Captivation Part 43

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In high dudgeon, Caitlin stalked into the inky night.

Jared was close on her heels. "I think you are extraordinary. Stunning. Kind. Smart. Funny. Generous." Jared told her bluntly the minute they were out of earshot of others. It was time to put his cards on the table. Time to find out how she felt about him. Time to find out whether Douglas' conclusions had any basis. Jared decided to be direct. "But let's be frank. We all know that women of your pedigree don't get involved with guys from my environment!"

Caitlin rocked back in shock and spun around to face him with incredulity written all over her face. "What?" That wasn't what she had expected to hear. Women of her pedigree? What pedigree? She came from a pretty ordinary family, albeit one parent, one sibling family for most of her childhood.

Jared wanted her to know exactly what she would be taking on if she decided to get involved with him. So he decided to be direct. He wanted her to know the truth about him. "You know what is said about me, well most of it is true. My mother ..."

"What has that got to do with us?" Caitlin asked in utter bemusement. He'd barely mentioned his mother when they had talked about family on that one and only date. But she hadn't asked either. As far as Caitlin was concerned, Jared had all the credentials she wanted a man to have.

Jared was not going to be deterred from telling her about his family history. "You need to know what you are getting into if you decide you want to get serious with me. If you want to go out with me, you need to know my background." He folded his arms and tried not to sound defensive. Caitlin's mouth dropped open for a second. Had she heard him right? Go out with him? Had Christmas come early? Jared exhaled quietly and said, "Your father might not be..."

Caitlin blinked when she anticipated the conclusion to his statement and she interrupted instantly, "My father?" Then Caitlin punched Jared's shoulder in added response, "Why do you always have to involve dad? This is between you and me! Us!"

Jared rubbed at the spot she had thumped and scowled at her before said in exasperation, "Your father may not be keen to hear that his daughter is dating some..."

"Dating?" She looked to the heavens. Then she huffed theatrically. "I only asked you for a dance. In any case my dad wants me to be happy and he trusts my judgment." Caitlin jammed her hands on her hips and glowered at the man in the semi darkness, "And anyway, you don't really want to date me." She stated with a huff of indignation to make her point as she went on to accuse, "You have done your best to .."

Jared thought that she appeared to be getting a full head of steam and she looked utterly beguiling as she started to take him to task. He wasn't sure whether to grin or glare. But Jared knew one sure fire way to convince her that he was serious. So he stopped her by simply taking her face in his hands and positioning her to receive his kiss.

It was a gentle, promising sort of kiss. One minute she was ready to yell at him and the next she couldn't remember her name, let alone what they were talking about.

Jared's palms gently framed Caitlin's face, cupping her cheeks as he lowered his head until their lips met fleetingly. Just a light sweep of gentle pressure. But that's all it took. Caitlin sighed as thought fled and all that registered was the taste, touch and scent of the man. Jared's lips tenderly teased and coaxed. Caitlin melted which was the trigger for Jared to gently nibble at her lower lip, trailing his tongue lightly against her lips, which quivered in tremulous reaction. Signal received. Jared increased the pressure. Tasting her lips slowly, taking his time to imprint the taste and touch of her lips. But before he could escalate the moment he wanted her to be sure. So he moved away, just a few inches, giving them both a chance to breathe. Jared waited for her eyes to focus on him. She looked stunned. Her pupils were dilated. Her mouth formed an open pout. Her cheeks were flushed. She looked astonished. He waited. She reached up, a few scant inches as she closed the gap and gave her consent. Jared lowered his head again. Slowly. Giving her a chance to change her mind and put a stop to this kiss. But she didn't. Her arms wrapped around him as she pressed closer and held on tight just as their lips met. Jared's heart raced as it recognized her response. He resumed the gentle kiss, wanting to ensure that she didn't bolt, wanting her to know that she had control of this situation. Wanting her to make the decision to take this forward. Caitlin breathed a sigh into the kiss and pressed ever closer. Her palms splayed across his back as she coaxed him closer, and encouraged him to deepen the kiss.

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