A Non-Hijabi's Perspective

By betterleftunsaid_x

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"Did I get little Nafasa scared?" He teased, smirking at me. Did he just call me Nafasa? "It's Nafisa," I cor... More

Chapter One: Those are Desi Moms For You
Chapter Two: Like You Pray 5 Times a Day
Chapter Three: He's Just An Ignorant White Boy
Chapter Four: Lower Your Gaze!
Chapter Five: "You're Izlaam?"
Chapter Six: That's How Love Starts
Chapter Seven: "Anytime, Soon to be Hitler!"
Chapter Eight: This Was Now War
Chapter Nine: Tough Luck!
Chapter Ten: Precious as Treasure
Chapter Eleven: Perewinkle
Chapter Twelve: He's a Non-Muslim, and I'm a Muslim.
Chapter Thirteen: Girlfriend
Chapter Fourteen: It's Normal for a Teenage Girl to Like a Boy.
Chapter Fifteen: The "Tutoring" Session.
Chapter Sixteen: Distractions
Chapter Seventeen: Tutoring for Real
Chapter Eighteen: You Say It like It's a Bad Thing
Chapter Nineteen: Don't Worry, I Like It
Chapter Twenty: It's Not Like We're Dating
Chapter Twenty Two: Sneaking Out
Chapter Twenty Three: Baby Doll
Chapter Twenty Four: Confessions
Chapter Twenty Five: Salwar Capris
Chapter Twenty Six: Pugly
Chapter Twenty Seven: I Like You Too
Chapter Twenty Eight: Rot in a Hole
Chapter Twenty Nine: Forgiveness
Chapter Thirty: Good Guys

Chapter Twenty One: George Boy

2.3K 160 101
By betterleftunsaid_x

Sundays were my lazy days. That explains why I was at home, wearing an old T-shirt, paired with my sweatpants, and my hair was all over the place. I was curled up in a ball, in the corner of the couch in the living room, laughing at some stupid video I somehow landed on, on YouTube.

The doorbell rang suddenly, catching me off guard.

"Nafisa, answer the door!" My mom called from the kitchen.

I groaned heavily, as I rushed to make myself look presentable, putting my hair in a pony, and putting a cardigan on.

As I opened the door, my eyes widened at the person standing in front of me.

"What are you doing here?" I hissed.

Garrett smiled at me, lifting up his textbook. "I've got homework due tomorrow, and I need help."

I glared at him. "You can't be here right now," I said, looking back, making sure my mom wasn't coming to the door.

He raised his eyebrows. "And why not?"


"Betta, who is it?" I heard my moms voice from behind me.

Oh no.

This is it.

I felt my palms getting sweaty, as my Mom peaked at the door, staring at Garrett, and Garrett stared back.

My life ends today.

She looked confused. "Sorry, we don't want to buy anything," she said, almost closing the door on him.

Garrett shook his head. "No, I'm not selling anything, I'm actually Nafisa's friend."

My moms expression changed quickly, as she looked over at me.

I put my head down in shame.

My mom turned back to Garrett, nodding her head at him.

"I'm Garrett, it's nice to meet you, uh- auntie."

I looked at him in surprise. He was adapting so quickly, it made me proud.

No, I should be mad at him.

My mom stared at him confused, sending my side glances. "Okay, hello," my mom said, sounding unsure.

Oh my god, this is not going to end well.

"I'm here to get help on my homework from Nafisa," he said, lifting up the textbook.

I massaged my temples. He was not making the situations any better. Ya Allah, I am so going to kill him.

"Okay, come in, come in," my mom said, giving him way to enter the house.

Garrett walked into my house, looking around.

"You can sit in the living room, I need to tell Nafisa something," my mom said, signaling me to follow her to the kitchen.

Garrett nodded, taking a seat on the couch, beside my where my laptop was placed.

I nervously followed my mom into the kitchen, and faced her while biting my lip.

"Nafisa," she began. "You-you know this boy?"

I nodded my head, looking down. To be honest, I was expecting to get slapped.

"He's- he's in my class. He was also on the debate team with me."

She pursed her lips together. "How does this boy know our house?"

"Mom, come on, he's waiting for me, he's going to think somethings wrong if I stay in here," I said, avoiding the topic.

She took a deep breath. "Alright."

I stared at her. She was unusually calm. I turned back to the living room, where Garrett was looking at the picture of my family.

"Oh hey," he said, noticing me walk into the room, sitting back on his seat.

I nodded my head. "Right, what do you need help with?" I took a seat, but not too close to him. You could probably fit three textbooks between us.

He stared at me weirdly. "What's wrong with you? Are you on your period or something?"

I glared at him. "Shut up! Don't say that in my house!"

Just at the second, I felt someone walk into the room. I turned around to Uzair. Great. This was just wonderful.

"Oh hey, didn't see that you brought a friend," Uzair said. He looked at Garrett. "Oh wait, you're Garrett, right?"

Garrett nodded his head.

Uzair smiled at him, taking a seat in between me and Garrett.

Oh my god.

I hid my face in my hands. This was the most embarrassing thing ever. Garrett sent me a side glance. I noticed that he felt uncomfortable.

"What are you guys studying?" Uzair asked, innocently, taking a peak at our textbook.


"I remember this stuff, it's pretty easy," Uzair interrupted me. "I can help you if you want, Garrett."

No. No no no no no.

"Uzair, it's fine, I can teach him," I said, clenching my teeth together.

He looked at me. "Alright, I'll just sit here, and watch tv. Hope you two don't mind."

He moved to the other side of the couch, turning the tv on.

After a couple of seconds later, my mom walked in, bringing in samosas and juice.

"I brought some samosas in case you get hungry," my mom explained, placing it in front of the table we were sitting.

Garrett smiled. "Thanks auntie," he said, taking a bite out of the samosa, as he groaned in delight. "This is delicious, you are an amazing cook."

My mom beamed. "Thank you." She then turned her way back to the kitchen.

I stared at Garrett, trying to keep my mouth from hanging in shock. "You made my mom beam."

He looked at me, as I was crazy. "What?"

I ran my fingers through my hair frustratedly. "Never mind," I grunted. I was confused, and slightly annoyed. What was happening?

Garrett shrugged, turning his attention to the tv, where Uzair was staring at intensely.

"The game's on," Garrett said, staring at the screen.

Uzair looked back at Garrett, and back at the tv. "Yeah, you watch basketball?"

Garrett nodded his head eagerly. "Hell yeah." I watched him as he sat closer to the tv screen.

I sighed heavily. "Are you two seriously going to watch basketball? I thought you wanted me to help you with your homework," I complained.

Garrett waved his hand. "Yeah yeah, later. Let me watch."

I rolled my eyes, slumping in my seat.

The two of them soon began screaming as soon as some tall dude made a basket.

I covered my ears. "You guys are so loud!"

"He made a basket!" Uzair shouted, as he gave Garrett a high five.

I shrugged. "So?"

Garrett stared at me in disbelief. "So?"

I raised my eyebrows at him. "Yeah."

"She doesn't appreciate sports, let her be," Uzair told Garrett.

I huffed. "It's like being with you and Amir again," I mumbled, talking to Uzair.

They both ignored me, as they enthusiastically watched the game.

I began to feel bored, so I grabbed my laptop, and began to scroll through Tumblr. I laughed to myself, seeing all the stupid John Cena memes.

Tumblr was basically the best website ever.

After what felt like minutes, I heard my name being called. I took out my headphones, and looked up, staring at Garrett, who smiled wildly at me, while
kneeling to my height,

I stared at him confused. "The games over?" I asked.

He gave me a weird look. "The game was over ages ago. I'm going home now."

It was my turn to give him a weird look back. "Didn't you want me to help you with your homework?"

He chuckled. "I already got help from Uzair."

I scratched my head confused. "Shut up, stop teasing me."

"I'm not," he replied, playfully smacking my head, as he stood straighter.

I checked the time on my laptop, and indeed an hour did pass by.

"You sure do get lost into that Internet world of yours," he said, teasing me.

"Internet is better than real life," I said, crossing my arms.

He just smirked, walking to the door.

"Where's Uzair?" I asked, following him to the door.

"He left, so that's why I'm leaving," he told me. "Your brother is actually not bad. We might go to hang out more."

What did he just say?

I blinked at him.

"You're leaving?" I heard my moms voice from behind us.

We both turned around.

Garrett nodded his head. "Thank you for being so generous," he thanked, smiling at my mom.

My mom laughed. "It's no problem."

Was I missing something here?

My mom said goodbye to Garrett, and went back her way. Garrett went outside, and I followed him.

"Well, it was nice coming over, I'll definitely be coming back," he said, shuffling my hair.

I yanked my head away. "Don't touch my head!"

"Oh my god, is that a kitten?" Garrett exclaimed, pointing behind me.

I immediately turned around, and that sneaky little Garrett slapped my butt, and ran away.





I walked slowly back into the house, after cooling myself down after what stupid Garrett did.

I found my mom sitting in the living room, watching my every move. My heart raced quickly, as I tried to walk away.

"I'm getting really tired-"

"Nafisa, come back here, I need to talk to you."

I stopped in my tracks, and sighed. It was now or later.

I walked to where my mom sat, and took a seat beside her.

"Why was that boy at our house?"

"He needed help with homework," I replied, not making eye contact.

My mom slapped my leg. "I mean, how do you know him?"

I rubbed my leg in pain. "He's a classmate."

"He's your friend?"

I shrugged. "Not-"

"Have I not taught you better?" She asked, raising her voice.

I looked down at my feet, feeling guilty.

"You go out talking to boys! Nafisa, I never expected this from you. I can't believe this boy knows our house!"

I stayed silent.

"He's a non-Muslim! You don't know what these people can do! He may be good looking, and respectful in front of me, but he could be doing Allah knows what!"

I remembered what Sana said to me. She said the same thing. I really missed her.

"You know what Allah says about boys and girls mingling," she said, her voice calming down. "I've taught you this, Nafisa, I thought I raised you right!"

Silence filled the room for a while. She didn't like Garrett after all. That was her fake friendliness. I told him, I know what desi parents can do. That monster never listens to me. That's when I began to speak.

"You know, he's Amir's cousin."

She looked at me as if I was crazy. "Stop your bakwas."

"No, I'm serious Ammi, he really is," I argued.

My mom shook her head. "He can't be. He's ghora. He's white, have you not seen him?"

"Amir's uncle married a non Muslim, and they got divorced," I explained.

"Ahmed uncle?" She asked.

I nodded my head.

She nodded her head. "I've heard he was divorced. I never knew he had a son."

"Amir doesn't know Garrett is his cousin."

She looked at me weird. "And you know? How?"

"He told me," I lied. Well, it wasn't technically a lie. We did talk about it.

My mom turned away. "Does Sana know? Does she talk to this boy?"

I shook my head, before thinking. That's when I realized I've done a big mistake.

"Sana doesn't talk to this boy? You see? You see? What a good girl she is!"

I hung my head in shame. I knew this was going to happen.

"She gets good grades, respects her parents, helps her mom with housework. And what you do? Talk to boys, get bad grades, never help with housework, and sit on your laptop twenty four hours a day."

My mom then shook her head in such a typical desi way. "I know what you do now. All day ping ping on your phone, I know what it means."

"I don't even text boys! I only talk to Garrett in school," I protested.

She shook her head. "No more laptop for you. And if I see that boy again, I'm getting you married."

My eyes bulged out of its sockets. "What?" I screamed. "Married? Ammi, are you feeling okay?"

"Don't talk to your mother that way!" She scolded. "If you want boys so badly, I'll find a boy for you. Better than that George boy, no matter how pyara (good looking) he is."

I sighed heavily. "I don't even know how to use the stove, you can't get me married."

"I'll teach you."

"Ammi, I'm sorry. I know what I did wrong-"

"Sorry shorry is not good enough. You are grounded. No more going out, no more laptop. And I'm telling Sana to look at you to make sure you don't talk to that boy ever again."

I felt like bursting into tears. At least I wasn't getting sent to Pakistan, or getting the chappal. But I couldn't live without my laptop.

"Now go do something useful in your life. Ullu ki patti."

As I stood up to walk out, I heard my mom mumbling something under her breath.

"Wait until Baba gets home."

I felt my stomach clench, as I walked to my room, sighing heavily. I should have listened to Sana when I had the chance.


Life was just great.


I'm sorry for a slightly delayed update :( I'm really busy with school and it's just stressing me out. Any ways, hope you enjoyed this chapter, and as well, hope you have a great rest of your day.

Bye lovelies!

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