Voices of the Heart

By StingLikeABumblebee

4.3K 313 130

Barricade is gone, and Alyssa is safe... At least, that's what everyone thought. Megatron and his Decepticons... More

Royal Problems
Leave it all in the Past
Angry Disagreements
Keeping Her Safe
Two Queens
Homecoming Horrors
There Is No Difference
Restarting... Maybe
New Friends... Kinda
Not Again
Say What?
The Lennox Family
Dinobots and Wreckers
Broken Love

A New Friend

263 17 6
By StingLikeABumblebee

"Did you seriously have to change your classes just so we're both in the same ones?" I asked Bumblebee as he drove down the street.

His holoform appeared and gave me an apologetic look.

"I know you think I'm going over the top, but I'm not taking any chances," he told me.

"You being in every one of my classes I get," I said. "But does everyone else have to be in my classes too?"

"The more, the merrier," Bumblebee replied. "... And more protection."

"From what?! It's school!"

"And where was it that Vince attacked you?" Bumblebee shot back.

I glowered at him as he parked in the school parking lot. As soon as I got out of the car, all eyes turned to me. Conversations stopped in mid sentence, replaced by hushed whispers as I walked by. Bumblebee and the others followed quickly, shorting glared at the people staring at me.

"Why is everyone looking at me?" I asked quietly as we walked down the hall.

"Because of what happened over the summer," Dino answered in the same hushed voice. "With you and Barricade."

I looked at him in shock. "They know?"

"They know you survived," Jazz said. "Everyone wants to know who's behind the murders, and they think-"

"Either I know who it is, or it's me," I concluded.

"Pretty much," Sideswipe sighed.

It was then that I saw Ursula and her pack of sluts. She shared a smirk with her friends before walking up to me.

"Well, well," she sneered. "If it isn't the girl who lived."

I scowled as her friends laughed. A small crowd was forming around us, and I could see Ursula was enjoying the attention.

"C'mon," Bumblebee whispered to me as he shot Ursula a glare. "Just ignore her."

I tried to move around Ursula, but she blocked my path. I was very close to smacking that smug look off her face.

"Why don't you tell us how you survived?" she slurred. "I mean, since your aunt didn't, it's a miracle that you did."

I felt my chest tighten at her words, and I could feel tears threatening to spill from my eyes. Ursula's smirk grew.

"Oh, I'm sorry," she said, faking pity. "Did I hurt your feelings?"

I was seeing red now. Before I could stop myself, my fist shot out straight into the little slut's nose. I heard a sickening crack before Ursula screeched. The next thing I knew, Bumblebee and Dino were trying to pull me off of her.

"You little freak!" Ursula screamed as the others dragged me away.


The crowd parted as I was dragged into our first class. As soon as we entered the room, I broke away from Bumblebee and fell into the seat next to a pretty girl with long black hair. A look of concern crossed her face as she turned to face me.

"You okay?" She asked gently.

"No, not really," I said honestly as I wiped away my tears.

"I'm listening," the girl said with a kind smile.

I sighed. "Well, the Queen of Sluts decided to say crap about my aunt's death, so I broke her nose."

The girl raised an eyebrow. "Seriously?"

I nodded. "I would've broken her neck if my friends hadn't stepped in."

"Been there," the girl chuckled before smiling warmly. "I'm Destinee, by the way."

"Alyssa," I said as I shook her hand. "What year are you?"

"Senior. You?"


Destinee and I continued to talk until the teacher came into the room. As we took notes about Physiology, we stole glances at each other, sharing secret smiles and whispered jokes to each other. From the corner of my eye, I could see Bumblebee smiling slightly as I continued to whisper with my new friend.


"So, how was Calculus?" Destinee asked as we made our way to the cafeteria. I managed to convince Bumblebee and the other to go on ahead while I met up with Destinee.

"Tough," I sighed, causing Destinee to laugh. "But at least the teacher's nice. And I thought Astrology was pretty cool. How was Trig?"

"Boring as hell," Destinee groaned. "And my teacher's such a jerk! But chemistry was awesome."

I smiled as we entered the cafeteria. Bumblebee immediately stood up and waved me over. I started to head over, then stopped and turned to Destinee.

"Would you like to sit with me and my friends?"

Destinee shrugged. "Sure. They look cool."

I grinned as I lead her over the table. Bumblebee and the others stopped eating as they looked up at Destinee.

"Guys, this is Destinee," I said, nodding towards my friend.

"What's up?" She said casually.

"Pleasure to meet you, perdere," Dino said politely. "I'm Donato." I was thankful that he didn't kiss her hand.

"You're Italian?!" Destinee asked excitedly. Dino seemed pleased with himself.

"Yes, I am," he said.

"That's awesome."

Dino smiled.

Jazz decided to make an impression. "What up, girl? The name's James."

Destinee smiled at him before Mudflap and Skids proceeded to be idiots.

"Name's Mike, hot stuff. And that's my twin, Stuart."

"Now we got two sexy girls in the group!"

Destinee frowned at them. Any guy with at least half a brain would know to take a hint and shut up... But these were the Chevy Twins.

"So, foxy, ya single?" Mudflap asked. "If so, I can help with that."

"Hey, you wanna go with a cool guy, pick me," Skids said. "I know how to treat a nice piece of arm candy."

The death glare Destinee gave them was enough to make me shudder.

"If you two ever talk to me like that again, I will rip your nut-sacks off," she said in a deathly calm tone.

Bumblebee grinned. "Oh, I like her!"

"Same!" Jazz laughed.

"Ditto," Sideswipe said.

"Same here," Dino said.

"She's okay," Sunstreaker shrugged, looking bored. I forgot that he could be a fragging afthole at times.

"Oh my God, you're such a cute sunflower!" Destinee squealed as she she hugged Sunstreaker. Everyone, but Sunstreaker, was laughing at that point. Dino had to stand up and grab me before I fell over.

"I take it back," Sideswipe grinned. "I LOVE this girl."

"Spencer's the cool one," I said. "And Princess Sunflower likes to be called Skylar."

"I'm going to murder you," Sunstreaker growled at me.

"And last, but certainly not least, my boyfriend," I said as Bumblebee stood up and shook Destinee's hand.

"Call me Ben."

"Nice to meet you all," Destinee said.

Bumblebee suddenly frowned and looked at her closely. Destinee raised an eyebrow, but just smiled.

"Is something wrong?" She asked.

Bumblebee held his gaze before shaking his head. "It's nothing."

Destinee looked unsure but shrugged it off and sat down next to me. As we ate, Destinee looked over my shoulder and frowned.

"Do you know her?" She asked.

I looked at her questioningly before turning around. My eyes need with the intensely blue one of a blonde chick just across the cafeteria.

She was hot enough to be a model, but she the skimpy, low cut dress and six-inch heels made her look far too trashy for my taste.

She caught my stare, and proceeded to make her way over to us. I winced as her loud heels echoed off the walls.

"Hi," she said in a sickly sweet voice. "Alyssa, right?"

I raised an eyebrow. "Do I know you...?"

"We have the same classes," she said. "At least, as far as I can tell."

"Funny," Bumblebee said dryly. "So do we, and we haven't noticed you."

The girl ignored him. "I'm Alice."

"Nice to meet you?" I said unsurely.

Alice gave me a blood chilling smile. "I'll see you around," she said before walking off.

"... Well, that was weird," Destinee said as free a moment. "And did anyone else get a weird vibe from that girl?"

"Yeah, we did," Sunstreaker said as he and the others watched Alice suspiciously. "Something's off about her..."

"I'm sure it's nothing..." I said, more to myself.

"She was looking at you like you were a piece of meat!" Destinee said. "I don't trust that girl."

"I agree with Destinee," Bumblebee said. "There's something wrong with that girl. Until we figure out what, we should keep an eye on her."


Happy thanksgiving. Enjoy the holidays with your family!

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