Finding Angels Wings|Disconti...

By darkdestiny

14.2K 469 157

I will not be updating this story anymore. Ava is the last angel in existence. She now lives in a world where... More

Finding Angels Wings
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20

Chapter 5

568 23 5
By darkdestiny

How do you guys like the new cover? Huuuh? Sorry short quick filler chapter! It's exams, this gives insight to Ava's character, you know some character development hehe thanks for clicking on my story! :D


Finding Angels Wings




“You know, this is the second time she owned you,” Axel said crossing his arms and leaning against the tree.

“Shut up,” I muttered darkly rubbing my chest from where she had kicked me. How in the name of hell could a human possess so much power to actually harm me? Let alone get away from me. I sighed loudly and threw my hands up in the air letting out a frustrated yell.

“How is it even possible? She’s human for Christ sakes, how did she do that? This is the second time, I mean I have angel and vampire blood within me. That makes me twice as strong and she bested me? What fuckery is this?!” I ground out, falling down onto the grass my hands in my hair. She really hit a soft spot when she spoke about the angels, that was a delicate topic for me; one which I never indulged in.

Axel bent down next to be, placing a hand on my shoulder, “Look there’s definitely something off about her. She isn’t that bad, I mean look what she did to help Holden, to help me. She just seriously doesn’t like you it seems.”

Gee, thanks dude. Nice to know I'm not wanted!

“Well no shit Sherlock, she fucking hates me! She infuriates me, how can something so small be so dangerous?”

“Dynamite comes in small packages, D,” spoke Holden for the first time. I sighed and stood up running a hand through my hair.

“Let’s just skip today, where’s the meeting today?”

Holden smiled, “I quite like the thought of skipping. Oh and it’s by the packs house, Seth said we should get there soon.” I nodded lost in thought, trying to forget about Ava and the way her weird ways honestly bewildered me, I needed to find out more about her. She was a puzzle I wanted to solve. I needed to concentrate no on the new ideas Seth had to tell us about. He was the Alpha’s son which wasn’t much considering the world we lived in today where werewolves were ridiculed and mocked and used as little lap dogs. In his pack it was a big thing, since he was their leader but it meant shit to everyone else.

I flapped my wings, annoyed at the whole situation, times like these I could get very frustrated. I wasn’t always good at holding in my temper, a perfect example of what happened here today.  Not my fault though, I always try to keep level headed though, if you lose your concentration in a fight. It’s game over.



Electrifying. I felt absolutely electrifying literally. I stood atop the cliff, the wind blowing through my hair making it billow around me in a blonde halo. The storm had come, and it came with a vengeance. Thunder crashed loudly above me, the roar of the sea below trying desperately to compete. I moved forward, inch by inch until my toes were dangling of the side of the cliff as I looked down at the jagged rocks below me. The waves charged at the rocks, falling backwards in a white, fluffy foam. The spray of the water flitting up to gently caress me on my skin, my skin was alive and tingling.

I flapped my silvery wings, feeling my shoulder blades move slightly with the movement. I allowed my wings to lift me up allowing me to hover slightly above the ground before landing, the wind was blowing my clothes to the side, causing it to cling tightly to my body. I shivered slightly as goose bumps rose up onto my skin, rubbing them briefly my mind began to focus as I cleared my thoughts and concentrated on the task at hand. I raised my hands up high, feeling the stretch in the sides of my body. I moved backwards, bracing myself and I centred my gravity and remained rock still.

I pulled, I pulled down hard, feeling it coming towards me. I fell the buzz in the air, my hair went static as I reached for the storm above me. Lightning forked in the sky and I smirked. I had pulled it down now, a light blue almost translucent strand of colour hung from the clouds down into my outstretched hands. I took a deep breath and pulled my hands back, the power flowed fast through my body, surging through my veins. I cried out loudly, the intense fire burning within my limbs, the tingles shooting up and down my arms. I had harnessed the lightning from above me.

My body felt so alive, so fulfilled, so damn electrifying. I allowed the lightning to move through my limbs, letting it fill me up until it only simmered, calming me down. I felt balanced yet again, more calm. I allowed the excess lightning to flow out my fingers tips, sparkling in small little bursts of stars. I felt warm all over, I would have this warm afterglow all over me until I used up my lightning.

It was my power, just like many other angles had the ability to read minds, control fire, or any other of the elements. I was able to harness power, not only lightning but it was my preferred medium, considering it was the only one I really knew how to use. Lightning was like an energy source for me, in the facility they discovered I needed some sort of current, like lightning to survive; well I wouldn’t die from not having it I would just become unstable, weak and extremely frustrated and ready to kill.

I was essentially like a battery, I stored up the power and when I needed it I released it. Lightning was my greatest form of defence, as soon as it touches you it can fry you up from the inside and either kill you or if you’re lucky it will merely pass through you giving you one hell of a shock. The only downside? My hair became fluffier, softer and quite static, but I needed the lightning to balance me out, I didn’t want a repeat of what happened to me a few years ago. Now that that was bad!

Feeling happier than I’ve been in ages, I thanked the storm and flapped my wings, cocooning myself within them as I began walking home. They made me feel safe, it reminded me of the times when my mother used to wrap me up in her wings, covering us both even my older brother as my father told us stories about the time back when the kingdom was still great, it was when he was a little boy. He loved it there, I grew up listening to their stories.  

My mother was such a kind and loving woman, she was fierce don’t get me wrong, she would fight for what she believed in. She had this fire within her, it burned with a blazing passion, you could see it in her green eyes. One of the characteristic traits of angels were green and blue eyes and mix in-between, no matter your skin colour those would be your eye colour. She was gorgeous, with flawless olive toned skin, pouty lips, a straight and well proportioned nose, delicate rounded baby doe eyes that shone with curiosity. She had this lovely, thick brown hair that cascaded in waves down to her back. As a child I used to love playing with her hair, promising her that I would always grow my hair as long as it could be as she loved it so much. I got my facial features from her and my light blonde, straggly hair from my father as well as the sea blue eyes. I had kept my promise, keeping my hair as long as I could, it reached my butt now and would sway gently whenever I walked.

I had an older brother his name was Trenton, notice how I said had. I was positive that he died a long time ago and it pains me to think about him. He was the fierce and overprotective type and took after my mother with green eyes and brown hair. We were extremely close, he was only two years older than me so he always looked after me, tending to my wounds and threatening anyone who dared try to bully me. I really missed him a lot and it’s times like these I wish I had someone to look after me.

My father, there was no other way to describe him but other than saying he was a nerd. It was true, he had the horn rimmed glasses, the messy unkempt hair a gangly body to match, but my God could he fight! He taught me everything I know, he was a curious man always wanting more knowledge more than he could possibly handle, he just loved learning. I think that’s where I got my desire to learn, my desire to go to school even though I shouldn’t. I wanted to know more, I craved knowledge, I craved the power that intelligence gave you.

My mother and father were complete opposite, personality wise and look wise, they balanced each other out though.  They were both from a purebred angel line, my father’s dad’s name was Nathan and his mother’s name was Fira and her parent’s names were Luna and Skylar. I was a direct descendant of the royal lineage. I have no other family than my mother and father and brother, I knew no others. The war wiped out so many of our kind and made sure to keep on slaughtering us.

The day they came for me was the most horrific day of my life where they slaughtered my parents in front of my very eyes. I wasn’t the only angel child taken to the facility, but I know I was the only one strong enough to survive and escape.  My brother was taken as well but we were separated from each other. That’s why they want me so bad. I could feel them, I would know if there were other angels, we are all connected in some way we can feel the slight, gentle pull. It made us feel comforted and loved, happy knowing there were others of our kind. We needed other angels to fill that void in our life, we were social creatures happiest when with our fellow brethren.

That void has never been filled for me, I’ve never felt like I belonged. I may give off the badass attitude and act as if nothing could ever hurt me...but the truth is I'm alone. I'm always alone.


I had left the cliff place and had continued to walk home, my wings were covering me and at this point in time I could really be bothered if anyone saw me. They would merely see a white blob of a figure. I was in a depressed mood and I really didn’t feel like going to school tomorrow or even trying to face the world. I knew one thing that would get me out of this slum and make me feel better.

With a newfound determination I allowed my wings to retreat back into my back and I ran the rest of the way home, allowing the wind to whip at my hair, the blood to pump fast through my body. I felt slightly better and the lightning within me really helped elevate my mood. I came to a stop, my senses on high alert as I felt a slight disturbance in the air. I whipped my head around frantically and sniffed slightly, hoping to catch the smell...petrol fumes. I scrunched my nose up and noticed the car that was on the packs ground. Zeroing in on the new car I didn’t notice yet I couldn’t tell the model of the car but I noticed that it was black and quite sleek, with a few tiny dents here and there.

I walk closer to the pack grounds ensuring that my body was hidden by the large trees and shrubbery; I didn’t have any shoes on and the sharp stones, twigs and pointy sticks stabbed at my unprotected feet. I winced it wasn’t that pleasant. I came to the imaginary line that separated my land or the land I was living on to the place where the pack was. I noticed the people standing outside the car greeting the Alpha’s son and a smirk found its way onto my face.

Oh how lovely, it’s Dante and his minions. I had a feeling I knew what they were up to, if I was right I just hoped they had the common sense to actually think their plans through. My curiosity always got the better of me and I found myself sneaking closer until I was almost right by them. I was really hoping that they didn’t see me or at least that they had the common sense to go inside and discuss their radical ideas. I knew many of teenage rebellious groups that were publicly executed for trying to go against the government. Our cities were governed by mayors and the mayors would report back to the head of states and from there the King. He wasn’t exactly King he was more president, but we saw him as a tyrant more than anything else.

I stared at the boys, taking in the Alpha’s son’s appearance. He had the classic tan skin all werewolves are blessed with if they lived in these parts, along with the dark almost black hair and blue grey eyes. Along with his muscled physique and his impressive height he was sure intimidating. He was stunning, coming to think of it all werewolves were quite stunning but they were very rugged in appearance and quite aggressive by nature. Next to him stood a tall, leggy blonde haired girl, she was all curves and had that killer hourglass figure. I gently prodded my skinny frame and sighed, I was like a piece of wood. She had these light blue eyes and dainty features with thin lips and a tiny nose. She looked like a supermodel and her arm was hanging onto the waist of the Alpha’s son. I see they were couple.

Unlike many stories, werewolves were much more different. There was the werewolf spirits they were these normal looking wolves who wanted more in their life, so they turned to their goddess and begged her for the better life, asking for it, being arrogant and greedy. As a punishment the werewolves were transformed into spirits and merged with the obstinate humans. As even more punishment they were only allowed to transform into their true form on a full moon. Otherwise they were half human half werewolf. That’s where werewolves came from such as the two in front of me.

I crept a bit closer watching them move towards the house. I decided to make my move and I quickly followed after them, smiling the whole way. This was going to be interesting.


I didn’t want to stop there but I just did as the next part is going to be long about the rebellion etc. Yes this chapter was insanely boring I know, my apologies but you need that filler chapter right? Cover? Yes? No? 

Thanks for reading. :)

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