Finding Love (Miniminter Fanf...

By TheBaconist

209K 3.8K 1.6K

Two people. Different fears. Different lives. One lived through a life where everything felt like it was cru... More

p r o l o g u e
o n e
t w o
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50
Alternate Ending!

Chapter 47

3.4K 63 96
By TheBaconist

-Samantha's Pov-

The soft snoozing beside me was the only sound in the room as I woke up.

I looked over to see Simon, cuddling me in his arms and him sleeping on his side.

I woke up, and decided to make breakfast for everyone and something special for Simon since it was out one year anniversary.

My feet touched the cold wood floor as I got out of bed, causing me to get goose bumps slightly.

I got my slippers out and walked down the stairs, as the entire house was completely silent for the first time in a long while. With all the crazy events the past few weeks with Skylar and everyone, you were lucky to get a second of silence. Also, I pulled out a camera since Simon said he was going to vlog today, so why not help him out? So I placed the camera down on the counter.

"Hey what's going on guys! It Sam here! Today is me and Simon's one year anniversary so I am gonna make him and all of the people in the Sidemen house breakfast to start it off!" I said in a quiet voice.

I pulled out some berries, such as strawberries, blackberries, blueberries, and raspberries and put them to the side for later.

I got out the eggs and milk and pancake mix for pancakes, and got out 5 plates. And laid them all out.

I stirred up the pancakes and started to cook them, and danced as I did so, making the cooking much more fun for me, and finished all of them before anyone could wake up.

I laid the pancakes and fruit onto the plate, and covered it all in syrup and powered sugar, and showed the camera. "All ready!Now we just gotta give them to them, and we will be all done!" (MEDIA)

I went around and passed all the food around into their rooms onto the nightstands for them to when they wake up, with the camera in hand taking it with me.

I walked up to me and Simon's room, and got a tray for him, and laid a glass of orange juice and the plate onto it, and a little note saying 'Thought I would give you a nice meal for the occasion. It is the least I could do. Happy one year Si' and I signed it off with my name, waved to the camera, and put my finger to my lip saying to be quiet. I walked out and signed myslef off for now and laid the camera down near the banister. With nothing else to do, I went downstairs to watch the Flash. (Honestly this show is amazing, and you need to watch it. Like after you read this chapter cuz I worked hella hard on it.)

I was about two episodes in when people finally started to wake up, and come down to thank me for making breakfast.

Vikk was the first. "Hey Sam. Thanks for the breakfast, it was amazing. You excited for today?" He asked, sounded even more excited than me.

"Umm.. yeah. I am just wondering what Simon has planned. He hasn't told me anything except that it is going to be very special." I shrugged my shoulders gently.

Vikk giggled slightly. "Well I am sure it is gonna be fantastic. I know Simon is super excited for it. Well I got to go and get so groceries, so see you in a few."

He walked off and went out the door, as the door made a small bang, causing Tami and Josh to wake up. "What was that?" They asked me in sync. "Me and Freya were sleeping and she wanted me to check it out." Josh included.

"Vikk went out to get some groceries." They both nodded and returned to their rooms, probably to enjoy their food.

Lastly, I heard Simon get out of his room, and his phone in hand, vlogging in his morning voice. "So now after I finish my breakfast from my lovely girlfriend, I now have to go thank her, and say good morning."

He ran down the stairs, as I knew he was about to tickle me, so I ran away from him around the house.

"SIMON. NO PLEASE." I shouted, running into our room.

"No I must thank you with tickles and hugs." He tackled me down onto the bed, and tickled my sides, causing me to laugh out of breathe.

"Happy one year, babe." He said as he stopped tickling me, and pulled his phone back up.

I looked up back at his navy blue eyes. "Happy one year Simon." I told him back and kissed his lips.

We both giggled slightly, and he stopped the recording. "Ready for the best night of your life?" He said asking me.

"I thought I already had mine. That was the day I meet you silly." I poked his nose softly.

"Well, I need you to get ready because I am taking you to the park for lunch, and then something a bit special for tonight." He grinned.

"Normal clothes for the park? Right?" I asked.

He nodded in agreement.


We arrived at the park and in the grass laid a white and red checkered blanket and a picnic basket in the middle, and it made me blush.

"Really glad it is a good day today." He said to me, as the England sun was giving a comfortable feel in the air, with little to no wind.

I laughed sightly. "Well, I would sit in the rain for it." I said jokefully, while Simon pulled out his better camera.

"Of course you would." He said, cleaning the camera lens up.

I went to sit down, and Simon started to vlog. "Alright. The first part of this date. We are at the park having a picnic!" He stated and point the camera toward me and the basket.

"Yay!" I said inthusiastically with my hands in the air. "Wanna tell them the history of this park to us?" I suggested to him.

He shrugged, and talked again. "So like Sam said, this park is a part of the our relationship. On our first date, after my side of the date, I let her choose what to do for the rest of the night, and she said 'wanna go the park'?"

He sat next to me on the ground and passed me the camera. "We walked along the path and played like the little kids we are with hide and go seek, tag, and so much more. The night ended here looking at the stars, and Simon, being the cheesy guy he was, said that I looked more beautiful than the entire night sky." I said, smiling as I remembered every little detail.

"It was a good night. And this is a place where Sam ran off to after a big fight one day. She didn't know where she was going, yet she lead herself here and played a gentle song on her guitar as the sun was starting to dissappear and the moon became visable." He said, looking down slightly.

"It was one of the few mistakes in our relationship, but it made us to strong the second I saw him, standing there in full regret of everything. He made a mistake, but it was me that regretted myself more for running." I said, letting a small tear run down my face.

He snached the camera from my hand and turned it off, and turned me to look at him. "Sam, don't cry. This is a day to remember the good things. Sorry for bringing it up, shouldn't have." He said, and cradled me in his arms.

I let the last tear fall and roll down my cheek, and Simon wiping the tear away like it was a reflex. "Alright. Let's start our picnic now." I said trying to change the subject.

Simon pulled out several different types of foods. He had turkey sandwiches, potato salad, macaroni and cheese, and even jello, which were all foods that I liked, causing me to get into a better mood.

"Thank you babe." I said, embracing him into a hug, kissing his cheek. "How did you remember I liked all of this?"

"You trying to accuse me of something?" He said, jokefully.

I shook my head, and started to get my meal, and so did he.


We sat onto the blanket laying down, looking at the clouds, telling each other what we saw.

"I see a teddy bear!" I said, pointing at one.

Simon pointed in another direction. "I see a monkey." He said pointing at one that was pretty much spot on.

"Good find." I whispered to him.

He sat up, and told me to as well. "Sam, we better start heading back. I need you to get ready for the next part of the date, Tami and Freya will help you out with the hair and makeup. But I already have your dress picked out. I think you will like it." He said grinning at me.

"There is more? I thought this was it." I said in amazement. This day was amazing enough already, and I was surprised he would do more for me.

"Well I want to make this night special." He said, and grabbed both of my hands into his. "Well, I told Josh to come and pick you up and take you back to the sidemen house , and when he does, I gotta go to where I need to be because I want to be surprised tonight."

I saw Josh's car pull up, and I hugged Simon and gave him a goodbye kiss until we met again in a couple of hours, and ran off to Josh's car.

I opened the car door, and Josh sat staring at me. "You seem happy." He said to me, noticing my smile.

"Well today has been really good so far. Simon does now what a girl likes." I said, blushing a bit.

Josh looked behind him, and pulled out. "I bet that wasn't even the best part of it so far." He told me.

"Well, I know that. Simon always has a trick up his sleeve."

Josh giggled, and mumbled under his breath, but I couldn't make out what he said, but I didn't really question it.

-Simon's Pov-

I walked out off my car in from of a fancy ball room that I rented out for the night, for the special event.

I walked in, gave the person in front my name, and then the guy led me into a room which was nearly empty, except for a couple boxes of decorations.

It contained streamers, Christmas lights to hang, and tables and table decor that I needed to set up.

I heard JJ and Harry come in from behind. "Heard you needed some help setting this thing up." JJ said, leaning against a door frame.

I gave them both a bro hug, and thanked them. "Alright, what are we doing exactly?" Harry asked.

"Just help set this thing up. I have the dj already and we just need the tables, streamers, and food to set it up. Then I have to go grab my tuxedo, and get ready myself."

They shrugged and started to work on the room with me.

-Samantha's Pov-

I arrived home and saw Tami and Freya already setting up for me. I saw the makeup and hair supplies arranged in the upstairs restroom.

I walked up, and the girls both smiled at me. "You are excited aren't you?" I asked them.

They nodded. "Yeah, but Simon also wanted you to be done with everything by 4:30, and right now it is 3:45. We cannot delay on this." Tami said to me.

"Alright. I got to go see something real quick." I said, as I was wondering what dress Simon picked out for me.

Freya grabbed my arm, stopping me, and waved her finger. "Sorry, can't do that. Simon doesn't want you seeing the dress until we are done."

"How did you know I was gonna do that?" I asked, curiously.

She shrugged. "Just know you well enough I guess." Tami said.

They put me in the chair for me to sit in, and started to clean my face up and started to brush out my hair.

They did there amazing magic and poof! They were done and ready within 30 minutes.

They turned me around in my chair and I starred at my reflection, and they left me starstruck.

The makeup was on point, having a dark grey eye shadow compliment my icy blue eyes, and a very natural pink lip gloss covered my lips, giving a glossy look.

Then I looked at my hair. It was in a messy, curly bun, with two braids coming down the side. (Bad description, I know, but it is in the media)

I was starting to tear up, but I fought it back. I saw Freya's hand touch my shoulder. "Don't worry, the makeup is waterproof, Simon requested that it is."

"Do you know why he wanted waterproof makeup?" I said, confused.

They both shrugged. "We don't really know. This is all he told us about the date, except for the perfection of it."

I sighed, feeling the unknown crawl upon me. "I really don't know what is gonna happen tonight. What do you think is gonna happen?" I asked them.

"Samantha, don't worry. All I know is that by the end of it, your gonna be happy. So, why do you change into your dress, and we can see your final appearance."

I nodded, and gotten myself out of the chair, nearly running to see what Simon had in mind for my dress.

I opened the door, and there lied my mom's prom dress out on the bed.

I raised my hands up to my face in awe, and walked up to it.

I picked it up by the hanger, and stared at the individual details. I saw the amazing gradient design, seeing the top as a dark navy blue and the colors get lighter the farther down the dress. Then I saw the sparkly gems on the hip and shoulder strap of the dress, and I felt a small tear fall down my cheek. (MEDIA)

I looked down, and saw a small note written to me, and I could tell it was Simon by his amazing, elegant handwriting. 'Finally using this old thing, aren't we? -Simon'

I changed out of my clothes eagerly, and put on the dress for the first time in my entire life.

I stood in front of my door mirror, and started to feel beautiful in everything I have done.

The dress perfectly fitted my figure, as it cried the right way at my hips, and the dress didn't seem to poof out a lot making me seem slimmer than I actually was.

I took a deep breath, and walked out, and looked from Freya and Tami.

I heard the television playing downstairs, so I called out for them. "Freya! Tami! Wanna see the final appearance?" I said at the top of the stairs.

Within a second, they appeared in front of my vision at the bottom.

I made my way down, smiling in confidence as well. "Hey." I said, excited.

I saw tears dripping down there faces at me. I reached the bottom step and embraced them both. "Thank you." I whispered.

"Oh we did nothing. We just brought out the bigger and beautiful qualities of you, which were all of them." Tami said, as they both pulled away.

"You look just... wow." Freya said, still crying at my beauty.

I looked at the time. "What time did you say Simon was picking me up?"

The other two looked at the clock. "He said 4:30, and and it's just about any moment now if it's 4:26."

The door knocked and Freya opened the door from behind her.

"I know I am a bit early, but I couldn't wait any longer." I heard Simon's voice.

Freya opened the door wider, so we could see each other. Our mouths literally dropped.

Simon stood there, tuxedo and all, with his hair down, to look fancy, with a white rose on his tux.

When he saw me and just embraced me into a big hug. "How can you get more beautiful? I didn't think it could be done." He whispered into my ear.

"Thank these two lovely people for doing an amazing job." I gestured to Freya, and Tami, which was holding her phone, recording the reaction.

"Really Tami?" I said, smiling like an idiot.

She laughed slightly. "Well, I wanted to record the moment. I want to remember this." She said, wiping a tear away before we would notice.

We all had a little awe moment, and Simon pulled out a corsage for me.

It matched his little white rose on his tuxedo, and had little flares of blue to go with my dress.

He put it on my wrist, and I blushed like a madman. "Remember the white roses I gave you for our first date?" He said, still grinning.

"Yeah. The memories man. Seems like just yesterday we were dancing to Vikk playing All of me on the roof." I said.

He giggled slightly, and held onto my hand leading me outside, revealing a limo.

"Simon." I said, in shock.

He turned towards me and smiled. "Yep. Now let's get going. Can't be late for our dinner reservation, now can we?"

"Is there a reason you are going big?" I asked suspiciously.

He shrugged. "Maybe or maybe not. You have all night to decide."

He opened the limousine door for me and I scouted myself inside, leaving the seat I was in to have room for the both of us.

He came in and shut the door behind him. "Alright. You know where to go!" He called out to the driver.

We sat, drinking wine, and laughing at each others jokes.

We arrived at Nando's, my favorite restaurant in the world.

"Really dressing the part aren't we?" I said, joking around.

He laughed. "The dress is for after dinner. But I wanted to take you to our two favorite resturants. The almighty Nando's." He said, getting up from his seat.

I went out the limousine first, leaving the door open for me. "Let's go my lady."


We were on our way onto the next destination, which Simon has been really really quiet about.

"SIMOOOOON." I said, bothering the living daylights out of him, by poking him in the arm.

"Whatttttttttt?" He said.

I stopped poking his arm, and asked my question. "Where are we going?"

He looked at me. "We are almost there, sweetie. Be patient."

I sighed, but then I felt the car stop. "Wow, your not lying are you?" I said laughing.

Instead of answering back to me, he pulled me out of the car, and pulled me into the large building in front of us.

"Simon Minter." He said to the lady at the front desk.

She nodded and pointed at a room just down the hall.

"What are we doing here?" I said, confused.

He kept silent, but linked arms with me.

He opened the door to the room, and I saw an enormous room, and it felt like going to- (MEDIA)

"Prom." Simon said cutting off my thoughts.

I stared at him in amazement. "Prom?"

He nodded, and gave me a small flashback.


"I know you didn't. It was all my mistake anyway. If I had just thought about it, everything that happened, wouldn't of. If anything, I was the first domino to fall." He said, looking down at his feet.

I hugged him. "People make mistakes. Mistakes are meant to be forgiven, and I forgive you."

I smile crept along my face, as I said those words. Those words were that same ones I told him finding me at the park, and how happy I was seeing him, even after what happened.

"I missed you so much." He told me, rubbing my back.

We stood there in what seemed like hours, until he finally broke away.

He walked toward the dress. "What is the story behind this dress? Every dress has its story of why. What is this dress's 'why'?" He asked me.

I sat onto the bed, next to the dress, and told him the story. "This was my mother's prom dress. I know she isnt the best of mothers, but she wore it to hers. When I was little, I would always take it out, and just feel like a princess. By the time I was about 8, she told me to wait and wear it for my own prom. It was the only reason I really wanted to go. But by the time it was prom, it was when my brother was in the accident. I wasn't able to." I said, letting a small tear fall down my cheek.

"Why haven't you worn it? Why not even for dress up?" He said, wiping away the tear.

I looked away from the dress and towards him. "The dress was only meant for prom. Also, I never found anything good enough for me to wear it."

"You know, I could make you a prom. Have yourself an evening all for you and make it magically. Dress fancy, go to your favorite resturant, and dance with a guy you truly love." He said, looking away.

"Simon, you don't need to do that. I lost my opportunity and I won't get it back."

He hugged me. "Okay. But no promises."

÷Flashback over÷

"I already told you. You didn't need to do this for me." I said, looking at his eyes.

He scoffed. "But I did it anyway. I want to make this night about you. You only get one prom, Sam. Take this opportunity and make it worth while." He said, grasping my hands.

We walked in and saw everyone here. Vikk, Tobi, JJ, Harry, Ethan, Josh, Freya, Allison, Veronica, Tami, and Savannah in their finest clothing.

I saw everyone's jaw drop at the sight of me, even Tami and Freya. "Wow."




The words came from everyone, and I blushed severely.

"Umm.. thanks." I said a bit flustered.

I heard music playing 'Viva La Viva' by Coldplay, so I started to sing along since I knew the lyrics, without thinking.

I used to rule the world
Seas would rise when I gave the word
Now in the morning I sleep alone
Sweep the streets I used to own

I used to roll the dice
Feel the fear in my enemy's eyes
Listen as the crowd would sing
"Now the old king is dead! Long live the king!"

One minute I held the key
Next the walls were closed on me
And I discovered that my castles stand
Upon pillars of salt and pillars of sand

I hear Jerusalem bells are ringing
Roman Cavalry choirs are singing
Be my mirror, my sword and shield
My missionaries in a foreign field

For some reason I can't explain
Once you're gone there was never
Never an honest word
But that was when I ruled the world

I breathed in, and started to dance along with the music as well.

It was the wicked and wild wind
Blew down the doors to let me in
Shattered windows and the sound of drums
People couldn't believe what I'd become

Revolutionaries wait
For my head on a silver plate
Just a puppet on a lonely string
Oh who would ever want to be king?

I hear Jerusalem bells are ringing
Roman Cavalry choirs are singing
Be my mirror, my sword and shield
My missionaries in a foreign field

I started laughing as I saw Simon start to do his 'elephant dance' but then sang again.

For some reason I can't explain
I know Saint Peter won't call my name
Never an honest word
But that was when I ruled the world
Woahahahah oh, woahahah oh
Woahahahah oh, woahahah oh,

I hear Jerusalem bells are ringing
Roman Cavalry choirs are singing
Be my mirror, my sword and shield
My missionaries in a foreign field

For some reason I can't explain
I know Saint Peter won't call my name
Never an honest word
But that was when I ruled the world

ooooooh ooh oooooh oh ooooooh oh oooooh ooh.

-song over-

I breathed in, and laughed at everyone's facial reactions, since they knew I don't sing often, and in front of people.

"Sam, are you alright?" Simon asked, slightly concerned.

I stared at him confused. "What do you mean? I feel amazing."

I realized that I actually wasn't panicking. "Wait. Did I? Oh my god. I just did that." I said excitedly.

Everyone clapped. "I am so proud of you Sam." Simon said, kissing my cheek.

"Guess I am just confident now." I said in amazement.


The day was nearly complete, and the music was slowing down, and me and Simon danced to the steady beat to our favorite love song.

We swayed gently back and forth, and just listened, not even looking at each other, just letting this moment stay the way it was, in each others arms.

The song ended unexpectedly, causing me to look up confused.

I looked over at the DJ, and saw that someone pulled down a screen.

It had a slideshow all about me and Simon with all of the photos and videos of us.

I covered my mouth when I saw the first few. It had Simon waiting for me in the hospital the first time, when Tami posted the photo of me sleeping on Simon's lap, our first qna, first kiss, us dancing to All of me, and the photos just went on. Videos of me and him played on as well, like the Boyfriend challenge, various games, just making me feel happy and in love.

It had little audio clips of us saying 'I love you' and all the sweet sentences we have probably ever said to each other.

I noticed that Simon wasn't beside me anymore, and I looked around, but couldn't find him.

Then a video started to play, getting my attention. I saw Simon on the screen, recording a video that I never saw before.

He was grinning wildly playing a game with me and Josh.

"Come on Sam! You better not be like this when we get married one day." He said jokefully.

Josh and I laughed. "If I say yes, then I will be." I said in the game.

The video ended, and Simon walked up from behind the screen, and walked up towards me slowly.

Tears slowly ran down my face as I started to realize what he was doing.

"What happens if you say yes?" He said, closing in on me. "Samantha, this past year made me discover what love felt like. I knew looked for love, and I didn't want love for a long while originally. But instead, I found love. Just the way you smile, the way of laugh, to the way you breathe is what makes me proud to know we found each other. There are moments that we have carried on that we try to forget, but if it wasn't for those moments, we wouldn't be standing where we are today. These little features I see and the ones I cannot see are why I love you so much." He stopped, and pulled out a box, and lowered himself to one knee. He opened the box to reveal a ring.

"Samantha Winter Evans, will you make me the happiest man alive? Will you marry me?"

I was crying like a baby, and my hands were covering my mouth.

I couldn't even get a word out of my mouth, so I just nodded, saying yes.

He raised himself up and kissed me passionately. He pulled away so he could put the ring onto my finger.

"I love you, Simon." I said, looking up at him.

He smiled. "I love you too, future Samantha Minter."

All the girls ran up to me and hugged me, as they were also drowning in tears.

"Samantha! Oh my god! Congrats!" Veronica said.

"Show us the ring! Show us the ring!" Allison shouted.

I raised my hand up, revealing the beautiful ring. Each girl huddled around it, admiring its beauty.

"Simon has good taste." Freya said, and all the other girls nodded. "Wow, I can see why you wanted waterproof makeup now."

"Well, thank Josh too. He helped me pick it out." Simon noted and dried the rest of the tears off my face.

I went over to Josh, which was looking down in embarrassment. "Joshua Zerker. Your girl senses are really on point."

"Well they do come in handy, you know." He said, looking up at me, laughing.

We all laughed, and I returned back to to my fiancé. "Wanna go home early? I got a treat for you right now?" I whispered into his ear.

Simon blushed in embarrassment. "Now?" He said, more flustered than I was.

I nodded, and dragged him outside to the limousine, and went home.

That night was the night I gave my love to Simon Minter for the first time, leaving it at the biggest highnote for the night.

÷Authors Note÷

Wow. That was super long. Be proud of me!

So yeah. This chapter is very self-explanatory so no long authors notes.

Well, if you guys did enjoy, leave me some feedback and see ya!


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