Captivation Part 31

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Caitlin was tempted to stomp her foot down. What was going on here? "What I'd rather is you stop pretending an interest in my life." She told him bluntly. Now why was the man smiling? His lips might not be curved, but his eyes were definitely sparkling. What could he possibly find funny in this situation?

"Why?" He asked. Trust him to find a woman he thought just might be perfect for him, only to find that she was unobtainable? Typical.

Caitlin turned and marched off saying as she went. "Why what?" Caitlin huffed in annoyance.

"Why are you so uptight about me asking about your life?" Jared was starting to realise that the way to deal with this fascinating woman was with a show of character. For he knew from what he had heard and seen thus far that it would take an extraordinary man to be with this woman. He just hoped he was extraordinary.

"Because it's none of your business." She told him flatly and upped her pace. He had no difficulty in keeping up with her. Any thoughts that her statement would dissuade him from asking more questions was quickly lost. For something had definitely changed. She could sense it. He seemed to have grown suddenly in confidence and the man already had that in spades. She knew from his reputation that women found him charming, and she could understand why, given what was happening right now. With that twinkle in his eyes, and that tone in his voice, it was easy to be seduced. She knew that he had without any real effort, found a way into her heart.

By that stage Jared and Caitlin reached the small local shop. Without any preamble Caitlin reached to pull the door open, but with a broad cheeky smile Jared reached over the top of her head and held the door open to allow her to go in. She said a quick thanks and then stepped into the shop. Jared followed her in.

Finally. He was finally figuring out how to deal with this woman. Finally. He nearly grinned.

When Caitlin entered the shop, the shopkeeper recognised her instantly. "Well, you made it back."

She smiled. "Looks like it."

The man smiled broadly at her and then asked, "So how did yesterday go?"

"It was fantastic. Thanks for the directions. The views were amazing. Good weather too, so just brilliant." She smiled and ambled over to the shelves with newspapers and magazines. "It was a good day to walk. Crisp but clear." Caitlin picked up a couple of magazines and a newspaper. She handed them to him.

"How far did you get?" The man asked as he took hold of the magazines and newspaper. He flicked through the little stack she had collected to check on the prices.

"All the way. I did the full circle. Nearly got lost at one point..."

"The style?" He said knowingly.

Caitlin nodded instantly then laughed, "Yes. Good to know I'm not the only stupid one to go the wrong way! It was buried in knee high grass, so I missed seeing it the first time I walked passed it, kind of went on a bit, then realized I'd missed it so then I backtracked." At the time she was initially far from pleased, but within seconds she had chalked it up to experience. It wasn't a big deal. That's what her job had taught her: don't sweat the small stuff!

"When you got to the damn?" He rang up the paper and magazines. Caitlin nodded again. The shopkeeper smiled as he explained, "You could have probably skirted it, but .."

"No, I liked the route you told me. It really was perfect. And just the right distance for me in the time I had. So thanks for that." She smiled at the shopkeeper. He beamed. Caitlin gestured toward the counter, " Could I also get three of those tubes of fruit pastilles?"

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