
By madfordbralik

373K 16.2K 11.2K

Sequel to "The Worst" More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50
Chapter 51
Chapter 52
Chapter 53
Chapter 54
Chapter 55
Chapter 56
Chapter 57
Don't be angry...
Chapter 58

Chapter 15

7.3K 274 147
By madfordbralik

Zayn's POV

"E-fucking-nough!" I spit at Louis. I know this isn't his fault, but part of me can't help but be selfish; if I didn't fucking go last night I'd still be blissfully ignorant. And if he didn't hire Genevieve, I'd be even more so.

"Listen. Just- don't fucking think about it," he fires right back. He mutters something else that I don't catch. "Focus on getting through this shit show on Friday night without any problems." And with that, he storms down the steps and walks away.

I'm never hiring my fucking friends again, I think to myself as my fists clench. Mark my words.

I feel a pair of hands slip around my bare torso, fingernails gently scratching at the level just above my belly button. I don't know what it is about her, but I easily relax from the simple gesture. "I didn't go food shopping," she murmurs into the crook of my back. "I figured I'd go see my dad and then go. You wanna go with me?" She continues, pecking the same spot before leaving a lingering kiss.

"Yeah, let's go."


"Daddy, I want da animal cookies, please?" Marley says, pointing to some red package on the bottom shelf. "I had dem in school. A-and Harry gived me some too when I was at him and Eranor's house." I vaguely remember Harry having these in the frat house-well, I should say I remember Harry throwing them up along with a shit load of tequila and rum one early morning.

"Cookie," Li says in agreement from the carriage. So what do I do? I get the fucking animal cookies and toss them into the carriage. I should probably ask Charlie first; she's a nut case when it comes to what these kids eat. I say give them an oreo and call it a day,, I'm overruled on that.

She's busy further down the aisle, steadily crossing things off of the extensive shopping list. She seems to be in better spirits today, and if it takes food shopping to make her that way, then I'll do it all day long, every single day of the year. Though I think it has more to do with the fact that her dad looks a lot better than he did yesterday. Still not very good, but better.

We ended up bringing him a steak to the hospital- his request. He claims, and I quote "if I'm going out, might as well go out lavishly."

He also wanted a twelve pack of beer, but for the obvious reasons, we couldn't bring that.

He's set to return home tomorrow and start his hospice care. It's making Charlie a fucking wreck since her and her mum still aren't talking, so she has no idea if she's allowed in her childhood home to see her dying father. I'd like to think that even the ice queen herself would let her do that, but we'll see.

My phone chimes and I pull it out, revealing a text from Niall. He's asking what I'm doing and I tell him I'm at the market, to which he replies perfect.

I don't even wanna know.

I find myself pushing the carriage aimlessly, not even really there mentally. I'm trying to play this cool, but I can't; I've somehow managed to keep a calm exterior, though I'm the complete opposite on the inside. But I have no choice but to keep my head together, because Charlie's stressed and then there's the kids, and I just don't need this bullshit right now. I move down to the end of the isle where she's trying to grab something from the top shelf. "Zee, could you help me?" she asks after yet another failed attempt with the jump and grab approach.

So I turn my thoughts off and push the carriage to her, easily reaching up and grabbing a couple of boxes of macaroni and cheese, it looks like. "Thanks." She gives me a broad smile. "Even my sneaker wedges couldn't help me."

I know I'm being creepy as hell when I stand there staring into her green and brown eyes in the middle of the supermarket-even more so when I grab her hands in mine. "I love you, you know that right?" I blurt. She cocks her head to the side, giving me a weird look.

" everything okay?" she questions, clearly thrown off my my sudden display of affection. "Not that you can't say that, but I'm just a little nervous because you're not normally super lovey dovey. And I don't wanna assume something's wrong, but I just-"

My lips are on hers before she can even finish rambling. One, it's making me feel guilty as fuck and two; I know she'll keep going if I don't stop it. I break it soon enough, letting my forehead rest against hers. "No. We're good. We're...we'll be good."

"Yeah, we'll be fine," she mumbles, pecking my lips. "Why? A-are you...are you having second thoughts about getting married?" She looks like she could fucking cry, and no, no, that couldn't be any further from the truth. I'd marry her fucking yesterday if it was possible. "It's okay, you can te-"

"No, no. Hell no," I rush, folding my arms around her and bringing her further into me. "No. I was actually thinking about-"

"Jesus, I thought we'd missed you. Told you, Harry. I fucking told you," I hear from behind us. A pale arm falls upon my shoulder as Harry appears in view.

He leans down and high fives Marley before turning to Li and ruffling her hair. "Well, if isn't my favorite guy and gal," he tells the both of them, to which the kids break out in giggles. "Get any good sh-stuff?"

"I gots da cookies, Harry! Look!" Marley belts, pointing to the carriage.

"These are the shit," Niall says. "Next to Ramen, I lived off of these. Well that, and old Chinese, but details."

"Good work, did you get Uncle Harry some too?" Harry asks, and Marley actually looks alarmed.

"No, but mummy and daddy will get dem for you because you like dem too," he says, already going to the shelf.

"And what a phenomenal segway, Mar, because it just so happens that I've come with a purpose," Niall states. "And I brought Harold here, with me."

"Spill it," I say, helping Marley throw the package of animal crackers into the cart. It can never be good with these two- or Narry, as they've recently started calling themselves.

"Walk with me," Niall responds. I roll my eyes, but allow him to lead the way around the corner. "Now, do you have plans this Saturday?"

"It depends." If it's something ridiculous then yes, I will have plans. Even if they consist of Charlie and I staying in and watching Netflix and ordering takeout, so be it.

"Good, because I've arranged a barbecue at your house. You know, for Memorial Day."

"And why would you do that?"

He smirks. "Because, it's a fantastic opportunity to say thank you to the men and women who have served the good old US of A."

I narrow my eyes. "And..." Where the fuck did he steal that spiel from...

"And I'm homeless, and you two are centrally located....and you're loaded, but you know, who's keeping track," he smiles. "And so given your astound financial situation, I was thinking you could sponsor it, if you will. You know, food, music, booze, the works."

Or he needs a place to get shit faced.

"Now Niall, don't use big words. It confuses you," I hear Harry call from somewhere. Niall flips him off, knowing damn well he can't see him.

Dick. "You know, this reminds me of that time the two of you decided to throw a housewarming party at my apartment sophomore year-without my knowledge, might I add."

"You knew! It might have been short notice, but you knew!" Niall defends.

"One of our better plans, if I do say so myself," Harry appears suddenly, holding Liyana as he chimes in. "Because you and baby momma ended up in bed together, if I'm recalling correctly. So don't be bitter. I thought of it as a celebration at the time: the end of yours and Tiffany's relationship-I use that term loosely."

"It was real," I spit. I liked Talia. Just, I love Charlie; there's a difference. Took me a while to figure out, but there is a difference.

"Oh please. It was as real as Kylie Jenner's lips, boyfriend."

"Do not hate on Miss Jenner," Niall says. "I bet those lips would look perfect-"

"No," I hold up a finger.

"What! I'm just saying..." Niall gives the pervert grin as Harry starts laughing.

"Fuck off," I tell the two idiots, hearing my phone go off in my pocket again. And just like that, the playful mood leaves me.

From: Genevieve

Can you come over?

From: Zayn

What? Why?


From: Genevieve

You know why

And yes.

Fuck me.

"Jeez, when did eggs cost four dollars a dozen?" Charlie says, coming around the corner with Marley and the carriage. "Is there something wrong with the chickens?"

"Uh, babe, I've uh, I gotta go," I tell her, and they all turn to look at me.

"Where you goin'?" Marley asks, walking up to me. I really fucking hate doing this. "We gettin' food."

"I um, Lou needs me," I lie too easily. Charlie looks at me, as does everyone else, but no one says anything.

"Oh, alright. Um, I guess I can finish up here," she says, looking disappointed. Fucking fuck! "Harry and Niall'll help me. Right guys?"

"And me, mummy!" Marley squeals.

"And you, baby," she corrects, smiling.

"Yeah, sure," Niall says. "My payment for such services include food other than Ramen- Chef Boyardee, easy mac, and a 6-pack of Sam Adams should do it." He goes on about all the shit on his slash my shopping list for the barbecue this Saturday, claiming that this works out anyway.

Harry doesn't say anything, but I don't miss the look that he gives me; he definitely knows something's up, he's been my best mate for years now and nothing slips by him. But I definitely can't let him in on what's going on.

Charlie's POV

Friday rolls around all too quickly. So before I know it, I'm getting dressed to go to this thing that I just found out about a couple of days ago. Somehow, I think Zayn knew I wouldn't want to go; I try to stay out of his work stuff. And Luke will be there, so there's that.

The plus side? I don't have to dress super fancy like I would have thought for one of Zayn's events. Hence, my calf length, light pink dress and black strappy heels. Eleanor decided that I needed long hair to go with my dress, so she's given me extensions and painted my lips a maroon color of sorts.

I think this is something I need to take my mind off of dad. He's been on hospice now for a couple of days and it's taking it's toll on me. I haven't worked up the courage to go to the house yet, but I've been talking to him on the phone everyday. I need to get over there soon, because I'm starting to see the effects of no medications aside from his morphine, and I know it's only a matter of time, despite my heart not being able to take it. And I'll never forgive myself if I don't go and say my goodbyes, or God forbid I miss my chance.

"Babe? You alright?" I hear from behind me. I sigh, relaxing back into Zayn as he rests his hands on my belly.

"Yeah, just thinking," I tell him.

He nuzzles his face against my head. "We don't have to go, you know."

I turn around to face him. "No, it's alright," I smile. "No collar for me to adjust tonight?"

"Eh. I look fucking great in red, so...why not, you know?" He teases, referring to his very casual red sweater, but it's the honest to God truth. But like, what color can't he pull off? He could wear my pink dress and fricking rock it. "You look sexy in pink," he tells me.

I flush. "Trying to have your way with me already, Malik? The night has only just begun."

"And hopefully the night finishes with me finishing inside of you."

Oh God.

"And hopefully the two of you will let my dinner finish digesting before you start being gross," Harry blurts, stepping into the room. "And your puns suck; you're worse than me."

"And we'll get Harry to watch the kids until the morning so we can fuck all over the house," Zayn adds, for good measure. I'm sure my cheeks are the color of his sweater by now. "You know...the stairs, the kitchen table, the washer and dryer-don't think we've done that yet-"

"My virgin ears!" Harry declares dramatically. "Though nothing was worse than walking in on a blowjob that one time. I'm still scarred."

I'm dead. I died.

"And I'm still pissed about that."


Zayn hasn't left my side the whole night, and it even seems like he pulled me closer when Gene-whatever walked in. She looked gorgeous, of course, and I can't deny that she's beautiful. Call me crazy, but I'm pretty sure most of the guys' eyes were on her when she entered the room.

But not my guy. (So sue me, I was watching for his reaction. And I didn't get much of one, beside his jaw tightening.)

I see her glancing over here every so often, but never approaching-not yet, anyway. I should thank my lucky stars, I guess, because once she comes over, I know I'm gonna have to try my hardest not to snap at her.

"So," Zayn whispers into the side of my face. "This is pretty fucking lame."

"But you're the boss," I giggle, stabbing at my shrimp with the fork. "You have to at least pretend to be enjoying yourself."

"Not when it's Lu-"

"Hey Charlie." Speak of the devil. "How um, how are you?" Luke makes himself at home, sitting down directly across from me at the large round table that just Zayn and I were occupying a short while ago.

"Fine," I say, tossing a shrimp in my mouth. If I can preoccupy myself with eating, then I don't have to entertain this.

"That's good. Did you get my texts? I figured I'd give it a go with the same number. I know you're not one for too much change," he chuckles. "But I was-"

"Is there a reason you came over here?" Zayn fires. "Other than to piss me off?" I knew it was only a matter of time, considering I can feel his temper radiating off of him.

"Well, obviously. I came to say hello to an old friend," Luke says, with an eye roll. "And that old friend is not you."

"Remember, you still work for me dickhead," Zayn retorts. "And I don't give a shit if this is your night or not," he carries on before a sick grin takes over his face. "Though it is a small world, isn't it?"

"Zayn," I find myself interrupting before this gets any more out of hand.

"Typical," Luke spits. "Anyway, Charlie. How's Marley?" He seems to take an interest in my baby boy, but it makes sense, given the circumstances.

"He's fine," Zayn answers before I can. "And so is our other child. That we have together."

I close my eyes and shake my head. This is futile, really. Any sort of resolution between the two is like asking for world peace.

"Hey, over here!" I hear Luke call out. "What's going on man?" He shakes the guy's hand, and I take the time to run my fingernails over Zayn's head and kiss the side of his face in a probably lame attempt to calm him down. But it works, as I feel him relax and begin to skim my thigh with his hand.

"Bathroom quickie?" he breathes into my ear. Sounds lovely, but I don't think now's a good time-even though Luke and the guy are still caught up in conversation. "I'm stressed, you're stressed. And I'm being a really good boy."

It's really hard to fight the puppy dog eyes and pout, but I've got to stand my ground. "Doubtful." I offer a throaty laugh. "Maybe later."

"You know you want to please daddy."

Flpoiofdlfdsf. Stoopppp with the husky voice, or I might cave. I feel him grinning into my ear before running his tongue along the shell and I subconsciously clamp my legs together. Damn it to hell-

"Have you guys met my buddy?" I look up with a guilty look to meet a very familiar face as Luke addresses us. And Zayn groans, naturally.

"Wow, would you look at that." Alex holds out a hand, which I hesitantly take. "Who would have thought I'd ever see you again," he says. Okay, this is too much for me for one night.

"You've got to be fucking kidding," Zayn breathes next to me as Luke looks between Alex and I with a confused expression. Right.

"What are you doing here?" I find myself asking before I can stop it. "Not to be rude, but. Yeah, what are you doing here?"

"Oh yeah. Well, remember how I told you I was in a band? Interestingly enough, I was signed a couple of months back by this label, so we're writing and what not, trying to get a record together."

"Another one of my fails," Zayn mutters, drinking from his glass. "I've got to start being more on top of this shit."

"And I've known Luke here for a while. Our bands used to play at a couple of the same gigs."

Zayn shakes his head, obviously uncomfortable by this whole exchange. "Of course you do."

"What are you doing here?" Alex asks me with a smirk, ignoring Zayn. I look at Zayn; he sits there, cocking his head to the side, staring through Alex.

"Oh, right. Boyfriend," he says with a laugh. "Anyway, can I get you a drink?" he redirects the conversation back to me.

"No, you fucking can't," Zayn answers once again. "I'll get it, she's my wife. What do you want Charlie?"

" cranberry?" I say, knowing that there's no way I'm getting out of this one without a drink. I wasn't going to, and Zayn even offered me before, but I've been sticking with water, mostly to make it easier for him. I'm shocked that he actually leaves me alone with the two of them while he goes to the bar to get me [hopefully only me and not himself] a drink.

"Still protective, I see," Alex says, sitting down next to Luke. Is it bad that I'd like everyone to leave?

"If that's what you'd like to call it," Luke adds. "I say it's fucking psychotic."

I'd tell him that Zayn really only has my best interests at heart, and that if he'd like to talk about psychotic, might I point out his sister trying to kill my child and him sleeping with me to get back at Zayn for something I didn't even know about, but. Well, that's not a good conversation for right now. Where's that drink?

"Here baby," Zayn says, sitting the glass down in front of me. I take a nice, long gulp. And the universe continues to throw me curve balls when Gene-whore sits down-Harry'd be proud of my nickname. I swear this is my first drink of the evening. Swear it.

I down the rest of it. "Hello folks," she greets, just as cheerful as ever. She doesn't bother introducing herself to Luke or Alex as she flags a waiter down. I thought you had to get your own drinks, but alright. I'll go with it. "How's everyone doing?"

No one answers.

Louis also joins us at some point, but I don't know when, as the waiter has set a bottle of wine down on the table and I've been helping myself to it. Lou gives me a fist pump when he sees me on glass number three. "Fuck yeah, Charlie," he says. "Need it to get through this-no offense Luke."

"None taken. It is kinda lame. I'd much rather have some beers and play pool, myself."

"Well, I think it's classy," Genevieve says, sipping from her glass.

Well I think no one gives a shit what you think.

"Relax, Charlie. You're worse than me," she says with a laugh, referring to how much wine I've had. "Remember the first time we met and I drank all your wine? When Zayn was in the shower and I was watching the kids? No offense, but you have really bad taste- that wine was crap."

Remember when you had a life and stopped making bitchy comments about mine?

"Yeah, well-" I start but Zayn cuts me off, squeezing my hand.

"Babe," he shakes his head. "Ju-"

"Oh, so it's alright for you to speak your mind but I can't defend myself?" I find myself saying to Zayn as I turn to face him. And he has the nerve to turn red and drop his head.

"Oh snap," Genevieve-of course-adds in as I notice Luke chuckling. And you know, this time a couple of years back, I'd probably have bursted out crying in front of Zayn and his friends. But this time around, I just don't give a shit. And I don't know if that's good or bad. But I do know that no one sitting at this table is any better than I am.

"Genevieve, fucking quit it." Zayn decides to actually say something to her. But she just rolls her eyes, and focuses on me once more.

"I like your dress, Charlie. I think I have one just like it in black, though I wouldn't have worn it here," she carries on, refilling her glass. I've heard way too many personal jabs in this type of setting before to let it affect me now. I mean, I'd like to even go so far as to say that kind of stuff doesn't bother me anymore, but who knows. "Oh, fuck this. I need something stronger, I'll be back."

And unfortunately, she does return, shortly thereafter. "Jack and Coke. Love open bars." I notice her eyes keep meeting Luke's...yes, please. Get together. Can you say match made in heaven?

And Alex...poor Alex seems to be just as uncomfortable as I am...well, and Zayn, as I down my fourth glass of wine. Cheers.

"I hope these aren't your seats for the night," Louis says, somehow also drinking what looks like Jack and coke. "Because if they are, whoever made this seating chart should be cut."

"I like it. It's a good group," she-bitch says. "though-"

"Genevieve," Zayn warns. Even Louis' eyes meet hers in surprise.

"What? Haven't-"

"Genevieve," he grits this time. "Fucking drop it. Now. Or you no longer have a place in this company effective immediately."

Her eyes widen in surprise, and she lifts her glass in the air, almost as if to toast to Zayn, before slouching back and sipping on her drink.

And I'm super confused. "I think I'm gonna go get some air," I let everyone know without waiting for a response, before heading towards the double doors leading out to the terrace.

I call my dad once I get outside, and I don't know if that was the best idea since he immediately picks up on me being tipsy lash drunk. He tells me to have a shot for him (well, he actually tells me to have a shot for each day of life he has left, and no, that didn't go over very well and I would have punched him through the phone if I could and I thought it would help.) I keep it short, telling him I love him and to work on mom for me so I can come visit, which-I know breaks his heart. But at this point, I think I'm just gonna take my chances and show up. What's she gonna do, call the cops on me?

I feel him before I see him. "Let's get outta here."

I sigh, also over this night. "I'll call Harry to tell him that we're on our way."

"No, don't," he says, grabbing my phone before turning me around and pressing me into the railing. "We'll get them in the morning."


It's been such a long day and I want nothing more than to curl up in a ball and cry. Or scream, or laugh or break shit. Or all four probably. I can feel him behind me; his chest pushed against my back as he leans over me, lips attaching to the side of my neck.

Oh. Yeah, I mean...okay.

His fingers brush against my shoulders ever so slightly, before reaching up to my neck and dragging the zipper to my dress down.

My eyes flutter shut and I bite my lip as his lips leave delicate kisses on my neck. He takes his time unzipping me-much slower than I would like; his skilled fingers spur shivers in all the right places, until my dress pools at my feet and I'm left in nothing but my bra and panties. "So fucking soft," he murmurs into my skin, hand sprawling out over my belly. I place my small hands over top of his large one, gripping the length of his fingers, as his other hand comes around to the front of my panties. "Gonna make you feel good."

Before I know it, I'm being whirled around and lifted into his arms. By natural instinct, my legs wrap around his torso for the short journey to the bed. I sit up against the headboard, pulling him to me by the edge of his sweater. He rips it off, before kneeling in front of me on his knees, tugging his bottom lip between his teeth.

"Nuh uh, you misbehaved. No blowjob for you," I grin. But I do undo his jeans and pull them down along with his boxers before wrapping a hand around him.

"Fuck, a handy w-works too," he says, sighing.

"This is just to get you ready," I explain.

He j erks himself up into my hand. "I'm-tighter, baby." He closes his fist around mine, creating a firmer hold as he pumps himself steadily. "Fuck, like that."

I let him take over as I undo my bra and remove my panties. I'm gonna try something a little different. Without him prompting me, I reach a hand down and begin r ubbing myself. It's definitely different than when he touches me, but I close my eyes nonetheless and really get lost in it.

"Open your eyes baby girl. Need to see what you're doing to yourself."

I listen, letting him cup my chin and tilt my head so I'm staring in his eyes. "Look at what you're doing to me," he says, and I look down. And yeah, he's definitely enjoying this.

"Don't you wanna," I start.

"No. This...I like this," he grins. "Keep touching yourself. Want you to cum for me, okay?"

"Yes," I breathe. I think about him touching me, just as he brings a hand down to my breast and squeezes, flicking over the n ipple and sending a jolt through my body.

"Thinking about my hands, baby? Maybe my mouth? Or my d ick inside of you?"

"Yeah," I moan. "God. I'm...fuck," I whimper, picking up my pace. I can't stop my eyes from closing this time as I buck my hips upward.

"Fuck, I could watch this all day."

"Zee, I'm-"

"I know, me too." I open my eyes momentarily to watch his hand moving rapidly up and down his length, adding a bit of pressure as he goes.

And I let go, moaning out since I don't have to quiet myself for the sake of the kids tonight. It lasts quite some time and I'm completely spent by the time I'm finished riding out the waves of it. I peel open my eyes, bringing a finger up to my lips to taste myself.

"Fuck, yes," he groans. "Gonna cum on your chest, yeah?"

I nod, s ucking on my finger rather suggestively. He curses, moving towards me before releasing. And no, that's not where it was supposed to go.

"Shit, and by chest, I totally meant face," he says, chuckling breathily. He reaches over me and grabs a tissue from the nightstand before starting to clean my face with it. 

"Jerk!" I shout, slapping him in the thigh as he wipes off the mess. "I could go blind!"

"You're fine," he says, collapsing back after tossing the tissue into the trash. "It's not in your eyes."

"You're so gonna pay for that," I declare, crawling towards him. He catches on, moving back quickly towards the end of the bed, before he's on the floor, and bolting towards the door.

And I'm right behind him, chasing him all through the house...naked.    


Anyway, hope you enjoyed. This was longer than I intended, but I like this one. What did you think?

I see everyone's wondering what the hell's going on with Gen and Zayn...Only time will tell. But not too much time!

Also I'm hoping to have the first chapter of the new story up this weekend sometime, but we'll see!

Vote, comment, follow, message, check out Instagram (TheWorstFanfic) for pics of the outfits! 

And until next time<33

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