Captivation Part 32

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They arrived at the pottery in the various cars they had used to arrive at the Steading on the Friday night. In high spirits they trooped into the large shed while Lisa went in search of their tutor for the day. Some of the group ambled around picking up various items, others looked at the pottery on display, while some had promptly sat down on stools beside some of the pottery wheels.

Candy and Caitlin sat facing each other while Nigel stood beside them. As they waited for their tutor Candy, Caitlin and Nigel spent a few minutes discussing the challenge in using one of the wheels. For they were now pretty sure they were here to make pots!

Caitlin couldn't help the fact that her gaze kept sweeping the room on the pretext of checking out the various items, when in reality she was just checking to see where Jared was. He was happily chatting with Douglas and two of the girls from Douglas' team. Everyone was dressed casually for this morning's activity. But that did not stop Jared and Douglas from looking very handsome. The short sleeve black polo shirts and black knee length shorts should have been nothing more than boring black. But they wore them with aplomb. Caitlin wished she'd taken more time in planning her wardrobe for this weekend. For she was just wearing a simple blue t-shirt and an old pair of black jeams. Nothing that made her standout. The two girls standing with Jared and Douglas were also wearing jeans with a fancy logo on the hip, and one was wearing a crop top and the other was wearing a strappy cotton blouse.

"Ok, everyone. Time to get down and dirty." Lisa announced, when she returned to the group in the main room. Caitlin stayed seated but Candy got to her feet in order to face Lisa. "Can I introduce you to John Jenson, he's going to teach us today. Lucky man, right?" As to be expected there were chuckles.

John smiled. "Welcome. Great to have you here today. I hope you have a good time." His gaze moved across the group, "The plan for today is to just have fun. I'll show you how to use the wheel, and if you want, we can fire what you make for you to take away." That was greeted with chuckles and wry comments about him not wasting the kiln! "There are only enough wheels for one between two." That was greeted with teasing cheers.

"So, you know what that means. We'll have to pair up to create our masterpieces." Lisa pointed out. More laughter. "John," She pointed to the bearded man beside her "will show us what to do once we've got ourselves coupled up." She gestured toward the chairs and wheels. "So to make life simpler, ladies stay put, gents I'll leave it to you to find a partner."

"Great." Muttered Caitlin beneath her breath, knowing she was about to be humiliated again, "Guess that means some poor twit is going to get lumbered with me unless he is quick off the mark to get to his first choice." Though she doubted any of the men would rush to her side, given the cold shoulder treatment the other women were dishing out.

Candy heard her Caitlin's mutter and turned to say softly, "I'm sure you'll..."

"Candy!" Caitlin laughed quietly and shook her head as she interrupted. "Not going to happen."

"I'm sure Doug would..." Nigel added his two cents worth, hoping that he was correct. After all the man had stepped in last night. So it seemed logical that he would head for Caitlin today.

"Look over there, you'll see he's already tracked down a partner." Caitlin nodded toward the corner of the room. Looked like Douglas had done his duty last night by taking Jared's place.

"Nigel could..."

"Now that's what I'd call a pity date." Caitlin murmured and grinned at Nigel. "Nigel pair up with Candy." She ordered with a smile. She really did not care if she had to work alone. She could do that without any bother. Might actually be quite therapeutic!

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