Bring Me To Life

By Misty_Scarlet

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I'm Autumn Scarlet, a hybrid (half human) vampire. I killed the man I loved with one bite. That was my past a... More

Chapter I || Love Bites
Chapter II || Adam Sumner
Chapter III || Dawn & Midnight
Chapter V || The Hunt
Chapter VI || The Sorceress
Chapter VII || The Voyage
Chapter VIII || The Island
Chapter IX || Werewolves
Chapter X || Sirens
Chapter XI || The Flight
Chapter XII || Battle in the Air
Chapter XIII || Snow
Chapter XIV || Blizzard
Chapter XV || Las Vegas
Chapter XVI || Deadly Love
Chapter XVII || Phantom's Base
Chapter XVIII || Weaknesses
Chapter XIX || Supernova
Chapter XX || The Final Battle: Part 1
Chapter XXI || The Final Battle: Part 2
Chapter XXII || Unleash
Chapter XXIII || Death and Life

Chapter IV || The Pretend Date

591 51 29
By Misty_Scarlet

“Ivy will be using her telepathy to spot them then she’ll send us a message,” Adam informs while I am slightly distracted by the old buildings. The intricate designs the plants made on the buildings are just plain mesmerizing it’s like falling in love.

“Um… so about the dating thing? How do you suppose we do that?” He asks me.

“Haven’t you had a girlfriend?”

“Yeah… but she bit me so it didn’t work out.” I found that odd, his girlfriend bit him and I bit my recent boyfriend.

“That’s really ironic, you know? I bit my boyfriend last year.”

“Ha, that’s funny.” We laugh about it for a while.

“So um, we could just hold hands and laugh with each other for a start.” He nods in approval and we join hands. It feels so...different but somehow similar. It hits me like a brick flying at my head, Tristan. His cold hands felt like Tristan’s hands on those cold London nights where we would be running home to avoid the snow. I remember when he held me tight when I cried because I hated keeping secrets from him but he never knew why I cried.

“Autumn, you looked kind of spaced out.” Adam stares deeply into my eyes. I really don’t pay attention to details but Adam had the exact same features as Tristan, tall, blue-grey eyes and blonde hair. They didn’t look the same though.

“Yeah, I’m okay.” I try to change the subject. “Has Ivy-Rose sent anything yet?”

“Nope. I think we should do something. All this searching is boring.” He looks around and spots an ice-cream stand.

“Can you get us a free ice-cream?” He asks jokingly.

“No way, we already scammed a penthouse. I’ll pay.”

“The guy always pays on a date.” He smirks and pushes my hand into my purse. He pushes me aside and races to the counter. I run after him, insisting to pay.

“So what flavour do you want, Miss Autumn?” He nudges me in the stomach.

“I’ll take chocolate caramel, please Mr Adam.” I mimic his tone at the end. He hands the money over while the lady at the counter gives the ice cream. We sit down on the small tables in front.

“Mint. Classic, I love that flavour.” I comment. I lick a bit of my ice-cream. It's creamy texture melts in my mouth. Ice cream is probably the human food I love most, besides anything from Cafè Le Creme. 

“And I like chocolate caramel.” He leans over and licks my ice cream.

“No! Why! Get your own!” I yell in shock and anger. “That’s so gross.”

“Maybe, I should’ve got two scoops.” He says and licks his lips, rubbing it in my face. I start planning my revenge. I quickly bend over and take a giant bite off his ice cream.

“Hey! You took more!” We start yelling at each other and arguing about ice cream. This is how ‘mature’  hybrid vampires can get.

Everyone’s staring at us now. I give a look to Adam telling him to stop and luckily he listens.

“I think we should go,” I whisper.

“Okay, let’s go.” He takes my hand and I remember we are supposed to be ‘dating’. We walk around the now packed city full of people with busy lives.

"You're really short, you know?" I roll my eyes. 

"You're really stupid, you know?" I smile innocently and poke my tongue out. He shakes his head then turns it. His head is turned towards the direction where music is coming from. I tap my free hand against my thigh to the soft beat. Adam tightens his grip and drags me towards the music. There is a small band playing a gentle, yet upbeat romantic song. There are about four couples dancing to it. The words are Italian although it made me feel happy and loved. One of the guys start playing the harmonica, adding to the romance. The lady with the acoustic guitar walks over to us and nods her to head, motioning us to join in. There's an adrenaline pumping in me to dance.

"Dance with me, Autumn," He says as if it's a demand.

"You just read my mind." I giggle. His fingers hold my waist while I rest my arms on his shoulders. We start moving slowly first because I'm feeling quite nervous. Our bodies take over our minds and as the rhythm continues getting faster, we dance like there's no tomorrow. My hazel eyes were glued onto his beaming eyes. I squeal as he lifts me up and we spin around, like it's only us against the world. Our feet step to the fast pace of the song while it builds up to the bridge. I twirl around, remembering my moments as a little girl and fall safely in Adam's arms. The guitar is the only instrument playing as the song comes to an end. I rest my head on Adam's chest and pant softly. A round of applause erupts from everyone circling us. 

"Thank you!" I exclaim and blow kisses to the audience. Adam smiles uncomfortably and I wrap arms around his waist, giving him a tight hug.

"That was the most fun I've had in ages!" He chuckles. 

"Glad you liked it," He replies and puts his arm around me.

I run over to a fountain that catches my attention. I look at the statues carved on it and then look down at the millions of coins thrown in, wasted because their wishes never came true. Suddenly an impactful force pushes me and I splash into the water. Once I revive from almost drowning, I stumble out of the water, my hair, soaking wet.

“ADAM!” I yell out and fall on his chest to begin to cry. His hand pats my head.

“Why are you crying?” He asks without caring that his shirt is soaked.

“Because I look hideous.” I complain. He holds my chin with his fingers.

“You still look perfect to me.” He kisses my forehead unexpectedly.

“Come on, I’ll get you some dry clothes.” He holds me in his arms to keep me warm, like what Tristan used to do. We walk into the nearest clothing shop. He picks out a stripy shirt and green skinny jeans for me and I buy them. I change into the clothes. We walk out for more sightseeing. Adam said he wanted to visit the Verona Courtyard. I’ve heard about it before, its where people write letters and stick them on the wall. Being ambitious, I’ve wanted to do that. Once we arrive, I take a piece of paper and start writing about Tristan. Adam waits patiently while checking out the amazing view. I’m lost in thought. I miss Tristan so badly. Why do I have to be a vampire? I just want a normal life, being human. Adam suddenly jerks his head towards me and stares worriedly in my hazel eyes.

“Autumn. I’ve got a message from Ivy. One of the Top Ten is here but being hunted by Phantom.”

Now?” I reply a bit stubbornly.

“Hurry up. We need to get to him before Phantom does.” He answers hurriedly.


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