Boys Divisional School of Man...

By boybands77

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What the fuck is the purpose to a manners school? Not what I was expecting I'll tell you that. {Basically a B... More

Boys Divisional School of Manners
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Zustin Special
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 49
Chapter 49: smut
Chapter 50
Chapter 51
Chapter 52
Chapter 53
Chapter 54
Chapter 55
Chapter 56
Chapter 57
Chapter 57 - Part 2
Chapter 58
Chapter 59
Chapter 60
Chapter 61
Chapter 62
Chapter 63
Chapter 64
Chapter 65
Chapter 66
Chapter 67
Chapter 68
Chapter 69
Chapter 70
Chapter 71

Chapter 48

40.4K 1.3K 4.9K
By boybands77

Why does History sound like such a Larry song when they say it's about the fans.

And Harry singing "Don't let me go" at the end!! LIKE HIS SONG

Anyways!!! Enjoy this(: I think this chapter is mainly cute. I needed cute lol


Harry's POV

I was practically begging for Louis to let me sleep in for a bit more. I pulled him back into bed with me and wrapped him in my arms so he couldn't move. He was fighting against me and giggling. It woke me up in a little better mood.

When we finally got the motivation to get out of bed, I sat up and I tried tilting my head but the marks on my neck crinkle and hurt too much. I groan and lift my hand up to my neck.

"Sorry." Louis giggles.

How is this the same person from last night?

"Yours isn't any better." I mumble looking up to his neck from where he's standing in front of the bed.

He just shrugs and turns back around to his dresser to grab a shirt.


"You got everything?" I ask Louis as hurried back into the kitchen to grab some water bottles for us. I had both our bags in my hand and over my shoulder.

"I think so. You ready?" He slips his feet into his shoes and I wait as he pulls on his jacket.

"As I'll ever be." I grab the door and hold it open for him,

It was nice of him to pack for me, he said that there's track pants, jeans, shorts, and shirts in there for me. I really am not particular with anything I wear. So I don't mind.

I take a seat in the passenger side and Louis buckles in on the driver's side. "The drive is about a couple hours. It's not bad." Louis says as he backs out of the driveway and speeds off down street.

"Have you not learned from Liam and Niall?" I reach down to the mesh pouch on the wall of the middle console. I pull out a worn out book and flip it over to see its Romeo and Juliet.

I notice Louis' slowed down once we reached the main street and I guess I caught his attention with the book.

"Aw man. That was the first copy of Shakespeare I ever got." Louis shakes his head with a smile. "I remember pencilling in notes on the sides and I was just looking back over it this summer, none of the notes make sense to me anymore." He laughs.

I flip open to prologue, "Two households, both alike in dignity."

"In fair Verona, where we lay our scene." Louis finishes.

I smile. He's got it memorized.

I flip a few pages, "But if you do, sir, I am for you. I serve as good a man as you." I read. I have absolutely no idea what that means.

"No better." He says then scoffs, "Well, sir." Changing his voice to match the change in character as he read the two lines.

"You're pretty good." I say with a smile as I flip through some more pages, reading the lines and the notes drawn on the margins with arrows leading to circled lines.

He shrugs, "I liked figuring things out. Shakespeare's a puzzle that no two people can interpret the same way. Sure, there are translations and meanings on the Internet, and that's a good place to start. But you should develop your own ideas from reading it."

I nod my head because I really don't know what to say to that. I never had an interest in Shakespeare. I googled all my work when I had to read it in school.

The drive continued like that for a little bit, me reading some lines and Louis reciting the next few. Sometimes he's explain what was happening if I got really lost.

I liked learning about it this way. Reading it in one whole just seems like a lot. But this way, it's more like putting different scenes together.

And hearing the way Louis got excited about some particular made it all the more interesting. I never told him to stop talking, I enjoyed hearing him talk about something he was passionate about. He got so animated.

We stop to get some coffee through a drive thru when Louis says we're almost there. I almost decline the coffee because I don't want the bad breath when I'm being introduced to all these new people. But... Caffeine.

I marvel at the houses on the street Louis turns into. Huge houses, pushed back from the street with a long driveway, and lots of land. Wow.

"What do your parents do again?"

"Doctors. My mum is the head of neuro and she does seminars at the university." Louis turns into a driveway and I look down to see the house. There's a line of cars already lined up down the driveway.

"I thought the wedding was tomorrow." I say quietly as we get nearer. The house looks like it could be five stories high. There's lots of windows that can be seen from the front, probably letting natural light into rooms.

I don't belong here. At all.

"It is. Some of my family flew in so there staying with us for a few days." Louis parks beside a Mercedes and my eyes widen.

I'm too scared to open my door. What if I hit it?

"You okay?" Louis asks as he turns off the jeep and undoes his seatbelt to turn and face me.

"I knew you had money, but I didn't know this sort of money." I mumble and I feel a nervous sweat coming over me as I think about what his family is going to think about me.

Louis reaches over with his hand to pat my thigh, "Come on, Haz. I'll show you around."

He opens his door and I carefully make my way out. Louis grabbed our bags from the back and he waits for me to catch up with him.

"Louis!" I look up to the house where I see a little girl with blonde hair running down the front stairs and towards us.

Louis drops our bags to the ground and opens his arms to wrap the girl in a hug.

"I've missed you so much." He says and lifts her up and she giggles and wraps her arms around his neck.

I look up to see another little girl coming down the steps in bare feet. Oh. The twins.

"Come here." Louis says and shifts the girl in his arms to one side and goes to pick the other up.

"I've missed you both so much, oh my god you're getting tall." Louis puts them both down and one of them grabs his hand.

They couldn't have been fraternal?

I grab both mine and Louis' bag because both the girls seem to have wanted one of Louis' hands. I follow them inside I try to take in as much of the front garden as possible. There's not a lot of colourful flowers because we're nearing winter, but I can only imagine what it looks like in the summer.

There's small but long steps that lead up to the porch. There's a bench swing and some chairs out on the front making it look a little less intimidating.

I follow the three inside. Holy fucking hell. Louis grew up with this?

The floor tiles are white and the walls of the hall are light brown. I think it's a cream. There's a large staircase directly across from front door that leads upstairs. Looking at it head on, it's almost an hour glass shape. Wider at the top and bottom.

A woman with dark hair approaches us with a big smile on her face. "Louis, my baby!" She wrapped her arms around Louis tightly.

I watched and I saw how Louis' smile wasn't as genuine as when he was greeting the twins.

"Hi mum. This is Harry." He gestures his hand over in my direction when she pulls away and she looks over to me with a smile. Her cheeks are soft and the seem pudgy. In a good way. In a sort of warm and welcoming way.

"So nice to meet you. I'm Johannah, but call me Jay. You're Louis' new roommate?" She asks as she pulls me in for a hug.

My hands awkwardly raise to her back briefly before she pulls back. Her presence in front of me is soon to be replaced by the twins wrapping their arms around my stomach. I look up to Louis and he's got a big smile on his face as he looks down to the twins. My hands go on each of their backs as I try to return the hug.

"Yeah, he is." Louis answers for me.

"Thank god. That Greg guy was no good." She shakes her head, crossing her arms over her stomach.

My jaw clenched at just the thought of Greg. She met him?

Louis rubs the back of his neck awkwardly.

"Sorry, Harry. Do you know who Greg is?" She looks over to me.

I nod my head, "Yeah." I bit my tongue to refrain from telling her I know a lot more than her.

I know more than her. I know more about Louis' life than his own family. That's a weird thought.

She shakes her head again, "Do you want to take your bags up to your rooms? Your grandparents are over, I'm sure they'd love to see you. Oh, and Aunt Bren and Uncle EJ are coming by later tonight with the kids too. Oh this is so exciting!" Her voice raises and her smile spreads wide. She looks so happy. How everyone should be on the days leading up to their wedding.

"Harry's going to stay in the room next to mine." Louis says. His tone... Hm. It's not threatening, or possessive, but it definitely has something to it.

"Oh." His mum says, "I had your grandparents there. It's the closest to the bathroom. Harry was in the one next to Lottie."

Louis sighs, "Okay. I'll show him. We'll be down in a few minutes." Louis smiles again.

She nods her head and heads around to the right side of the staircase and down the hall there.

Louis sighs again when it's just us in the hall, I didn't even notice the twins leave. He runs a hand through his hair and picks up his bag. "Come on." He cocks his head over and I grab my bag and follow him up the stairs.

I'm almost winded by the time we reach the top. I look around, and it literally looks like a hotel. But even nicer. The stairs lead you up so you could either go left or right down the hall. Turning around once we reached the top had an opening as wide as the main hall that had a railing so you could see down to the main hall, and out through the windows that were parallel to the second floor platform. I could see the long driveway, and I could see the main street.

"It looks so beautiful in summer with the green grass and blue skies." Louis says as he stands beside me to look across to out the window.

The skies are somewhat grey and the grass is getting dryer and more yellow. It still has a beautiful view.

Louis slips his hand into mine and takes me down the hall.

"This is your room." He mumbles and opens one of the many brown doors.

This place truly might've been a hotel before.

It's a simple enough guest room. There's a bed and a dresser. With a couple windows on the far wall.

"I'm going to drop my bag off. You can get comfortable." He says quietly.

"No, I'll go with you." I tell him and throw my bag to the bed, following him out into the hallway.

He leads me down the hallway, past the main staircase and to the other end of the hall. Why so far?

"This is my room." He says and opens the door, reaching in to flick on the light.

He goes right in and drops his bag on the bed, but I stop to take in everything.

The lights are embedded in the ceiling, it's hardwood flooring, opposing the carpeted in the hall and in the room I was staying in.

There's shelves on the wall that hold books, some have video games and movies. There's a tv stand and empty wall mount just above it.

"The TV went to the twins room when I moved away." Louis informs me and I nod my head.

"There's a window seat." I say quietly as I walk across the room to where the drapes are covering the window, but there's still light shinning though the slits. It's a long bench, it covers almost the entire wall. There's some pillows on top of the cushions, making it look comfy.

I push a curtain to the side and look out to see the overview of the front again. But I can see more of the front. I can see his jeep lined up beside four other nice cars.

I feel hands go on my hips and I feel Louis press himself to my back, his cheek pressing on the side of my left bicep.

"You grew up here?" I can't help but compare it the townhouse I grew up in.

I feel his cheek rub against my arm as if he was nodding.

I hear his sigh and I reach back my hands to grab the tops of his and I bring them to wrap around me.

"What's the matter?" I ask.

He's been off since seeing his mum. That, I've noticed.

"I don't know. Being back here kind of just reminds me why I left. And seeing my mum too, she was never around growing up. I feel like I hardly know her." Louis explains, and I don't bother turning around. I think a good part of him is only saying this out of comfort of not being looked at. I know it's the same for me.

"Why did you leave?" I don't even know what made him go to this school in the beginning.

Louis shakes his head, "I was up to no good. Not headed on the right path. I tried moving out when I was seventeen but I ended up on the streets. My mum would only take me back if I corrected myself." He scoffs, "And here I am. And I'm so much happier than I would've been if I didn't listen to my mum, though. Who knew where I would've been."

My thumbs brush over the backs of his hand as I continue to look out the window.

"I'm happy you listened." I tell him.

I can't imagine Louis hating this place so much that he'd rather be on the streets. And then him wanting to come back, but his mum was only going to let him if he was sent to a manners school.

"Let's go downstairs. You can meet my family." Louis says and pulls back from me. I turn around and I follow him out into the hallway. I don't know why I had to be in the guest room that literally looks to be the furthest from him.

I'd like to count these stairs one time, because it is seriously amazing.

He leads me down to turn to the left hallway, the same way we saw his mum go.

There's art hanging on the walls and I can see directly through to the kitchen that looks huge already. But Louis stops before then, and he turns to his right to the living area.

Oh my. I recognize the twins from earlier playing on the floor with the younger twins? Jesus.

"Louis!" I turn my attention to where his presumable grandmother is standing up from the couch and hurrying over to give Louis a hug. I stand back and I watch as two other girls who were sitting on another couch stand up. The blond is shorter than the brunette, but I'm still taller than both. I don't know if I can say the same for Louis.

Those two are next in line for hugs and I can't hear what they're saying to each other but it's probably the normal 'I've missed you' and such.

His grandfather also stands up to give him a hug.

It seems like a nice enough family, yet Louis is still at unease it seems.

"This is Harry." Louis says and the chorus of mumbled hi's come. Louis leads me over to a chair and tells me to sit. He sits at the end of the couch his sisters are on, that's closest to me.

"Are you two together?" I turn my head to see the blonde with her head tilted to us.

"No." Louis and I say at the same time.

"Oh... sorry." She says and she looks down as her cheeks pinken.

We're not together. Definitely not.

"That's Lottie and that's Fizzy." He points to them. "And my grandpa and grandma. And Dan."

He points to each of them, ending with Dan who was sitting next to his mum. Obviously those are the two being married. It's a little weird meeting the family like this, when weddings are supposed to be for family and friends and I'm only meeting the bride and groom now.

"Nice to meet you, Harry." Dan says.

I smile because I really don't know what to say. Everyone's focus has kind of turned back to the show playing on the TV mounted on the wall above the fireplace.

"So you go to the same school as Louis?" I turn back to face Dan, who asked the question.

I nod my head, "Yeah, it's my first year." I'm not quite sure how far I should go into it. Like yeah, I came to this school because I fucked a teacher at my old one. Not a pleasent statement.

"Oh. That's right. I forgot that the different years roomed with each other. That's how Louis ended up with Greg." Louis' mum says.

She really needs to stop bringing him up.

"Where are you from?" Dan asks to clear the awkwardness.

"Holmes Chapel. Not far from here." I scratch over the top of my thigh. I don't like all these eyes on me.

"Oh yeah. I know where that is. Beautiful down there in the spring." Dan says.

I nod my head, "It can be."

Not particularly where I'm from, but yeah, the part that these people would look at is quite nice.

Louis stood up from the seat and went to where the four were playing on the ground. He picks up one of the babies and brings them back over to the couch so he can sit on Louis' lap.

"This is Ernie." Louis says in a baby voice as he twists the little boy's body.

Aw, his little eyes are so wide as they stare up to Louis.

"And that's Doris over there. Dotty." He says and I turn to look down to the little baby with reddish hair that's wearing a pink shirt with strawberries on it. "And then Daisy and Phoebe. I think I missed them earlier."

I gulp and nod my head. I forget the first two older sisters already.

I watch as Louis makes Ernie giggle by doing weird faces and peek-a-boo.

"You extended the invite to Liam, right?" Louis' mum says. I need to get her name.

"He got in a car accident last weekend." Louis says, his voice as if he forgot to tell her.

"What?" A hear come from a few people.

"Um. Yeah. Him and his boyfriend Niall. It wasn't entirely too bad. They're both okay, and at home now. Liam's leg is in a cast but he's doing well." Louis fills them.

"Oh my god." His mum says and covers her mouth with her hand. "I can't even imagine. Wait, that crash that was on the news? Sunday? That must've been at least ten cars!"

"They were the first ones to be hit." Louis nods his head.

There's a small weight on my foot and I look down to see... Doris? With her hand resting over my sock covered foot.


She's on her little hands and knees and her diaper is poking out through the sides of her onesie. I lean down to reach underneath her arms and pull her up to my lap.

I hold her head in my hand as she giggles and her arms bounce up and down at her sides. She squirms in my arms, her legs becoming frantic but she's so little I barely have to hold her down.

"She likes you." Louis says from beside me.

I look up to see Louis smiling fondly over to me, the eyes of his family just behind him.

I smile and look back to Doris. Her eyes are as blue as Louis'.

"I got some things for you all, I think it's best if I give them before Aunt Bren and the family gets here." Louis says, taking the attention off me. He understands me.

He keeps Ernie on his hip and he leaves the living room and I hear the faint echo of him ascending the stairs.

Maybe he doesn't understand me. Here I am, left in a room filled with his family. Of names I can hardly remember.

"So, Harry... Got any siblings of your own?" Louis' mom speaks up.

I nod my head, "Yeah, um, a sister."

"Older or younger?" She smiles.

"Older." I rub my thumbs over the soft of the onesie on Doris who's still giggly and now she's got her fingers in her mouth.

Jay nods her head, I really have no idea how to clear this awkwardness. Where's Louis?

It was a few awkward minutes later that Louis walks into the room with Ernie still on his hip and a bag in his hand. He's kissing over top of Ernie's head as he walks back to his seat on the couch.

He hands Ernie off to the blonde sister beside him, I forget her name already, dammit.

He opens up the bag, "Okay, youngest first." He smiles and reaches in for the two stuffed animals and corresponding shirts.

There's coos and laughs as Ernie takes the dinosaur in his hands and raises it up to smack his head.

Babies are odd.

I almost want to hand Doris off to Louis so that when she gets the stuffed animal the family isn't all looking at me. But I decide against it.

Doris doesn't take the stuffed unicorn at first so I take it in my hand and hold it in front of her. She giggles and I smile down at her.

"Next is you two." Louis points down to the twins and they get up and run over to him. "I gave mum a call to find out which you didn't have."

He holds up little yellow hangers with small clothes on them. I lean forward to see them a little better. There's at least six hangers in his hand, one of them has a blue dress in it and I can't quite see the others.

"Elsa's!" They both shout and reach for it.

"I got two, I got two." Louis says and pulls a hanger off his hand to show the two dresses.

The two girls hold them up and thank him numerous times and gives him hugs before they take the small clothes to the floor to look at them.

"What're they for?" I ask quietly, leaning over to Louis.

"Buil-A-Bear." He raises his eyebrows and his lips spread as he shrugs his shoulders, telling me he's just as uneducated as me.

I laugh and shake my head, returning to look back down to Doris who has a look of pure concentration on her face as she looks directly in the face of the unicorn.

"Then for you two ladies, even though I completely believe that you don't need it, but I know you love it anyways. These." He holds up the two gift cards and hands them to each. "I'm not sure if that's enough money on the cards, so if you need more just tell me."

Money must be nice.

The two of them both seem excited and I can't understand it. Makeup?

Whatever floats their boat.

"That was so nice of you." Louis' mum says as she looks over the joy of all her kids.

That was nice of Louis.

The older twins had gone upstairs to get their Bears. But they weren't actually Bears, one was a monkey, another was some sort of dog. And then there were two Bears that had white fur with different designs on it. The two seemed content with that.

I kind of feel bad for not knowing the two other girl's names, but at least I've got the youngest twins down. I need to ask Louis again.

The older two girls however, they were shopping online for stuff.

"So?" Louis asks as he leans over to me, turning his body a bit more to face me. Everyone seems occupied enough either on the TV show or their own thing.

"Hm?" I ask him and I lay Doris down on my lap. I think too much excitement has worn her out.

"What do you think? Dotty seems to love you." Louis smiles softly and looks down to Doris who looks to be falling asleep.

"Is it their nap time?" Louis asks turning to his mum, already standing up cradling Ernie.

She nods her head and stands up, "Here, I got them."

"No, it's okay. Harry and I'll go put them down for a nap." Louis turns to me and cocks his head for me to stand up.

I've never held a baby. Like carried one.

I think Louis might sense it because he turns to lean down to me a little, "Your arm will really do most of the work. Just hold her against your chest and support her head."

I nod my head and carefully scoop Dorris into my arms. Once I've got her settled against my chest it takes me a moment to actually find the strength to stand up. I'm pretty tall. It's not a short fall if I drop her.

"Are you sure?" Louis' mum asks again.

"I know how to put a baby for a nap. I've done it more than you." Louis' comment takes me aback and even though he said it quietly, the room seems to fall to an eerie silence.

Louis' mum doesn't look angered, she looks defeated. She takes a seat back down on the couch and Dan wrap an arm around her back.

"Sorry." Louis mumbles as he walks past her and out into the hallway.

I follow his lead and try not to look anyone in the eye. I have no idea what he meant by that.

"Louis?" I try asking when we reach the main hall to go up the stairs.

My main focus is not dropping this baby. I don't think I've ever been this stiff. But my thoughts are still clouded with Louis.

He doesn't answer me until he reaches the top of the stairs. He looks down to where I'm only three quarters of the way up.

"It's true. I think she only ever put those twins down less than a dozen times. And Lottie, Fizzy, and I basically grew up with our nanny. And she wondered why they would cling to me and not her." Louis shook his head.

"You don't have to explain yourself." I tell him when I reach the top. He seems to have not expected that reply, but I know families can be fucked up. I don't need an explanation.

Louis takes a moment to look at me before I raise my eyebrows and look down to the sleeping babies in our arms. He takes the hint and turns to lead us down the hall to the door with two signs. A blue one reading 'Ernie' and a purple one reading 'Dorris'.

He gets the door and he places Ernie down in his crib before turning to me and taking Dorris from my arms and placing her into her own crib.

I'm pretty sure this nursery is bigger than my room back home.

"I don't want to go back down there." Louis admits as him and I stand side by side to watch over the cribs.

"Then let's not go down there." I mumble quietly, wrapping my arm around his waist and pulling him closer to me.

He leans his head on my shoulder.

"Come on. Lead the way to your room." I tell him as I tug him out of the room with me. I'm so confused by this hallway anyways.

He chuckles and leads the way down the hall and pushes open the door.

We step into the familiar room and Louis closes the door.

"Did you bring your laptop?" I ask, there's no tv so we may as well watch something on the laptop.

"I didn't think to." He says and walks over to the bed. "I can't believe I said that."

I remain quiet because he's growing more angry with himself and I don't want to push him further.

"I can't believe I said that." He says a little louder, his hand going up to hide his face. "After all this time, and the afternoon was going good, what is wrong with me?!"

"Nothing is wrong with you." I say as soft as I can and walk closer to him.

"Of course there is! People don't just say things like that."

I think back to all the times I've said things like that to my mother, and much, much worse things.

"There is nothing wrong with having an opinion." I take his wrists in my hands and wait a moment before he lets me guide his wrists down to his sides.

"Not when that opinion hurts people." Louis' voice cracks in a way that shows he's holding back tears.

"Listen to me. Nothing. Is wrong. With you." I make sure to look him directly in the eyes, and even my breathing falters at the intensity.

He leans forward to rest his forehead against my chest. My hands still holding onto his wrists.

"You're a great person, Louis." I let go of his wrist with my left hand to wrap it around his back.

He stays quiet but his head shakes back and forth every now and then.

"You're working yourself up." I rub up and down his back. Feeling the stutter of his breathing.

It's not a big deal, his mum must already know that.

"They brought up Greg." He mumbles against my chest and I hear his sniffle.

"Lou." I wrap both my arms around him now and hold him tighter against me.

"I'm fine. I'm fine. It's not their fault, they didn't know who Greg was to me."

I think he's wiping his snot on my shirt, but I only wrinkle my nose. I know he needs the comfort right now.

"You're not with Greg now, you're with me."

It's quiet for a while, but I don't say anything to take back those words, no matter which way Louis might've taken it.

He pulls back from me and he sits at the edge of the bed, looking down to his lap.

I step towards him and step between his legs, by right hand pushing his hair out of his face.

His hands go to my thighs and he looks up to me with a smile and red rimmed eyes. "I am with you, aren't I? I don't need to worry about him anymore. You're my priority."

I smile and look to the piece of hair I'm brushing out of the side of his head and tucking it behind his ear.

I look him in the eyes and I feel the urge to show him that I can be stable and reliable, something Greg never was. That takes time to prove, but I want to show him that I care for him. And that I can take care of him a lot better than Greg.

I move my hands down to his knees and I slowly lower myself to be on my knees and sit back on my heels.

I look to his crotch and then back up to him. Wow, okay, new angle.

"Can I... Give you a blowjob?" I ask the same question I did last night. I'm curious about it, scared as fuck, but I know it feels a lot better than a handjob. I want to make him feel good.

His hand goes to curl into my hair. "You don't have to, Haz. If you're not ready, there is no pressure."

I gulp and shake my head, "No, I want to."

"Come here. We'll get there, just come up here." Louis says and takes my hands in his from where they were on his knees.

He moves himself a little further back on the bed and I move to stand up in front of him. He doesn't let go of my hands but he pulls them back behind him to make me go closer to him. I know he wants me to straddle him so I look down to his lap and I maneuver myself to be like that.

It's a different feeling than last night, he doesn't have the same support on his back that the couch provided, so I can't lean on him too much.

He lets go of my hands so his arms can wrap around my back to support me.

"You're so good for me." He whispers and leans forward so his lips can brush across my neck.

I love those words. I don't know why. They always bring a smile to my face. The first time I heard them it was a little strange, but now hearing it brings a lot of comfort to me.

I don't want to let him have control. It's still foreign to me. I grab the hem of his shirt and pull up, he separates from me and let's me take the shirt off of him. I toss it to the bed near the pillows and I look down to his bare chest. My eyes go over the mark that was left on his neck and I reach up to run my fingers over it.

"Why is it so hard for me to accept this?" I sigh as I run my fingers further down his chest and to his torso.

He waits quietly for a minute, staring up at me before he answers, "Because it's new for you. You've been raised to say that this is wrong, or that it's not normal. You never saw yourself in this position before, yet, here you are." Louis explains softly. I feel his thumbs rubbing over my lower back.

"I'm not gay." I shake my head.

"I know you're not." Louis says, leaning forward to kiss my shoulder.

"I don't think I'm ready." I clear my throat after I manage to get the words out. I keep my hands between us and my eyes on his chest, but I see his smile.

"That's okay." His right hand reaches up to push back some of my hair.

"I'm sorry." I say when I look further down to his crotch.

"Don't be. It was the sight of you on your knees that made me weak."

I grin and breathe a laugh as I keep a mental note of that.

I lean forward against him, causing him to fall to his back with me. I rub my nose against the spot near his jaw that makes him giggle and soon enough, Louis' giggling and trying to tilt his head to stop me.

"Stop it!" He laughs and tries thrashing underneath me.

I lift my feet to put them over his shins and hold him down, and I use my hands to hold his wrists down.

"Harry!" He screams again when I start to kiss him there repeatedly.

"Hm?" I smirk against his neck.

"Hazza, please!"

I hold his arms above his head, "Please, what?"

His laugh is contagious and I find myself laughing too.

I start to ease up on him because I can hear him trying to catch his breath too. I push up a little and look down to him. His cheeks are pink and his lips are spread wide into a smile as he shakes his head slowly.

"I love your laugh." He tells me.

I smile down to him and I lean down to kiss his cheek.

I roll myself off of him to lay beside him, still smiling.

"I love yours too." I look over to him and he does the same.

Our shoulders and arms are touching and our legs are still intertwined.

"Your sisters and brother loved their presents." I tell him.

"I hope so." He smiles and crosses his arms over his bare stomach.

"I'm sorry." I say again.

"Harry, you have nothing to be sorry about. Don't worry about it."

I shrug my shoulders, "I still feel bad."

"Please don't." He moves closer to me and he lays his head on my chest.

I move my arm out from under him and I wrap it around his side to hold him closer.

My legs still dangle off the bed causing some discomfort but Louis laying like this makes me forget it was even there to begin with.

"I swear it'll happen one day."

"And if it doesn't, that's okay too."

I don't bother saying anything and I let Louis run his fingertips over my skin underneath my shirt. I remember when it was my come that he was dragging around with his fingers.

"What's on your mind?" Louis hums.


I scratch my nails lightly across his lower back as he chuckles softly, "Anything specific?"

"The last time we were like this."

Being honest like this takes a lot less effort than being a dick. And I like having Louis this close to me, like in a way. It makes me feel a lot happier. I haven't been angry I'm so long, and two months ago it was the opposite. Two months ago I wouldn't have been able to tell you the last time I smiled.

"Hm." Louis smiles as he thinks about it too. "I think there'll be some time for us a little later. But for now, we have to go downstairs. Can't hide up here forever."

Louis sits up and pulls his shirt back on as I continue laying down and watching him.

This isn't bad. It's not bad at all.

He takes my hand as we walk down the hall but once we reach the stairs I let go of it. His family is clearly full of assumers. I don't want them getting the wrong idea.

The two older girls and Dan and Jay aren't in the living room, but I can smell something cooking from the kitchen so I presume they're there.

"You know Louis, a phone call every now and then wouldn't be so bad." Louis' grandma says with a smile as Louis and I sit on the couch across from them.

"Sorry, nan. I'll be better with it, I promise."

Louis sits with his hand on my leg and I don't bother fighting him to take it off.

"Bren's here. Jay's showing them around outback. It looks beautiful, tomorrow is going to be wonderful."

"It's very exciting." Louis says to appease his grandma but I can here the sarcasm in his voice.

I hear the slide of the back door and hear Jay with the others.

"I know you suck at names, I'm sorry, but here's five more." Louis tilts his head as he whispers in my ear.

Not five seconds later do Jay and another family come into the living room. Here we go.


So next chapter shall be the wedding!!

I hope you guys are all doing well<3

This is probably my last update before the album!!! OMFG I CANT WAIT IM SO EXCITED!!!!

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