Finally With You Again (Nalu)

By anime-hell

82K 1.8K 1.1K

Natsu and Lucy were best friends when they were younger. But something happened. Lucy started drifting away f... More

Chapter One- Lucy Heartfilia
Chapter two- Natsu!?
Chapter three- Old friends and Smoke
Chapter four-School
Chapter five- Necklace?
Chapter six- Today is that day!
Chapter seven- I'm a secret ninja
Chapter eight- Video Games? Video Games.
Chapter nine- How 'bout that dance?
Chapter ten- Mysterious letters and blood
Chapter twelve- Cheesy
Chapter thirteen- Cars, cake, and cats
Chapter fourteen-Popular?
Chapter fifteen- Winner
Chapter sixteen- Is it true?
Chapter seventeen- Mira's visit
Chapter eighteen- Thanksgiving
Chapter nineteen- Operation: Make Gajeel happy
Chapter twenty- Mom and Dad
Chapter twenty one- Where is everyone?
Chapter twenty two-At a party
Chapter twenty three- I love you
Chapter twenty four- Happy Birthday, Lucy
Chapter twenty five- Who was she?
Chapter twenty six- I trusted her
Chapter twenty seven-Merry Christmas, Lucy
Chapter twenty eight-Fires and Goodbyes
Untitled Part 29- Natsu's decision
Chapter thirty-Surprise
Chapter thirty one- A Christmas to remember
Chapter thirty two- Perfect Balance
Chapter thirty three- Dinner
Chapter thirty four- Igneel
Chapter thirty five- I do
Chapter thirty six- The resort
Chapter thirty seven- New People
Chapter thirty eight- My surprise
Chapter thirty nine- Surprise!
Chapter forty- You'll have to wait
Chapter forty one- Happy Birthday
Hey guys!

Chapter eleven- I buy a dress

2K 46 11
By anime-hell

Lucy's pov

Its been almost a full two weeks since they've let me leave the hospital. And Erza has stuck by what she's said, I was not left alone for a moment. There would even be times I would wake up to someone sleeping in my bed. Its been like this at school too. A few girls kicked my crutches a few imes, but Erza and Mira handled that. Not only was I walked to every class, but I had to sit with them every day too. I would get a few questioning looks sometimes, but that wasn't very surprising. One of the biggest outcasts in the school, suddenly hanging out with all the popular kids? I have to say though, its been nice being with everyone again. I'm starting to get used to always having someone around. I do still like being alone, but I can't complain. They have all been helping me, including Lisanna. I still can't figure out what exactly happened that day, but I guess it doesn't really matter now. We all sat down for lunch, and not two seconds later, Mira squealed. 

   "What's up with you?"

   "Have you guys forgotten? The Formal dance is in a week!"

   "Oh yea! Lucy have you picked your dress out yet?"

Looking away from everyone, I quietly shook my head. 

   "Alright, then its settled. You are coming dress shopping with us."

   "Am I even going to get a say in this?"

   "Nope! And your leg will be good enough for you to walk on your own again by the time of the dance! I can't wait to get pictures of you and Natsu!"

I spit my water out, it landing all over Natsu's face.

   "Oh my gosh, I am so sorry!"

He just laughed and waved his hand. 

   "Don't worry about it."

He wiped his face clean, and continued eating, but I still felt bad. 

   "I've also heard that the night of the dance will be the first snowfall of the year."

   "Really!? I can't wait to tell Lauxas!"

Erza and Mira were having their own little conversation, but I couldn't help listen in.

   "Why would you tell him?"

   "Oh, did I not tell you guys? He asked me to go with him. I told him yes."

She casually started eating her apple, Erza's eyes about to pop out of her skull. 

   "That's great, Mira!"

   "I guess it is, isn't it?"

She giggled before talking again. 

   "Oh, and I already know exactly what color dress is going to have."

   "Alright. What colors?"

   "Well, you'll have a maroon colored one, to bring out your hair. Juvia will get a dark blue one, AND IT MUST REACH HER ANKLES. It just suits her, ya know? I myself will have a white dress, also reaching my ankles. Lucy's will be black and pink, to go with Natsu's hair. It will reach her knees"

   "Wait, what? What if I don't want those colors?"

   "Lucy, this is Mira we're speaking with. I wouldn't even try and change her mind. We both know it won't work."

I groaned and laid my head on the table. 

   "So when are we going?"

   "Hmm...tomorrows Saturday, so lets do it then."

We all started eating our lunch, when a excited Juvia showed up. 

   "Guys! Juvia has very important news to tell you! Juvia was asked by Gray-sama to the dance, and of course Juvia said yes!"

Mira, of course, squealed along with Juvia. They ran off and left me with Erza, Natsu, Lisanna, and Elfman. Natsu and Elman were having their own conversations, while Lisanna sat quietly. I wonder why Lisanna isn't going dress shopping with us? I guess it doesn't really matter. 


The bell rang for the end of sixth hour, and Natsu walked me to my locker, where Erza and Gray were waiting. 

   "Hey guys."

   "Well, I see Flame Brain managed to do something without screwing it up."

   "You lookin for a fight, Ice Princess."

   "Both of you, knock it off!"

I laughed at the scene. With Erza's dark aura coming off of her, Natsu and Gray pouted. Grabbing my bag from my locker, I turned and was ready to leave. Erza drove us home, because we were still in the process of looking for a new car. I got home, finished my homework, and walked into the kitchen to look for food. 

   "I'll make dinner tonight."

   "Are you sure? I can always order something, or I can try and make something, too."

   "No. You're leg is almost healed, so lets not do anything to damage it again, okay?"

   "Alright, fine."

About an hour later, he made grilled cheese. Not the fanciest thing in the world, but it was really good. 

   "Natsu, this is great?"

   "Yea? Glad you like it."

He smiled at me, and I couldn't help smiling back. Finishing our meals, we decided to watch a movie, because who doesn't love a good movie on a Friday night?

   "Okay. Horror or comedy?"

   "Hmm...Horror then comedy. That way I'm not freaked out before going to bed."

   "Okay. Choose from The Hills Have Eyes or Silent Hill."

   "Hmm...Silent Hill."

   "I was hoping you'd pick that one."

We put it in, and started eating popcorn. About halfway through the movie, I jumped so bad the popcorn spilt everywhere. Natsu laughed at me while picking up popcorn. 

   "Come on Luce. The monster can't get you."

   "Hey, shut it! That creepy thing just popped up out of nowhere!"

   "Yea, yea."

Finishing the rest of the movie, Natsu gave me options for a comedy. 

   "Lets see...Ride Along, Dumb and Dumber, or Inside Out?"

Why did he pick a little kids movie? Considering I've never seen it, I'll watch it. 

   "Inside out."


   "Why are you so happy?"

   "Have you ever seen this movie?"


   "You'll see when its over."

He was right. We finished the movie, and I was actually sad it ended. 

   "I loved it."

   "I know!"

Checking the time, I seen it was almost midnight, and yet I wasn't tired, at all. 



   "Wanna play a game?"


I beat him at ever game we played. Checkers, scrabble, and LIFE. 

   "How are you so good?"

   "Maybe its not me who is good, but you who isn't good."

He pouted and we put the games away. It was one in the morning now, and I was pretty tired. 

   "Okay, Natsu. Goodnight."

   "Night, Luce."

And we parted ways for the night. 


   "Lucy! Lucy, get up!"

   "Not right now, Natsu..."

   "Its not Natsu!"


I opened my eyes, and seen red hair dangling in my face. Erza. 

    "What are you doing here?"

   "We came to pick you up so we can go dress shopping. Duh."

   "Oh right. But did you have to wake me up so early?"

   "Its two in the afternoon!"

My eyes shot open and looked at the clock. She was right. I quickly got out of bed and got dressed,  leaving my hair down today. 

   "Okay, I'm ready."

   "Then let's go!"

We pulled into the parking lot for the mall, and got out. After walking inside, I realized just how many stores sold nothing but dresses. We had to go into almost everyone, because Mira had specific colors for us. After a couple of hours, We found Mira's and Juvia's. Mira's was a long white one, that reached her ankles. It had stones around the waist, and a piece in the front to tie around the neck to keep the dress up. Juvia's reached her ankles too, but was tight around the waist, and had one long sleeve, which eventually turned to lace the farther down the arm you went. Now we still had mine, and Erza's to find. It wasn't long after until a Erza's eyes landed on the one she wanted. Hers too, reached her ankles, was black lace around the waist, and sleeveless. 

   "Oh my gosh, you look so pretty!"

   "Thank you, Mira. Now we just have to fine Lucy's."

They all turned to me, evil grins on their faces. I was actually scared to say the least. It only took Mira a mere five minutes until she came running up to me with the dress. 

   "Lucy! This is the dress for you!"

I tried looking at it, but before I could I was shoved into the dressing room. I came out with a pink and white dress on. It was sleeveless, and outlined my figure in a pink, covered in black lace. As soon as it reached the waist, it was poofy, and reached my knees. I also has the sleeves that weren't connected to dress, and were large around my wrist. Everyone stared at me for a while. 

   "Guys? If it's ugly, I can find a new one..."


 They all yelled in union. I laughed, and went back to putting my clothes on. After coming back out, it was kind of hard to carry the dress because the crutches, so Mira took it. We bought everything, and left. 

   "I'm so excited for the dance!"

   "I'm really excited for the snow!"

   "Juvia is excited for both!"

I laughed at all of them. I was actually pretty happy about the dress I got. The pink was the exact same color as Natsu's hair. I guess I was pretty excited for the dance too.

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