Captivation Part 26

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On Saturday morning Caitlin woke up and made the decision to do her own thing. This was a beautiful part of the world and she was going to enjoy her surroundings. Hanging around at the beck and call of Lisa and her plans, while avoiding Jared's disdain simply did not appeal. It was just a pity that Candy wasn't terribly happy to hear about Caitlin's decision.

"You can't not come." Candy had pleaded when Caitlin made her announcement. "What am I going to do?" Candy knew that for some reason she felt more confident when Caitlin was around. In any case, Caitlin knew Nigel well enough to get him to come out of his shell. And Candy needed to learn how she did that, for she was seriously interested in learning more about Nigel. There was something about him that Candy really liked. It was one of the reasons that she had opted to travel up with Nigel and Caitlin rather than go in the car with Jared and Douglas.

"You are going to look after Nigel." Caitlin grinned without any semblance of guilt. "I'm not playing gooseberry to the two of you, last night was plenty thanks!" For on returning to the living area last night, and with her mind still on the latest interaction with Jared, Caitlin was pleased to see Candy and Nigel sitting and talking. Nigel had waved her over as soon as he had spotted her and Caitlin had reluctantly ambled over. Reluctantly for she was pretty sure that Candy would have preferred to have continued talking to Nigel without any other company present. Nigel on the other hand was still a touch nervous around Candy which is why he had beckoned Caitlin over.

Candy went a nice shade of pink, "But..."

"No buts." Caitlin smiled gaily and waved airily to dismiss Candace's interruption.

"What about Jared?" Candy pushed. She was really hoping that Caitlin and Jared could mend fences. She liked both of them. Jared, contrary to his reputation, had been very kind to her when they had spent those hours looking for treasure. Likewise, Caitlin. In many ways Jared and Caitlin were similar.

Caitlin pouted. She did not want to think about that man! She was doing too much of that as it was! He couldn't make it any more clear that he wasn't interested in her. She needed to respect his view and put some distance between them. Otherwise she was likely to make a complete fool of herself! Caitlin huffed. "What about him? He seems fairly content with your music maker friends." She nodded toward the group. There was a lot of chatter coming from that direction. The group clearly appeared to be enjoying each other's company. Clearly the man hadn't taken long to get over his irritation with Caitlin, for he seemed to be in fine fettle as he chatted and laughed with the group around him. Caitlin felt jealousy seep into every cell.

"I don't know what he sees in them. The two faced cows." Candy muttered and turned her back on the group in question. She did not like the women currently standing alongside Jared. They were the same women who had made sly remarks about Candy's dress code.

Caitlin quirked a brow. "You really don't see what he sees in them?" Caitlin chuckled instantly. "I'd say their assets are clearly visible. And he's just a pathetic man!"

"No he isn't. He's a lovely man." Candy laughed self-consciously. Then she looked at Caitlin and said somewhat nervously, "I think you ought to know that everyone is talking about your dad trying to take advantage of that kiss by putting Jared under pressure by announcing your engagement to him." Forewarned was forearmed, Candy thought. So it was important that Caitlin knew that people were talking about that notice.

"Yes." Caitlin huffed. For on returning from that chat with Jared it was pretty clear she was the subject of conversation. Again. "I over heard a few comments." Caitlin pouted. She'd heard more than a few comments. The room was rife with speculation about why Mr Fonseca had announced his daughter's engagement to a man she had never dated! "You'd think they'd have better things to talk about!" Caitlin grumbled. "It's so frustrating."

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