Spanking 1D/5sos

By MyThoughtsWillKillMe

36.3K 794 216

Main people involved in this story: Zayn Liam Niall Callum Ashton •quick updates (Usually take about a week)... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
important/deleting soon

Chapter 4

2.5K 58 8
By MyThoughtsWillKillMe

So I got my first prompt from someone :D


Niall's P.O.V

I sat in the living room 'watching' the T.V.

Not exactly, the T.V was just to keep me distracted from going upstairs.

I would glance up the stairs every minute or so and the urge to go upstairs got stronger every time.

I took my phone out of my pocket and played a couple of games but that still didn't distract me from going upstairs and within seconds I was sneaking my way towards Calum's room. 

Calum was still over Zayn's knee but this time we was crying much harder and sort of begging.

"pleas-se stop!" Calum cried.

Zayn landed another hit completely ignoring Calum.

"Please-e! It hurt-s a lot!" Calum whined.

"Yeah I know it does. It's supposed to." Zayn said with no sympathy at all.

Zayn noticed me standing there awkwardly watching.

"What do you want?" Zayn said rather harshly. 

My eyes widened.

"Uhh.." I couldn't make out any words. I fumbled a bit with my hands.

Zayn rolled his eyes and pushed Calum off of him who happily got up.

Calum began walking towards me, thinking his punishment was over but Zayn grabbed Calum's collar.

"Stay here. We're not done yet." Zayn whispered into his ear.

Calum's relieved face was gone and was replaced by a fearful and sad look.

I stood in the frame of the door and watched Zayn.

Zayn slightly pushed Calum back, behind him and came to me BUT i ran off. I quickly entered the bathroom and waited a minute to two before coming outside.

Luckily Zayn wasn't there but this time Calum's door was closed.

So this time i went over to Ashton's room and found no one.

If Ashton and Liam weren't in Ashton's room then they would most likely be in Liam's room.

I began walking to Liam's room, and ran extra fast past Calum's.

I opened the door knowing Ashton wouldn't spank me for opening the door unlike Zayn.

What i walked into surprised me. I thought that maybe Liam's punishment would be longer.

I kind of wanted it to be longer because i was mad at Liam and Calum. They always hit me and are rude to me and never get caught.

"Niall? Why are you in here? Didn't i tell you to go downstairs?" Ashton asked.


"You what?" Ashton asked somewhat quietly.

"I was bored Ashy!" I said a little to loudly. Liam who lay in the bed pulled the covers over his bed.

Both me and Ashton looked at Liam, Ashton hoping Liam hadn't woken up and me not caring at all.

Zayn always yells at me when i sleep during the day so how come Liam can?

"Hush!" Ashton muttered. He waited a minute before speaking again. "Lets take this conversation downstairs."

Ashton lightly grabbed my arm but i pushed his hand off.

I still followed Ashton though. He led me to the living room where i had just came from.

Both of us sat down, Ashton on the left side and me on the right with my legs over the armrest and head on his lap.

"Can we change the channel?" I asked. The news was on and i was not in the mood for listening to two old people talk about weather and - Never mind. Seems like something new is on today. Apparently there was a terrorist attack in Paris by a group called Isis.

And they were saying that the terrorists were muslims. I find that very stereotypical.

"Is that true?" I asked Ashton.

"Probably not. And even if it is true that won't change the way that you act towards muslims. Always respect everyone."

"I never said i wasn't going to be nice to muslims, i was just asking if it was true." I say a little annoyed.

"I already answered you." Ashton said.

"Yeah but you also added in a bunch of extra stuff that got me distracted from the answer." I began.

"What? Niall you are so confusing at times." Ashton said laughing a little.

I just shrugged.

"Hey Ashy? How come you barely spanked Liam?" I asked.

"Huh?" He asked.

"Did you even spank Liam?" i wonder.

"No- Yes." Ashton said rather oddly.

"It didn't seem like it." I say.

"Well i did." Ashton says folding his arms. He seemed insulted. I poke him in the ribs from where i was laying to get his attention.

"Then how come you only gave him like 5 swats or something?" I spoke.

"What makes you think i only gave him 5?" Ashton asked.

"Well maybe since you finished in like two minutes." I reply with.

"Uh- Well i gave him more than 5." Ashton stuttered.

I sit up and stare at him.

"You're lying!" I say rather loudly. I heard footsteps but ignored it.

"Niall! Don't accuse me of things-" Ashton started to say but i cut him off.

"You're lying! You're lying!" I said in a sing song voice.


"Liar! You're lying!"

"Fine! I didn't spank him. Just be quiet please. And don't tell Zayn or Calum." Ashton said quite irritated.

"Why?" I asked but at the same time someone else said something.

"What!?" Zayn yelled.

Both me and Ashton looked behind us where Zayn stood with a jealous Calum.

"Lucky bastard." Calum mouthed to me, knowing Zayn and Ashton would scold him for swearing.

"Ashton that isn't okay on so many levels. First of all, both of them are supposed to be punished since they both did something wrong! Second of all, Liam won't learn anything if there aren't any consequences!" Zayn shouted. Zayn grabbed Ashton's arm and led him to Liam's room.

Only Calum and i were left in the room.

"Aye bro." I squealed. I pat the spot next to me. Calum smiles and walks over.

But before he sat he placed a pillow underneath for some pain relief.

"Zayn gets mad when we sit on pillows. He says we use pillows for our heads so we should keep pillows clean." I say.

Calum smirked

"Zayn's not here. And you won't snitch on me right?" Calum asked.

"You never learn do you?" I say with a laugh.

Third P.O.V

Liam lay sound asleep but instantly woke up when Zayn and Ashton barged in.

Almost immediately he remembered what he had done earlier.

"Up. Up this instant." Zayn ordered.

Liam who was very scared obeyed right away.

"Zayn you need to relax." Ashton tried to calm Zayn.

"I am calm! And i hope you know that i was this angry when i punished Calum! Also i know how to control my anger!" Zayn yelled. "Stand in the corner. Fix your bed first."

Liam quickly did as he was told the tears already coming.

"Zayn look! He's so scared! I'm pretty sure he's sorry!" Ashton tried to reason with Zayn. "I think he's learned his lesson!"

"How has he learned his lesson when he hasn't even been spanked yet!" Zayn shouted making Liam cry.

'I'm so in for it.' Liam thought.'I wont be able to sit for days!'

"Zayn your anger is enough to scare the boys and stop them from doing a bad habit. Remember when you yelled at Niall for swearing and he never swore again? It's like-"

"That was before Ashton. Things have changed. And this isn't Niall who were dealing with, it's Liam a boy who zones out during lectures and at school!" Zayn snapped. "Now how 'bout we get this over with."

Ashton sighed as he realized Zayn would get his way no matter what.

"What do you have in mind?" Ashton breathed.

"Well i gave Calum 20 with my hand and 40 with the brush, a total of 60." Zayn said.

"60! So much!" Ashton yelled.

"What do you mean so much!? You always give the boys 50 and 60!" Zayn once again began to yell. He hated it when someone raised their voice at him even if it was Ashton.

"Yeah but i don't hit as hard as you! I'm also a lot more comforting!" Ashton hollered.

"Enough already. Maybe you should have dealt with the boys rather than me. Anyways, either you can do it or i can do it." Zayn says. "But if i do it, you'll have to watch and vice versa."

"Ashton-n." Liam cried from the corner.

"No speaking!" Zayn snapped.

Ashton realized that Liam wanted him to do the spanking. He saw how much Zayn scared the boys.

"I'll do it." Ashton said.

"Than-nk you-u." Liam squeaked.

"Did i not just tell you to stop talking?!" Zayn thundered.

"You did-d!" Liam cried even harder.

"You did what?" Zayn asked.

"You did-d sir-r."

"Good. Ashton lets get this over with." Zayn said.

Ashton walked over to Liam.

"I'll go easy on you, don't worry." Ashton whispered into Liam's ear.

"Hurry. We don't have all day for this." Zayn said tapping his feet while looking at his hand watch.

Ashton sat on the bed and pulled Liam over his knee.

Half of Liam's fear was gone. The remaining fear was from Zayn standing there and Ashton spanking him. 60 was a lot of amount of swats to get through even though it's Ashton who's doing it.

"Get ready bud." Ashton said soothingly.


After about 3 swats Ashton's hits became really soft.

"Harder." Zayn said.


The next swat was only slightly harder but hurt still hurt Liam.

"Even harder Irwin. I know you're stronger than that."


The next 6 swats were even harder but bearable for Liam.

"I swear to god Ashton, if you don't hit harder i'll take Liam over my knee and and start over!"Zayn threatened.

Liam panicked.

"Ashton you do it-t!" Liam whimpered his fear returning again.

Ashton wondered how Zayn didn't feel bad when punishing the boys.

"I'm hitting hard Zayn. I don't want to use my full force until the last ones." Ashton lied.

Zayn rolled his eyes.

"Just go on."


By 15 Liam started to move around in attempt to make Ashton hit a different part of his rear.

"Hold him tight." Zayn said noticing what Liam was doing.

Ashton tightened his grip only a little just to satisfy Zayn.


"Wait." Zayn grabbed Ashton before he could hit Liam again. "You passed 20. You need to use the brush now."

Liam wiped his eyes upset at the fact that now he had to be spanked by a brush.

Zayn walked over to Liam's drawers and looked around.

"Liam, how come your drawers are so messy!" Zayn started but was ended by Ashton.

"Not now." Ashton said with a frown.

Zayn opened the lower drawer and found the thick brush Zayn had bought a few months ago.

The brush was huge and oval shaped and hurt an awful lot.

Liam hid the brush but now that Zayn had it Zayn would probably keep the brush safe.

"That's where it went." Zayn said to himself. Zayn walked over to Ashton and gave him the brush. "Since you gave him 8 extra swats you now only have to give him 32."

Liam was happy about that but not too much as he still had plenty left.


The first two swats were very light. Ashton was just testing to see Liam's reaction. If Liam did nothing it meant that the hit was tolerable and that's what he was aiming for.

"Do i need to tell you to hit him harder again?" Zayn asked.

"No-o!" Liam answered for Ashton.

"I wasn't talking to you Payne!" Zayn bellowed.

"Sorry-y!" Liam cried.

"Sorry what?" Zayn asked.

"Sorry sir-r!"

"Next time I have to correct you I'll double your punishment."

"No! I'm very sorry!" Liam cried again.


"Sir! Sorry sir!" Liam added.

"Ashton continue with his punishment please." Zayn said.


Liam was crying a lot by now.

It broke Ashton's heart.


Liam so badly wanted to reach back but he knew better.

Ashton was hitting at a normal strength so that there would be no interruptions from Zayn.


"No mo-ore!" Liam cried. He made his hands into fists.

"Only 10 left. Then we can cuddle."

"Please-e!" Liam whimpered, his behind red but not half as bad as Calum's.

"Bare with me Liam." Ashton said.


"Hurts-s! A lot!" Liam complained.

Liam squinted, trying not to cry out loud or scream.

"I know boo."


"Last 2 should be extra hard." Zayn said. "If you don't hit hard enough I'll give him five extra."

Liam his his head under his hands full on crying. The threat really pushed him past his breaking point.

Ashton sighed.


Ashton lay a hard hit making Liam hiss.

"Plea-as! Skip the last o-one!" Liam begged.

He got up off of Ashton's lap and ran to the corner of the room trying to get as far as possible but somehow Zayn caught Liam and lay him over his knee.

Ashton gasped and watched as Zayn lay 5 hard hits.

"Done." Zayn said very softly.

Zayn brought Liam into a hug.

"Don't ever let met catch you fighting again." Zayn said as he rubbed his hand through Liam's hair.

"I won't fight! I promise." Liam said as he moved closer into the hug.

Ashton stood up and watched, glad that it was over.

Once the two boys stopped hugging Ashton pulled all three of them together.

"I love you Liam." Ashton said.

"I love you too." Liam whispered.

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