Silent Screams (One Direction...

Від FallenHasel

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Evie ran away. She did more than run away from a place she once called home. Evie ran from her past of bad de... Більше

Chapter 1: Leaving Home
Chapter 2: Train Conversation
Chapter 3: The City Never Sleeps
Chapter 4: Mornings With The Boys
Chapter 5: My Big Break, Or A Break Of Pressure?
Chapter 6: Deep Fried Oreos?
Chapter 7: Look Who Came Back
Chapter 8: Drama at MSG
Chapter 9: That Moment of Realization When...
Chapter 10: New Girl
Chapter 11: Cupcakes
Chapter 12: Don't Slip Again
Chapter 13: Property
Chapter 15: Enchanted Evening
Chapter 16: Learning To Dance In The Rain
Chapter 17: He Will Pay
Chapter 18: Discovery
Chapter 19: Silent Screams
Chapter 20: Monsters

Chapter 14: He Knows

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Від FallenHasel

I woke up once again, this time at ten A.M on the dot. The room was now dimly filled with light, and it seemed like everything couldn't be more peaceful. I stripped the bed covers over me then ran over to the windows, completely pulling back the curtains, and allowing New York City's light to fill the entire room. A smile grew across my face as I looked down on central park, and across the city horizon. The glimmering buildings shot up higher in the sky, to heights I couldn't even imagine. My eyes couldn't be torn away from the crystal blue sky. Not one white cloud was found floating above. For some reason, I felt like I had been filled with more life, and joy than I ever have before. Like some dark shadow was just lifted from me. I felt like no one could ever try to push me down. 

There was a knock at the door, and I quickly turned around, still smiling. I sprinted over to the door, then looked in the mirror to fix my hair a bit. For lacking a good amount of hours of sleep, I looked pretty damn good. I took a deep breath, then opened the door with a light smile. Niall stood there, wearing long shorts and one of his tank tops, showing off his large biceps. My smile grew wider as our eyes met.

"Morning princess." He said in a groggy with a smile. "Want to grab some breakfast downstairs?" He asked, and I just nodded, still smiling like an idiot.

"I would love to." I said. He smiled and laughed a bit, then held out his arm, as if he were escorting me like he would in the old days. I giggled, taking his arm and walking with him down the hall, then down the stairs to the living room and kitchen.

"So why are you so happy this morning?" He asked, lifting his right eye brow in suspicion, but still retaining that cheeky smirk.

"What? Can't a girl be happy when she walks with her boyfriend?" I giggled, and Niall just shrugged, and continued to walk with me. When we got to the kitchen, Harry was fixing up god only knows what, along with Liam who was trying to help.

"No Liam, only the egg whites! You put the whole egg in the mix! Now I have to do it all over again!" Harry shouted.

"Well I'm not a master chef! I'm sorry!" Liam yelled back through a laugh. Harry then attempted to push him out of the way.

"You are only getting in my way! Get out, get out!" 


"Nope! You are banished from my kitchen! Leave at once!" Yelled Harry, causing Niall and I to start laughing hysterically. They were too funny. That's when we saw Louis open his bedroom door to the left, and scoweled at all of us.

"Oi, if you don't shut your mouths, then I'm going to kick all of your asses, and no one wants that!" He yelled at us, then slamming the door shut, that's when we all heard a door open upstairs, which meant Zayn was awake.

"Oh shit." Niall whispered through a laugh. Zayn then trudged down stairs and walked right into the kitchen, past Niall and I. He stared at Harry for a while, then swiftly flicked him on the forehead before walking away and dragging himself back up the stairs.

"Ow! What the hell?!" 

"Don't ever wake me up at this time ever again...ever." Zayn shouted from upstairs before shutting his bedroom door, and probably going back to sleep. I tried to stop smiling, but I found all of this way to funny.

"Damn it, that hurt." Harry mumbled, before going back to making breakfast. Liam smiled and shook his head, then looking over at Niall and I.

"Good morning you two." He sighed, then walking past us and plopping himself on the couch. He turned on the T.V, and the first thing we heard made us turn our heads in awe. One Direction superstar Niall Horan was seen last night leaving Madison Square Garden with who may be his newest girlfriend! Find out more after this short commercial break! We both heard, causing us to run over to the couch next to Liam. I sat on his left, and since Niall tripped over a chair on the way, he sat on Liam a bit.

"What are they saying?! What are they saying?!" Niall demanded to know.

"Didn't you hear? It's a commercial break now!" Liam said shoving Niall off of his lap. "A, com, mer, cial, break!" Liam said, tapping Niall's head with the clicker at every syllable. I giggled a bit seeing Niall's face twitch a bit every time the remote hit his head. For a while after that, we sat on the couch, waiting anxiously to see what they had to say about Niall and I. You could feel that there was a tinge of fear between the two of us. There was a high chance that it would probably be negative, and all the fans were probably so broken by it. Thinking about it made my heart ache, but at the same time, I didn't really care all that much. People could say what they wanted. It wasn't like I was on any social media websites, so anonymous hate was already out of the question. Life was actually easier when it came to not having a phone, for that exact reason.

When the program came back on, all three of us leaned in close to the T.V. Liam turned up the volume as Harry sprinted from the kitchen and sat on the chair next to the couch.

"Leaving their gig last night at Madison Square Garden, Niall Horan of One Direction was seen holding hands with a girl. No one knows who she is or where she came from, but needless to say it looks like they are together! One reporter says he heard Mr. Horan telling people to get away from his girlfriend, knowing that fans and paparazzi alike where trying to get the dirt on his new girl. Sorry directioners, looks like Niall Horan is off the market! 

And that was it. No more words about it, nothing bad about me, or any crazy rumors. I felt a smile grew across my face as the T.V showed the picture of Niall and I leaving. We were together, and people knew that now. I wouldn't have to worry about anyone taking him away from me. For Christ's sake, the guy gave me a debit card and we haven't even been together a whole day! I wasn't just some girl Niall met on a train. I was so much more than that. I guess people were right when they say you just click with people, because that's what happened to Niall and I. 

"Well, congratulations you two." Liam told us with a smile. I glanced over at Niall, who had that same exact smile on that he did last night. Liam then got up, and pulled Harry back into the kitchen. Niall scooted closer to me, then slung his arm over my shoulder.

"So, what does it feel like to be dating superstar Niall Horan?" He asked, immitating the reporters voice. I let out a laugh, then got serious, still smiling.

"I wouldn't know." I told him, and his smile faded a bit.

"What do you mean?"

"I mean, I wouldn't know, because I'm not dating Niall Horan, superstar of One Direction." I told him, and he was silent, but I simply smiled and continued. "I am dating Niall James Horan from Mullingar Ireland, who got...what's the right word? Lucky, yes, very lucky, when he tried out for X Factor." I said with a smile. Slowly but surely, his smile returned, and he pulled me closer to him.

"So, it was all luck?" He asked me with a smirk.

"Well, you are Irish so it would make sense." I giggled, and he just laughed along with me. There was a short silence between the two of us. In the sheer silence, he crashed his lips into mine. At first, I was taken by a bit of a surprise, but quickly enough, I began to move in sync with him. Everything was perfect once again. The rest of the world was gone and it was just Niall and I. Nothing could ruin this perfect moment. Niall's head moved forward a bit in a jerking movement and he pulled away and turned back towards Liam and Harry.

"Keep it PG you two. This is a kid friendly show!" Liam shouted jokingly, causing me to giggle a bit. Niall mumbled some swear under his breath, then turning back around. He wrapped his arms around me and pulled me onto his lap. For a while we sat on the couch in silence, until Niall smiled at me.

"So, did Louis tell you about the card?" He asked me.

"Yes, speaking of which I wanted to talk to you about that. Why would you go and do that for me?" I responded with a smile.

"Didn't Louis tell you? We have a benefit dinner, I want to take you, and it's all fancy. If I have to dress up, so do you." He told me, but I simply rolled my eyes.

"Fair enough, but I have to ask, how much is on it?" I asked him in a sarcastic tone. Niall laughed a bit then bit his bottom lip before telling me a number I only dreamed of.

"A good ten thousand...I think? Maybe a little more, I'm not too sure, but you can buy whatever you want, it's yours." He told me, and my mouth dropped open. He wasn't serious. Ten thousand dollars?! This wasn't real. Could you even put that much on a debit card?! I physically could not form words, no matter how hard I tried. "Evie, are you okay?" Niall asked, but I was still in complete shock.

", dollars?! Niall, I came here with forty-five bucks and some loose change, I can't take this from you!" I said in a panicky voice. Niall laughed then held me close and kissed me on the cheek.

"It's yours princess. I wanted to give it to you, because pretty soon, I might have know..." Niall said, his voice trailing off, but I knew what he meant. Leave. Work would force him into leaving. I began to remember exactly what Harry told me before Harry and I took our walk in the park. How difficult it would be to date because of all the traveling he did. Niall and I would rarely see each other, and that would hurt both of us. The ten thousand dollars wasn't just for the dress, it was for anything else I would need. Now that I was thinking about it like that, ten thousand dollars seemed like a little on the under side. I wasn't trying to be greedy, but ten thousand wouldn't buy me a place to live. Still, I was grateful, and I knew that even if Niall left for home, or where ever he went, I knew that we would get through it all.

"I-I know, and I want to thank you, for everything." I sighed with a smile, then giving him a peck on the lips. His cheeks turned a light pink, and I giggled a bit. There was then a knock at the hotel room door, which was followed by Liam rushing over yelling "I got it! I got it!" with a smile.  When he opened it, Perrie, Eleanor, and Danielle stood there with huge smiles on their faces. Danielle went right to Liam and wrapped her arms around him lovingly. Perrie and Eleanor walked past them, and when Perrie saw Niall and I, he smile grew wider. She quickly hopped on the couch right on top of Niall and I.

"Good morning!" She said, in an almost too cheery tone.

"H-hey Perrie, who the hell in their right mind gave you sugar at this early in the morning?" Niall asked through a laugh.

"Well, we stopped for coffee, and I was exhausted, so I got a frappacino with extra caramel and chocolate and it was amazing." Perrie told us. I heard Eleanor laugh from behind, and when I smiled at her, I saw that she was holding a brown paper shopping bag. I struggled to get out from under Perrie, then walked over to Eleanor. She smiled sweetly and held the bag out towards me.

"Louis told me that you might need a spare change of clothes, so I brought over some that should tie you over for the next week or so." She told me as I took the bag from her and took a quick glance inside.

"How did Louis know that I needed clothes?" I asked in suspicion.

"See, those are the kind of questions that I just don't even bother asking. Louis honestly does whatever he wants. The boy has no boundaries." She said with a shrug, then turning around and slipping into Louis room quietly. I shook my head with a smile then went upstairs to get ready. As I was walking up the stairs, I stopped halfway to notice some of the fans outside. It was Tuesday, and most of them were at school. It made me smile to know that they loved the boys so much. I hoped that one day, maybe I would have such great fans.

I had a smile on my face until my eyes wandered over to the entrance to Central Park, and what I saw I couldn't even comprehend. My jaw dropped as it finally began to register in my mind. Jayce was standing there at a vending stand, holding a magazine with Niall and I on the cover. He had this scowl on his face that reminded me of everything that happened between us. All the times he shouted at me and got angry with me for things I never even did. For a while he stood there reading the magazine, his fists clenched the glossy paper as he read further and further. He ripped the article in half, right down the middle in a fuming matter. Jayce then angrily walked down the street, pushing and shoving people out of the way towards the Plaza hotel. Even from where I stood, I could see the seething vengeful look in Jayce's eyes that I had only really seen a few times. He was pissed off, and something inside my head told me he was coming to take it out on an old punching bag of his.

I heard Niall trying to get my attention, but it was like I was frozen in time. My heart was racing, and my palms were sweaty. I was peterified. Jayce was coming here, and he was going to hurt people. Knowing how persistant he was, he would find some way to get up here and in the room. Who would he hurt first? Me? Or Niall? God only knows, but I didn't want to find out. Niall couldn't know. He just couldn't. If anything, he would find out I was planning to meet him and then he would think I was cheating on him. I didn't want to put him through that.

Before Niall could grab my arm and talk to me, I rushed up the rest of the stairs and ran to my room, slamming the door behind me, and locking it. I threw the bag of clothes towards the bed then propped myself up against the door. Letting out a slight sob, I slid down the door and hid my face in my knees. Niall Slammed his fist on the door, begging me to let him in, but I didn't move from where I was sitting. What would I even do. What could I do? There was nothing I could do to stop Jayce from coming up here and hurting the people who were now the most important in my life. 

Evie, Princess, please open the door." He begged. I could tell just by the hurt tone in his voice that he was crushed. He knew something was wrong, but I was keeping it all from him. If only he knew that it was for his own good. For a while I was silent, trying to decide what my next move would be.

"N-Niall, please go get Louis for me." I said, my voice cracking in so many different places.

"Louis? Babe, can't we just-" He started to say, but I stopped him.

"Please, just go get Louis." I asked him, my heart breaking at every word. There was a long silence, but I soon heard him sigh, then walk downstairs. I didn't want to do this. I didn't want to hurt him like this, but it would only be worse if he knew about it all. Slowly but surly, I got up and made my way over to the bed, sitting my shaking body right on the edge. It wasn't too long before Louis quickly let himself in and shut the door behind him. When he turned around, he looked pissed off, (Probably because he was busy sleeping or cuddling with his girlfriend) but when he saw the state that I was in, his expression shifted into shock and worry.

"H-he knows...Jayce...he knows about Niall and I...I-I saw him, and..." I tried to say, but I broke down into a quiet sobs before I could finish. Louis sat down next to me and enveloped me in a hug, and tried to calm me down.

"Shh, Evie, trust me, he can't get to us, okay? You're safe, Niall's safe, everyone is safe." He whispered.

"I knew I should've met him earlier. I just knew it. I-I could've explained it all to him a-and-" I tried to say, but Louis stopped me before I could continue.

"No, okay? You made the right choice by not going. He would've hurt you, and that would've been worse. He can't get you here, and he can't get you when you're around others. You're safe with us." He told me, and I nodded. He gave me another hug, then told me to get ready so I could go out with the girls. When he left, I took a deep shaky breath, trying to calm myself down. I then walked over to where I threw the bag and took out all the clothes that Eleanor lent me. I decided that some black leggings, a sweater, my own short black uggs, and a beanie would do just fine.

I knew Louis was right when he told me that I was safe with them, but Jayce knew about Niall and I.

Louis didn't know Jayce like I knew him.

Jayce would stop at nothing to make both of us pay.

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