Please Not Again (Josh Ramsay...

By kimmyann123

4.6K 57 2

Josh lost his mom and was left with his pathetic excuse as a father. His father is gay and gains pleasure fro... More

3 am
Not A Word
His Phone
The Texts
The School Called
That Bag
Author's Note? Say what?(Not An Actual Chapter)


1.4K 9 0
By kimmyann123

"Her!" He said pointing.

"W-w-what? Why not someone I don't know?" I stuttered.

"No, I said her and today. No excuses!" He said then drove off.

Why does my dad always force me into this stuff? I'm not like him.

I don't want to hurt her anymore. I'm like her only friend. And her dad he's done more then enough to her.

Whatever, I'll try to forget about it. He'll probably forget by tomorrow.

"Josh..." I heard her voice crack.

"Oh hi Sophie! How are you?" I said trying to act neutral.

"W-w-why does you dad always stare at me? And today he pointed at me and told you something. He's not trying to make you-" She said tearing up.

"NO! No. Sophie, I'll never!" I said trying to sound convincing and comforting.

"Please, Josh I can't go though that again. It tears me apart." She said starting to cry.

"I know, I know. Don't cry." I said holding her as she cried in my shirt.

She cried in my shirt until the first bell rang.

"Sophie, we got to go to first period before we're late." I said wiping her tears and giving her a tissue that was in my bag.

"Thank you Josh. You're my only true friend. You know that?" She said then blew her nose.

"You're welcome." I said putting my hands in my pocket resisting the urge to kiss her.

As we walked to her locker we ended up arm in arm.

"So, what class do you have right now?" I said just as she closed her locker and the 5 minutes bell went off.

"Silly, we're in the same classes. We have drama." She said smiling.

Drama is both of our favourite subject. And our teacher always pairs us up so she actually in comfortable. But sometimes she still gets a bit self conscious which I totally understand and am totally okay with. Since we're in grade 12, there's lots of kissing scenes. So of course you'd be a little self conscious.

Just then the third and final bell went off.

"Oh crap, we're late again." She said getting all nervous.

"Don't worry about it. She doesn't care one way or another." I said as our arm in arm position turned into holding hands.

We walked into our classroom and everyone stared at us whispering among themselves.

"Awkward much?" I said trying to make everyone laugh but no one did there was a strong tension in the air.

When I took my seat beside Sophie it was dead silent. Sophie hated the silence for personal reasons so she looked down and played with her thumbs nervously.

Then the teacher spoke breaking the silence. He stood up and looked me start in the eye. "Name?" He said with a thick manly voice.

For some reason my voice trembled. I was barley able to speak. It was almost like the day made dad taught me what he wanted me to become. I was confused, where is our real teacher?

"Do you know how to speak? I'll ask you one more time. What is your name?" He said right in my face.

Everyone was silent. No one breathed.

"J-J-Josh R-Ramsay." I stuttered out.

He gave me and dirty look then went looked over at Sophie.

"Are you going to do the same thing as him and make me repeat myself or are you going to say it the first time?" He said right in his face.

I could see it in her eyes she was about to cry.

"So what is you name?" He said stand back a bit.

She just sat there silently whimpering.

He held up her chin and spoke again. "So you are going to be like him, huh? I'll ask you one last time. What is your name?"

Her eyes began to water as he yelled at her.

I could see the fear in her eyes and the fury in his so I spoke for her. "Uh, sir. Her name is Sophie. Sophie Hamilton."

"Oh, so now you can speak?" He said frustrated with me.

"You know what Ramsay. If I want to talk to you I will and you better answer. But if I want to talk to you girl here. I want to talk to her no one else. Understand." He said poking me in the chest with his finger.

Then he went back to his seat.

"Okay class today is my first day and I'm going to clear up some of those stupid questions you guys have. Okay, firstly I've been teaching for 15 years and I have the best teacher in the world award so don't try and mess with me. I am 6.6 in height. And I take nothing but the best from you kids. Oh, for all that's wondering when Ms. Ally coming back? She isn't. I'm her permanent replacement. Any questions? No, okay good now talk among yourselves until the bell rings but tomorrow be expected to work like you've never worked before. Oh, yeah for anyone that forgot my name is Mr. Rock" He said then went to his desk and went on his phone.

Sophie was still frozen and I knew she needed let her tears out so I forced my self into talking to the teacher. "Mr. Rock sir. Can me and Sophie get something from our lockers?"

"Okay, only this once. But make sure too come back after class I'm not done with you two." He said with his eye glued to the screen of his iPhone.

I took Sophie by the hand and took her out of the class as soon as we got to my locker she burst out crying.

"I hate when guys yell at me." She said choking on tears.

"I swear he wanted too. I swear. Don't let him do it Josh. Please? Please?!" She said crying in my shirt.

"I wouldn't. I'll protect you. You don't have to worry." I said trying to comfort her, the best I can.

The period went by pretty fast after that moment.

The second period bell went off and me and Sophie tried to get to our next class without the drama teacher catching us.

But we failed.

He had a prep and he found us and took us back to the classroom.

He called our second period teacher and said we have to do something for him and we'll make up the work at lunch.

He picked me up by the collar of my shirt and he fireman carried Sophie.

When he dropped us he locked the door. 

As soon has he locked the door Sophie started freaking out.

"You two are very disrespectful. I don't take disrespect easily. If I talk to you response. It's that simple." He said pushing me down on the ground.

I tried to get back to my feet but he wouldn't let me.

I heard Sophie whimpering be hide me.

Then he picked me up by the neck.

"You two are pathetic! Why is that one crying?" He said dropping me.

I started coughing and gasping for air.

Then he kicked me as he walked past me towards Sophie.

"Aw, you're crying. Such a baby!" He said slapping her across the face.

"Pathetic, little girl." He smirked at her holding her up by her collar.

I managed to get to my feet and stand up to him for her. But only just barley.

"Stop!" I coughed out.

He dropped her in her seat and turned to me.

"Excuse me?" He asked.

"You heard me. Leave her alone." I said still coughing.

"I would back out of my business if I was you." He said.

"Well, you're not." I said taking in a deep breath.

He started walking towards me. He picked me up and was about to throw me at the wall when the announcements came on.

"Mr. Rock, to the office, Mr. Rock!"

He let me and Sophie go he said he'll finish us next time.

Just then the lunch bell went off but we went to our second period class to pick up the work.

When we got there the door was locked. But there was a notice saying "Josh and Sophie go to room 211 to get the work you missed."

Thankfully room 211 was next door.

We knocked then walked into the classroom.

"Excuse me, Mrs.?" I said tapping the teacher as she helped another student.

She looked up at me. "Oh, hello there Josh. And you must be Sophie. Your teacher left your work with me. Wait, while I get it." The teacher put her hand out to Sophie for a hand shake but Sophie was still in shock for the Mr. Rock situation so she rejected it. Then she brushed it off by going to her desk.

"Ah! Found them!" She called over from her desk.

She walked over towards us with the papers.

"Here, your teacher told me to tell you this package will be due on Monday. Which gives you...the weekend. It's practice for your test on Wednesday. Good luck!" She said handing us the papers with a sticky note of everything she had just said.

"Thank you Mrs.!" I said as me and Sophie walked out of the class holding hands.

"Come on Sophie it's lunch time! Lighten up a little. Nothing happened and nothing will. Come let's go to that mini cafe we always go to." I said giving her hand a little squeeze.

She took a deep breath in and agreed.

"I'll pay." I said as I noticed her going though her purse for money.

We walked though the front of the school.

Sophie put our work in her hand bag but she decided to take it out to see if she understood it completely.

But then I guy walked up and knocked it out of her hand. She dropped along with her hand bag. I help her up but then we noticed the guy took her hand bag.

He held it up in front of everyone. He starting going though it. Then he pulled out a tampon.

"Oh look! I'm Sophie! I use tampons to pleasure my lesbian!" He yelled in front of the school.

Sophie's eyes started watering again.

I told Sophie to stay as I walked over to the guy.

"Hey!" I yelled at him.

"Leave Sophie alone and give me that!" I said reaching for the bag.

He pulled it out of my reach and dragged me up on the bench he's standing on.

"Hey, everyone! It's Josh! We love Josh, don't we?" He said throwing Sophie's bag be hide him 'causing all the stuff in it to scatter everywhere.

"Let's show Josh how much we love him!" He said.

A bunch of girls started screaming and pulling me away from Sophie.

They brought me to a near by bar.

I refused to drink but the girls got high and started making out with me.

It was terrible.

One girl after another lap dancing on me then kissing me but I couldn't do anything there was too many of them.

When we finally got back to class it was way past lunch time.

There was only ten minutes left of school.

Sophie wasn't even in class.

She didn't even pick up her hang bag.

I decided not to stay in class. I packed up and stuffed everything in my locker.

Then I ran outside and collected all of Sophie's stuff and put it in her hand bag.

Then I sneaked into the girl's bathroom where I knew Sophie was hiding and I was right.

She was crying in the bathroom.

I knocked on the door and showed her, her hang bag so she'd know it's me. I'm the only one that would do this for her.

She opened the door and put the hand bag on the hook on the door and pulled me inside. She locked the door and grabbed me and began kissing me.

We kissed until the bell rang then Sophie knew it was too late for me to get out without getting caught so we stayed in the bathroom until everyone left.

Then I walked her home and then I went home myself.

"Well, where the fuck is she?" My dad said enraged.

"Well... Uh... I didn't get her." I said taking my shoes off getting ready to bolt up stairs.

Then he walked over to me and grabbing me by my neck.

"I told you no fucking excuses! And you ignore me!" He yelled knocking my head into the wall.

"You are a fucking disgrace!" He said tightening his grip around my neck.

"I fucking hate you! You can't do anything right! What the fuck is your problem!" He said knocking my head into the wall again.

"Why can't you be like me? A fucking gay man that laughs at pain!" He said dropping me on the floor.

Then he went downstairs to his room.

My head killed and my vision was blurred.

I managed to drag myself upstairs when my cell phone rang.

"Hello...?" I voice trailed off from the pain.

"Josh!" Sophie said on the other line.

"Yes... ow..." I said as I put my head down.

"My dad left me alone again. Can you come over?" Sophie said with a shaky voice.

"I'll...try..." I said trying to get up again.

Somehow I managed to leave to house and walk over to Sophie's house but I almost blacked out in her driveway.

She ran up to me and helped me inside.

She put me on the couch in the living room.

"Oh my God Josh! Did your dad do this to you again?" She said trying placing her softest pillow under my head.

"...I'm fine..." I said and then blacked out.

I came through a few hours later.

But instead of being on the couch I was in a room, a bedroom. I saw from the corner of my eye, Sophie sitting down on the bed looking out of the window.

"Sophie." I said as I tried to reach out and tap her on the shoulder.

"Oh, you're wake!" She said turning around and giving me a hug.

"How's your head?" She said grabbing an extra pillow.

"I can't move it or even feel it anymore. But how are you?" I said trying to sit up but my head weighed me down.

"Don't move then. And I'm fine. My dad must have gone out drinking again." She said as one tear dropped from her eye.

"But as long as I have you. I'll be fine." She said lying across my chest hugging me.

I tried to hold her but I was so weak.

"Well, I'm going to get my laptop from the living room. Be right back. Want anything?" She said in the doorway of her room.

"No, I'm good thank you." I said and she smiled and walked away.

 When Sophie came back she had her laptop under her arm and two cups and a box of green tea leaves in her hands.

"I researched that when you have a headache green tea is good for that. But first you have to sleep with a cloth damped with alcohol on your head." She said walking out of the room and going into the bathroom.

She came back with a cloth damped in alcohol.

She put the towel on the side table as she crawled on the bed. She pinned me down and lifted my head. Then she tied the cloth around my head.

For a bit she just sat there on my legs.

I pulled her in closer then she leaned in and gave me a kiss on the cheek.

"Now, go get some rest I'll be right here." She said crawling off me then closing and locking the door.

Then she crawled back into bed with me.

I slept for an hour and when I woke up surprising enough it worked.

I could feel my head again and it didn't hurt.

I rolled over to face Sophie and I just saw her lying there sleeping by shivering.

I quietly got up and went though her drawers and pulled out a sweater and wrapped her in it.

Then I cuddled her and fell back asleep.

She only slept for a half and hour more.

When she woke up she anciently kicked me.

"Oh, Josh I'm sorry! I didn't know it was you and-" She said when she noticed she just kicked me.

"It's my fault. I'm sorry." I said getting up.

Then she felt her arms and noticed the sweater I put her in.

"Oh, did you do this?" She said zipping the sweater up.

"Yeah, I noticed you were shivering. And thanks for the cloth my head feels so much better now." I said cracking my neck.

"Oh, thanks. By the way, you want some tea now?" She said getting up out of bed.

"No sit! I'll make it!" I said jumping up.

"No, you're still hurt!" She said pushing back on the bed.

"Why do you always want to do everything?" I said.

"My house, simple." She said smiling.

"Be right back. I'm going to boil the water." She said going down stairs with the cups.

 She came back up stair in five minutes with the cups.

She put them down on the desk and put the tea bags in them and she also had a bunch of packets of sugar.

"It already 9 o'clock want to sleep over. Beside it's the weekend." She said jumping on the bed.

"But our parents." I said checking my phone for any hate mail from my dad.

And I found some. He sent me a text saying, "I hope you stupid ass self is getting a girl to fuck. But I don't give a fuck anyway. When you get home I'll be in another girls pants so knock yourself out."

I throw my phone at the ground as my eyes began to water.

"What's wrong?" Sophie said picking up my phone and reading the text message.

"Oh, don't worry about him. Look you are staying at my place. You'll be fine." She said turning off my phone and putting it in her drawer.

"We'll get your clothing tomorrow." She said getting the tea.

When we finished drinking the tea I felt so much better.

I just had a mini headache.

Sophie went down stairs to lock the door and everything.

Then we fell asleep. My hand was around Sophie's waist, her hand interlocked with mine.

Everything was perfect until 3 o'clock in the morning.

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