Finally With You Again (Nalu)

By anime-hell

81.5K 1.8K 1.1K

Natsu and Lucy were best friends when they were younger. But something happened. Lucy started drifting away f... More

Chapter One- Lucy Heartfilia
Chapter two- Natsu!?
Chapter three- Old friends and Smoke
Chapter four-School
Chapter five- Necklace?
Chapter six- Today is that day!
Chapter seven- I'm a secret ninja
Chapter eight- Video Games? Video Games.
Chapter nine- How 'bout that dance?
Chapter ten- Mysterious letters and blood
Chapter eleven- I buy a dress
Chapter twelve- Cheesy
Chapter thirteen- Cars, cake, and cats
Chapter fifteen- Winner
Chapter sixteen- Is it true?
Chapter seventeen- Mira's visit
Chapter eighteen- Thanksgiving
Chapter nineteen- Operation: Make Gajeel happy
Chapter twenty- Mom and Dad
Chapter twenty one- Where is everyone?
Chapter twenty two-At a party
Chapter twenty three- I love you
Chapter twenty four- Happy Birthday, Lucy
Chapter twenty five- Who was she?
Chapter twenty six- I trusted her
Chapter twenty seven-Merry Christmas, Lucy
Chapter twenty eight-Fires and Goodbyes
Untitled Part 29- Natsu's decision
Chapter thirty-Surprise
Chapter thirty one- A Christmas to remember
Chapter thirty two- Perfect Balance
Chapter thirty three- Dinner
Chapter thirty four- Igneel
Chapter thirty five- I do
Chapter thirty six- The resort
Chapter thirty seven- New People
Chapter thirty eight- My surprise
Chapter thirty nine- Surprise!
Chapter forty- You'll have to wait
Chapter forty one- Happy Birthday
Hey guys!

Chapter fourteen-Popular?

1.8K 46 14
By anime-hell

Lucy's pov

"Natsu! Get up! We have to go to school!"

"I don't wanna."

"I don't care! Get up!"

"But I'm so tired."

"That's it!"

I grabbed the blankets, and ripped them off the bed. His foot was tangled with them, making him fall on the ground.

"Ow! Luce, that hurt!"

"Then maybe you should have gotten up!"

"I'm sorry!"

"You have five minutes. Get ready."

I left him laying on the floor. He really gets on my nerves sometimes. Checking in the mirror, I looked at my new outfit. I decided not to wear baggy clothes today. I actually kind of like this look. I had on a t-shirt with a scarf, my leggings tucked into my boots, and my bangs pulled back into a smaller ponytail on the side of my head. I didn't even know I had this stuff.

"Hey, Lucy! I'm ready."

Natsu stopped at my doorway and stared at me.


"Nothing. You just look pretty."

My face get red, and I walked past him.

"Just get in the car."

It was silent on the ride to school. Natsu was about to say something as I pulled into the parking lot, but was interrupted by people running up to us.

"So, Lucy! Are you and Natsu dating?"

"Oh my gosh! What was that kiss like?"

"Are you dressing different now for Natsu?"

"Natsu! You look amazing today!"

My face got red, and I ignored all their questions. Walking past them, I started walking towards the school. The entire time people were looking at me, and I even had people ask me questions again. What is with them?


"Oh, hi Juvia."

I smiled at her, but she looked like she was in a rush.

"Juvia has something to show you!"

"What is it?"

She held up the school newspaper, showing a picture of Natsu and I at the dance. The headline said 'Hottest New Couple?' I ripped the paper out of Juvia's hands, and started reading.

'On Friday night, Natsu walked into the dance with a outcast named Lucy. Lucy Heartfilia. As Natsu asked her to dance, she gladly accepted. Just when things were getting serious, she ran off after apologizing to Natsu. He followed her outside, and they shared a long, meaningful kiss. That same night, they were both given a ride home by none other than Erza Scarlet. Questions are being asked everywhere, and by everyone. Are they the newest couple? Who is she? How do they know each other? Will things be taken further? Every girl in the school wanted Natsu, but is he taken now? Hopefully these questions will be answered soon.'

I didn't know what to say. Does everyone in the school think we're dating now?

"Hey Luce! Whatchya reading?"

Natsu grabbed the paper out of my hand, and started reading it. By the time he was done, he just laughed.

"Why are you laughing?"

"Its funny."

"This isn't funny! Everyone thinks we're dating!"

"Don't worry about it. This'll blow over soon. I'm sure the next time something happens, everyone will forget about all of this."

"You better be right."

I left Natsu and Juvia standing there. Why can't people just mind their own business? And Natsu and I would never be a thing...right? This is so frustrating. I continued getting stares as I walked down the hallway. I miss not being noticed. I missed not having to talk to anyone. I miss my old life!


"Lucy Heartfilia?"


"Natsu Dragneel?"

"Right here!"

Some girls squealed, but I was still annoyed. A paper was slid in front of me, and I already knew who it was from. Natsu. I unfolded it, and read the note.

'What's wrong?'

'People won't stop staring at me! Everybody's been whispering, and I don't like all this attention!'

I threw the paper back at him. Before he could write back, the teacher got everyone's attention.

"Alright, so as I'm sure you all know, the school festival will be held soon. Starting tomorrow, everyone will be getting ready. Each class is to have a theme, and I've decided to let you guys pick. Everyone will be spending the rest of the week in their first hour class, and on Thursday and Friday is when the festival will be held. If anyone has any ideas, raise your hand so I can write them on the board."

Great. Another event. A lot of people raised their hands, but not very many people had good ideas.


"I think we should do a cat theme! Everyone can dress up as cats, and we will have cat decorations everywhere!"


He hesitated, but put it on the board.

"Alright. Anyone else? Aquarius?"

"I say we do a Under The Sea theme."

He wrote it down on the board, and turned to face the class again.


"We could do a cafe."

"Good idea. Anyone else? Meredy."

"We could make jewelry to sell. Like a jewelry shop."

"Alright. One more. Lyon."

"I say we make this place really cold. So people can come here to cool off."

"Okay...its already kind of cold outside, but I'll write it down."

He wrote it down on the board, then faced everyone for the vote.

"All in favor of cat theme?"

That one got no votes.

"Under The Sea?"

That one got five votes.


Fifteen votes.

Jewelry store?"

Six votes.

"And umm...Cold room?"

None. Which means the cafe won.

"So it looks like we will be doing the cafe. Now this is up to you, but we could have a themed cafe. If anyone has any ideas, raise your hands."

Oh great. More ideas. I'm actually thinking this whole thing is a waste of time.


"Juvia thinks we should do a love cafe."

Is it just me, or does anyone else thinks she just wants to go with Gray?


"We should do a Jungle cafe."

"One more. Rogue?"

"I think we should do a dark cafe. We could make the room dark, and have neon things everywhere."

That one might actually be kind of cool. But if its a dark, how are you suppose to see your food?

"Okay. Anyone for the love cafe?"

Thirteen people voted for that one. It was mostly girls though.


Three votes.

"And neon cafe?"

Fourteen votes. Do these people realize we won't be able to see anything!?

"Okay. Neon it is. We will have a certain dress code everyone will have to follow. This will be our last vote."

"I have an idea!"

"Okay. Lets hear it."

"All of the girls will have black uniforms. Similar to a maids uniform, but it will have neon paint splattered on it. The guys will have black t-shirts with neon paint splatter."

There were a lot of people who seemed really into the idea, but my guess is he just wants the girls to wear maid outfits.

"Alright. We will go with that. We will start setting up tomorrow, so everyone can have the rest of the school day to do whatever."

Everyone immediately started talking, but I just sat there. I was still pretty annoyed. Erza and Juvia pulled a chair up to our table, and started talking.

"I think this'll be fun."

"Juvia thinks so too!"

"Me either! I wonder what other people are doing for their themes?"

"Juvia hopes Gray-sama will come and eat with Juvia."

"Hey, Luce! You should hang out with us on the day of the festival!"

"Well I kind of already figured I would. Listen, I have to go to the bathroom, I'll be back."

I walked out of the classroom, and stood in the hallway for a bit. That was when Mira came out of the classroom down the hall, followed by Gray.


"Hey, Mira."

"What is your guy's theme?"

"We're having a neon cafe. How about you guys?"

Gray sighed and started shaking his head, but Mira's face lit up with excitement.

"We're doing a love booth! Everyone is going to write down couples they think would look cute together, and we will see who wins! The people that do will have a wedding held at the end of the day, just for them."

I now see why Gray looked annoyed.

"Oh. And who's idea was that exactly?"

"Who do you think?"

Gray lifted his hand above Mira's head, and pointed down, while she just squealed with excitement.

"Mine! I can't wait! I will finally know who everyone thinks the cutest couple is! Plus, I get to see my OTPs together! EEKK."

"Okay, okay. Calm down."

We all laughed, and then they left. Love booth, huh? I wonder who the winner will be. I walked back into the classroom, and everyone looked at me.


Suddenly, I was mobbed by people again, everyone asking questions. That's pretty much how my day went until we went to lunch.

"So what is everyone doing as their theme?"

"I already told Lucy, but we're having a love booth! I am so excited!"

"We're having costume contest."

I can see why Mira would have a love booth, but I was actually surprised about Lisanna's theme. I didn't really know she liked dressing up. Maybe she didn't vote for it?

"We're having arm wrestling! Its manly!"

"How is arm wrestling a theme?"

"Here, I'll tell you."

Cana explained everything, while Elfman sat there yelling about how its manly. I guess they're going to have everyone arm wrestle each other, then see who is the strongest in the end.

"And what about you Wendy?"

"Oh, we're having a animal center. Everyone gets to bring in one animal, and everyone is free to come in, pet and hold them, and even feed them. We won't have anything too special, though. It will probably be mostly dogs and cats."

That one actually sounded nice. Its relaxing, plus you get to be around a bunch of animals. The only problem was Wendy looked upset about something.

"Are you okay, Wendy?"

"I guess. Its just I don't have an animal to bring in."

"You can bring in Happy. He's our cat!"

Natsu pointed at me, and she got really happy.

"Really!? Thank you so much!"

She hugged Natsu, and everything was lively at the table again. Eventually we got through the day, and I was really happy. I was so tired of being asked questions and being stared at!


Its the end of Wednesday, our last day to set up. Erza, Natsu, Juvia, and I actually stayed after to school to make sure everything looked good.

"Okay. Are all the costumes in the closet?"


"Are they neon?"


"Are all of the tables set up?"


"And all of the food we will need is in the teacher's lounge?"

"Yep. Can we go now? I'm really hungry."

"Come on, Natsu. I'll stop somewhere and buy dinner."

After saying good-bye to Erza and Juvia, I drove Natsu and I somewhere to get food. We ended up getting pizza, and it tasted really good.

"Hey, Natsu."


"Stop talking with your mouth full of food! It sounded like you said foot!"

He swallowed, then started talking again. I sware, sometimes it seems like he doesn't have a brain.

"Sorry. I said what."

"Text Wendy, and see if she wants Happy tonight, or in the morning."


A few minutes later, his phone went off.

"She said it would be nice if she could have him tonight. Do you want me take him?"

"No, I will. I want to go for a walk, and she doesn't live very far away."

I packed some things for Happy, threw a coat on, and left. It was really cold out tonight. I eventually got to Wendy's, and I was really happy. I don't know how much longer I could've lasted in the cold.

"Oh, hi Lucy!"

"Hey, Wendy. I brought Happy."

I opened the cage for him, and jumped out, and started rubbing up against Wendy's leg.

"He's...he's blue."

"Oh yea. I'm sure he'll get lots of attention tomorrow. Now you have to be careful, he's kind of a trouble maker, so you have to watch him."

"Okay. Thanks for the warning."

"No problem."

I handed her his things, and left. On my way home, it felt like someone was watching me, so I started walking faster.

"Hey, there little lady. Where you going?"

"None of your business."

"Aww, come on now. Don't be like that."

He grabbed my arm, and I quickly pulled it back.

"Go away."

More people came out from behind him. There had to be seven of them.

"Don't you wanna come hang out with us?"

"No, I don't actually."

"Well that's just to bad."

Grabbing both my arms, I was pinned to the wall behind me.

"How about you come with us?"

"How about you get a mint?"

I felt his grip tighten, and I couldn't move. 'Natsu...come save me' Why am I thinking about him!? No, okay. I can do this. No, I can't.


My mouth was covered, and I couldn't yell, move, or do anything. How do I get myself in these situations!? I closed my eyes and waited for whatever they were going to do, when I heard a loud thud. I opened my eyes, and seen one of the guys laying on the ground. I looked in a different direction, and see the one I wanted to be here. Natsu came.

"What do you think you're doing with her!?"

He looked mad. I'm not sure I would really want to be this guy right now.

"Why does it matter to you? You her boyfriend or something?"

"Maybe I am."

My heart started racing, but soon stopped when I felt something hit my gut. He just kneed me, causing me to cough up blood.

"She is coming with us."

Natsu was furious. I felt another knee to the gut, causing more blood to come up. This guy was strong. Can Natsu beat him?

"Don't touch Lucy!"

Natsu's fist went flying for his face, leaving a direct hit. The hand over my mouth was moved, and I took a deep breath. It was nice being able to breath again. Natsu tried pulling me out of his grasp, but instead got kicked in the side.


"Shut it!"

A stinging sensation appeared on the right side of my face, and he pulled out a knife. Natsu got back up, and started a fight with him. My hands were eventually released, and I fell to the ground. Natsu was dodging all of his attacks, and landed a few himself. One more blow to the face, and the man was down.

"I better not see you anywhere near Lucy again!"

He put me on his back, and started walking back to the apartment.

"Are you okay?"

"I should be asking you that! You could have gotten killed!"

"I'm sorry."

"Let's just...go home."

And he carried me all the way back to the house.

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