The Story Of Hope Mikaelson

By hope5647

16.3K 381 59

When disaster strikes in New Orleans Klaus and Hayley have no other option but to send Hope to a safer family... More

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Thank you!!
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Ch 6

1.1K 29 7
By hope5647



And so that's how the next few weeks passed. Every Tuesday and Thursday I would go to Cami and talk about my messed up life. In fact I'm actually starting to warm up to Cami. I've told her everything from the weird dreams to the smoking and drugs and yet somehow she didn't classify me as a freak.

I've quit hanging out with my so called "friends" at school I won't even look at them. They get upset every time they see me and I don't speak but I always keep my head down and hurry away. I don't want to be that type of person anymore and it won't help me if I associate with them so I steer clear.

I wake up at 6:30 and go to get ready for school. Its a Tuesday morning so after school I have to go to cami's. I put on my white PINK shirt with matching leggings, curl my hair and do everything else and head downstairs.

I walk in the kitchen and see my mother fixing eggs and bacon.

"Good morning." My mother looks at me. I smile and say it back as I make my way to the table. She sits the food in front of me and I eat it all as fast as I can. I get up and make my way to the door. "Bye Love Yall!" I scream to them as I shut the door. I get in my car and drive off to school.

I pull up and park in my usual spot. I look around the lot I see students everywhere. I go to a fairly big school and out of all the people in the school I don't talk to anyone. Simply because no one gets me and I don't want them to.

I walk into the school building ignoring everything As I go to my locker. I get out my history book and slam it closed only to have a mini Heart attack from a very cute boy standing against my locker.

"Ah what the hell are you doing?" I practically screamed at him. He smirked. He fucking smirked at me.

I look around to see all the girls staring at me. Ha if looks could kill I would've been dead. I turn my attention back to the boy.

"Hi I'm jake and your name is?" He wants to know my name to bad I don't want him to I don't need a fuck boy in my life.

"Not interested" I begin to walk away as he runs back in front of me. "That's a awful name to have for such a pretty girl."

"Thanks I get that a lot." A smile at him as I start to walk again.

"So, I was wondering 'not interested' if I could maybe have your number. I mean I'm new and I need someone to help me out." I stopped in my tracks and turned towards him.

"Sure you can have my number." I smiled and got out a piece of paper and wrote a random number on it.

He looked like he just won the lottery "Wow thanks um..?" I stopped him.

"My name is Penny" I smiled. "Thanks Penny I'll text ya later." He smirked. That fucking smirk.. He walked off.

"Yessss!" I did a mini fist bump in the air. Well I had to get him off my back somehow.

Soon I finish the school day and I head to Cami's.

I pull up and walk through the front door. I step through the door to see a middle aged man talking to Cami, actually yelling at her.

"Excuse me sir, who are you." I loved Cami I wasn't about to let her get pushed around by some weirdo.

I pushed him off of Cami.

"More like who are you and what did you hear little girl?" He smiled creepily at me. He looked familiar I couldn't place him though.

"Well I'm just saying, I think you came to the wrong building the psycho ward is next door." I smirked at him. Cami was just looking at the both of us fighting why wasn't she doing something?

"Who is this Cami?" He looked at her.

"This is one of my-" I cut her off real quick. "That's none of your damn business, and I think you need to get out of here before I call the police on you for handling Cami that way!" I screamed at him.

He rolled his eyes at me, this bitch.

He looked at Cami "She heard what we were talking about Cami she knows too much." He looked back at me.

"I'll have to compel her." He grabs a hold of my arms and stares me straight in the eyes.

"Get your dirty hand off of me you-" he cuts me off.

"You will remember nothing about what you just saw and you will go home and forget about me." He is practically staring into my soul. What a freak.

"And you sir will get your fucking hands off of me unless you want to go to prison!" I yelled at him.

He looked shocked. He needs to know I am a force to be reckoned with.

He looked back at Cami "What's her name Cami?" He looked sad.

"Hope Tanner." Cami looked confused I just kept silent.

"Hope?" He had tears in his eyes. He hugged me and looked back at Cami.

And that was the day that my life changed forever.


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