Only Time Could Tell

By Please_Trust_Me

8.3K 176 72

Cassie Marrow has a tragic past. She had to live her cousin when her family left her. But she didn't know her... More

chapter 1
chapter 2
chpater 3
Chapter 4
chapter 5
Chapter 6
chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapeter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Authour's note
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
please take note

chapter 10

215 5 2
By Please_Trust_Me

when Harry pulled into the parking lot a swarm of people with cameras came running up to the car. Harry slowed down some put just kept driving. "I took your car so this wouldn't happen, but I guess I thought wrong." he grabbed some sunglasses and put them on. The paparazzi literality clinging to the windows trying to get one picture. They were shouting Harry's name and asking him questions through the windows. It felt like I was in the middle of an apocalypse. "If they ask you any questions or say anything to you, you have to ignore them. If they start to bother you really bad, I will take care of it. Okay? Do you hear me?" Harry looked at me. So I nodded in response to his words.

Harry parked the car and sat there for a little bit. "You ready? There isn't security with us right now so they are going to swarm us. They are going to get right up in your face, but you cant do anything about it. And try to just walk normal. Look down if you have to, and keep smiling." I nodded at the advise Harry gave me. I took a big gulp. "One Three." I nodded at him. "1...2...3" Harry and I opened the car door but I stayed in place. Do be honest. I was actually pretty scared. Everyone was going to ambush me. But Harry he looked so calm. But he was been in these situations before. Harry saw that I wasn't getting out, but he played it out nicely. he walked over to my side of the car and opened the door for me. so know I was forced to get out of the car.

As I walked up to the building the people did swarm me just like Harry said. But I stopped when I saw a little girl about the age of 7 yelling for Harry. She was holding out a piece of paper. I tapped Harry on the shoulder and pointed over to the little girl. At the sight of her, she made him smile. He walked over to her took the pen out of her hand so sweetly and signed the paper. She jumped up and down in excitement. I never thought I would see someone with a big as smile as she did. Harry gave her a kiss on the cheek and the little looked like she was going to cry. It was such a sweet moment. But Harry didn't think what he did was enough, so he gave the little girl his cell phone number. He was so nice towards the small fan.  After Harry thought that was good enough he gave her one last smile then started to walk towards the building again.

But I noticed that Harry was ahead of me. The paparazzi  wasn't focused Harry. They were focused on me. "Miss, are you dating Harry Styles?" one of them yelled at me. "Look over here!"  I heard yelled a lot. "Are you going to Mr. Cowell?"

"Look over here miss!" 

"Look at Harry Styles new girlfriend!"

Another screamed. They were right in my face. It felt like I could breathe. They were getting even closer to me. yelling in my face. All the 'clicking' and the flashing from the cameras were scaring me.

"HARRY!! HARRY!! WHERE ARE YOU??" I  yelled out for him. I don't even think he noticed that I fell behind. I tried to keep walking but I couldn't move anymore. I covered my ears. They clicking was getting annoying, I couldn't handle it anymore. But then a pair of arms picked me up from behind. They held me bridal style. I could tell it was Harry. I dug my head into his chest to hide from the cameras. "Did they hurt you?" he whispered into my ear. I shook my head no.

I knew when we entered the building because I felt the Air Conditioner. Harry set me down gently.

"I don't you they are crazy. I am sorry I left you, I should have made sure you were okay. Sorry." I could tell he was truly sorry. "It is okay, I shouldn't have spassed out like I did." Harry walked over to the desk to talk to the Receptionist. He tried to talk in a whisper but I over heard him. "All those Assholes better be out of the parking lot before we have to leave. And watch the car, don't let them do anything to it please." The Receptionist nodded and got up and went behind a door that was behind her.

Harry came back to me. He took my hand and we started walking up to the elevator. When the elevator does opened I couldn't believe my eyes. I was looking straight at Ed Sheeran! Oh my goodness. Keep your cool Cassie. Don't go all fangirl on him. "Oh Harry! Hey man." They went in for one of those man hug things. I never understood why men did that.

"Hey man" Harry said back to Ed.

"Hey is this Cassie? Your cousin you told me about."

"Yup. That's her."

"Hey Cassie. I have heard a lot about you." Ed said as he gave my a hug. Oh.My.God. Ed Sheeran  just gave me a hug. 

"Hey." I said back. I should have said something else. I bet to him I was standing there looking just like another loser shaking like crazy.

"She is in a little bit of a shock. She is a huge fan. Haha Lego House is even her favorite song of all time. Even her ringtone too." Good thing Harry said something Caus ei was standing there like an idiot.

"Really? A Fan?  Well then let me see your phone." I obeyed and reached into my back pocket to grab my phone. Ed grabbed my phone and took out a Sharpie. He signed the back of my phone!!! And then I could barely believe my eyes what he did next. He put his number into my phone! I have Ed Sheeran's number now!! OMG! Here comes all the fangirling. he handed my phone back then winked at me.

"Call me sometime"  Then he walked off. I Couldn't believe what just happened. I just met one of my idols. And got an autograph. And his freaken phone number!!   

" Did that- that-" we stepped into the elevator.

"Haha yes. Yes it did just happen." Harry said as he pressed the button for the 4th floor. "And try not to look so nervous, love. Simon can practically smell nerves. He was a Xfactor judge." I let out a little laugh when he said that.

We arrived on the right floor then Harry started walk down a long hallway. So I followed him. We went almost all the way to the end of the hallway and stopped and a door on the right.  He knocked on the door politely. Then walked in without an answer from the other side.

"Uncle Simon?"

"Yes, Come in. Come in." Harry grabbed my hand and walked in. Simon was behind a big desk sitting in a nice leather chair. He got up and walked around to the other side of the desk that we were on. Harry let go of my hand and gave Simon a friendly handshake then moved to the side to go sit down. Simon came up to me and gave me a hug.

"You are looking very lovely today Cassie." I blushed.

"Thank you Mr. Cowell."

"No, please call me Simon." I gave him a quick nodded as a motioned me to a chair next to Harry. Harry was all comfortable and we sitting all lounged out in the chair. Simon went back to his seat behind the big desk. He folded his hands and set them done on the desk.

"Okay Cassie. So do you know why I asked you to come here?"


"Well good. Looks like the boys kept their mouths shut. Thank you Harry." Harry gave Simon a nod like he was saying 'you're welcome'.

"Okay Well, I am sure you have noticed that Niall is not here with us in London." Simon said. I gave him a nod. So I guess this entire thing was going to be about Niall.

"Well Niall called me and he would like me to talk to you. Well first off he says he is sorry. And I don't know what for and I do not please to get involved with your guys problems.  And it isn't my problem unless it affects his career. Now, do you know where Niall is right now?" I nodded at Simon.

"Yes, he is in the States. In California."

"Yes. And he cant come home. I am sorry. Niall wanted me to tell you this. He didn't want to tell you himself. Since the Press knows that the boys are here, and if Niall was to come here, he be put onto a plane. Full of people. If he was seen as the 'Niall Horan from One Direction' and he wasn't with the other mates, it come across as the band is broken up." Niall had explained this to me before. But since Niall told me this already I figured there was something else to the story. 

"Also we about to talk to the Press about Niall. About his 'girlfriend'." Simon put air quotes around the word girlfriend.

"We are going to give him a fake girlfriend. For publicity, for the band. And the girl is going to be a famous icon. So there is going to be a lot news going around about the Star New Couple. And I know you and Niall have some.. umm.. some things going on between each other that the Press doesn't know about. And when you see it you have to be able to ignore it. It is going to be a fake relationship. And this 'relationship' is going to be an excuse for Niall being in the states. We have to send the paparazzi to him and his girlfriend, and to make it seem real Niall and her have to act like a real couple. So that means they have to- "

"Hug, hold hands, and.. and..kiss." I cut Simon off and finished the sentence for him. My shoulders sunk  a little, Harry noticed it to because he patted me on the back.

"Exactly." Simon said as he let out a sigh. Simon started to talk again but Harry 'Shhh'ed" him. Harry grabbed my hand and looked at me, but I looked back down at the ground.

"Cassie look at me." Harry grabbed the bottom of my chin and pulled it up so I was forced to look at him eye to eye. 

"It is a fake thing. And it is what is going to get Niall home without any assumptions about the band. When see something about it you have to know and believe that it is fake. It is only and always will be fake. Do you understand?" 

"Yes" I said very softly but loud enough to be heard. "Who is the girl?" Simon looked at Harry and then Harry nodded back at him like he was saying 'yes' or 'go head'.

"Selena Gomez." Simon said to me. I sat there for a little bit and didn't respond. Harry and Simon just sat there and stared at me.

 "Oh okay." those were the only words that I could fix to come out of my mouth. Harry gave my hand a little squeeze.

"Are you okay?" he asked me

"Yeah, why wouldn't I be. It is just fake right." That earned me a smile from both of them.

"Okay then." Simon stood up from his seat and came to the other side of the desk.

"That isn't the only topic we have to discus." Simon leaned against the desk and crossed one leg over the other and crossed his arms.

"I need you to help me out with another client Do you think you can help me?" Simon asked.

"Yeah sure." I replied.

" Okay good. You are now dateing Ed Sheeran. And he knows about it too and he isn't going to go public with it until tomorrow." My mouth hung open in shock.

" I am what?!"

 "Well just how Niall is going to be 'dating' Selena, you are going to be dating Ed. Is that okay?"

"Oh yeah sure."

" Okay there will be hate on you from Ed's fans and well of course you would have to-"

 "Hug, hold hands, and.. and..kiss." I cut Simon off again. Oops.

"Yes. And you will have to go out in public about 2 times a week with him and he will tweet and post about you and you have to deal with it. Can you handle it?"

"Umm yeah I think so. But can I at least tell my best friend Macy about it? She wont tell anyone I know she wont."

"She wont. Macy isn't like that." Harry said to Simon

"Then yes, you may tell Macy and if you like you can tell your parents-" Harry cut Simon off by acting like he was clearing his throat. Then gave him a 'shut up' glare. 

" Umm Cassie's parents, umm passed when she was young. We don't talk about it now a days." Harry said looking at Simon then back at me to make sure I was okay.

"Oh Cassie I am sorry I didn't mean to . Please pardon me." Simon seemed like he really cared about his words.

"Oh it's fine. It's Okay." I said trying to act like it didn't effect me but it did. I tried to think about my parents so when someone mentioned them it kinda tore me down.

"Well Simon, I think me and Cassie should be going now. Nice to see you again." Harry  stretches his hand out for a handshake and Simon returned it.

"Okay Cassie I will have Ed call you and you two can work out some details. And don't worry Ed knows what he needs to do." Simon said as he gave me a quick hug. Harry walked over to the door and opened it for me. We walked out of the room and down the long hallway. We walked into the elevator and Harry pressed the button for the lobby. But we were in silence the entire way. When we reached the lobby Harry pulled the keys out of his pocket. "Sarah, are they gone?" He was now talking to the Receptionist but we didn't stop he just kept walking. "Yes Mr. Styles."

"Good. Thank you. Have a good day Sarah."

"You too Mr. Styles."

Harry and I got into the car with no cameras in our way, thank goodness. Once we were inside the car Harry started the car and drove off. Still in silence.

"Sooo, I am dating Ed Sheeran now?"

"Haha yeah, pretty much. "



'Sure. But drive thru  please I don't want to live another paparazzi attack."

"Haha Sorry about hat. I didn't think they would act like that. If I did I would have called Simon before to bring out some security if I knew they were going to act like that. And sure anything for you, love."

"Thank you."

"Want your usual?"

"Yes please."

When we went in the drive thru, the lady at the window almost died of a heat attack and Harry ended up signing our napkin she gave us, then he gave it her. Ad we ended up getting our drinks or free. Damn....I should go places more often with Harry.

We ended up getting stuck in traffic on the way home. And while we were stuck in traffic my phone rang.

I'm gonna pick up the pieces.

And Build a Lego House.

And if things go wrong we can knock it down.

"Are you going to answer that. I know that ringtone, I know who it is." Harry looked at me and gave me a little smirk. "No." Harry took my phone out of my hands and answered the call from Niall himself.

"Yes she is right here.....I don't know.....Yes Simon told her and she took it well, in my opinion.... yeah I will." Harry took the phone away from his mouth and talked to me now. "Niall wants to talk to you" he handed me the phone, and I took it from him.

"Yes Niall?"

"Are you okay with it? I don't have to do it if you don't me too."

"Niall, it is fine. It is fake. Right?"


"Okay then."

" And I just couldn't tell you. I didn't know how you would take it, and since I couldn't be there with you I didn't want to tell you. So I asked Simon cause I knew he could, an he doesn't know you so it wouldn't hurt him if it hurt you. So I am sorry that I cant be there. But this whole dating thing with Selena will help me get home with out all the Press assuming things."

"It is okay. Niall I have to go. I will talk to you later." I hung up before Niall could reply.

Niall talking about the whole thing made me mad. I didn't want Niall hugging and kissing someone else. I couldn't even do that. He was like a bazillion miles away. I Wanted Niall here! Not there, with Selena Gomez. 

"Cassie, it is just fake. Please don't get jealous. It is just that Niall really wants to get back here. And he cant. This is the only way. It is just fake." Harry must have saw that I was a little upset about the whole thing.

"I'm not jealous."

Was I?

******Author's Note******

Drama filled chapter!

Okay next time before I updated do you think I can get 3 comments and 5 votes?

please!! it would mean the world to me!!!

And if you guys have ideas for the story then you can just inbox me! I am kind of going thru a writers block so I will happily accept some ideas!

And please go follow a friend of mine Gingersodapop7  she has an amazing story! I am in love with her story! And she is a wonderful writer!

And then can you follow my bestie-est friend?? her user name is softballN9 

Okay thank you for reading and please don't copy my work!


  Katie <3>


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