Fear of Fangs (Fairy Tail and...

By fairytailfanfreak

102K 2.8K 477

So from the title this is a Fairy Tail and Vampire Knight Crossover Just to inform yu guys this story is not... More

Greatest Fear
The Night Class
Interview with a Mage
Vampire's Lair
Trust Lost
Talking it Out
Worth a thousand words
Back Home
Taking Shots
In Action
Going Home
Chocolates anyone?


1.8K 60 0
By fairytailfanfreak

A/N: Just to remind you guys again this is not my story. It is by RavenNM from fanfiction.net the link is in the description of the story. Hope you guys support RavenNM.

General POV

It had been three days since Yaguri had made his appearance at Cross Academy and then quickly disappeared again. As time passed, Lucy continued to be on alert for any other hunters that might come sniffing around. She trusted Lord Kaname, Takuma, Hikaru and her friends to keep her safe... But at the same time, she knew that they couldn't be with her every second of the day.

She had stopped having lunch with Yuuki and Zero, worried that someone would try to grab her on her way to and from the dorm when she was alone. Takuma and Hikaru kept close watch on her almost every moment of the day, just to make sure.

Then one day, Lucy heard movement outside of her room and went to look. Ruka, Rima, Aido, Akatsuki, and Senri were watching Takuma as he turned from Kaname's door.

"Seems President Kuran has locked himself in his room," said Rima.

"Alright, so what have you done this time, Hanabusa?" Akatsuki asked in a bored voice as Lucy joined them.

"I didn't do it!" He said indignantly before his expression turned resigned. "Besides, if I did, like always, he'd have punished me in front of everyone."

"That's true," the orange haired vampire admitted, causing Lucy to nod in agreement.

"I wouldn't worry, I'm sure he just has a few things on his mind right now." Takuma said, more to Ruka than anyone else. Lucy had noticed the worried expression on the girl's face. She also recognized the political tone in Takuma's voice as he spoke. He knew that something was wrong but was trying to keep it under-wraps so no one would disturb the pureblood. Not wanting to call him on it, she left it be for the moment. "Well, that's enough. Let's all go to bed."

"Master Takuma," came a voice from behind them.

Lucy turned and was floored by the towering pile of books that the maid was holding up with one arm. Wow, that's three trips of Gajeel carrying books for Levy and this vampire is holding them like it's nothing! Vampires are wicked strong!

"Here they are, all the books you requested. Would you like me to take them to your room for you?"

"Uh, yes please. That would be perfect, thank you."

Lucy giggled at the slightly nervous tremor in his voice. Takuma had requested those books for her, which meant that she might have to come to his room to get them... And now my face is getting warm, I hope nobody sees!

"Where is Lord Kaname?"

"Do you need him for something?"

The maid held up a tray with a pen and clipboard on it. "A guest who will be visiting the dorm is requesting permission to enter."

Lucy watched as Takuma picked up the clipboard to look at the request, and then his eyes went wide and his hands started shaking as he gripped the clipboard. "This can't be! Why is he..."

"You okay, Takuma?" Senri asked, showing as little emotion as usual.

"Is something wrong?" Asked Aido.

"This says... that my grandfather... is going to come here tonight!"

Not sure how to react to that news, Lucy looked to the others. Only to find that they looked just as lost as she was. Deciding that she needed more of an explanation she took his hand to calm him down. "I think we need more than that, Takuma. Why don't we go sit down and you can fill us in completely." She didn't wait for him to respond; instead, she used her grip on his hand to lead him down stairs to the sitting area while the others followed them. Once they were all set, she gave his hand a squeeze, prompting him to explain. But it seemed that he didn't need to, since the others were already asking questions.

"Wasn't your grandfather..."

"Isn't he the..."

No one could seem to find the words, which made Lucy more nervous than anything else at that moment.

"That's him," Takuma said quietly before looking over at Lucy. When he realized that she had no idea what they were talking about, he started to explain. I should have told her these things about my family before, but it just never seemed like the right moment. I hope she won't be upset with me. "In the human world, there's not a single business venture with which his company is not somehow involved. The Ichijo Group was founded by him. In the vampire world, he is the patriarch of one of the most distinguished aristocratic families. Asato Ichijo, also known as Ichio. And as a member of the Senate, he's the vampire with the most seniority."

Lucy was surprised. Of course she had known that all the vampires of the Night Class were from aristocratic families, and she had even known that Takuma's grandfather was a big deal in the vampire world, but she hadn't known that he was that powerful. And from the fear she saw in her boyfriend's eyes, the same kind that she used to see in the mirror when she had still lived with her father, she understood the kind of control the vampire had over him.

"But I still don't get it. Why is he coming here?" Akatsuki asked him.

"I don't know," Takuma said as he shook his head.

He paused before he answered. Lucy thought. He does know, but he doesn't want to say it in front of everyone.

"We have nothing to fear," Ruka said confidently. "I understand the Senate is powerful, they are the highest governing body in our society and demand our respect. But in the end, they are not the one who rule us."

"I know that's true, but still I just..." Takuma looked up the stairs, towards Lord Kaname's room. "I don't want him to come here and disturb the relative peace this dorm has established. For Kaname's sake too."

After a moment of silence, Lucy took Takuma's hand and gave it a reassuring squeeze. "Well, since your grandfather is visiting tonight, you really should get some sleep. If he's anything like my father was, he won't tolerate you looking anything but perfect in his presence."

He nodded before she started leading him up to his room, but then pulled him into hers before he realized what she was doing and shut the door behind him.

"Takuma, I heard you hesitate when Akatsuki asked you why your grandfather was coming here." She said, trying not to sound accusing. "It's just us now, so please tell me if you can."

Again, he hesitated, but only for a moment. Then he was pulling her into his arms and resting his chin on top of her head. "There are many reasons that my grandfather would come to visit me, most of them I cannot tell you about. But there is a chance that the reason he is coming here is because he has heard of my relationship with you."

Lucy nodded as she held him tighter. She had been afraid of that being the case. The Heartfilia name might have been well known in Earthland, but it wasn't known at all in the world of vampires. And if the aristocracy worked in remotely the same way as it had in her world, an unknown name could ruin a family's lineage forever. As head of the family, it was Asato Ichijo job to make sure that they remained a respectable family.

"Well, if he is coming to meet me, then there's nothing that we can do about it. We'll just have to prove that I'm worthy enough to be with you." She thought that her assurances would help calm him down, instead it seemed to make him even more nervous.

"That's not what worries me," he told her, his voice going quieter. "I suspect that once grandfather catches a glimpse of your powers, he will insist upon arranging an engagement between us as soon as possible. It's his dealings with the Council that has me worried. If word of how powerful you are becomes too public, other vampires will begin flocking here to attempt to claim you. If not as a their bride, they will try to make you their meal for as long as you can bleed."

Unable to help herself, Lucy trembled in his arms but quickly shook her head. "We have nothing to worry about then. Like you said, Lord Kaname approves of our relationship and I'm under his protection. If they try to take me away from here, they will be going up against a pureblood vampire."

"Lucy... there is a chance that some of the vampires who might attempt to claim you would be purebloods. If that's the case, there would be no guarantee that he or I could keep you here and safe."

It took her a moment to process that. She had been under the impression that no one could take her away if she didn't want to go. Now she was finding out that there was a chance, no matter how little that was, that she could be claimed by someone else. "Wha- what do we do then?"

Takuma grimaced. He didn't want to think that something like this could happen, but he would rather he be prepared than to dump all this information on her at the last moment. "If that were to happen, the best way to keep you safe and not become the meal of a vampire would be for you to go to Yaguri and ask the Hunters Association for protection. With your power and abilities, they would accept you into their ranks without question and being a hunter would grant you the added protection against vampire politics. You would still have the protection of Lord Kaname as well, but you would not be able to live with us anymore."

"That's a deal breaker right there," she said quickly. "There has to be another way. We'll just need to ask Lord Kaname about it before your grandfather gets here tonight and follow his lead. But more than likely, he'll tell us that we have nothing to worry about so long as I'm with you and under his protection."

"I know that, but I can't help but worry," he said as he ducked his head to give her a chaste kiss. "We've only recently found one another, and I hate the thought of you being taken away from me against your will."

Lucy smiled and gave him another kiss. "We'll be fine. But I meant what I said earlier, your grandfather will be disappointed in you if you're not rested and presentable when he arrives, so let's get some sleep.


The Moon Dormitory was all abuzz later that night. Classes had not been formally canceled, but they may as well have been since every member of the Night Class was waiting for the arrival of Asato Ichijo. Most were dressed properly, but none were in their school uniforms. Lucy had decided to wear the denim skirt and purple sweater that Aidou had bought her when they went shopping. It was proper enough to wear when meeting parents, but still her style so she was comfortable in it.

She was waiting in the main hall with her friends, Hikaru stayed by her side, acting more vigilant than normal. Everyone was nervous, including Lucy.

Ruka, however, seemed to find the whole thing amusing. "Are you that afraid of that gezer senator?"

"Of course," said Akatsuki. "He's a monster who's been alive twelve times longer than us. And I'm guessing that's why everyone skipped class to be here."

"Even he admits he's scared," Rima commented.

"So am I, Rima. But still, I wonder who's scarier? Dorm President Kuran or this guy?" Senri said, only barely letting his unease show. She doubted that anyone but her, Rima, and maybe a few others could tell that he wasn't looking forward this meeting, though she wasn't completely sure why.

Lucy heard Aidou say something, but it was lost on her as she felt an overwhelming power draw in closer to her. Part of her recognized the pureblood vampire joining the rest of them, but he was being drowned out by whatever was approaching the dorm.

Whatever it was, it was strong, cold, nearly suffocating... she didn't like it in the least. Granted, it was nowhere near as powerful as Lord Kaname, but it was much harsher. She also noticed the difference between the approaching power and the pureblood's. Where Kaname was powerful just being, the vampire that was coming to the dorm felt like he was purposefully pushing, almost peacocking to show off how powerful he was. It was that reason that she was starting to get a headache. Hikaru was the first to notice her discomfort as he placed his hand on her shoulder, bringing her back to reality. She couldn't help but look at the main doors of the dorm. He's here.

Not a moment later, the front doors of the dorm flew open, revealing a lone figure who was shadowed by the night with his cape flapping open in the wind. Lucy couldn't help the chill that rushed down her back. If first impressions were anything to go by, this man was the true stereotype of the way a vampire was meant to appear: tall, powerful, and dangerous.

"I appreciate this warm welcome," he said in a low, dark voice. "But the only reason I have come tonight is to pay a visit to my dear grandson. No need to stand on formalities."

Unable to help herself, Lucy inched closer to Takuma and Hikaru. Being close to them made her feel safer, which made it easier for her to fake the aristocratic mask that she had been required to wear more often than she would prefer recently.

"Hello, Ichio," Kaname greeted the elder vampire. "I'm glad to see you're well."

"We haven't seen each other since the day you refused to have me as your legal guardian. And that's the last we spoke, Lord Kaname."

Lucy didn't miss the look of displeasure on Ichio's face as he spoke to the pureblood. Whatever the argument had been at the time, it was clear that the vampire still held a grudge.

"Yes, I just didn't want to be coddled." Kaname told him.

"Kaname, it isn't the time for this," Takuma told the pureblood in a quiet voice.

It was at that moment that Lucy noticed how Ichio's eyes seemed to narrow as he stared at Lord Kaname's neck. At the same time, she felt his power shift, which made her feel even more nervous. What she was feeling from him right then, gave her the impression that the vampire was hungry.

"Purebloods are different from us aristocrats," he said as he stepped closer to Lord Kaname. "Even if you are covered in blood, nothing can defile you. You're a flower that smell lusciously sweet for all eternity." Then Ichio took his hand and the tension built in the room, making her feel like she needed to get this vampire away from the pureblood. "You possess overwhelming youth, power and beauty. I pray someday I will be able to receive the benefits of your unrivaled blood."

Ruka and Aidou quickly moved past her to separate the elder from the pureblood. Ruka was holding onto Lord Kaname while Aidou was holding onto Ichio's wrist while glaring at the elder. They also seemed to realize a moment later that they may have acted too rashly.

Ruka seemed particularly scared. "Forgive me, Lord Kaname. But he..."

"You geste too much, sir," Aidou said, not hiding his displeasure.

Ichio didn't hide his annoyance either. "The daughter of Souen, and the son of Aidou."

Hikaru made a point of keep hold of Lucy while Akatsuki pulled Ruka away and Takuma tried to placate the other blonde vampire. "Hanabusa..."

"You say that knowing that asking a pureblood for his blood is the greatest taboo among vampires," Aidou said, ignoring Takuma's warning as Ichio shifted his cold blue eyes to the irrate blonde. "I am not afraid of you s-"

Lord Kaname struck Aidou across the face, halting his tirate. Without pausing, Kaname turned back to Ichio and gave a slight bow of his head to the elder vampire. "I haven't taught him enough manners."

Lucy couldn't help but flinch when the blonde was struck, but at the same time, she noticed that it wasn't as harsh of a blow as the pureblood had given him when he had been intimidating Yuuki when she had come to the dorm. He's doing it for show, he must be trying to protect him.

"It's because you are here, Lord Kaname, that I am able to put my concerns at easy and let my grandson attend this academy," Ichio said before kneeling in front of the pureblood and taking his lips. "My Lord."

The tension was unbelievable as the elder finally stood, releasing Kaname's hand, before turning to finally address Takuma. "Shall we adjourn to a more private setting, Takuma."

"Of course, grandfather," he said, a slightly nervous edge to his reply.

Lucy watched as the elder vampire walked past them but paused when they could only see his back. "And Takuma, I insist that you bring your companion with you so we might have a proper introduction. That is one of the reasons I've come here tonight." He said before he continued walking.

"Yes, grandfather." Takuma looked to Lucy, almost apologetically, as he motioned for her to join them. She wasn't sure how she was able to move away from Hikaru, but she managed it long enough for Takuma to take her hand and guide her to follow.

She was desperate not to let her nervousness show. Even though she was wearing the perfect mask of aristocracy, she had no doubt that both Ichijo's could smell her true emotions. Takuma led them to a secluded sitting room, when he shut the door behind them, she couldn't help but feel like she was trapped with two dangerous predators. The only thing that gave her some semblance of calm was the fact that Takuma hadn't let go of her hand.

As the two of them sat down on a settee and Ichio sat on the one sitting across from them, Lucy couldn't help but notice the way the elder vampire was looking at her. It was a look that she recognized from when she was still living with her father and he had been introducing her to the father's of prominent families that he was interested in doing business with. She could tell that he sensed the power that she held within her, but at the same time, he didn't recognize her from the vampire society. This seemed to bother him, as he began to scowl at her as Takuma introduced them.

"Grandfather, I would like to introduce you to my girlfriend, Lucy Heartfilia. Lucy, allow me to formally introduce you to my grandfather, Asato Ichijo."

"It is an honor to meet you," Lucy said as she bowed her head to the elder.

"You will excuse me if I do not share the sentiment," he said coldly, catching her by surprise. "When I heard that my grandson had begun a relationship here at the academy, I had hoped that he would have chosen a daughter from a well known family rather than a lowly human."

Takuma felt the dark power within Lucy begin to rise to the surface, the same power that he had felt when he had come face to face with Demon Lucy. He might have attempted to stop her from whatever she was about to do or say, but he knew from experience that would not bode well for his future. All he could do was move away from her and hope that none of her anger would be directed at him.

"I would apologize for not living up to your expectations, but that would be a lie on my part since I do not feel the least bit sorry." She said in a clipped voice that made Takuma nervous, though his grandfather's expression didn't change. "I understand that as the head of the Ichijo family, it is your duty to insure that they remain powerful, respectable, and honorable in the view of the vampire world. However, I find it disrespectful to presume that your grandson would disrespect you by having a relationship with a human and, in doing so, endanger the entire vampire community by revealing their secrets.

"I can assure you, Mr. Ichijo, that I am not a 'lowly human.' Otherwise, I would not be living here among the Night Class. And though my power may not be the same as a vampire's, it is potent enough to do battle with one and win. So I will ask you not to lump me in with them again."

Asato Ichijo would not admit this out loud, nor would he let it show on his face, but he was slightly impressed with the girl that Takuma had chosen. Of course, he had known from the start that the girl was not human, her scent told him that much. He had also felt the power she held within her pulsing over his skin when he had first arrived. He had hoped to anger her, even a little, so that he could gauge her response. And she did not disappoint. Her power was impressive and her beauty was wondrous. She will make a good addition to the family, or maybe for Rido when the time comes.

Not wanting to let on his thoughts, he switched his gaze over to Takuma, who seemed nervous by the whole exchange. "If you insist on keeping her, I would insist on you instructing her on the proper way of addressing an elder in the vampire world." Then he looked back to her. "I will speak to my grandson alone now."

Lucy knew that she had been excused, but it was the part before that which had her confused. Does that mean that he approves of me being in a relationship with Takuma? Looking over at her boyfriend, she was surprised to see that he had a look resembling wonder on his face, confirming that his grandfather did approve of her, which calmed her temper quickly. Not wanting to start another argument, Lucy stood from her seat, and gave both of them a quick bow before leaving the room.

When the door shut behind her, she was almost immediately intercepted by Hikaru. He didn't say anything, instead, he stood in front of her with his arms crossed over his chest and one eyebrow raised. His expression let her know that he had felt the change in her magic and he wanted to know what had happened inside to make her so angry.

Unable to help herself, she giggled a little and waved her hand at him. "Don't worry about it, just a bit of tension on the first meet-the-folks. No one bleed and everyone is still alive, so I'd call that a win."

He knew that she could handle herself in most cases, but there were still times when she would lose control over her emotions and thing would go sideways quickly. When he had felt her magic turn dark like it had the day she discovered the time difference between worlds, he had been worried for her safety. Now, she was simply laughing it off.

Hikaru couldn't help but shake his head at her. She might have been his best friend, but doing that was going to age him long before his time, and as a vampire, that was saying something.

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