A Fight for the One and Only...

By meowkitty3226

4.8K 124 3

This is a SasuNaru and a KibaNaru. This is my first so don't judge me too harshly. This story is about Naruto... More

~Chapter 1~
~Chapter 2~
~Chapter 3~
~Chapter 4~
~Chapter 5~
~Chapter 6~
~Chapter 7~
~Chapter 8~
~Chapter 9~
~Chapter 10~
~Chapter 11~
~Chapter 12~
~Chapter 13~
~Chapter 14~
~Chapter 15~
~Chapter 16~
~Chapter 17~
~Chapter 18~
~Chapter 19~
~Chapter 20~
~Chapter 21~
~Chapter 23~
~Chapter 24~
~Chapter 25~
~Chapter 26~
~Chapter 27~
~Chapter 28~
~Chapter 29~

~Chapter 22~

90 3 0
By meowkitty3226

Who in hell would want to join us. I-It's him!

"Hell no you rapist! Your going to pay for what you did though!" I said getting off of Sasuke. I put my hand out to help him up. I made the nine tails' power come and immediately pinned the man.

"Let's chain him in the basement." Sasuke suggested.

"Perfect!" I said smiling wickedly at the man. I walked to the door of the basement. We went down and found some chains and zip ties. We tied him up loose but tight enough that he couldn't get out.

"You messed with the wrong men." Sasuke said bluntly.

"You have a beast inside of you, don't you Naruto?" He asked looking at me.

"Yes, why do you ask?" I hissed at him.

"The only reason I went for you was because you're so special and adorable as hell." He said standing up and walking towards me. He hugged me. I put my hand on his chest and pushed him hard.

"Well I'm sorry, I'm taken. " I said gripping onto Sasuke and kissing his cheek. I let go of him and grabbed an old mattress and laid it next to him.

"The name is Pein, by the way." He said crawling onto the bed.

"Good to know."

"Oh and Naruto..."


"You look even sexier in you birthday suit when you not all chained up." He said then bit his lip looking at my member. I walked up to him and punched him.

"Get you mind out of the gutter Pein!" I said. Sasuke walked next to me and handed me his boxers. I put them on the sat down next to Pein. "Go upstairs Sasuke. I'll be there in a few." I said as I grabbed his hand and kissed it.

"Alright, but don't take too long. I get lonely without out you." He told me as he left the room. I turned back to Pein. He looked at me with such lust. I grabbed his hand.

"Pein, there's something I need to ask you." I said rubbing his hand.

"Anything babe." He said with a wink.

"What's your reasoning for raping me?" I asked without hesitation. He looked at me shocked.

"I guess I yearned to make you mine. Ever since we were kids in the P.A. training." He replied smiling at me. I looked at him and tried to recall.

"Nagato was your old name right?" I asked.

"Yea that was my old name. I dyed my hair orange and got piercings." He said laying his head on my lap. "Why are you treating so nicely after what I did?" He asked with regret in his eyes.

"I want to help you. Sure I'm still mad and a little afraid, but anytime I can I help anyone I can. Even if they hurt me or touched me." I said looking down at him with a smile.

"I'm sorry Naruto." He said putting his hand on my cheek.

"It's in the past now. It's okay, I forgive you." I said playing with his hair.

"Thanks Naruto. Oh and also I won't try anything with you. I have a new kind of respect for you." He said sitting up. I scooted closer to him and hugged him.

"Thank you so much Pein." I whispered into his ear. I grabbed his hands and undid his chains. "If you stay I can help you out more. But you can choose to leave." I sat a thought for a moment. "Wait never mind you don't have a choice, you have to stay." I said looking at him.

"Why don't I have a choice?" He asked.

"May I remind you of Sasuke. He would hunt you down till the end of the earth to find you if you left." I said putting my hand on his shoulder.

"True. Well speaking of Sasuke, you better get back to him or he'll get upset." He replied laying down. I got up went upstairs grabbed a fluffy blanket and gave it to him.

"Goodnight Nagato." I teased. He laughed.

"Good night nine tails." He teased back.  I rolled my eyes and laughed.

I walked upstairs to Sasuke and I's room. He was cuddling with a body pillow.

"I see I've been replaced." I said closing the door. He laughed and released the the pillow and had open arms for me to jump into. I immediately jumped into his arms and kissed his chest, neck and cheeks.

"So what did you do with Pein?" He questioned.

"I just talked to him." I replied. I blushed because I could feel his member rubbing on my leg. That made me hard. I took off my boxers that Sasuke gave me. I smashed our hips together and both moaned. I felt his shaft stiffen.

"We never finished our second round did we?" I smiled as he whispered this into my ear.

I pinned him to the bed and shoved his member in my mouth to coat it with saliva. I then put the tip to poke my entrance. I slowly pushed him into myself. I had never heard him grunt and moan so loudly. I was going really slow. He quickly pinned me and started to thrust very fast.

"SASUKE! NHG!" I moaned intensely. I soon became moaning nonstop. And he wasn't very far behind. He slowed down every once and a while so he wouldn't cum as fast. I embraced every last inch of Sasuke that was inside of me. Once he had cum he fell next to me. The both of us panting like crazy. After a couple of minutes he got up and signaled me to follow him with his finger. I stood up but fell due to my weak thighs and knees. He laughed at me then picked me up. I wrapped my legs around him and kissed him passionately. He took me into the shower and cleaned me. After the shower, him and I cuddled and snuggled under the sheets nude. I absolutely love it when we cuddle naked.


December 22


I woke up cold with no arms around me. I moved and my hips hurt from the... ehem intense sex I was put through. I put on sweatpants and an old faded orange sweatshirt then walked downstairs and past the hallway of where the basement door is and heard yelps of pain.

I ran down the stairs and saw Sasuke beating up Pein. I quickly took Sasuke by the arm to stop his next punch. He looked at me in shock. I went up to Pein and sat next to him and had a tear slip down my cheek as I looked at his broken nose, busted lip, and I could tell some ribs were broken.

"Sasuke, I probably should have told you this earlier, but I'm helping Pein change his ways and to become a better person. That was my only intention I had. But, if we do this together he could be the best person he ever was." I said as I healed his wounds. Sasuke had sat down next to me with tears staining his cheeks.

"Even if it was the man that raped you. You still try and save their good side. I admire you so so much for that." He stated leaning into me. At this point I had Pein's torso on my lap. I left my hand on his chest so I could feel his heart beat. Sasuke put his hand on his forehead. I could tell he felt bad.

"N-Naruto? Is that y-you?" He asked looking up at me.

"Yes Pein, it's me." I said.

"I-I'm sorry Pein . Naruto hadn't told me what was happening. But I understand now." Sasuke said putting his hand on Pein's cheek. Pein smiled.

"I deserved it." He replied.

"Well come on you two, let's go eat breakfast." I told the both of them. I helped Pein get up the stairs and sit at the table.


I'm okay with Naruto wanting to help with all of this, but I'm skeptical about Pein. I know Naruto can change the stubbornest of men and all but I fear that Pain will give up on changing himself and rape Naruto again. I can only think of the things that could happen to my beloved.

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