Only Time Could Tell

By Please_Trust_Me

8.3K 176 72

Cassie Marrow has a tragic past. She had to live her cousin when her family left her. But she didn't know her... More

chapter 1
chapter 2
chpater 3
Chapter 4
chapter 5
Chapter 6
chapter 7
Chapter 8
chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapeter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Authour's note
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
please take note

Chapter 9

195 6 2
By Please_Trust_Me

I sat in the chair sideways so Niall wouldnt notice that I had been crying. Then I accepted his call. And there on the screen flashed up my little Irish boy. I missed him so much, it was unbelievable.

"Hey Cassie."

"Hey." I waved a little bit at the screen.

"Hey! You don't have the bandage over your nose anymore! That is good right?"

"Yeah I guess but it still hurts really bad." I forgot I had taken the bandage thing off. But my nose still did hurt really bad.

"Love, you okay?" Niall asked.

"Yeah I'm fine" I lied.

"Look at the screen then."


"Cassie, what is wrong?"

"Nothing it's just that my nose really hurts still."

That left us in silence. But Niall broke it.

"What time is it there?"

"Almost 9."

"Wow it is 2 in the afternoon here." I looked at the screen in shock. Ireland and here didn't have a time difference like that.

"Wait Niall, Where the hell are you??" Niall looked at me wide eyed.

"So I take it the lads didn't tell you?" he asked.

"No, they didn't."

" Oh well, I'm - I'm in the States." He said.

" You are where??? But your Tweeter said that you were boarding the plane with the others!! if you got onto the plane with them how are you still there?" I asked.

"Well there are two reasons why I said that. 1-beacuse it would bad on the band if one of us stayed back. It would look like we spilt or are fighting and don't want to be with each other anymore. And, 2- because of the fans. we have some crazy fans. And  since I am here and I was left one security guard, management didn't want me to get mobbed by fans every time I left the building."


"yeah, oh." He said. then he moved closer to the screen like he couldn't see me anymore.

"Cassie? Were- were you crying? Your eyes are all puffy and red." Niall asked me but I didn't want to answer because I knew it would only lead to other questions. But I nodded in response. I didn't want to lie to him, so I told the truth.

"Oh my god, What happened? Why are you crying?' He felt really great on how concerned he was about me. I turned my head back towards the screen so I could see Niall perfectly now.

"Why cant you come home, like you were going too?" Niall dropped his head a little like in defeat.

"They told you?" he looked up little bit at me then shook his head a little when he saw that I was nodding my head. He cussed under his breathe. He stood up from his chair and hit the table making the camera rattle so it looked like he was shaking.

"THIS WHY I TOLD THEM NOT TO TELL YOU!!!!" he yelled out loud. He wasn't directing it to me, he was just saying it.

About 5 minutes went by and I didn't say anything to Niall and he didn't say anything to me. he didn't sit back down in his seat. But he sent a text to someone, I don't know who tho. He was typing really fast, and that meant he was mad. I have seen him text like before, and it is kinda funny. Cause when he make a spelling error or something he cusses at the phone under his breathe.

When Niall finally sat back down he seemed to be a little more calm but he was shaking a little out of frustration. "Niall, can you please calm down?"

"No! Cassie I am sorry, okay. I really am. I am sorry I am not there for you. But trust me if I could, I would be there in a heartbeat."

"It is okay Niall."  

" I got to go. I will call you tomorrow."

"Okay bye Niall."

"Bye Cassie."

I went to go click the end button but Niall spoke.


"Yes, Niall?"

"I forgot to say something...." I just looked at him with blank look on my face.

"I forgot to say that I miss you and that you look beautiful today, as always." he said with a big grin on his face.

" I miss you to Ni."

"Okay good bye Cassie, I love you. And tell the others hi and that I am going to beat their asses soon." that made me laugh.

"Bye  Ni, love you, And I sure will tell them that."

"Bye." Then we ended the call.


I woke up to my cell phone ringing. I turned over to see what time it was 10 in the morning. I answered the phone and I didn't even check to see who was calling.

"Hello" I said in my morning voice. I was still laying down in bed when I answered the call.

"Hello. Is this Cassie Marrow?" I had no idea who was on the other line they had a deep raspy voice.

"This is she."

"Hi Cassie! This is Simon Cowell. How are you?" at the his name I quickly sat up in bed. Why the heck was Simon calling me?

"I am great. And yourself Mr. Cowell?" oh my god! I was talking to Simon Cowell!

"Oh please, Cassie. Call my Simon. And I am doing just great. Now I have an idea. Do you think that you can come up to my office today around 1 o'clock?"

"Oh umm-" Simon cut me off in the middle of my sentence.

"Oh great! Thanks Cassie. I will see you then. And you are welcome to bring a friend."

"oh umm okay then." I said but I stuttered a lot.

"Great I will see you then. And it is okay don't be nervous. Good bye Miss Marrow, I shall see you soon." And he hung up before I could say anything back to him.

Why did Simon Cowell need to see me? I had about 3 hours to get ready, which was plenty. I got out of bed and got into the shower.

After my long shower I put on some nice black skinny jeans. I wanted to look nice and a little professional, so I found a cute and nice light blue- green shirt. It was a low cut shirt so it showed a little tummy but not a lot. And to make it better I put on some sparkly Vans. The shoes weren't actually mine, they were Eleanor's. I wore them about 5 months ago and I never gave them back. Once I my hair dried I  flat ironed it. My hair looked best when it was straight.

Downstairs, the boys were cleaning up from breakfast that I missed. Louis was doing the dishes and Harry and Liam were clearing the table. But where was Zayn-.

I was swept of my feet from behind and was thrown over a shoulder. I could hear him and the others laughing at me. "Zayn Jawaad Malik! Put me done right now!" I screamed at him while laughing. 

" No can do sweetheart, cause I am right here." Zayn walked over to me and the person that was holding me and waved his hand right in my face.

"Wait if you are there and the others are there....That means." I jumped off the shoulder of the guy that was holding me. And he looked back at me and smiled. I went in and gave him a huge hug.

"JOSH!!! I haven't seen you in forever! I missed you!"

"Awww I missed you too Cassie! Long time no see." Josh gave me kiss on top of my head, And we released from each other. I went to school with Josh for awhile. But then he moved with the band, around the world. Josh was a truly talented guy. Josh and I were best friends since ever. And since I knew him that is a reason why he got the job as a drummer for one of the Biggest Boy bands. Josh has always been a really close friend. We even dated each other for about a month-ish. But we just didn't want to date anymore. We decided that we worked better as friends. And thank goodness that dating didn't make things awkward between us.

"We can catch up later I promise!" I said as me and him made a pinky promise on that. "Okay I have to go now, but I won't break the promise. Harry you are coming with me. So car now! I will explain in the car." Harry sat some dishes down and grabbed his phone. Then me and him walked out of the house.

"And no need to explain. We all know what is going on." Harry go into my car but he sat down into the drivers seat. When he heard my seatbelt buckle, he brought the car to action and drove off to the office building.

******Author's Note******

Hey everyone! Are you likeing the story so far???? I hope you are!

My friend has one of the best stories I have Ever read! It is called Laws of Attraction. It is a really good story to read, and she updates is often. Please go read it!! Her username >>>> Gingersodapop7

Follow her!! And she probably has one of the best book on Wattpad!!

SO GO READ Laws of Attraction , PLEASE!


   Katie <3


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