Divergent High: Fire v Ice

By Marie__reid

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Fours POV She won't break. She's the only one who doesn't gawk at me. I swear I'll make her fall for me. I'... More

Chapter 1: Good Girl Gone Bad
Chapter 2: Servants to the Boys? Hell No
Chapter 3: Kissing?
Chapter Tobias: Christmas Tampons
Chapter 5: Did You Just Save Me?
Chapter 6: Fricken Idiots
Chapter 7: Why Did I take Her Shopping!?
Chapter 8: The Haunted Sleepover
Chapter 9: Truth or Dare
Chapter 10: Uriah Just Made us Travel the Entire Midwest
Chapter 11: Jesse
Chapter 12: Revenge of the Ex
Chapter 13: The Truth about Fourtris
Chapter 14: The BIG Game
Chapter 15: Ghost in the Cemetery
Chapter 16: Tris Tripped over a Dead Body
Chapter 17: The Wedding
Chapter: 19 SOMEONES IN MY HOUSE!?!?
Chapter 20: A Walk Around Town with Tobias Part 2
Chapter 21: Caught Already
Chapter 22: Family Chrismas and Crap
Chapter 23: New Years Resolution
Chapter 24: Secret Letters
Chapter 25: Four Fears
Chapter 26: The Death of Valentines Day
Chapter 27: Edgar Returns
Chapter 28: Factionless
Chapter 29: The Solo Assassin
Chapter 30: Amazon Warriors
Chapter 31: Ain't Never Had a Friend Like Me
Things You Need to Know
Chapter 32: The Sixteen Heartbreak
Chapter 33: The Bittersweet Truth
Chapter 34: Revenge Levels 3-9
Chapter 35: Help Me Im in Hell
Chapter 36: Bleeding Out
Chapter 37: I Am Gone
Chapter 38: Paradise
Chapter 39: I'm Dead
Chapter 40: My Heart Beats for You
Chapter 41: Awake
Chapter 42: Love
Chapter 43: Reunited
Chapter 44: The Pain in the Aftermath
Chapter 45: With My Bare Hands
Nothing to do with the story
Chapter 46: Not Just Any Nightmare
Chapter 47: Shady Figure Part 1
Chapter 48: Shady Figure Part 2
Chapter 49: Ben Eaton
Chapter 50: Passion
Chapter 51: Thoughts
Chapter 52: Sugar Skull
Chapter 53: I Ran
Chapter 54: Found
Chapter 55: Hope
Chapter 56: The Reason Why
Chapter 57: Dying
Chapter 58: Not Alone but Dreaming of It
Chapter 59: Energy is Neither Created Nor Destroyed
Chapter 60: What It's Like to be Alive
Chapter 61: Kitty Cocktails
Chapter 62: Jason Asson Oh I Mean Arson
Chapter 63: We're Back and Better Than Ever
Chapter 64: Blackmail
Chapter 65: "I'm Breaking Up with You"
Chapter 66: The Streets of America
Chapter 67: Earning Love and Earning Hate
Chapter 68: Wasn't Me
Chapter 69: Panic at the Disco
Chapter 70: Hot! Hot! Hot!
Chapter 71: Eric Coulter the Love Councilor
Chapter 72: You're Perfect to Me
Chapter 73: Silence After the Storm
Chapter 74: The Monster Closet
Chapter 75: Old Enemies Return
Chapter 76: Coming Soon to the Eaton Household
Chapter 77: Balancing on Thin Lines
Chapter 78: He Wants His Claws on You
Chapter 79: On a Scale of One to Ten, Negative Two
Chapter 80: Creepy Text from a Creepy Person
Chapter 81: Cannibals in Paradise
Chapter 82: Circles
Chapter 83: Uriah Actually Saved the Day

Chapter 18: A Walk around Town with Tobias Part 1

4.2K 145 26
By Marie__reid

Today is the first day of Christmas break. I have literally nothing planned but sit on the couch and watch spongebob. The exact thing I'm doing now.

I sigh as I sit on our comfy couch with our wolf-dog, Sinna, sitting next to me. He's about twice the size of me but a gentle giant. I remember when we got him and when I got to school Four was showing off his wolf-dog, and that's when I found out our dogs were siblings.

I hear Caleb storm down the stairs.
"Where are you.." I start but he kisses my head and runs off yelling, "I got a date with Susan!"

I roll my eyes and flip through the channels, already bored. Great now I'm home alone.

Then I hear a knock on the door. At first I think I'm just hearing something cause the front door to the mansion is so far from where I am now.

Then I hear it again and race to the door. I look out the window and see Four in his fancy winter coat with his hands in his pockets.

I swing the door open and that's when the cold bites my bare legs and arms, shit I'm in a tank top and shorts.

Four and I just stare at each other for a moment.
"You want to go to dinner? It would be on me?" He asks rocking back and forth on his heals.
"Are you on a suicide mission or something, cause Amar isn't here to be break up the fighting?" I ask inviting him.

"Or just a prank?" I ask.
"Fine if it's a prank you can tell the whole school what my real name is," my jaw drops. I knew what his real name was for a long time but he would kill, and I literally mean murder me if I told anyone.
"How do I know you're not a serial killer?" I ask raising one eyebrow, then he just rolls his eyes.

I rest on the now closed door, "Deal," I chirp and skip upstairs to change.

I quickly throw on skinny jeans, boots a sweater and a burgundy classic jacket, sort of like Four's.

I sprint down the stairs and see that Four is already in his car. I grab a white hat and white gloves then head out. When I run out he stares at me for a moment then blinks a few times and flashes me his signature smirk.

I hop in his black Ferrari and he cranks up the music.
"You're such a typical teenage boy I hope you know that," I say grinning.
"Yeah and your such a teenage girl," he says swirling out of the driveway.

"Hey it's called fashion, I never knew that cranking music to 100 was fashionable," I retort looking forward.
"Then what's the point of being fashionable?" He asks.

"It expresses who you are," I say and flatten my coat.
"And cranking my music expresses who I am," he grins.
"You mean a typical teenage boy?" I ask innocently.
"I'll never understand girls," he mumbles.

"Why are we driving so far from town?" I ask.
"I don't want anyone from DH (Divergent High) to see us," he says and I roll my eyes at him.

This is what our arguments have been lately. Not actual mean cruel insults, just mildly insulting each other. I like it better and we get in a lot less physical fights.

"We've been in this car for HOURS!" I complain.
"It's only been 15 minutes," he says gesturing to the clock.
"Well it feels like hours, how long till we're there?" I ask right as he slows down and pulls into a little restaurant called, The Factory.

When we pull in I can see better into the windows and see that there are only a couple people there, plus it's tiny.
"You took me outside of town for this?" I ask making a face.
"Don't judge a book by its cover," he says trying to sound poetic.
"Look who's talking," I mumble hopping out of the car before he can say something.

I walk into the tiny restaurant and it immediately smells like Christmas and candy canes. I stop and smile a little looking around while Four catches up to me.
"It's adorable," I say looking at the wreaths and bows everywhere.

"Yeah it's kind of a traditional Christmas thingy," he says walking to the counter.
"Table for two," he says and the lady smiles at him and leads us to a small table in the middle of the restaurant.

Once we sit Four thanks her and she nods and leaves.
"Wow, I like that girl," I say looking at the menu.
"Whys that?" Four says looking at his own.
"She didn't flirt with you unlike every girl ever," I roll my eyes.

"Except you," he says matter-a-factly. I glance up at him starring into his eyes for the first time. I never noticed how dark his eyes were. He catches me starring and raises his eyebrows.

I just give an innocent smirk and flip up the menu hiding my red face. I scan the menu for something healthy given that I have to stay in shape for basketball, and every other sport I play which is pretty much all of them.

The waitress comes and smiles at me and Four, "Hello good evening I'm Layla and I'll be your waitress tonight," she says with a hint of a southern accent.
"I'll have some water," Four says.
"Me too," I reply sheepishly.

Layla smiles at us and leaves. I watch her as she leaves and stare out the window at the falling snowflakes.
"It's so beautiful here," I say.
"Yeah it is," Four says and I look up to see him starring at me and not outside.

"What are you looking at?" I ask kind of embarrassed. He puts on an innocent smile and lifts his menu, mimicking what I did. I roll my eyes and find a decent salad on the menu.

Layla comes back and we order, after that we sit in an awkward silence while slurping at our water.
"Why is it awkward?" Four asks.
"What do you mean?" I ask trying to play dumb.

Four rolls his eyes not believing my act.
"We've hated each other's guts for as long as I can remember. We've always had something to say to each other, true or a lie, rude or polite. But now, we've got nothing."

I stare at him in slight disbelief at the words that just came out of his mouth. Was he serious? We're we suddenly at a loss for words with each other? For some odd reason, I shiver at the thought of it.

"How about we talk about the movie," I say trying to release the tension. This is our 11th movie we've made together but this one seemed special, it was called the Testing based off a book one of the students wrote, Joelle Charbonneau.

"I think it's going pretty well," he said clearly getting the message. Of course just like in every movie we play the lovers and I sigh at the thought.

Our food comes and we both devour our meal eating in a somewhat comfortable silence.
"So Tris you like anyone," he casually says taking a drink. I almost choke on my food.

"What?" I squeak.
"All the guys are wondering," he smirks as he sets down his glass and watches me.
"There are a lot of things I don't like about you Four," I say, "But if I could slap that smirk off of your face I would."

He smirks a little bigger, "Let's go for a walk."

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