Spanking 1D/5sos

By MyThoughtsWillKillMe

36.3K 794 216

Main people involved in this story: Zayn Liam Niall Callum Ashton •quick updates (Usually take about a week)... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
important/deleting soon

Chapter 2

2.9K 69 16
By MyThoughtsWillKillMe

* Not edited *

Third P.O.V

"Niall Horan!" The math teacher, mrs.Wood shouted. "Are you cheating?!?"

Niall dropped his pencil, shocked and surprised by the teachers yelling.

"Uhh? N-no?" Niall stuttered.

Mrs.Wood shook her head and pointed to the door.

"To the principals office Horan. Cheating is not tolerated here!"

Niall's mouth dropped open.

"B-but! Cmon. I only got one answ-wer from Gary!" Niall complained.

Gary was the boy sitting next to Niall, the boy Niall copied off.

"You were copying me?" Gary harshly whispered.

Niall ignored him.

"It doesn't matter Niall! No types of cheating are allowed in this school! Now you probably should do as I say or I won't give you a chance to do a re-test!" The teacher threatened.

Niall's eyes widened, suddenly to big for his face.

Niall scrambled out of the class with his bag half zipped and his pencil case spilling pencil shavings.

Niall shoved the pencil shavings near the wall before running off to the office .


Still third P.O.V

Niall sat in the office chair feeling ashamed and afraid.

Everyone knew that whenever anyone was sitting in the office chair it meant that they had gotten in trouble and would be suspended.

Niall didn't think he would get suspended though, he only cheated.

Niall hated the looks the teachers and sanctuaries gave him. They looked at him in disgust.

Plus Niall had never gotten in trouble at school so this was a lot more difficult to handle.

Another thing Niall was worried about was Zayn and Ashton. They would kill him. They specifically told Niall that he needed to study for his exams and Niall being the idiot he was decided to ignore them.

Now Niall knew he would pay.

He sat in the office kicking his feet back and forth, every once and while wiping his nose with the sleeve of his sweater.

"Stop that." The women sitting behind the counter said.

Niall looked up confused.

The women rolled her eyes at Niall's stupidness.

"Stop kicking your feet. It's hard to focus." She said.

Niall stopped but still stared at her.

The women continued to type but a second later looked back at Niall who store at her.

Niall didn't think she was pretty, hell no, the women looked like she was forty with her old fashioned glasses and her grey hair in a bun.

Niall stared at her because she had always been nice to Niall. Is she being rude cause Niall cheated?

"What're you looking at?" She snapped

Niall immediately looked down.

"Sorry." Niall said.

The women was about to say something but then walked in Zayn and Ashton.

Zayn walked in without even glancing at Niall while Ashton gave Niall a sympathetic look and gave him a hug.

"We're here to meet the principal." Zayn said. He sounded only slightly angry. Only Niall would have noticed the slight anger in his voice.

"And who are you?" The women asked with a smile. It was hard to believe that the women was rude just seconds ago.

"Niall's guardians." Zayn said. Zayn pointed behind him but didn't look.

"Right, take a seat in the room on the left of the bathroom." She pointed to the right side of the office. "He'll be with you in a moment."

Zayn led the way.

The office was like an normal office. A desk, three chairs and a bunch of pictures on a wall.

Niall sat in the middle, Zayn on the left of Niall and Ashton on the right.

Niall scooted his chair a little towards Ashton afraid that Zayn would yell or even hit him.

But it was quiet.

Ashton wrapped an arm around Niall trying to comfort him.

Yes, Ashton was mad at Niall but he didn't want Niall to be afraid.

Minutes later the principal walked in.

He was kind of fat and had a little bit of hair on his head. He's glasses were perched on his nose and his clothing was ugly. (A.N just imagine some fat mean guy.)

The principal sat down behind the desk and folded his hands.

"Welcome to Beacher Prep Secondary School. You are Niall's ....gaurdians correct?" The principal said. He looked at the two young males.

Zayn has a lot of tattoos but since he wore a suit (cause he was at work) his arms were covered.

"Correct." Zayn spoke.

"Well I'm mr.Nodwell." The principal said. He raised out his hand.

Ashton and Zayn shook his hand.

"I'm Zayn and this is Ashton." Zayn introduced.

"Well this isn't how I wanted to meet but Niall has done something that is unacceptable at Beecher Prep." He began. "You see, during the math exams, mrs.wood, Niall's math teacher caught Niall cheating off of a student."

"I was told." Zayn said.

"Well I've decided that Niall will have a ten day after school detention for his act."

"TEN DAYS?!" Niall said shocked.

Ashton gave Niall a 'shut up' look.

"Hush Niall." Zayn snapped.

"Yes a ten day detention and I've spoken with his teacher. She said Niall can have a re test since he's failing math."

"He's failing!" Zayn asked very shocked.

"Yes, he hasn't told you?" The principal wondered. "Many tests have happened in math and Niall has only passed one. He passed by 11 percent. So he got 61%. "

"Why wasn't I informed of this?" Zayn directed this question at Niall. Niall scooted over to Ashton even more.

"Well, I've said what I needed to. Any questions?" The principal interrupted.

"No. We'll be leaving now." Zayn said. Zayn grabbed Niall's arm and led him out of the office.

"Thank you for the meeting." Ashton said before following Zayn out of the school and into the car.

The entire ride Zayn nor Ashton said anything.

Niall rested his forehead on the window. He dreaded the ride home. He knew that neither Zayn or Ashton would go easy on Niall since he had really messed up this time.

They understand that Niall isn't the best at math but cheating was too far.

And Niall would pay.

The car ride ended far too quickly according to Niall and now the three boys were headed inside.

"Niall, go straight to your room." Zayn said. "I don't know want to see you right now."

Zayns voice didn't sound angry or anything but what made Niall tear up was the disappointment.

Niall sadly made his way up to his room and sat on the edge of his bed, his hands wiped the tears that spilled.

He felt guilty about everything. All Niall wanted was to make Zayn and Ashton happy by getting a good grade but since he didn't study he obviously would fail. Niall didn't want to fail so he decided to cheat but he hadn't planned on getting caught. And he definitely hadn't planned on telling them he was failing.

Zayn walked in on Niall who immediately stood up at the sight of Zayn.

"I-I'm sorry." Niall stuttered. Hopefully Zayn wouldn't go too hard on him.

Zayn ignored Nialls apology.

"Bend over. You can leave your jeans on." Zayn said.

Niall whimpered but did as told. He slowly laid himself over the edge of the bed but not before eyeing Zayn. Niall saw the older boy take off his belt which made Niall hesitate.

"I planned on 35 but if you reach back or kick your legs back then I'll make it 45. Am I clear?" Zayn questioned. Niall sniffed in response.

Zayn took that as the cue to start.


"Oww. Oh my gosh, that was a lot harder than i expected." Niall said.


"OUCHH. Are you sure that's not the strap?" Niall wondered. Niall turned his head slightly to look back but Zayn slapped the back of Nialls head.

"Don't look back. And yes i'm sure that i'm not using the strap. But I could use the strap if you continue to speak." Zayn spat.

Niall didn't reply.


Niall started to tear up.

"That is obviously the strap!" Niall argued.

"No it's not-" Zayn began.

"Yes it is-" Niall said, covering his bum just in case Zayn decided to hit him.

"Niall! You do not cut me off when I am speaking! I've taught you to respect your elders. Did you forget everything?" Zayn yelled.

Niall was frightened by the yelling but even more frightened for the pain that he would soon feel.

"Sorry but like that belt of yours is harder than you think." Niall said quietly.

"Well deal with it."Zayn said."Now move your hands."

"Can you get another belt?" Niall quickly asked.

"No." Zayn said.


"Niall move your hands."

"But Zayn! The-"

"Enough! You do as your told Niall. You're getting 45 now. I'll add more if you don't listen."

Niall whined.


Niall was surprised by that hit since it came sooner that he had expected.



Niall started to sort of beg by now.

"Zaynie? I'm really sorry." Niall said.


"Can-n we please go back OWW." Niall cried out when Zayn hit him on a soft spot.

"Can we go back to only 35?" Niall asked.

"Nope." Zayn said popping the 'p' in 'nope'.


"Don't start Niall. The more you talk the more i'll add." Zayn said.


"It really hurts though." Niall cried out.

"Well maybe cause it's supposed to hurt Niall." Zayn said with sarcasm.

Zayn gave Niall the rest of his punishment without getting any more complains.

Zayn handed Niall over to Ashton so they could cuddle because Zayn was a super awkward cuddler. He wasn't really the comforting type.


Please comment and vote.

I know the punishment wasn't too detailed but that's why i need a co-owner. Please message me to be the co-owner.

As co-owner you can edit my chapters, add details to my chapters and uhmm give me prompts :D

And once proven to me my co-owner can maybe upload a chapter of their own.

In order to be my co-owner all you need to do is message me and i'll ask you a couple of questions and please answer honestly as i will also be honest with you.

Bai :3 Hope this chapter was amaZAYN.

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