Angelic Blood [Fairy Tail/Nal...

By naluAlly

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Cover by @NyxAbsol (She's amazing!) xx Lucy is disturbed when Virgo appears. She warns her of a silver key sp... More

Chapter 1: Golden Blood
Chapter 2: Take My Hand Natsu...
Chapter 3: A 'Secret' Zodiac
Chapter 4: She's Back And Stronger
Chapter 5: Taken For 'Safety'
Chapter 6: Perfection Is Bestowed Upon
Chapter 7: Dinner With The Angel
Chapter 8: A Kiss Breaks A Spell
Chapter 9: I Give You My Life
Chapter 10: There's Something More To me
Chapter 11: Heaven's Rage
Chapter 12: An Angel Beats A Warrior
Chapter 13: We Fight Again
Chapter 14: Destroy The Four
Chapter 15: An Angel's Bloodlust
Chapter 16: A Zodiac No More
Chapter 17: Kill The Angel
Chapter 18: The Angel Needs Natsu
Chapter 19: Don't Leave Me, Natsu
Chapter 20: Leave Your Life Behind
Chapter 21: My Childhood Comes Back To me
Chapter 22: Here, We'll Live In Love
Chapter 23: Two Years, And One Child
Chapter 24: The Key On My Finger
Chapter 25: A Wedding For An Angel
Chapter 26: Welcome Back To Fairy Tail
Chapter 27: The Books of G.O.D
Chapter 29: Stolen Memories
Chapter 30: The Angelus
Chapter 31: Take Nashi and Run
Chapter 32 Dance Of The Daughter
Chapter 33: Goodbye, Lucy
Chapter 34: The End Of The Angel

Chapter 28: Visions Of Pain

1.3K 61 19
By naluAlly

-Lucy P.O.V-
I had gone home immediately, after handing Jack over to Juvia. My old home, that I'd chose to abandon four years ago.
I lay in my bed, staring silently up at the dark ceiling.
Was it really worth it? I thought. Coming back?
When all I'm gonna do...
"Is hurt people..." I whispered. I stood up, and sat by the window, staring at the people below. I began to cry silently, my tears falling softly down my cheeks.
"I'm...a monster."

-Natsu P.O.V-
I had headed back home, expecting to find Happy (who I couldn't find at the guild). I had offered to stay with Lucy, but she said she need some time. However, Nashi would be staying with her for the night. I opened the door slowly, and the room was filled with the smell of meat. I heard noises in the kitchen. I walked in, to see Happy slaving away at the stove. He turned around, and smiled, through teary eyes.
"T-They told me you came back," he sniffed. "So...I cooked you dinner."
I stepped towards him, ignoring the plate of food that had been laid on the table.
"Happy..." I whispered. Happy's eyes widened, and he threw the spoon he was holding down onto the stove, and rushed towards me.
"NATSU!" He cried, wrapping his furry arms around me.
"I'm sorry," I said, holding him tightly. "I'm so sorry."
Happy shook his head in return. "It wasn't your fault," he replied, his laughter drying his tears.

-Lucy P.O.V-
There was a sudden knock on the door. I made my way over to it, and opened it slightly. Erza was standing on the other side, with Nashi in her arms. I opened the door fully, and smiled at them both.
"I almost forgot about Nashi!" I said, laughing. I held my arms out, and Erza passed her over to me.
"Hey, baby," I said, stroking her hair. "Thanks for looking after her," I said to Erza. "I...needed a moment."
"It's fine," Erza replied. "Nashi's so well behaved."
"Are you now?" I asked, raising my eyebrow at her. She giggled, then ran off further into my room.
"This is HUGE!" She shouted, laughing.
"This is like a hundred times smaller than our old house..." I muttered, confused.
"She appreciates the little things," Erza said, laughing. "Anyway, I'm gonna head back to the guild. I'm guessing you'll come in tomorrow?" She asked.
"Of course," I replied.
"That's good to hear. And, Lucy..." She put her hand on my shoulder, and smiled. "It's good to have you back."
"Thank you, Erza," I said. She smiled, and nodded. I shut the door as she left, then went to find Nashi who had already hidden somewhere in my apartment.

-Half and hour after finding a giggling Nashi-
I made Nashi dinner, while she sat on my desk that I used to write on and drew pictures. As I was stirring the soup inside the pot that could easily serve four, I heard a faint whisper.
I'm doing this for your own good, Lucy.
The room suddenly went black. I couldn't see a thing. I dropped the spoon I was holding, and I didn't even head it splash as it hit the soup. There was nothing.
"N-Nashi?" I muttered, looking around. I couldn't see or hear anything. Then suddenly, there were fuzzy images. As I squinted and they became clear, I nearly threw up.
Bodies...dead bodies...covered the floor in front of me. And every single one had a fairy tail mark. I looked downwards slightly, to see Nastu, holding Nashi in his arms. They were both still- lifeless.
I then stared at my hands, which were covered in blood. Their blood.
My eyes widened, and I began to tremble. I stumbled to my knees in pure shock-
And screamed.

-Nashi P.O.V (First POV!)-
I suddenly heard Mommy scream.
Why was she screaming? I thought. Mummy was always so happy...
I got off my seat, and walked to the kitchen. Mommy was on the floor, and her hands were on her head.
Was she playing a game? I thought, confused. I put my hands on my head too, and smiled.
"Mommy, your turn!" I said, giggling. I waited patiently, but Mommy didn't move. My laugh stopped, and my smile faded. Mommy was shaking, and her eyes were wide...
She was scared.
I ran over to the window and opened it. Mommy had told me that Daddy had amazing hearing- if I needed him, I only had to call.
I sucked in my breath, and leaned out of the window slightly.
"DADDY!" I shouted, as loud as I could.

-Natsu P.O.V-
I heard it. It was faint, but I still heard it. I stood up from the table where I was eating Happy's meal, and looked towards the direction the sound had came from.
"Natsu?" Happy asked, flying by my side.
"Nashi..." I muttered. I then immediately barged through the door and ran as fast as I could.
"N-Nats- Wait!" Happy said, trying to finish his meal and follow me at the same time. I ignored everything around me, and only stared straight ahead. I was there shortly- I had ran faster then I knew I ever could. I charged up the stairs, and rushed into Lucy's apartment. Nashi was sitting by the window, and she looked over to me as I entered. I could sense her fear the minute I stared into her menacing blue eyes. She slowly pointed to the kitchen, then shook her head.
"Natsu? Who's that?" Happy asked. I stared at Nashi, confused, but entered the kitchen anyway, leaving Happy to care for her. When I got to the kitchen, I found Lucy, crouched on the floor, trembling. I looked back at Nashi, but she was calmly staring out the window, ignoring Happy's comforting words as he sat beside her.
"Lucy? Can you hear me?" I asked. I looked into her eyes, and they were not in focus. She was completely blind to me.
What is she seeing? I thought.
"I-I'm sorry..." She muttered, as tears began to stream down her face.
Hallucinations... I thought again. She was completely petrified- her forehead was sweating, and her teeth were gritted tight. She suddenly looked up, at the ceiling. She stopped trembling, and her eyes fixed on whatever was above her.

-Lucy P.O.V-
There was a light above me. I stared at it closely, and it somehow began to calm me down.
This is your only way out. Said a voice, which I recognised as Lucifer's. I don't want you to hurt the ones you love. I know how that feels.
"I-I don't understand..." I replied, holding my hand over my eyes to shield the light.

-Natsu P.O.V-
Lucy then spoke quietly, but I could tell she wasn't talking to me.
"I-I don't understand..." She muttered. I touched her shoulders softly, and when she didn't respond, I held onto them.
"Lucy," I said, staring into her eyes even though I knew she couldn't stare back. "Don't listen to him."

-Lucy P.O.V-
"Tell me something," I said, looking directly at the light. "My blood used to be red. Why is that?" I asked, with slightly more confidence. I had almost forgotten that my family were lying dead in front of me.
Was this all angels cared about? I thought. I looked back at Natsu's body, and leaned over to touch his cheek. However, before I reached it, I was stopped by an invisible force.

-Natsu P.O.V-
Lucy suddenly looked back down, and began to crawl forward. I held her back, and hugged her at the same time. I stroked her hair softly, as I buried my head in her shoulder.
"Please..." I muttered into her ear. "Hear me."

-Lucy P.O.V-
"I-Is this you?" I cried upwards. I began hitting whatever was in front of me, desperate to get past it. "Let me go!" I shouted angrily.

-Natsu P.O.V-
"I won't let you go, Lucy," I whispered, as she punched me and hit me with all her strength. Luckily, she was only using her brute force. If she began using her angelic powers, I would've been dead in one shot. It hurt, but I beared the pain.
"I'll never let go," I said, holding onto her as if she was the one thing keeping me alive. Which sometimes, I felt she was.

-Lucy P.O.V-
I began to cry again, without even realising. "Let me go..." I sobbed. Lucifer had stopped talking- I was on my own again. I lowered my hands, and cried to myself on the floor.

-Natsu P.O.V-
As Lucy stopped attacking, I lowered my grip. I looked into her eyes, which were blankly staring forward.
"Natsu..." She muttered. My eyes widened, as I leaned in closer. Her cheeks were pale. "I don't want to hurt you," she added.
I hesitated for a moment, shocked. Then I held her cheek, her tears soaking the palm of my hand.
"Lucy..." I replied. "You never will."

-Lucy P.O.V-
I went still. I stared closely at the bodies, almost admiring them.
"I...did this?" I muttered, almost in a whisper.
You will...eventually.
My body suddenly tensed itself, as a pulse ran through my body. My body shook, as if I'd been fired with an electric current. There was someone calling my name, but I couldn't hear what they were asking me. My vision began to come back, but it was so blurry that I could only make out colours. I stared straight ahead of me, confused, and terrified.

-Natsu P.O.V-
Lucy was back. She looked confused, and slightly dazed, but the glint had returned in her eye.
"What's going on?" I heard someone say from behind. I looked over my shoulder to see Erza, who had burst through the door.
"Help Happy care for Nashi," I told her immediately. She stared at me, asking for a signal of things were alright, and I nodded in return. I noticed her sigh with relief, and watched as she made her way over to Nashi. Then I focused on Lucy again. I wrapped her arms around her, and picked her up from beneath. She was staring up at me, but I couldn't tell whether or not she knew it was me.

-Lucy P.O.V-
I felt my body be lifted from the floor. I tried to make out the person who was carrying me, but I could barely see their features. I was in shock- I couldn't even speak. I began to cry, the images still haunting my mind. I reached out, and immediately felt a warm hand grab onto mine. I held it tight, as I sobbed quietly. I was scared- so, so scared...
And this hand gave me hope.
I felt calm as I was carefully laid into a soft material. I relaxed, and let my body sink into the fabric. I stared ahead of me, in the direction my head had fallen into. And suddenly, there was a face in front of me. I concentrated as hard as I could, and managed to make out the features.
Natsu stared back at me, his face full of concern.
I smiled, tears soaking the pillow my head was rested on.
"Thank...god..." I muttered quietly. Then, I shut my eyes and drifted off to sleep.
Ok, I literally have nothing to say :D I know most readers skip this anyway but I still like writing them for some reason XD This is completely out of the blue, but if any of you need anything or just want someone to talk to, you can always message me or comment. My life is too boring to not reply :)

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