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This is the sister book to Compulsion. Captivation presents Caitlin's and Jared's story. The man walking be... Еще

Captivation Introduction/sample
Captivation Part 2
Captivation Part 3
Captivation Part 4
Captivation Part 5
Captivation Part 6
Captivation Part 7
Captivation Part 8
Captivation Part 9
Captivation Part 10
Captivation Part 11
Captivation Part 12
Captivation Part 13
Captivation Part 14
Captivation Part 15
Captivation Part 16
Captivation Part 17
Captivation Part 18
Captivation Part 19
Captivation Part 20
Captivation Part 21
Captivation Part 22
Captivation Part 23
Captivation Part 24
Captivation Part 25
Captivation Part 26
Captivation Part 27
Captivation Part 28
Captivation Part 29
Captivation Part 30
Captivation Part 31
Captivation Part 32
Captivation part 33
Captivation Part 34
Captivation Part 35
Captivation Part 36
Captivation Part 37
Captivation Part 38
Captivation Part 39
Captivation Part 40
Captivation Part 41
Captivation Part 43
Captivation Part 44
Captivation Part 45
Captivation Part 46
Captivation Part 47
Captivation Part 48
Captivated Part 49
Captivation Part 50
Captivation Part 51
Captivation Part 52
Captivation Part 53
Captivation Part 54
Captivation- Epilogue- Part 55

Captivation Part 42

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They met one month later at Candy's and Nigel's engagement party. It wasn't for want of trying to contact her. But when he'd asked Candy for Caitlin's phone number Candy explained that she was out of the country on another assignment.

Jared tracked Caitlin's entrance, following her progress through the crowd of people as Candy introduced her to several of her friends. Jared followed her movements. He'd thought about calling Caitlin a couple of times. He wasn't sure what it was about her that made him hesitate, because he couldn't remember the last time he'd felt nervous about trying to establish a relationship. But with her it was different. There was so much at stake. And he did not want to blow it. Jared watched Caitlin smile as she acknowledged an introduction. He watched her steer out of an over zealous hug. He was sure she hadn't seen him and wondered when she'd realise that Candy was steering her toward him. It seemed like a long time, when it was in reality less than ten minutes, before she was standing before his crowd.

"And of course you know Jared." Candy beamed, having made all the introductions and saving Jared for last.

"Of course. Jared. How are you?" Caitlin pinned a smile to her lips. She'd been away for weeks and still she hadn't been able to forget him. Now as she stood facing him, she felt her pulse race. He looked amazing. But then he always did. That wasn't the sole reason for why she was attracted to the man, but it certainly helped. She nearly smiled at her whimsy.

"Good. And you?" He couldn't help the fact his gaze tracked from the top of her head to the tips of her toes.

"Very well thank you." She replied blandly fully aware of is scrutiny. She'd had two weeks to think about why she had told him about how she felt at the time her mother died. It wasn't even as if they were somewhere primed to trigger a confidence sharing situation. They had been in a public place, surrounded by people, with lots of chatter around them, and she had told him about that time in her life when everything was turned on it's head. Was that too much information? Surely people did not unload personal information like that on a first date!

The dawning silence was quickly filled by Candy. "Well, now that's all the introductions done. I should show you where the drinks are, because it seems like Nigel has got himself lost in this crowd." She threaded her arm through Caitlin's and with a casual shrug led her away. They were just a few steps away when Candy looked at her friend and frowned. "What was that about?" Candy asked under her breath.

"What?" Caitlin's mind was still on Jared. It did not appear to matter what he wore. He looked amazing. She thought it had a lot to do with the fact that he oozed confidence, so carried off what he wore without having to try. Like tonight, he was wearing clothes similar to that worn by many of the other men in the room. But unlike them, he managed to standout. It wasn't just the breadth of his shoulders, or his height that gave his clothes that added dimension. Beneath that veneer of manners and social protocol was that frisson of danger. That's what gave him that edge. That sense of barely leashed danger. This man was not tame! That's what permeated despite his attire. And that's what attracted the women and what made the men envious.

Candy snorted and glanced over her shoulder, only to see that Jared was still tracking them. She threw him a smile and turned back to say to Caitlin in a whisper, "Don't give me that. You and Jared? Just now? You aren't still holding a grudge over ..."

Caitlin shrugged. "His public denunciation of me? No." That wasn't the reason for her cool response. She figured that was going to be her shield. Remain cool.

Candy laughed. "That was months ago."

"Your point is?" Caitlin chuckled. If Candy wanted to believe Caitlin was being frosty because she was still miffed about Jared's public comments, then that was fine. It would be easier to handle an inquisition based on that error then face an inquisition that targeted her real reason for being cool. She was still grappling with what to do about how she felt about the man!

It was at that stage that Nigel reached the two women. "Here you go." Nigel handed Caitlin a drink. "Sorry I took so long, got side tracked. So, how have you been?" He asked Caitlin as he handed Candy another glass of wine.

"Fine. And clearly from the looks of the two of you, life is pretty special." Caitlin teased and raised her glass, "Congratulations, again!" She took a sip of her drink.

Candy threaded her arm through Nigel's arm. "Thank you. And, yes, life is pretty special! Yes." She smiled openly and warmly as she looked up at her prospective husband.

"I'm really pleased for both of you." Caitlin watched Candy and Nigel share a secret smile and was completely unprepared for Nigel's question.

"So, you and Jared what's going on there?" Nigel asked Caitlin as he drew Candy closer to his side. It was amazing how much of a difference it made to one's confidence when you had a woman beside you who really cared about you. With Candy beside him he felt he could tackle anything.

Caitlin shrugged and tried to look more interested in the people at the party as she said, "The guy can't stand me, I.."

"You are so off the mark." Candy corrected and frowned.

"Candy is right." Nigel added quietly. Then deciding that he might as well give his opinion he said equally quietly, "If you want my opinion, I think Jared likes you."

Caitlin shook her head, "You two are incorrigible. Just because cupid has hit you both squarely on the butt, does not mean the rest of us get to be so lucky!" She smiled even as she went on to remonstrate, "If I hadn't forgiven you for that stunt you pulled with the cinema tickets I'd still be mad at you."

Nigel went pink but he defended their actions by saying, "We didn't want to go with you. I needed an excuse to get Candy on her own, so ..."

Caitlin had heard the excuses and given the latest turn of events, she couldn't find it in her heart to be mean. "Yeah, ok." That evening was one she had gone over and over. The fact she and Jared had talked and argued and been honest suggested that the link between them was strong. The trouble was that was now a couple of weeks ago and Caitlin wondered whether what they'd established that night was built on firm foundations.

"So, are you going to cut him some slack?" Candy asked. "I know you like him."

"What do you want me to do?" Came Caitlin's droll response as she glanced over toward Jared and spotted him in the midst of a group of animated people. He was never short of company. But that was to be expected. Women were attracted to him, men wanted to be him.

"Ask him to dance would be a start." Candy proposed and tried to make it sound like a perfectly normal thing to do. Candy knew it would take guts to go up to Jared and ask him to dance.

"Oh, yeah, right." Caitlin snorted. "Like I'm going to do that!"

"Go on." Candy encouraged despite knowing she did not have the nerve to saunter up to a man and ask him to dance!

"And what if he says no?"

"Then you don't dance." Nigel grinned as he stated the obvious.

"I'm not making an idiot of myself again. I think I ..."

"Just ask him." Candy suggested firmly.

"Fine. I'll ask him later." Which was an out and out lie. The minute she left Candy and Nigel she was going to put their suggestion behind her. She was savvy enough to know that asking Jared to dance would take a lot of nerve.

"Now." Candy insisted seeing the cogs turn in Caitlin's head.


Candy shook her head. "Coward. You'll slink off and then pretend we've never had this conversation." Candy commented.

Silence descended. Candy and Nigel looked at Caitlin, their gazes held open expectation.

Why she conceded she did not know. But Caitlin heard herself say, "Ok, fine. I'll go now." She handed Nigel her glass and on a huff added. "And if I end up looking like an idiot..."

"Just go." Candy grinned pleased to see that Caitlin had more guts than Candy did.

Caitlin wiped clammy hands down the sides of her almost micromini skirt and walked purposefully toward Jared. When she was out of hearing distance Candy turned to Nigel,

"You are sure about him, aren't you?" The last thing she wanted was to see Caitlin humiliated. Candy rolled her lips in and bit down as she wondered whether she had just made a huge mistake in sending Caitlin over to proposition Jared. Then she relaxed. Jared was a good man. He would not embarrass Caitlin. That had her frowning again, for past history suggested he was capable of embarrassing Caitlin, albeit accidentally.

"Yes" Nigel smiled his confirmation, "He's always asking me about her. You know, had we been in touch, when was she due back, was she coming to the party..."

"But, that doesn't..."

Nigel sensed Candy's concern now that she had sent Caitlin over to talk to Jared. Nigel gave Candy a gentle reassuring squeeze. "Candy, he could have his pick of women. Doesn't it strike you as odd that he steers most conversations back to her in particular? That whenever he phones either of us it's to talk about her?"

"I hope you are right."

The closer Caitlin got the more nervous she became. She had to dig deep to stop herself from turning tail and running. She was generally a confident person, but propositioning guys was not part of that confidence remit.

"Jared?" She tapped him on the shoulder and received several frosty looks from the little harem he had gathered. "I wondered if you'd care to dance?' She shrugged, "If you're free." Her palms went moist and her pulse raced. Nerves and anticipation. What if he said no? Surely he wouldn't leave her hanging. She started to panic.

Jared was surprised by Caitlin's request. She was confident. He knew that. But this was forward. It would take guts. He turned and smiled at his harem, "Excuse me." Jared took Caitlin's elbow, and as they walked toward the small cluster of dancing couples, "What brought this on?" He was intrigued by the fact she had approached him. After their earlier meeting he thought he was going to be the one to make all the running. Once again she had surprised him.

"Nigel and Candy think I've been mean." Which was just part of the reason. Caitlin wished she'd thought this through before she had approached him. Maybe have a few reasons for her proposition. Maybe have a few topics ready to use for a conversation. Instead she felt nervous.

"Ah, a mercy dance." Jared murmured and turned her smoothly so that she was in his arms before she'd even thought about it. He made a mental note to thank Candy and Nigel later. It did not matter whether it was a mercy dance, all that mattered was it gave him a chance to be with her. Sooner than he had anticipated.

"It isn't a mercy anything. I..."

"Caitlin," He gently hauled her closer and teased, "If you want to ease your conscience that's..."

"What?" She arched back to glare into his eyes, when she failed to hear the teasing note in his voice. "I don't have anything to ..."

"Enjoy the dance." He advised as he interrupted.

"No." Caitlin pulled out of his arms, "I told them this was a dumb idea." She disengaged by taking a small step away, "I'm sorry I..."

"This has got to stop." Jared muttered.

"I agree."

Jared snorted. "No, we are talking at cross purposes." He took her arm and steered her toward the back door. "We need to talk. And I think now is as good a time as any." He knew it and he was sure she knew it, even if she was pretending she did not. Which is probably why she had approached him for a dance in the first place.

"I don't think we have anything to talk about." Caitlin mumbled. Ok, she should have definitely thought this through. Now things were out of her hands. He was taking control of the situation.

"I disagree."


He held the door open, "After you."

Caitlin knew that stepping out was going to be a mistake. She needed people around if she was going to stop herself from doing anything silly, like throwing herself into his arms. "Now..."

"You can step out or I can carry you." He advised coolly. "You know I have a track record in creating scenes where you are concerned. This one is your call!" Jared stated bluntly. It was no idle threat. He fully intended to have a chat with her, and if that meant picking her up and carrying her out to a more quiet spot, then that is what he would do.

"You wouldn't dare." She challenged half heartedly. She could see in his eyes that he would very much dare!

"Try me." Came the blunt retort in confirmation. Caitlin read the intent in his eyes. Muttering beneath her breath she stepped past him and onto a gravel path. Jared couldn't help the fact his lips kicked up at the corners. Round one to him, he figured as he followed her out.

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