Captivation Part 39

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On Friday, Caitlin was the last person to arrive at the restaurant. She had dithered about what to wear. Which really was not her style. She was happy with most of what was in her wardrobe, and rarely spent more than a couple of minutes selecting what to wear for any given occasion. But Joe's words kept ringing in her brain and she wanted to make an effort. So half of her wardrobe now lay on her floor, having been tried on and discarded! Then she chastised herself for accepting Joe's view and settled on looking as if she had made some effort but not gone overboard! She hoped. Eventually she had given herself a stern lecture on taking things easy, staying calm, not reading too much into anything, and just being herself when she met Jared!

"I'm sorry I'm late" Caitlin hoped the nerves she heard were not picked up by the other three.

"I thought you might have changed your mind." Candy said, as she took stock of Caitlin's attire. Now if only she could manage to dress like that. Candy looked down at her clothes and wondered whether she should ask Caitlin to help her with her wardrobe. "I'm glad you didn't."

Caitlin smiled tentatively, "Thanks." She gave Nigel a quick peck on the cheek as she greeted him, "Hi." Before she took the seat Nigel offered. "Jared." She said as if it was an afterthought and then wanted to kick herself for being so obvious. She should have kissed his cheek, just as she had Nigel. Instead, now she had made a big deal about it. She was so annoyed with herself. Could she be any more obvious?

"Caitlin, glad you could make it." Jared's eyes smiled at her as he took the snub in his stride.

Caitlin sat with Nigel beside her, and Jared facing her. Candy sat beside him, facing Nigel. "This looks lovely." Caitlin glanced around as she settled into her seat and tried to find her composure. So much for not over reacting. So much for just being normal. What a stupid mistake to make, kissing Nigel and not kissing Jared. He no doubt would take that as a challenge.

"Very posh." Candy murmured and fidgeted as she adjusted her strappy top. At the time she thought she looked classy, now she wished she'd covered up a bit more.

"We can do posh." Caitlin told her encouragingly and smiled as she looked around at other diners and what was on their plates, "As long as it isn't artfully arranged carrot sticks. I'll throw a tantrum if we get more plate than grub." A waiter arrived and asked if he could get her a drink. She ordered a white wine.

"So, how have you been?" Jared asked Caitlin. She looked well. Better than well. "You're looking well." She looked lovely. Albeit a bit flustered.

"I am. Good thanks." She wished Joe's words did not keep replaying in her brain, for they made her nervous and anxious. And she'd already seen what happens when she got nervous.

Jared smiled ruefully at her trite reply. "Busy at work?"

"Yes." Caitlin knew she sounded unreasonably strained. She was having difficult controlling her nerves. If she could just forget what Joe had said, she would be her usual chirpy, confident self.

"You haven't taken some time off then?" Jared braced his elbow on the table and leaned forward as he planted his chin on his bridged fingers.

"No." She mumbled feeling incredibly childish because she was getting more and more nervous. He was sitting directly in front of her so it was difficult not to make eye contact. Why had she sat here? She needed to get her act together or this evening was going to be an absolute nightmare.

"They can't manage without you, I guess."

She said nothing as she tried to figure out whether he was being sarcastic. Surely someone who wanted her in their life permanently would not be sarcastic? That just went to prove that Joe was mistaken. The waiter arrived with her glass of wine.

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