlier..I guess."

"You sure you don't want to see a doctor?" He asked.

" isn't that serious." I said.

"Don't lie to me."

The tears wanted to come out but I sucked it up and flushed. I took a deep breath and looked at my reflection


I look pale as fuck!

What is happening to me?

Please don't tell me I'm dying..

No no. Let me stop.

No negative thoughts no negative thoughts.

I'm ok I'm ok.

I'm alive and happy..

I quickly rinsed my mouth thoroughly and cleaned myself up a bit more.

"Mom what's happening?"



Jungkook, Mom, Dad, is it my time to go now?

I frowned.

"Jina you're scaring me, say something."

I opened the door and looked at them, "I'm fine, but I think I'm coming down with something so I'm going home.."

Jimin: I'm telling you, let's go see a doctor.

"No." I refused, "it isn't serious, I just need rest."

Milo: Umma..

I smiled and kissed his cheek, "Keep working hard, and remember, no child of mine is an amateur."

Milo: Ok..

Jimin: At least let me take you home.

"No baby," I refused again, "I'm fine really.."

Jimin sighed.

Jimin: K well... stay safe. Call me, I'll see you soon.

I nod, "I love you."

And with that I took my time getting home.

So many thoughts scattered throughout my mind, I was really scared. Old horrific memories started to replay, like the time I needed a heart transplant...that eventually leaded up to Jungkook dying..because of save me...

My head was down when I turned a corner and rammed into someone.

I gasped softly as they held me before I tripped, "I'm sorry.." I immediately apologized and looked up.




Long time no see.

He smiled warmly, "Oh my gosh it's nice to see you again, I'll admit it's been a while. How've you been? Jimin's doing well? And Milo?"

I remember when we first met, who knew we'd go through with what we went through. As I stared at his face, I admired his perfect features, he hasn't really changed at all. Still the same old beautiful Taehyung, just older and mature.

"Keke Jina?" He said.

"Uhm.." I fixed my posture, "I'm sorry.. uh-- I've been okay.."

Not at this moment though..

"Jimin's taking a break for a while and Milo's good..he's great.." I mumbled.

Taehyung chuckled, "Good to hear, I'm very proud of Jimin and all his success. He truly deserves it, you must be so happy, lucky as well."

I smiled, "I guess."

"So you heading somewhere?" He asked.

"Hmm? Oh..just going home. I'm not feeling well." I admitted.

"Oh? Well would you mind if I accompany you?"

He's always been so kind.


"If you don't mind.." I mumbled.

He hooked his arm with mine, "Course I don't, let's go."

We walked side by side.

The silence was somewhat awkward but I didn't mind at all. Too much was going through my mind that I was afraid I'd end up telling him what just happened to me.

Thankfully Taehyung didn't really keep a conversation going, I'm almost too sure he just wanted to make sure I got home.

"You know.." he began, my eyes locked with his features, "If you're not feeling could go see Yoongi, he is a doctor after all."

"A DOCTOR!" I retaliated in astonishment.

He laughed, "Why so surprised?"

"It's Yoongi." I reminded.

He nods, "I know, I had that same reaction, but yes. He's a doctor, he could help?"

Yoongi a doctor, wow.

"I don't know.." I said timidly.

"It's just a suggestion." He said.

I nod, "Gamsahabnida...I'll take it in consideration.."

"Well you're home!" He cheered, "Wow.. its bigger than my house."

"How big is your house?" I asked out of curiosity.

"It's nearly as big as this one."

"That isn't small."

"Its eh. Ok."

"What do you work as? I mean don't get me wrong, its just...well you need to have big income to own a mansion like this one." I said.

He nodded, "I know that, I'm a host."

"A host? For what?"

"I work at a Gentlemans Host Club."


"G-Gentlemens?" I repeated.

He smiles, "I give pleasure to woman all around the world."

He's a playboy omg.

"Whoa!" I backed up, "Ok too much info there...haha..good for you." I managed to say.

He giggled, "Thanks! It's the best job in the world."

"I can imagine..." I mumbled.

Taehyung threw his head back and laughed more.

I walked inside, "Well..thanks for taking me home, I wish you luck on"

"Oh why thank you! Teehee. Feel better!"

I wave and closed the door.


What a way to catch up on what my ex has been up to.

But either way I quickly forgot about it and went through my old phone book.

'Min Yoongi (Suga)'

Hopefully his number is the same... I know Jimin has his number but I wouldn't want him to start getting suspicious. For sure he'll be like 'why do you need his number?' 'Why you calling him for?' And blah blah.

I dialed and waited patiently.

"Dr. Min's office, Dr. Min speaking, how may I help you?"


He answered..

Ok take a deep breath Jina.

"Heelloo?" He said again.



"Jina?" He said in confusion.

"Yeah its me, hey.."

Pause again.


"I'm sorry to bother you, is it a good time now?"

"It doesn't really matter...what's up? I mean, how may I help you?"

He's really matured so much.

"Yoongi I need you to examine me, I've come down with something and it's really scary to think what it could possibly be.."

"What are your symptoms?"

"My what?"

"Signs, are you coughing, sneezing, itchy, vomiting-"

"Vomiting." I said.

"Ok, whats the color?"


"Of your vomit."


"Uhm...actually..its blood." I admitted.


Its so quiet I can hear my heart beating.

"Jina would you mind coming in this afternoon so I can get a better examination of you?" He asked.

"Of course, I don't mind at all."

"Excellent, come around 5pm, just tell the front desk your name and you'll be sent in. Ok?"

"Ok..thank you so much."

"Of course, bye bye now-"

"Wait Yoongi!"


"Don't tell Jimin."

"Aishh...this shit again?"


He sighed, "Arasso.."


In the meantime, I should probably prepare dinner for my boys when they get back. For sure they're gonna be hungry and cause a mayhem in the kitchen if they don't find anything.

With that in mind, I put myself to work and prepared their favorite dish. Jimin's mother gave me the recipe, I couldn't thank her enough.

"Ok, everything is set. Now where's the note?" I said.

Ah there it is!

I placed the note on the table for them to read it when they get here. I informed them I stepped out for a bit. After that, I grabbed my purse and left to Yoongi's office.

Hopefully Jimin doesn't call...


-@ the hospital-

The minute I stepped inside and said my name, I was taken in faster than ever. Yoongi stepped out in his long white coat and to be honest, he looked rather attractive. It was very nice seeing him again, such a Gentleman.

We spoke briefly and caught up with each others lives, he tells me he never misses to watch a fight, he said it's remarkably amazing to see Jimin be such a pro fighter.

"Open wide." He ordered.

I did as he said.

"Mm.." he observed my mouth with a pen light and a stick, "Looks normal, do me a favour and cough into this cloth." He said.

I grasped it from him, "Cough?" I repeated.

"Yes. Cough."

I awkwardly coughed, but then it turned serious that I felt like I was coughing my brains out. Yoongi had to help me maintain myself.

"You ok? I'm really sorry...I should've said cough lightly.." he apologized.

I cleared my throat, "It's fine...I'm just really sick.."

"Hmm...ok let me see."

I handed him the cloth and by the expression on his face, I knew it was something VERY bad.

He looked at me with concern, "Jina would you mind if I run a Positron Emission Tomography scan on you?"

"A what?" I asked again, in major confusion.

"A P.E.T scan, its a tool used to detect cancer." He said.

"Cancer?!" I exclaimed in horror, "No no I don't have cancer!"

"Jina please calm down, I'm not saying you do."

"Then what up with this PET shit?!"

"I just want to be sure!" He said.


A knot built in my throat, he looked at me with eyes of sorrow.


"I want to help you, if we take act now we could stop it before it spreads." He informed.

"I thought you said you were just making sure."

He sighed, "Vomiting and coughing up blood are one of the signs of cancer." He told me.

My vision got blurry due to my tears forming.

"It's scary I know, but we have to be sure, you wouldn't want to go through history again, would you?" He asked.


"Jina.." he caressed my cheek, "I'm so don't know how hard I prayed for you and how worried I was..I thought you wouldn't make it."

I found the strength to sit up and hold him tight.

He held my tightly close to him. "I got you.." he whispered.

"I'm never leaving you ever again, Jimin..I love you. With you is where I always want to be." I mumbled.

He kissed my cheek, "I love you too babe. Soooo much."

I smiled.

Hoseok and Taehyung were watching and smiling at our moment.

From now on, I just want to be happy.

With Jimin.

-End of Flashback-

"No.." I mumbled, "Of course not.." I nearly whispered.

Why would I? I lost Jungkook...

"Then we have to run a scan, how's tomorrow?"

I looked at Yoongi.


Man what the hell, why are bad things happening again? I can't keep this from Jimin, not like the first time. He has every right to know now, perhaps he can help too..


I took a deep breath, "Tomorrow's fine." I told him, "What time?"

"8am sharp." He said.

I nodded, "Ok, and uh.. should I prepare for scan?"

"Simple, just drink clear liquids for tonight, do NOT eat or drink anything for at least 4 hours before you get here. And... do you take medication?"


"Good then just follow those simple rules, oh and I'll be injecting a small amount of radioactive substance into your vein."

"Why?!" I exclaimed.

"It'll be absorbed by organs and tissues that use the most energy," he informed, "Ya see... cancer cells mainly use energy rather than healthy cells for who knows why, but just know that it'll help me find whatever it is. The substance will only stay in your body for a short amount of time, it's completely safe." He assured me.

"Ok.." I gave in, "I trust you."

"You should, I'm certified in all of this, spent nearly 10 years in medical and grad school so..." he smiled, "You're in good hands."

Without hesitation I hugged him.

He yelped.

"Thank you so much.."

He hugged me back, "Of course Jina, you're a good friend and your husband is my favorite fighter."

We laughed as we broke the hug.

"I'll be sure to get you tickets for his next big fight."

He laughed, "Oh if it isn't any trouble."

I giggled.

-phone rings-


"I gotta go.." I said.

"You should really tell him.." he suggested, "Don't make this harder than it has to be.." he said.

I nodded, "I'll consider it."

"Do it!" He said.

"Bye~" I smiled and left.

The moment I stepped out, I answered my phone, "Hey babe."

"Where are you?"

"Did you eat?" I asked, "I left you food."

"Where are you?" He asked again.

"I'm going home now."

"What aren't you telling me?" He asked.

"Has Milo eaten? Tell him to shower."

"Jina!" He yelled.

"What!" I yelled back.

"Babe you're acting weird. I thought you said you'd get rest, did you go to the hospital?"

"I'll be home in a bit."

"OH MY GOSH!" He said in frustration.

I frowned and hung up.

I really hate it when he gets mad like that.

As I walked down the street, someone came tackling me, I screamed in fear and kneed whoever in their nut sack.


I gasped, "HOSEOK!" I exclaimed.

Damn what the fuck is going on? They're all popping up out of no where! Who's next? Tony?

"Hi...Jina.." he groaned and took a moment.

"Omg Hobi-ah..what the f- who told you to startle me like that!"

He took a few deep breaths until he was fine, "I just wanted to say hi.." he managed to say.

I groaned, "I'm sorry I did that..."

"It's fine...I was dumb.."

I helped him keep his posture as we resumed walking.

"It's nice to see you again, Jina~"

I forced a smile, "Yeah.."

"Has Jemen been treating you right?"

I nod, "Guess you could say that."

"Are you ok?" He asked next.

"I'm fine..." I lied.

"You don't sound fine, are you sure?"

Hoseok always knows when I'm ok and when I'm not.

"Mhm.." I resumed lying.

He sighed, "You're hiding something.."

"Yeah I am.."

He looked at me, "What?"

"Hoseok..I.." I sobbed softly, "I.."

"What is it? Tell me." He said.

History isn't going to repeat itself, Jimin's my husband, he needs to know first, before anyone, besides Yoongi of course.

I lowered my eyes, "Nothing.." I sucked it up, "I'm fine. You heading somewhere?"

He seemed very confused, "Uhm..I wanted to say hi?"

I forced a smile, "Well hi!"

He chuckled awkwardly, "Are you sure you're ok?? I're acting strange."

"Tell me about it."



Hoseok turned, "Oh my gosh Jimin!" He squeaked and hugged the famous kick boxing champion.

Jimin laughed, "Ah Hoseok," he pulled away, "Its good to see you, how are you man?"

Hoseok: Good as ever! I just watched your recent fight! Dude! You're amazing, you definitely know how to put up a fight.

Jimin: Keke thanks...I get that all the time.

I smiled.

Hoseok: How's Milo?

Milo: Great! Hey (:

Hoseok: Oh my gosh Milo, you got SO big!

Milo: Haha thanks~

Jimin walked over to me and put his arm around me, he pulled me in and smiled at me.

"Uhm..Hoseok was just saying hi.."

Jimin: I'm sure he was, I don't have to worry anymore, we are married. *kisses Jina's cheek*

I blushed.

Hoseok: Yeah well...I actually gotta go, I was just saying hi. It surprised me to see her just walking by.

Jimin: Oh yeah, where were you?

I gulped, "Well uh-- bye Hoseok! Hopefully we'll keep in touch!"

Hoseok: Uh- sure?

Milo: BYE ^-^

Jimin: Later man, I'll call you.

Hoseok: Ok~ take care now! *walks away*

Jimin looked at me.

"What?" I asked.

Jimin: Where did you really go?

He has that look, I can't lie to him, but Milo's here and I don't want to scare him.

"I'll tell you but first let's go home amd eat as a family." I suggested.

Milo: Yeah!

Jimin looked concerned but agreed.



Dinner was awkwardly quiet, Milo simply enjoyed his meal, meanwhile Jimin stared me down as I tried to enjoy my food.

Milo: Ahem. *swallows* so are you feeling better umma?

I locked eyes with Jimin.

He raised an eyebrow.

"Uhm.." I wiped my mouth, "Yes baby, I'm all better now." I forced a smile.

Milo: Good, because I was a little worried.

Jimin: Same here. *drinks water*

I avoided his gaze and looked at my son, "Don't worry about me, I'm a strong woman."

Jimin: Very.

He knows something is up, had Yoongi told him?

Milo: In that case... you'll be at my first fight, right?

I looked at Jimin, "Uhmm.."

Jimin: She might.


Milo: Might?

Jimin: She wasn't there at my first fight, after she said she would be. Remember, Jina?

I didn't go because I knew he'd win, he didn't need me.


But my son needs me, however, tomorrow I get a pet scan and who knows what the outcome is..

I don't know if I have cancer or not, if I do then I can't attend because god knows what I might have to go through.

"We'll see." I simply answered and continued to eat.

Milo: You'll see? What kind of bullshit is that?


"Excuse me? Watch your language." I exclaimed.

Jimin didn't say anything.

Milo: You're my mom, you used to do this shit all the time! You even taught dad! Why can't you just say yes and come support me? You're horrible!

My eyes widen as I looked at Jimin, "Aren't you gonna say anything about this?!"

He shrugged and enjoyed his meal.

Milo: You never supported me!

"Honey thats enough! You think I had anyone coming to support me while I fought back in my days?" I asked him, "I never did it for fun, I did it to learn self defense."

Milo: I don't give a shit about none of that! This isn't about you! This about my fight!

"But you're accusing me which is ridiculous!" I argued.

Jimin continued to eat quietly and watch us dispute.

Milo: Just make up your fucking mind!

"Milo, you need to watch how you speak to me." I told him.

Milo: Man fucking forget it!

He stumbled out of the dining room.

"Milo!" I yelled.

I heard him run up to his room and slam the door shut.

I groaned and covered my face.

Jimin put down his eating utensils and began to clap.


I looked at him.

"Congratulations." He said.

"What?" I said in annoyance.

"You just pissed off our son."

I rolled my eyes, "No surprise there. Why didn't you defend me? Did you hear the way he was speaking to me?"

"Oh I heard every word, babe," he said, "but let's worry about that later."


He folded his hands, "Where were you today?" He asked.

Oh yeah..


I sighed and looked at him dead in the eye, "I'm sick."

"Sick as in...??"

"I may be diagnosed with cancer." I answered bluntly.

His face turned cold, almost as if he couldn't process what I had just said.

He chuckled, "I'm sorry...but did you just say-"

"This isn't funny Jimin, this is serious."

"What makes you assume such silly things?" He asked as he got serious very quickly.

"It's not silly," I told him, "I puked blood today and Yoongi said it may be cancer!" I exclaimed, "So he's running a pet scan on me tomorrow just to be sure." I added.

"No." He answered

"What?" I said.

"No," he said again, "No you're not diagnosed with anything!" He screamed, "You're perfectly fine!"

I wanted to cry, this is just as heartbreaking for me..

Jimin's face turned red and angry, he groaned and flung his plate off the table, shattering everything.

"STOP!" I exclaimed, "Are you crazy?!"

"YOU ARE NOT SICK!" He screamed at me.

I cried.

Jimin got up from the table and ran his fingers through his hair, "Fuck... Fuck... FUUCKK." He exclaimed and broke something else.

I gasped in fear and ran upstairs.

I barged into Milo's room and locked the door.

"Mom? What are you doing here? Get out."

-glass shattering/Jimin screaming-

"What the f-"

I covered his mouth and sat us both at his bed, "shh..just let him vent." My voice cracked.

Milo nodded and held me tightly.

All we heard was Jimin screaming and shattering things. I forgot to mention he's developed serious anger issues over the years. Since he's been under so much stress as well, now that he knows... I know this is hard for him.

Jimin continued and Milo and I tried our best to tune him out as we fell asleep.


-Next Morning-

Milo woke me up.

"Mm?" I yawned, "What?"

"It's 7:00am, should we check on dad?" He asked.

I checked the time and indeed it was 7 in the morning, enough time for me to get ready and head to the pet scan.

Jimin should be calm by now.

I sat up, "You get ready for school, I'll go check on your father."

"You don't need my help?"

"No," I pat his head, "I'm ok, you just get ready." I assured.

"Ok umma."

I quickly made my way downstairs and noticed all the damage.

Jimin really wrecked everything, I guess he took the news harder than I thought.

Just as I walked into the kitchen, I nearly gasped when I saw Jimin.

He was drinking orange juice, he had a small scratch on his cheek.

"Good morning, babe." He said and walked over to me.

I took a step back but he held me in his arms and kissed me.

As if nothing happened.

"Slept well?" He asked.

I awkwardly nod, "Are you ok?"

"I am now," he answered and pulled away, "what time is the pet scan?" He asked.

"At... 8?"

"Ok. I'm going with you."

"What?" I asked in disbelief.

He looked at me, "What? I can't let you go alone? You need me and therefore I'll be there for you."

Despite how angry he was yesterday, I'm glad he's actually coming. I was afraid he wouldn't want to.

I smiled, "Thanks.."

Milo walked in.

Milo: Dad are you gonna clean that up?

Jimin: I'll hire someone to. I'm sorry for the scare you guys...I just... sometimes I go crazy.

"At least you didn't hurt anyone but.. you need to find help."

Jimin: I will, right after we take care of your condition.

I nod.

Milo: What condition?

"Nothing sweety, you ready?"

Milo: Yeah, lemme grab my bag.

He walked out, I looked at Jimin.

Seemed like he was waiting for a response.


"Don't say anything," he said, "I don't want to talk about it until it's over with. Ok?"

I nod, "Ok.."

I can sense he's afraid to know, I'm just as afraid.

Milo and Jimin were ready and so we were on our way.

Jimin didn't really talk much, Milo was on his phone and I was a nervous wreck.

Milo arrived to school on time and now Jimin and I were on our way to my pet scan.


-Jimin POV-

My wife and I walked inside holding hands.

A very familiar guy came walking towards us, I smiled once I recognized who it is.

Yoongi: Jina, good morning, *gasp* Jimin! Yooo!

We hugged.

"Hey man, what's up?" I asked.

Yoongi: Dude it's good to see you! How you been? It's been a really long time.

"yeah.. it has been huh?"

Yoongi: What have you been up to?

"Dude, let's not get side tracked, my wife is here for her scan." I reminded.

Yoongi: Right, sorry Jina.

"It's fine.." she assured, "What will I have to do? Do I need to fill out anything?"

Yoongi: Yeah, just a few papers and you'll have to change into a patient's gown.

Jina: of course...

"I'll sign the papers babe," I assured, "You go change."

Jina kissed me then nodded and went to go change after Yoongi handed her the gown.

"Follow me." He said.

I walked inside his office, "So tell me, is she gonna die?"

He looked at me in a weird way, "Well aren't you quick to jump to conclusions?"

"I just want to know what the fuck is going on with my wife." I said, "How long has this been happening?"

"Just yesterday, she came in as fast as ever, I hope its nothing serious."

"She didn't tell me anything." I said, "I went on the worst rampage ever last night."

"Hm. I can imagine." He giggled.

"Thats not funny."

He stopped what he was doing, "right, well.. ahem, you need to sign these and fill out her info here and we'll get started." He said as he handed me a clipboard.

"K." I answered and began to write everything down.

My hand is trembling as I write.

I'm so scared for my wife.

I nearly lost her once..

But instead I lost someone just as important..

A young boy that was the little brother I always wished for.

Jeon Jungkook.

He may have lived a short life but damn did he have such guts to do a heroic thing.

I'm always missing him, Milo sort of resembles him in some angles.


I looked up, "Yeah?"

He smiled lightly, "Jina will be fine."

I looked down, "Let's hope.."

"How hard did you take it?"

"Let's just say I destroyed my entire first floor.."

He sighed and shaked his head, "I've heard that you developed anger issues. So its true."

"Yeah.." I unwillingly admitted.

"Are you doing anything about it?" He asked.

I finished filling out the clipboard and handed it to him, "Can we not talk about me? I'm here for Jina."

"Hey I'm just looking out for the both of you, I can help you. Jin's a therapist."

I nod, "Cool."

He frowned, "You need to be ok. You're my favorite fighter."

I smiled, "Don't worry about me."

*knock knock*

I turned my head and saw my wife in a hospital gown, it sickened me to see her like that. The very last time I saw her in one was when she woke up again. The day she was reborn but officially alone family wise. But she always had me and my parents.

"I'm ready.." she said.

Yoongi: Let's do this.

Yoongi had her lay down on a flat surface in this huge machine. I had kissed her good luck and left the lab. Yoongi allowed me to stay beside him throughout this whole process.

We were behind a glass window as I watched my wife undergo the scan.

"Is this going to hurt her?" I asked.

"Not at all, now lets see hmm.." he looked at the results.

I had no idea what the hell he was looking at, it was weird colors, a screen full of red and orange spots, along with some yellow, blue, and green.

It was odd.

"Well?" I asked, "What's wrong with her?"

He took off his glasses and looked sad.

"Jimin.. she's diagnosed with first stage cancer." He said and looked at me.

For some reason, everything seemed to have been blocked out. All I thought about were our days back when we were teens. When I first met her, to our first kiss, our first fight, our first date, our first time...

Now it feels like that will all be gone and taken from me forever.

"Jimin? You ok?"

My vision got blurry due to the tears.

I managed to look at him with watery eyes, "I'm fine.." my voice cracked, "Just help her..please." I begged.

He held back his tears and nods.

The scan was over and I waited in the lobby for my wife.

For sure Yoongi told her..

My only question is, why? Why her? Why now? She's gone through enough.

I'm not going to get mad though, that would only scare her.

As I sat there collecting my thoughts, someone stopped in front of me.

I looked up.


She smiled, "Hey.."

I rose to my feet and hugged her, "You're going to be ok." I assured her, "I'm here for you all the way, we'll fight through this."

I sensed her smile as she held me tightly, "I know..thank you. I love you."

We pulled away from the hug and looked at each other, "I love you too." I said and kissed her.

She smiled within the kiss.

"Mm.." I broke the kiss, "Get a hold of yourself before I get out of control."

She giggled, "Shut up~"

I smiled as we walked side by side and started exiting the hospital.

"So.. are you going to be bald?" I asked.

She scoffed and hit me, "What kind of question is that, babo!"

I laughed, "I just want to know.."

She groaned and crossed her arms, "You're such a dick."

Here we go.

I bear hugged her, "Forgive meeee."

"Get off me."

"Nope. Not until you forgive me." I said.

"Fine. I don't care."

"Neither do I~"

Jina is so cute when she's upset.

Which is another reason why I have to control myself and be as supportive as possible.

I'm not losing this fight, thats for damn sure.


-Months Later-

-Jina POV-

Jimin has been nothing BUT supportive, I'm actually impressed.

He's even cancelled press conferences and appearances just to stay home and be with me.

It's nice and all but sometimes I feel like a burden, like he's only doing this because he's afraid I'll stop waking up.

The thought is scary but I've been doing well, Yoongi has had me under good treatment and I feel fine. Although I haven't fully recovered but I look fine, my hair isn't falling out either.

I think I might actually survive this.


I smiled as my sweet husband walked inside with my lunch.

"I heated up the soup," he told me, "I hope it isn't too hot."

I put my book aside and allowed him to set the food table.

"Wow didn't burn it." I said and giggled.

He laid beside me, "For now.."

I smiled and ate joyfully.

Jimin watched me.

"What?" I asked and slurp my soup.

"You're progressing well.." he said softly.

"Oh..haha duh? I don't go down without a fight." I reminded.

He giggled, "I know that's a fact."

I put down my spoon, "Come here baby, lay in my arms."

Jimin scooted closer and I wrapped him in my arms.

I played with his hair, "I love you. I love you soo much."

"I love you more.." he mumbled.

"Yeah well thats a lie because I liked you first."

He chuckled, "So? I did so much for you."

"Yeah? Well what about all the pain I went through just for you?"

He scoffed, "Don't remind me."

I smiled and kissed his head, "Always remember me no matter what happens."

He looked at me, "Why do you say that? You sound like you're leaving me."

"I'm just telling you. You need to be strong."

"But I'm nothing without you, Jina."

I sighed, "As am I, but in case anything happens, promise me you'll be strong. For the sake of our son."

"Ok but stop saying such things." He muttered.

He's in denial...

My poor baby's in denial but I know he wants me to get better.

Milo walked inside.

Jimin: Don't you knock?

Milo: Sorry..

"Tsk shut it babe. What's up honey?" I asked.

He sat at the edge of the bed.

Milo: Mom are you dying?


Jimin: Do you want me to smack that mouth of yours?



I looked at my son, "Why do you ask?"

Milo: The media said so.. everyone at school is teasing me as well. I hate it mom. Tell me its a lie.

Jimin: Milo you need to calm down.

"Yeah, before you go hurt someone."

Milo: I'm THIS close.

Jimin: First off, you should never care what others say, no matter how messed up it is, be the bigger person.

Milo: How would you know? You're Park Jimin.

"Listen to him honey."

Milo looked at Jimin.

Jimin: I used to be bullied. I hated it. Look at me now? Haters love me and I can't feel more accomplished.

Milo: You used to be bullied?

"Got that right, I saved your dads life."

Milo: Wow..really?

We both nod.

Jimin: Now, your mother isn't dying. You know she's sick, you know whats actually going on. Don't let society get to you, ok?

He nods.

Milo: Ok. Sorry mom.

I smiled, "Come here and join us."

Milo gladly did so.

I kissed his cheek repeatedly.

Milo: Ugh yuck! Quit it mom!

I laughed, "Ohh I can't wait until you find a girlfriend."

Jimin: *smiles* This is beautiful.

I looked at him, "Hmm?"

Jimin: I created the most perfect family I ever wished for.

My heart felt warm and fuzzy.

Milo: Keke. I love you too dad.

Jimin hugged us both.

Jimin: I wouldn't trade you two for the world, you guys ARE my world.

I smiled and held my boys close.

I don't want to go, I can't leave my boys, they need me. More than anything.


-Jimin POV-

As the months went by, I won more fights, Milo turned 15 and Jina survived cancer.

However they say it will come back but not any time soon and most likely in a different form. But for the time being, we are back to the happy family we always were.

I found it to be a miracle that Jina survived, they told us she was going to die.

But I guess Jina cheated death again, I don't know how she does it, but I'm thankful I still wake up to her every morning.

Along with that, I decided to listen to my family and friends and get some help. I know my anger issues can get very violent at some points that I put my own family in danger, and that's not cool.

I'm happy to say that I don't lash out like I usually do, Jin gave me some meditation tips and they really help.

Jina went back to being an active fighter since Yoongi recommended it, however, she's a full-time trainer. I had the ability to reinstate her fathers old gym, the gym I met her at. That gym is now under her name and open for business, so many young people want to learn self-defense and it makes me happy seeing my wife do what she's always loved.

As for my son? Well he's gaining popularity at school and got himself a little girlfriend. I give him condoms ALL the time..

I mean, better to let him know than not to, right?

Milo is like the reincarnation of Jungkook, Jina even noticed it. His attitude, his personality, his looks, his smile, it all resembles Jungkook.

I miss him so much.

Today's the 15th anniversary of Jungkook's death. He'd be 30 by now.

Milo was born a year after Jungkook died..


"This is it." Milo said and placed down the first bouquet of flowers.

I looked at the tombstone before me.

His picture is still there, that gummy snile of his, how it made me happy back in those days..

I smiled and gently placed my hand on it, "Jungkook.." I spoke, "Heh.. hey man. How's it going?"

Milo looked sad, almost like he wanted to cry.

"I miss you everyday bro.." I said, "I hope you know that, thanks for watching out for me all the time, Jina and I appreciate it.."


"Shh. I'm talking with your uncle."

He looked away.

I smiled again, "My son resembles you a lot you know? It reminds Jina of you."

"Dad." He said much more seriously.

"Quiet son!"

"Stop mentioning mom.." his voice cracked, "Just stop.. I miss her too.. but you don't have to act anymore.." he cried as a tears streamed down his cheeks.

The sad reality burned my fragile heart.

Milo dropped to his knees in front of another tombstone and hugged it. He cried hysterically.

"Umma..." he sobbed.

Jina died last year, fighting cancer.

Unfortunately she didn't make it but Jimin did not accept it at all, in fact it messed him up mentally. Milo has to accompany him to his psychologist appointments to get help. Everyday Jimin drowns deeper and deeper into denial. When Jina died, he went insane, then after some sort of help, he started lying to himself and made believe she's alive just so he can stay ok.

Milo was deeply affected as well, but it didn't affect him as much since he was susceptible to his moms death.

I sniffled, "Milo get up, what are you doing?" I asked.

"Dad just stop... you know she's dead.."

"Whose dead?" I asked.

He looked at me, "Mom! Mom's dead dad! Accept it already!"

I grew furious, "What the fuck are you talking about?!" I grabbed him by his collar and lifted him slightly, "Don't you fucking say that!"

"You need to stop this and admit it!" He cried, "Mom is resting in peace! Let her go!"

My anger rushed within me.


"Put him down!"


The guys showed up and pulled me away from my son.

Hoseok, Taehyung, Namjoon, Jin and Yoongi.

Yoongi: It's ok..

Hoseok: We're here for you.

Taehyung: Here for all of you..

Namjoon: Just like we promised her.

Jin: You're not alone.

That's when I looked over and saw the tombstone that was next to Jungkooks.


My lips quiver.

Taehyung rushed over to me and hugged me before I dropped to my knees.

I cried and held on to him.

The guys looked sad.

Hoseok hugged Milo.

"Guys she isn't gone..." I cried.

They all didn't know what to say, I myself know I'm a little fucked up in the head but it isn't my fault.

Jina was my everything.

She was taken from me.

Just like Jungkook sacrificed himself.

All I have now is Milo, my blood.

Our own.

Taehyung: No matter where you go, what you do, or who you grow to love again, Jina will always be in your heart.

I cried more and hugged him tighter.

He's right..

Yoongi: She didn't go down without a fight.

Namjoon: Her and Jungkook were tough cookies.

He chuckled light heartedly and pulled away from him, "Yeah.. I guess you could say."

They smiled.

I slowly walked over to her tombstone.

Here lays a beautiful human being who meant the world to me, throughout all the good and bad memories, this particular girl stood by my side.

It's a journey I'll always remember.

"I love you.." I whispered.

A cool wind blew and I looked up at the sky, it was clear and blue. I smiled and closed my eyes.

You're gone but never forgotten.

A blossom fell gently on my face, I grasped it and admired it.

Could this be a sign she's saying she loves me too?

I chuckled and held it close to my chest, closing my eyes again to enjoy this peace.



I opened my eyes and found myself back in my bedroom, with Jina.

She smiled, "Wake up sleepy head. You got a big day ahead of you."

Her beautiful purple hair and those big glistening eyes.

I hugged her, "Jina..mmm. I missed you."

"Uhm.. I was in the kitchen for a few minutes?" She chuckled.

I pulled away and admired her, "I had such a nightmare.."

She caressed my cheek, "I'm glad I woke you up again then.." she giggled.

I kissed her.

She kissed me back.

"Hey.." she broke the kiss, "How about we shower together~"

I chuckled, "What a great way to start off my morning."

She giggled and ran inside the bathroom, "Hurry!"

My surroundings looked normal and I felt at ease, I ruffled my hair and headed to the bathroom.

When I walked inside, it was empty.



A/N: Did Jina really die?

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