Od DreamsofEternity

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Keeping secrets was never easy, keeping secrets which could mean life or death for the entire country is an... Více

Chapter 1; Lone Wolf
Chapter 2; Old Friends
Chapter 3; Goodbye for Now
Chapter 4; Of Monsters and Men
Chapter 5; The Wolf's Song
Chapter 6; Be Brave
Chapter 7; Werewolf Politics
Chapter 8; War Stories
Chapter 9; At the end of the Day
Chapter 10; Some wounds don't heal
Chapter 11: What is Mine
Chapter 12; Everything to Lose
Chapter 13; Survival Instinct
Chapter 14; Blood Ties
Chapter 15: Daughters and Demons
Chapter 16: Final Farewells
Chapter 17: Waiting for Dawn
Chapter 18; In Love and War
Chapter 19; Scars run Deep

Chapter 20; Verging on Madness

197 8 9
Od DreamsofEternity

Author's Note:

Sorry this took me so long to get up, the prequel, which will be named I AM HERS. Will be up probably the day after, if not on the same day. I cant wait to get this finished and start on the prequel, I'm really excited to extend the history of Elliot and I hope you will enjoy it as much as I have enjoyed writing it. Enjoy this chapter, and thanks to everyone who has been reading this for the past couple of months, it means so much to me. Thanks for helping me get this book to over a thousand reads, and I hope you had as much fun reading as I did writing it. BTW I'm sorry this is pretty short in comparison to the other chapters, I felt all that needed to be said in the last main chapter had been said. So I didn't attempt to make it any longer then I felt it needed to be.

So this is it, the end of I AM MI6. I really hope you liked it. Remember to keep an eye on my profile, it should have the new book up soon. I don't know what you guys might think of this, but even then I think I might write a sequel after the prequel. I just have so many ideas for Elliot, I'd love to carry on writing with him. Though if you guys didn't think that this would be a good idea, I would just leave it with the prequel.


Even though hundreds of men and women stood either side of where a single wolf stood, his eyes were unseeing. Little logic was going through his head at this point, and his vision was nothing but a blur. All his eyes saw was the enemy and little else, as his vision slowly began to turn red. The black wolf stepped away from the body of his friend, now looking for only a single target and his mind could concentrate on little else.

His every scent was overwhelmed with the stench of death which now sat heavy on the air, burying its way beneath his skin and choking deep in his lungs. A faint buzzing was all that his mind could register, but otherwise nothing but silence surrounded him. Never before had the young wolf felt so alone.

It wouldn't have taken a genius to see what was happening to the young wolf, any one who knew even a little about dogs could have recognised the look in his eye. Similar to what would have been seen in the eyes of a rabid animal, but this was different. This was shaking.

Anyone who would have looked at him, would have recognised what was occurring. But that wasn't the most worrying thing to any knowing person who looked at him. The way his body shook with every breath that he took in, how is fur stood on end. As though a bolt of electricity had been shot through his veins.

Despite all of this, there was one telling sign to the wolf's behaviour. Where once had stood eyes like the ocean, now were eyes like mud. A dark and angry brown, with a hatred burning deep within them. Something dark was now where Elliot had stood before. This was a man out of control of his wolf. It was a man verging on madness.

His breaths came now in short and staggered pants, as he struggled to find his paws as the earth seemed to be swaying and swinging beneath his paws. When he caught a scent that made his concentrate snap to a start once again, a low growl echoed from the back of his throat and he stopped for a moment.

Drawing his lips back and baring his fangs to the air, tasting the air until he caught the scent he was desperate for, then with a swift movement he charged to the left like his paws had been connected suddenly to a magnet and he had no choice but to follow them.

In a moment of stupidity, a vampire through himself in front of the charging wolf, not understanding what had been going through the young wolf's mind, not reading the signs that this would be a fight which he wouldn't win. Within a second of the vampire pushing his way in front of the wolf, he was on the floor dead. Nothing would have stopped Elliot in his current state, only death would be able to stop him.

Kai was waiting. He had seen his opponent coming from a while away, and it didn't take him a moment to realise for whom the other wolf was coming. He was more then prepared to meet the other wolf head on.

His smile was condescending, he saw the look in the younger wolf's eyes, and he knew what was happening. This battle was his to win, and it wouldn't take much for him to be able to gain the upper hand. He was the stronger wolf, he was the better wolf, he was the alpha. This battle would be more like attempting to remove a piece of chewing gum from the underside of his paw, bothersome but not a problem.

The two wolves collided with a force which could have broken bones, and soon the two wolves were circling around one and other.

Elliot, or rather the wolf who now controlled his body. Watched his every step with caution, his eyes only on one target. The larger wolf in front of him, as the two trailed circles around one and other carefully. Making judgements, and each of them waiting for the other to make the first move. To the two, it didn't seem as though anyone else was in the room with them. They were a pair of wolves alone in a field, about to fight the battle of their lives.

With the elegance of a freight train, suddenly Elliot lunged having lost his patience and his paws brought him towards the enemy. Again they collided as hard as the two bodies could, and in a sprawl of biting and tearing. The battle had begun.

Ducking down hard when the opponent went for his neck, Kai was left with little option but to jump over his enemies back in order to avoid being barrelled over by the younger wolf. As he landed with a thump, already the younger wolf had turned around swiftly and again he launched himself towards the wolf with all the power he held.

His only reaction was to laugh and laugh quiet loudly, "Do you really think that this has any way of ending but in your death, in everything you care about dying, Elliot? It is time for a new era, in which the wolves will rule in their rightful place. Not having to be crushed by the laws which are decided on the behalf of everyone as opposed to those who really count. There is nothing that you can do about any of this, it is simply evolution. To become better creatures, others have to be sacrificed. You should accept that, go to heaven happy so to speak." The older wolf growled, the grin on his face was menacing. A terrible blend of animalistic hatred and disgust, stretched across the snarling wolf's expression.

Unable to answer with any form of logical reply, his mind too full of anger and hatred, as fuelled on by his enraged and fully in power wolf. Elliot was unable to reply with anything but a growl of hatred which seemed to ricochet across the field. This man had caused the death of one of his closest friends, stolen his family away from him, and was threatening to kill and destroy everything that had any meaning to him.

Now was not a time for logical thoughts, it was a time for action, and there was only one particular action that he had in mind. The death of those he considered to be his enemy, and the opportunity for that was now. Something he was unlikely to ever get the chance to do again, to get revenge for everything.

Again and again the two wolves collided more and more, as they tore at one and others skin as hard as they could. Though one was noticeably larger then the other, it meant that he had the disadvantage of size. However the greater speed of Elliot and his wolf allowed them some small gain on their enemy, managing to remain a step ahead of the opponent every time he lunged. Kai had the experience on Elliot, his body covered in the scars of past fights, it was clear this wouldn't be the first time he would have to have fought for his life. All Elliot could pray for however, would be that this would be his last fight.

In novels fights between wolves had often been described as a dance, two partners copying the others moves inch for inch, as each struggled to gain control of the other. This was very different. It was a blood lust, dangerous and inelegant. A scramble of paws and fur and fangs, it wasn't a dance in any form of the idea. This was the wild in its most perfect form.

Both wolves were beginning to tire however, and they wouldn't be able to keep this up for long until one had no choice but to fall. It was a test of stamina and stamina alone, it was just who would be the first to stumble which would decide the outcome. No one would come to his aid, no one would come to play referee and stop it before something happened, there was little to be done. It was either win or lose, and at that moment in time. The likelihood of him winning the battle was getting lower and lower.

His heart seemed to beat so loudly that it would have been audible to anyone around him in close enough range, to the point where his lungs were screaming for air as they were starved of oxygen. Elliot barely had a moment to speak or think, every time one of them hit the other, there was no time for recovery, as mere seconds later the other would have managed to get a hit in. Time and time again, the hits just kept on coming.

Soon blood was seeping from his face, from a particularly large cut above his left eye. Blinding him on that side of his face as the hot liquid ran down his face and across his pointed muzzle, only adding to the effect of the maddened look that filled his dark brown gaze. It would have sent a shiver down the spine of any sane wolf, but Kai was neither sane, nor just any wolf.

Kai lunged and managed to catch his fangs around the throat of his opponent, and held down as hard as he could manage in his weakened state. A flash of panic ran through the young wolf's body, as he did everything he could to remove himself from the hard and steel like grip of the enemy. Shaking and wiggling as hard as he could, until at last he had managed to rip himself from the tight grip of the older wolf. Elliot didn't have time to notice the blood which was now dripping heavily from a large gash on his lower throat.

With every moment that passed, each wolf was losing more and more blood. The grass below their paws was now littered with their own blood, they had painted the green grass a rich red with their fresh blood.

Then came the moment that Kai had been waiting for, Elliot stumbled to the left. His paws tangling together as he collapsed panting on his side. The older wolf laughed a cruel and loud sound, and he stepped forward with a snarl. "I told you, Elliot. There was only one way that this could possibly end, if only you had the sense to join the winning side when you had the chance. Now everything that you cared about will be dead by morning, and the world will begin anew. Under the control of the wolves."

Elliot simply couldn't move, his body screamed when he even tried to blink an eye lid. He was too exhausted, and everything had been taken from him. The black wolf lay dying on his side, waiting for mercy to take him. His eyes were dimming, and his last thoughts were about those he would leave behind. His heart ached, as some form of logic hit him and he realised that he would never see his daughters grow up. Never walk them down the aisle, never have a grandchild. Never grow old with his wife. Everything that most men looked forward to the rest of their lives, but he would never be around to see any of it.

Kai walked over to his now defeated enemy, the smile did not leave his expression even once as he looked down at the dying black wolf. He had won, this much was clear to him. Now it was his turn to savour in the kill.

"Goodbye Elliot. You were a worthy opponent, but there was only room for one winner on this day." He snarled, pressing the tips of his cold fangs against the upturned side of Elliot's throat, the young wolf closed his eyes. Awaiting death as though it was a certainty, he didn't seem to care anymore. This was a wolf who had given up.

All of a sudden the great weight which had been on his shoulders was lifted, literally. As a screech was stolen from the older alpha's throat and he was dragged aside. The young wolf had only enough energy to be able to open his eyes, to see something which took him by surprise completely. Ron, the beta of the Longhorn pack. Who'd had almost as much taken from him as Elliot had, was now fighting the older wolf with everything he had.

The alpha had been taken thoroughly by surprise, not expecting to be stopped in the slightest as the two wolves now battled it out amongst themselves. Elliot could barely find the energy to keep his eyes open, let alone drag himself to his paws. As he watched in silence, his tongue lolling out of his mouth. He didn't even bother to put it away once again.

It was all over within moments. Ron had suddenly managed to pin the older wolf beneath his paws, he didn't hesitate for even the shortest of moments. He drove his fangs deep into the throat of the older man, as hard as he possibly could have done. The alpha didn't deserve a dignified death, he deserved to die a horrible death. This one would have had to do however.

Kai's eyes would be something that he would never be able to forget, the shock, the pain, and the moment of fear which lit them. Then the light faded from them, and he fell still. His paw twitched one last time, then he stopped. Everyone around him knew that he would never move again. Elliot had never expected to see his enemy dead on the ground, even though he never thought that he would have an enemy. The battle was over.

Ron looked around. Even he seemed surprised at his ability to end the battle so quickly, many bodies littered the area. But it was finished, the other side had lost their leader, and it was unlikely they would wish to carry on now they had no one to follow them.

He lifted his head to the sky, but already everyone was looking at him, they had smelled the death of someone important. But nobody seemed to want to believe what had happened. He let out a loud howl, both victorious but at the same time it carried the amount of grief which would have been expected on everyone who had been killed on that day. His tone stern and low, "Your alpha is dead. We are done here, you have twenty minutes to get away from this place and return home. Anyone left here after that, will be killed. Return to your homes, and never think about repeating what has happened on this day. If there is any chance that this could happen again, you will regret the day you were born."

Screams of surprise, anger and fear seemed to dance around the area. It didn't take much for the rest of them to take what they had and start running as fast as they could. Some limped, some ran, some looked back one last time before leaving. But soon enough the battle field was empty of the enemy, and we were safe once again. For now at least.

Elliot let out a heavy sigh, and then dragged himself to his paws as best as he could, staggering slightly from the effort. Now the battle had finished, he was only then able to realise how wounded his exhausted body was. Fresh wounds now covered his lithe body, though most of the bleeding had stopped except from a place he couldn't pin point. The wounds and the long battle had very much taken its toll on his now fatigued body.


All I could concentrate on was the pain that filled my body, as I limped forward to stand beside my friend who too was injured. "Its over, at a heavy cost. But its over." I whisper, looking around in a state of exhaustion and uncertainty. I didn't know what there was left to do now, but then I saw my twelve friends, no now eleven. Gathering together once again, and I limp forward to join them once again.

Each of them are injured, but my nose tells them that for now at least none of them had been hurt fatally. I had never felt so thankful in my life that it didn't appear that I would lose anyone again this day.

"Jack is dead." I say, it is not an explanation. More of a statement, and they all nodded simply looking down at the ground below their feet. We all felt the heaviness of what we had lost today, it was painful and was settled heavily on each of our shoulder. But we would get through it together, I knew this much.

"We know." Lisa was the only one to speak up, she and James were holding William up by the shoulders, it appeared as though something had torn his left leg up pretty terribly. It didn't seem broken, and the bleeding had been stopped somewhat by the bandages which had been wrapped tightly around it.

Silence was all that followed for a moment or two, and we just looked at each other in an almost stunned silence. Jack had been the one who had brought us all together, who had sewn us together as a group, and had been the one who was the superglue which held us together as a single unit. It didn't seem real, or possible that he was dead. I had always thought of him as an immortal being as such, I could never imagine him being hurt, let alone killed in a battle which was arguably my own fault.

Then it was Megan who spoke up, her voice was shaking as she spoke, she had never experienced death on this kind of level. I didn't blame her for being in such a shaken up state, we would help her get through this. At least I hoped so, I knew what kind of impact such a large amount of death could have on such a person. "You're bleeding." She whispered, her tone lone and surprised as she looked at my throat. I looked down but I couldn't see well enough to see what she meant. A large gash cut across my throat.

Shaking my head softly with a sigh, "It'll be fine, there are people in a worse position then myself." I whispered. Looking from each of my friends on by one, my eyes watering as I struggled to keep my eyes open. The very effort was painful.

A scream suddenly shook the field, a loud and agonised scream and I looked up in surprise. "No, please Alpha." A young voice screamed, the pain and fear filling her tone, and I realised what was happening. An alpha was lying dying on the ground, it took me a minute longer then it should have done to realise who it was.

When I did, I lifted to my paws and as though some unknown being had drawn me towards the dying form of the alpha. I watched for a moment, he lay still and his eyes were slowly fading of the light which once filled them.

He who had practically raised me from the age of eighteen years old, the only person who had ever truly known what I was, and had been kind enough to me to help me in my most times of need. Lay on the floor dying. His throat torn and his underbelly shredded, I would kill the man who did this to him when I found him. But now I was concentrating on the dying alpha before me.

Crouching down, I press my wet nose to his shoulder, a sign of farewell and pain and grief, I would never forget the man who saved my life. I promised myself this now. "Goodbye, alpha." I stammered, the first time in a long time I had referred directly to another wolf as someone so important to me as to call him my alpha. The word was new on my tongue, but it felt right. I gave my final farewell to the man who had meant everything to me for such a long time. He deserved so much more, to die in bed after growing old.

I heard the last breath leave the lungs of the older wolf, and I stopped for a moment, the rest of his pack stood on either side of me. But did not chase me off, they knew how much their alpha had meant to me as much as he had done to them.

Turning away, I expected to leave them alone to be able to leave them alone to grieve, I couldn't bring myself to stay with him for even a moment longer. "What do we do now." A younger wolf stammered, all the wolves in front of me did not seem to know what the hell to do after everything which had happened.

Looking at them, it took me a minute to realise that they had been asking me, I twitched my ears at them. Some of them stood in wolf form others in human form, all of them seemed injured. Robert's pack would have been targeted massively, he had been one of the leaders of the four species to fight today. The enemy would have wanted to hurt them as best as they could manage to do, and it appeared that they had managed to achieve this target massively.

"Did your alpha not chose a second in command?" I knew he had, but I couldn't see Melanie anywhere amongst the gathered remains of my friends pack.

"She's dead." Before I had chance to speak up again, another person spoke up once again and one or two spoke up at the same time as well. "So is the man below her, and the two people behind them. They're all dead." The younger wolf said, I looked from face to face and grimaced. All of the older people it appeared had been killed, no one around me seemed to be over the age of twenty five, if not thirty at a push.

I don't know what they want me to say, this is not my pack and they are not mine to tell what to do, I realise Ron is now sitting beside me. But I don't acknowledge him when he approaches, and I just look at the twenty or so men and women sitting in front of me. That morning, Robert's pack had stood at sixty people at the very least.

"Then it is your job to choose who will be your next leader, I'm sorry. But I don't know what else to say." I say in a low tone, my throat hurting even to speak.

What happened next, was something I could never have expected and I stagger back just a little. It took them a minute, and they all looked at one and other and they seemed to have made a decision silently amongst themselves. Then, one by one, each of the men and women had lowered themselves to the ground. Many of them found it awkward with their injured forms, but as I watched bewildered in absolute surprise. They each stood bowed to me.

"What the hell." I stammered, looking at them all with a steady gaze as my heart dropped slightly I didn't know how to react.

Ron stepped up a little further beside me, looking at me with a slight smile on his face which made me want to bite him. "They've made their decision, Elliot. And a well made one as well, they want you as their alpha." He sounded as surprised as me, but there was a certain amount of happiness to his tone. Then he carried on speaking once again. "If you choose to say yes, would I be allowed to join you?" He whispered, his tone low. "Me and Cameron. I don't want to return home, after everything which has happened, I want a new start. We both do." His voice sounds close to breaking, and I stare at him almost as much as I am staring at them.

All of them look so hopeful, and it makes me smile just a little as I don't know what else to do in return to what they are asking of me. "Are you absolutely sure." I stammered, looking at them all with a look of shock. Twitching my tail from side to side, I don't know what to do. Could I say no, in the state they are in. Without an alpha that they could all have agreed on, they would have fallen apart. I couldn't bring myself to allow that to happen to my friends pack, to the legacy he had left behind for me. I ask myself silently what would he have wanted.

They all simply nodded, all of them looked broken and hurt after everything that had happened. Not just physically either. The pain of what had been lost seemed to have hurt each and every one of them and they did not know what else to do.

I look to the man beside me, my friend and the one who had been through a  hell of a lot recently just like myself. "If I am to become alpha, if I absolutely must. Even if it is just as a temporary fix until we find someone a hell of a lot more useful for you guys, then you will become my beta." I tell him, Ron looks shocked.

Before he can argue, I start speaking once again in a low tone. I will not take no for an answer, otherwise my answer would too be no. I couldn't just allow everything to fall apart, and I couldn't work with someone I didn't trust to work beside me.

"Very well. If I must." Ron answered, as he looked at everything around me, the bloodstained field and the bodies which littered it everywhere. Both enemy and ally, everyone had lost a lot. The enemy had paid just as heavier as a price as we did. Only they were not an army, just a group who had agreed to fight for the same cause. We knew one and other, and we cared about eachother. Our losses weighed heavier on our shoulders.

The ceremony would happen properly later, where I would officially take over the Phelps pack, but for now it was official. The lone wolf had become the alpha. Something I would never have expected to happen, it was up to me to keep the legacy of my close friend alive. I could only pray that I would do a good job for him.

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I hope you guys liked it, what did you think of the ending? Was it too predictable or cliché? I was slightly concerned it would be. Thanks so much for everything.

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