Finally With You Again (Nalu)

By anime-hell

82K 1.8K 1.1K

Natsu and Lucy were best friends when they were younger. But something happened. Lucy started drifting away f... More

Chapter One- Lucy Heartfilia
Chapter two- Natsu!?
Chapter three- Old friends and Smoke
Chapter four-School
Chapter five- Necklace?
Chapter six- Today is that day!
Chapter seven- I'm a secret ninja
Chapter eight- Video Games? Video Games.
Chapter nine- How 'bout that dance?
Chapter eleven- I buy a dress
Chapter twelve- Cheesy
Chapter thirteen- Cars, cake, and cats
Chapter fourteen-Popular?
Chapter fifteen- Winner
Chapter sixteen- Is it true?
Chapter seventeen- Mira's visit
Chapter eighteen- Thanksgiving
Chapter nineteen- Operation: Make Gajeel happy
Chapter twenty- Mom and Dad
Chapter twenty one- Where is everyone?
Chapter twenty two-At a party
Chapter twenty three- I love you
Chapter twenty four- Happy Birthday, Lucy
Chapter twenty five- Who was she?
Chapter twenty six- I trusted her
Chapter twenty seven-Merry Christmas, Lucy
Chapter twenty eight-Fires and Goodbyes
Untitled Part 29- Natsu's decision
Chapter thirty-Surprise
Chapter thirty one- A Christmas to remember
Chapter thirty two- Perfect Balance
Chapter thirty three- Dinner
Chapter thirty four- Igneel
Chapter thirty five- I do
Chapter thirty six- The resort
Chapter thirty seven- New People
Chapter thirty eight- My surprise
Chapter thirty nine- Surprise!
Chapter forty- You'll have to wait
Chapter forty one- Happy Birthday
Hey guys!

Chapter ten- Mysterious letters and blood

2K 45 22
By anime-hell

Lucy's pov

Today is my last day in the hospital. I leave tomorrow morning, and I can literally feel my freedom coming back. It had been nice taking a break for a while, but I need to go back home. Lord knows what Natsu has done to it. He may have been here almost the entire time, but look who we're talking about here. It was almost five, which means it was almost time for food. Gajeel, Natsu, Mira, Erza, and Jellal sat in the chairs in front of my bed.

"So, Jellal."


"I hear you're taking our favorite red head to the dance?"

Erza's face instantly put her hair to shame, while I just got a chuckle from Jellal.

"Heh...Yea, I am."


Mira jumped from her feet, looking down at them.



"OH MY LORD, YEES! I uhh...I have to go do something."

She left without another word.

"I wonder what that was about?"

"You never know with Mira."

We all laughed, then Jellal focused on me again.

"So, Lucy. Long time, no see. How ya been?"

"Good, I guess. I have that idiot over there staying with me right now, and lets just say he's a handful sometimes."

Everyone laughed except Natsu. He sat there, pouting. Getting on my crutches, I walked over to him, and messed up his hair.

"Don't pout."

Giving him my best smile, he jumped from his seat.

"You shouldn't be walking around! Get back in bed!"

"Okay, Okay. Calm down, I was just stretching."

"So, what do you plan on doing when you get out of here?"

"Enjoying the freedom while it lasts."

Erza and I laughed, while I sat back down. There was a knock on the door, when a nurse walked in carrying a plate of food.

"Alright, Miss Heartfilia. I have your dinner, along with your medicine. Make sure you take it all."

I nodded, and she left. Digging into my food, everyone watched as I finished it all within three minutes.

"Bunny Girl's appetite is almost as bad as Pinky's over here."

"Shut up, metal head!"

They started fighting, and I almost felt bad. Only because Erza was getting up.

"Knock it off, you two! Start acting your age!"

After leaving a bump on both their heads, she sat back down.

"Oh, that's right. I have to go pick up Gray! I was supposed to be there an hour ago!"

Natsu ran for the door, only to be stopped by Gajeel.

"Hold on, I'm coming too. I'm tired of hospital food, so lets stop and get some."

They both left, leaving me with Erza and Jellal.

"Actually, I need to start heading home too. I have a council meeting tomorrow, plus homework I still need to work on."

"Oh, hold on. Let me grab my keys."

They started getting ready to leave. Erza stopped what she was doing and looked at me.

"Are you going to be alright here by yourself? The boys should be here soon, its their shift tonight."

"I'll be fine! Just go take him home."

After giving me a list of things not to do, and her phone number, she finally left. Letting out a sigh, I looked at the empty room around me. This was the first time I had been alone since I woke up. It felt kind of...weird. I laid down to go to sleep, only to have someone walk in.

"So much for being alone."

The light flipped on, and there stood a certain silver haired girl.


"Hello, Lucy."

Her voice shook and her bangs covered her eyes.

"Everything okay?"

"Yes., no not exactly."

"What's up?"

"There are some...things that I'd like to talk to you about."

"Okay? What is it?"

Sitting at the edge of my bed, her bangs still covered her eyes. She sat quiet for a moment, before opening her mouth to speak.

"That...truck that hit you in the crash...I...I know who was driving it."

It suddenly came back to me that they really never figured out who was driving it. By the time they got there, the person had already left the scene.

"Okay. Who?"

"I'm not supposed to tell you, exactly. All they did want me to do, was give you this."

She pulled a black envelope out of her purse, and handed it to me. Looking at the envelope, then to Lisanna, then back to the envelope, I slowly opened it, pulling out a letter.

'How was your little date with Natsu? Didn't exactly go as planned, did it? You may think dressing differently will win him over, but news flash- He's popular, and you're not. If you don't stay away from him, you'll regret it.'

"Lisanna, who gave you this note?"

"I'm not suppose to say..."

"Lisanna, tell me."

"I- I can't! They told me if I did-"

Her voice cracked as she spoke, but was cut off by the door opening. Quickly taking the chance, she ran from the room.

"Why was Lisanna here? Is she okay?"

I looked up, and seen Natsu, Gray, and Gajeel standing in the doorway.

"She's fine. Just needed to finish some homework, I guess."

I gave a fake smile.

"Luce, what's that in your hand?"

I realized I was still holding the letter, and quickly shoved it behind the pillow.

"Its nothing!"


They all sat down, revealing bags of food they just bought.

"We got you a burger."

Gray placed it in front of me, and I watched as they all had three each, plus fries.


Eating my food, I thought about what just happened. Who would write that? Its not like I really talk to people at school. Was it Vivian? No, it can't be. I know what her hand writing looks like. And more important, why have Lisanna give me the letter? I sat in thought for a while, before realizing I was just hit in the face with a french fry. Looking up, all of the boys were fighting, throwing food everywhere.

"No, I get the last burger!"

"In your dreams, Ice prick!"

"Neither of you get it! I am!"

"Shut it, metal head!"

"I'm more hungry than either of you!"

They started throwing punches left and right, fighting over a stupid hamburger. It didn't really bother me until I felt ketchup splatter across my face. Wiping it off, I glared at all three of them.

"W-wow Luce...your glare is almost as scary as Erza's."

" If I wasn't stuck in this bed right now, I would give all three of you a Lucy kick! Now give me the hamburger!"

Natsu set it down on the table, and I started eating it. 


   "Shut it! Not.Another.Word."

They all nodded, and started pouting. If they weren't so immature, I wouldn't have had to take it. About an hour went by before I started getting tired. Ignoring my drowsiness, I started getting out of bed. 

   "What are you doing?"

   "I'm taking a bath. Don't tell Erza though, she'll yell at me."

   "I'm not so sure you should be getting out of bed and taking a bath though..."

   "Oh , shut it. I can handle myself."

I walked into the bathroom, and shut the door. After getting my bath started, and my clothes off, I started getting in. Placing one foot in the tub, I remembered I still had to put my hair up. Making a mistake, I decided to not use my crutches to get the mirror. That was a mistake. Placing my wet foot on the ground, pain immediately shot through my other leg. Trying to get my balance, I put my foot back on the ground, but slipped, hitting my head on the counter. Not only did my leg hurt now, but my back and head too. Letting out another scream, only this time louder, I hit the ground. 

   "Luce!? Lucy, are you okay!?"

There was pounding on the door, but I was in to much pain to get up. My head started to feel wet, and when I touched it, my entire hand was covered in blood. 


   "Lucy, I'm coming in!"

The door swung open, but I could barely see. Everything was getting darker, until it all went black.

Natsu's pov

Gajeel, Gray, and I were all talking until we heard a scream, freezing in their seats, I ran to the door, and pounded. 

    "Luce?! Lucy, are you okay?"

I barely heard her say my name. It was so quiet, it might have just been my mind. 

    "Lucy, I'm coming in!"

Without thinking I opened the door, to see her naked on the floor. She had a small towel covering some of her, but not a lot. My face turned red as I ran to her side.

   "Hey! Lucy, wake up!"

There was some liquid on my hands, turning out to be blood. 

   "You guys, go get the doctor! Now!"

They nodded and ran off. Not sure what to do, I just held her close. Blood was all over me now, but I didn't care. A few moments later, a doctor was taking her away from me. All I wanted was to hold her in my arms, but she was gone now, being rushed to a different room. 


It had been four hours now, and Lucy was back in the room, sleeping. I couldn't sleep though. I just kept looking at her worrying. Erza, Wendy, and Mira were here now too, after hearing about what happened. 


Her voice was weak, but we all heard it as if someone was yelling in our ears. 


We all yelled at the same time, watching her eyes flutter until they were open. She winced in pain, and I ran to her side. 

   "Are you okay? Do you need medicine, water? Maybe the doctor or nurse?"

   "I'm fine, Natsu."

Her voice was still weak, along with the rest of her body, probably do to blood loss. 


I felt a tug on my shirt, barely strong on enough to pull me forward. Tripping over my own feet, I landed on the bed, next to Lucy. She pulled in closer, then fell back asleep. 


I'm sure you know as well as I do, who just made that noise.


Mira had her phone out, waiting for us to repeat what just happened. 

   "N-no! This is isn't cute! She probably just thought I was a pillow!"

   "Nope. She knew what she was doing."

Mira had a large smile on her face. I would never admit it, but was hoping Mira was right. I fell asleep a few minutes later, the same position Lucy and I were her first night here.


Lucy's pov

After being woken up to Natsu's snoring, and the doctors explaining what happened, everything came back...including the part where I had no clothes. I felt weird just thinking about it. They said I could still go home in the morning, but I would have to be careful. It was the middle of the night, so all my friends were sleeping. Now I really felt like getting in the bath, but I didn't move. Not after what just happened. I looked out the window for a while, before pulling my phone out to read. By the time everyone was waking up, the sun was just beginning to rise. 


   "Oh, good morning Lucy. Do you feel any better?"

   "Sort of. Just happy I'm leaving today."

   "What!? They're letting you leave!? In the condition you're in!?"

Wendy seemed upset by this, but I soon calmed her down. The last one to wake was Natsu.

   "Morning, sleepy head."

   "Luce! You're awake!"

   "Yep. I'm getting released in a couple of hours."

   "Great! I would drive you home but..."

I was just now realizing my car was totaled. 

   " car! How am I suppose to get around!?"

   "Hey, hey! Don't worry. I told my dad what happened and he said he would send us money to get a new one. He doesn't know that I spent all the other money...make sure not to say anything about that."

I would have been annoyed, but I was to excited. I was getting a new car!


   "The money should be here today, so we can go look at cars."

   "I'll drive you guys."

Erza joined the conversation, and I was so excited I almost fell out bed, but was caught by Gray. 


   "No problem. Be more careful."

As soon as he said that, he started taking off his shirt.

   "Gray! Put your clothes back on."

The door burst open, and there stood a panting Juvia. 

   " so...sorry she couldn't...make it here sooner. stuck in traffic."

We all laughed at the state she was in. A few hours later, the doctor came in, saying it was okay to leave now. I tried walking out the door, but had a firm grasp on my shoulder, by none other than Erza.

   "Oh no. You will have help for the next two weeks, and since Natsu couldn't be trusted to take care of a fly, we will all be coming over to help. That way, we can make sure nothing else happens."

I let out a grunt. 

   "There goes my freedom. Right out that window."

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